================== Installing Roundup ================== :Version: $Revision: 1.71 $ .. contents:: Overview ======== Broken out separately, there are several conceptual pieces to a Roundup installation: Roundup trackers Trackers consist of issues (be they bug reports or otherwise), tracker configuration file(s), web HTML files etc. Roundup trackers are initialised with a "Template" which defines the fields usable/assignable on a per-issue basis. Descriptions of the provided templates are given in `choosing your template`_. Roundup support code Installed into your Python install's lib directory Roundup scripts These include the email gateway, the roundup HTTP server, the roundup administration command-line interface, etc. Prerequisites ============= Roundup requires Python 2.1.3 or newer with a functioning anydbm or bsddb module. Download the latest version from http://www.python.org/. It is highly recommended that users install the latest patch version of python as these contain many fixes to serious bugs. If you want to use Berkeley DB bsddb3 with Roundup, use version 3.3.0 or later. Download the latest version from http://pybsddb.sourceforge.net/. If you're on windows, you will either need to be using the ActiveState python distribution (at http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePython/), or you'll have to install the win32all package separately (get it from http://starship.python.net/crew/mhammond/win32/). Non-Python2.3 users may need to `install the "CSV" module`_. Install the "CSV" module ------------------------ Note: CSV stands for Comma-Separated-Value. These files are used by all manner of programs (eg. spreadsheets) to exchange data. The "CSV" module is required if you wish to import or export data in the tracker, or if you wish to use the online generic class editing facility. If you're using a version of Python older than 2.3, then you will need to install the "CSV" module from `Object Craft`_. Users of Python2.3 and later don't need to. If you have a C compiler installed, then download the source and follow their installation instructions (simply ``python setup.py install``.) If you're on Windows and don't have a C compiler, then you'll need to download the pre-compiled ``csv.pyd`` file and install it. To install, just copy it to your Python installation in the ``lib\site-packages`` directory. For Python 2.2, this would be:: c:\python22\lib\site-packages Once the CSV module is installed, you *must* restart roundup-server if it is already running, or the new module won't be detected. If you're on some other platform and don't have a C compiler, you'll need to ask for help on the roundup-users mailing list. .. _`Object Craft`: http://object-craft.com.au/ Getting Roundup =============== Download the latest version from http://roundup.sf.net/. Testing your Python ------------------- Once you've unpacked roundup's source, run ``python run_tests.py`` in the source directory and make sure there are no errors. If there are errors, please let us know! If the above fails, you may be using the wrong version of python. Try ``python2 run_tests.py``. If that works, you will need to substitute ``python2`` for ``python`` in all further commands you use in relation to Roundup -- from installation and scripts. For The Really Impatient ======================== If you just want to give Roundup a whirl Right Now, then simply run ``python demo.py``. This will set up a simple demo tracker on your machine. When it's done, it'll print out a URL to point your web browser at so you may start playing. Three users will be set up: 1. anonymous - the "default" user with permission to do very little 2. demo (password "demo") - a normal user who may create issues 3. admin (password "admin") - an administrative user who has complete access to the tracker Installation ============ :Note: Some systems, such as Debian and NetBSD, already have Roundup installed. Try running the command "roundup-admin" with no arguments, and if it runs you may skip the `Basic Installation Steps`_ below and go straight to `configuring your first tracker`_. Set aside 15-30 minutes. Please make sure you're using a supported version of Python -- see `testing your python`_. There's several steps to follow in your installation: 1. `basic installation steps`_ if Roundup is not installed on your system 2. `configuring your first tracker`_ that all installers must follow 3. then optionally `configure a web interface`_ 4. and optionally `configure an email interface`_ 5. `UNIX environment steps`_ to take if you're installing on a shared UNIX machine and want to restrict local access to roundup 6. `additional language codecs`_ For information about how Roundup installs, see the `administration guide`_. Basic Installation Steps ------------------------ To install the Roundup support code into your Python tree and Roundup scripts into /usr/local/bin (substitute that path for whatever is appropriate on your system). You need to have write permissions for these locations, eg. being root on unix:: python setup.py install If you would like to place the Roundup scripts in a directory other than ``/usr/local/bin``, then specify the preferred location with ``--install-script``. For example, to install them in ``/opt/roundup/bin``:: python setup.py install --install-scripts=/opt/roundup/bin You can also use the ``--prefix`` option to use a completely different base directory, if