======================================================= Roundup: an Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers ======================================================= Contents ======== - Overview_ and Features_ - Installation_ and Upgrading_ - `User Guide`_ - `Customising Roundup`_ - `Maintaining Roundup Trackers`_ - `Roundup's Design`_ (original_) - `Developing Roundup`_ - Contact_ - Acknowledgements_ - License_ .. _Features: features.html .. _Overview: overview.html .. _Installation: installation.html .. _`Getting Started`: getting_started.html .. _`User Guide`: user_guide.html .. _`Customising Roundup`: customizing.html .. _`Maintaining Roundup Trackers`: maintenance.html .. _`Developing Roundup`: developers.html .. _`Roundup's Design`: design.html .. _original: spec.html .. _Upgrading: upgrading.html Contact ======= For general support enquiries about usage, a mailing list is available: roundup-users@sourceforge.net If you've got a great idea for roundup, or have found a bug, please submit an issue to the tracker at: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=31577 For discussions about developing or enhancing roundup: roundup-devel@sourceforge.net The admin for this project is Richard Jones: richard@users.sourceforge.net but he should only be contacted directly when none of the above avenues of contact are suitable. Acknowledgements ================ Go Ping, you rock! Also, go Bizar Software and ekit.com for letting me implement this system on their time. Thanks also to the many people on the mailing list, in the sourceforge project and those who just report bugs: Anthony Baxter, Jeff Blaine, Duncan Booth, Titus Brown, Roch'e Compaan, Engelbert Gruber, Juergen Hermann, Tobias Hunger, James Kew, Detlef Lannert, Gordon McMillan, Patrick Ohly, Bernhard Reiter, Dougal Scott, Stefan Seefeld, Jeffrey P Shell, Joel Shprentz. License ======= See COPYING.txt in the software distribution for the licensing terms.