================ Roundup Features ================ Roundup is a simple-to-use and -install issue-tracking system with web, e-mail and command-line interfaces. It is based on the winning design from Ka-Ping Yee in the Software Carpentry "Track" design competition. *simple to use* - accessible through the web, email, command-line or Python programs *simple to install* - installation takes about 10 minutes for a basic installation *web interface* - fully editable interfaces for indexing and display of items - differentiates between anonymous, known and admin users - may be set up to require login, and may also only allow admin users to register new users *e-mail interface* - may be set up using sendmail-like delivery alias, POP polling or mailbox polling - issues have their own mini mailing list (nosy list) - nosy list configuration controls how people are added and when messages are sent to the list - auto-filing of "unformatted" messages into a particular class *command-line* - may be used to interactively manage roundup databases - may be scripted using standard shell scripting