you do not want to use administrator rights. If you choose to do this, take note of the message at the end of installation and modify the python path accordingly. Configuring your first tracker ------------------------------ 1. To create a Roundup tracker (necessary to do before you can use the software in any real fashion), you need to set up a "tracker home": a. (Optional) If you intend to keep your roundup trackers under one top level directory which does not exist yet, you should create that directory now. Example:: mkdir /opt/roundup/trackers b. Either add the Roundup script location to your ``PATH`` environment variable or specify the full path to the command in the next step. c. Install a new tracker with the command ``roundup-admin install``. You will be asked a series of questions. Descriptions of the provided templates can be found in `choosing your template`_ below. Descriptions of the available backends can be found in `choosing your backend`_ below. The questions will be something like (you may have more templates or backends available):: Enter tracker home: /opt/roundup/trackers/support Templates: classic Select template [classic]: classic Back ends: anydbm, bsddb Select backend [anydbm]: anydbm The "support" part of the tracker name can be anything you want - it is going to be used as the directory that the tracker information will be stored in. You will now be directed to edit the tracker configuration and initial schema. At a minimum, you must set ``MAILHOST``, ``TRACKER_WEB``, ``MAIL_DOMAIN`` and ``ADMIN_EMAIL``. Note that the configuration file uses Python syntax, so almost every value must be ``'quoted'`` using single or double quotes. If you get stuck, and get configuration file errors, then see the `tracker configuration`_ section of the `customisation documentation`_. If you just want to get set up to test things quickly (and follow the instructions in step 3 below), you can even just set the TRACKER_WEB variable to:: TRACKER_WEB = 'http://localhost:8080/support/' The URL *must* end in a '/', or your web interface *will not work*. See `Customising Roundup`_ for details on configuration and schema changes. Note that you may change any of the configuration after you've initialised the tracker - it's just better to have valid values for this stuff now. d. Initialise the tracker database with ``roundup-admin initialise``. You will need to supply an admin password at this step. You will be prompted:: Admin Password: Confirm: Once this is done, the tracker has been created. 2. At this point, your tracker is set up, but doesn't have a nice user interface. To set that up, we need to `configure a web interface`_ and optionally `configure an email interface`_. If you want to try your new tracker out, assuming ``TRACKER_WEB`` is set to ``'http://localhost:8080/support/'``, run:: roundup-server support=/opt/roundup/trackers/support then direct your web browser at: http://localhost:8080/support/ and you should see the tracker interface. Choosing Your Template ---------------------- Classic Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The classic template is the one defined in the `Roundup Specification`_. It holds issues which have priorities and statuses. Each issue may also have a set of messages which are disseminated to the issue's list of nosy users. Minimal Template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The minimal template has the minimum setup required for a tracker installation. That is, it has the configuration files, defines a user database and the basic HTML interface to that. It's a completely clean slate for you to create your tracker on. Choosing Your Backend --------------------- The actual storage of Roundup tracker information is handled by backends. There's several to choose from, each with benefits and limitations: ========== =========== ===== ============================== Name Speed Users Support ========== =========== ===== ============================== anydbm Slowest Few Always available bsddb Slow Few Usually available sqlite Fastest(*) Few Needs install (SQLite_) metakit Fastest(*) Few Needs install (metakit_) postgresql Fast Many Needs install/admin (psycopg_) mysql Fast Many Needs install/admin (MySQLdb_) ========== =========== ===== ============================== **sqlite** and **metakit** These use the embedded database engines SQLite_ and metakit_ to provide very fast backends. They are not suitable for trackers which will have many simultaneous users. **postgresql** Backend for popular RDBMS PostgreSQL. You must read doc/postgresql.txt for additional installation steps and requirements. **mysql** Backend for popular RDBMS MySQL. You must read doc/mysql.txt for additional installation steps and requirements. You may defer your decision by setting your tracker up with the anydbm backend (which is guaranteed to be available) and switching to one of the other backends at any time using the instructions in the `administration guide`_. Configure a Web Interface ------------------------- There are three web interfaces to choose from: 1. `web server cgi-bin`_ 2. `stand-alone web server`_ 3. `Zope product - ZRoundup`_ You may need to give the web server user permission to access the tracker home - see the `UNIX environment steps`_ for information. You may also need to configure your system in some way - see `platform-specific notes`_. Web Server cgi-bin ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A benefit of using the cgi-bin approach is that it's the easiest way to restrict access to your tracker to only use HTTPS. Access will be slower than through the `stand-alone web server`_ though. Note that if your Python isn't install as "python" then you'll need to edit the ``roundup.cgi`` script to fix the first line. If you're using IIS on a Windows platform, you'll need to run this command for the cgi to work (it turns on the PATH_INFO cgi variable):: adsutil.vbs set w3svc/AllowPathInfoForScriptMappings TRUE The ``adsutil.vbs`` file can be found in either ``c:\inetpub\adminscripts`` or ``c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\adminsamples\`` or ``c:\winnt\system32\inetsrv\adminscripts\`` depending on your installation. Copy the ``cgi-bin/roundup.cgi`` file to your web server's ``cgi-bin`` directory. You will need to configure it to tell it where your tracker home is. You can do this either: through an environment variable set the variable TRACKER_HOMES to be a colon (":") separated list of name=home pairs (if you're using apache, the SetEnv directive can do this) directly in the ``roundup.cgi`` file itself add your instance to the TRACKER_HOMES variable as ``'name': 'home'`` The "name" part of the configuration will appear in the URL and identifies the tracker (so you may have more than one tracker per cgi-bin script). Make sure there are no spaces or other illegal characters in it (to be safe, stick to letters and numbers). The "name" forms part of the URL that appears in the tracker config TRACKER_WEB variable, so make sure they match. The "home" part of the configuration is the tracker home directory. Stand-alone Web Server ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This approach will give you the fastest of the three web interfaces. You may investigate using ProxyPass or similar configuration in apache to have your tracker accessed through the same URL as other systems. The stand-alone web server is started with the command ``roundup-server``. It has several options - display them with ``roundup-server -h``. The tracker home configuration is similar to the cgi-bin - you may either edit the script to change the TRACKER_HOMES variable or you may supply the name=home values on the command-line after all the other options. To make the server run in the background, use the "-d" option, specifying the name of a file to write the server process id (pid) to. Zope Product - ZRoundup ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ZRoundup installs as a regular Zope product. Copy the ZRoundup directory to your Products directory either in INSTANCE_HOME/Products or the Zope code tree lib/python/Products. When you next (re)start up Zope, you will be able to add a ZRoundup object that interfaces to your new tracker. Configure an Email Interface ---------------------------- If you don't want to use the email component of Roundup, then remove the "``nosyreaction.py``" module from your tracker "``detectors``" directory. See `platform-specific notes`_ for steps that may be needed on your system. There are three supported ways to get emailed issues into the Roundup tracker. You should pick ONE of the following, all of which will continue my example setup from above: As a mail alias pipe process ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set up a mail alias called "issue_tracker" as (include the quote marks): "``|/usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/roundup-mailgw ``" In some installations (e.g. RedHat 6.2 I think) you'll need to set up smrsh so sendmail will accept the pipe command. In that case, symlink ``/etc/smrsh/roundup-mailgw`` to "``/usr/local/bin/roundup-mailgw``" and change the command to:: |roundup-mailgw /opt/roundup/trackers/support To test the mail gateway on unix systems, try:: echo test |mail -s '[issue] test' support@YOUR_DOMAIN_HERE As a regular job using a mailbox source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Set ``roundup-mailgw`` up to run every 10 minutes or so. For example:: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/roundup-mailgw /opt/roundup/trackers/support mailbox Where the ``mail_spool_file`` argument is the location of the roundup submission user's mail spool. On most systems, the spool for a user "issue_tracker" will be "``/var/mail/issue_tracker``". As a regular job using a POP source ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To retrieve from a POP mailbox, use a *cron* entry similar to the mailbox one:: 0,10,20,30,40,50 * * * * /usr/local/bin/roundup-mailgw /opt/roundup/trackers/support pop where pop_spec is "``username:password@server``" that specifies the roundup submission user's POP account name, password and server. On windows, you would set up the command using the windows scheduler. UNIX Environment Steps ---------------------- Each tracker ideally should have its own UNIX group, so create a UNIX group (edit ``/etc/group`` or your appropriate NIS map if you're using NIS). To continue with my examples so far, I would create the UNIX group 'support', although the name of the UNIX group does not have to be the same as the tracker name. To this 'support' group I then add all of the UNIX usernames who will be working with this Roundup tracker. In addition to 'real' users, the Roundup email gateway will need to have permissions to this area as well, so add the user your mail