List of groups

An object group is a heterogeneous group. It is the possibility for the administrator to create groups where objects are differents. It's allow a supple and more adapted management than classic groups.

The administrator can add and configure Objects groups when clicking on the Objects groups in the Administration menu on the left. The Object group page is displayed.

The page is devided on three columns :

- the first column is used to display the list of objects groups,

- the second column contains icons wich are shortcuts to the settings of objects groups,

- the third column contains les icons which are actions you can execute on objects groups.

Those icons ( Image list_back, Image list_root, Image list_home ) are used to modify the display according to the department, the icons predominate other selections of display.

It's from the Objects groups that the administrator manage objects groups created for the organization.

It's possible to modify the display of objects groups by using the table called Filters Image rocket.

To create, configure and modify a object group click on Image list_new_ogroup.

You will see tabs. The administrator uses tabs to configure the objects group.

To save changes use the Save button, to come back without saving use the Cancel button.

All the fields followed by an asterisk must be filled.


Cajus Pollmeier 2006-05-30