service runs as to the group (typically "mail" or "daemon"). The UNIX group might then look like:: support:*:1002:jblaine,samh,geezer,mail If you intend to use the web interface (as most people do), you should also add the username your web server runs as to the group. My group now looks like this:: support:*:1002:jblaine,samh,geezer,mail,apache The tracker "db" directory should be chmod'ed g+sw so that the group can write to the database, and any new files created in the database will be owned by the group. An alternative to the above is to create a new user who has the sole responsibility of running roundup. This user: 1. runs the CGI interface daemon 2. runs regular polls for email 3. runs regular checks (using cron) to ensure the daemon is up 4. optionally has no login password so that nobody but the "root" user may actually login and play with the roundup setup. Additional Language Codecs -------------------------- If you intend to send messages to Roundup that use Chinese, Japanese or Korean encodings the you'll need to obtain CJKCodecs from http://cjkpython.berlios.de/ Maintenance =========== Read the separate `administration guide`_ for information about how to perform common maintenance tasks with Roundup. Upgrading ========= Read the separate `upgrading document`_, which describes the steps needed to upgrade existing tracker trackers for each version of Roundup that is released. Further Reading =============== If you intend to use Roundup with anything other than the defualt templates, if you would like to hack on Roundup, or if you would like implementation details, you should read `Customising Roundup`_. Running Multiple Trackers ========================= Things to think about before you jump off the deep end and install multiple trackers, which involve additional URLs, user databases, email addresses, databases to back up, etc. 1. Do you want a tracker per product you sell/support? You can just add a new property to your issues called Product, and filter by that. See the customisation example `adding a new field to the classic schema`_. 2. Do you want to track internal software development issues and customer support issues separately? You can just set up an additiona "issue" class called "cust_issues" in the same tracker, mimicing the normal "issue" class, but with different properties. See the customisation example `tracking different types of issues`_. Platform-Specific Notes ======================= Windows command-line tools -------------------------- To make the command-line tools accessible in Windows, you need to update the "Path" environment variable in the Registry via a dialog box. On Windows 2000 and later: 1) Press the "Start" button. 2) Choose "Settings" 3) Choose "Control Panel" 4) Choose "System" 5) Choose "Advanced" 6) Choose "Environmental Variables" 7) Add: "\Scripts" to the "Path" environmental variable. Where in 7) is the root directory (e.g., ``C:\Python22\Scripts``) of your Python installation. I understand that in XP, 2) above is not needed as "Control Panel" is directly accessible from "Start". I do not believe this is possible to do in previous versions of Windows. Windows Server -------------- To have the Roundup web server start up when your machine boots up, set the following up in Scheduled Tasks (note, the following is for a cygwin setup): Run ``c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "roundup-server TheProject=/opt/roundup/trackers/support"`` Start In ``C:\cygwin\opt\roundup\bin`` Schedule At System Startup To have the Roundup mail gateway run periodically to poll a POP email address, set the following up in Scheduled Tasks: Run ``c:\cygwin\bin\bash.exe -c "roundup-mailgw /opt/roundup/trackers/support pop roundup:roundup@mail-server"`` Start In ``C:\cygwin\opt\roundup\bin`` Schedule Every 10 minutes from 5:00AM for 24 hours every day Stop the task if it runs for 8 minutes Sendmail smrsh -------------- If you use Sendmail's ``smrsh`` mechanism, you will need to tell smrsh that roundup-mailgw is a valid/trusted mail handler before it will work. This is usually done via the following 2 steps: 1. make a symlink in ``/etc/smrsh`` called ``roundup-mailgw`` which points to the full path of your actual ``roundup-mailgw`` script. 2. change your alias to ``"|roundup-mailgw "`` Linux ----- Make sure you read the instructions under `UNIX environment steps`_. Python 2.1.1 as shipped with SuSE7.3 might be missing module ``_weakref``. Solaris ------- You'll need to build Python. Make sure you read the instructions under `UNIX environment steps`_. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Back to `Table of Contents`_ Next: `User Guide`_ .. _`table of contents`: index.html .. _`user guide`: user_guide.html .. _`roundup specification`: spec.html .. _`tracker configuration`: customizing.html#tracker-configuration .. _`customisation documentation`: customizing.html .. _`Adding a new field to the classic schema`: customizing.html#adding-a-new-field-to-the-classic-schema .. _`Tracking different types of issues`: customizing.html#tracking-different-types-of-issues .. _`customising roundup`: customizing.html .. _`upgrading document`: upgrading.html .. _`administration guide`: admin_guide.html .. _sqlite: http://www.hwaci.com/sw/sqlite/ .. _metakit: http://www.equi4.com/metakit/ .. _Psycopg: http://initd.org/software/initd/psycopg .. _MySQLdb: http://sourceforge.net/projects/mysql-python