=================== Customising Roundup =================== :Version: $Revision: 1.24 $ .. This document borrows from the ZopeBook section on ZPT. The original is at: http://www.zope.org/Documentation/Books/ZopeBook/current/ZPT.stx .. contents:: What You Can Do --------------- Customisation of Roundup can take one of five forms: 1. `tracker configuration`_ file changes 2. database, or `tracker schema`_ changes 3. "definition" class `database content`_ changes 4. behavioural changes, through detectors_ 5. `access controls`_ The third case is special because it takes two distinctly different forms depending upon whether the tracker has been initialised or not. The other two may be done at any time, before or after tracker initialisation. Yes, this includes adding or removing properties from classes. Trackers in a Nutshell ---------------------- Trackers have the following structure: +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |config.py |Holds the basic `tracker configuration`_ | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |dbinit.py |Holds the `tracker schema`_ | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |interfaces.py |Defines the Web and E-Mail interfaces for the tracker | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |select_db.py |Selects the database back-end for the tracker | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |db/ |Holds the tracker's database | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |db/files/ |Holds the tracker's upload files and messages | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |detectors/ |Auditors and reactors for this tracker | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ |html/ |Web interface templates, images and style sheets | +-------------------+--------------------------------------------------------+ Tracker Configuration --------------------- The config.py located in your tracker home contains the basic configuration for the web and e-mail components of roundup's interfaces. This file is a Python module. The configuration variables available are: **INSTANCE_HOME** - ``os.path.split(__file__)[0]`` The tracker home directory. The above default code will automatically determine the tracker home for you. **MAILHOST** - ``'localhost'`` The SMTP mail host that roundup will use to send e-mail. **MAIL_DOMAIN** - ``'your.tracker.email.domain.example'`` The domain name used for email addresses. **DATABASE** - ``os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'db')`` This is the directory that the database is going to be stored in. By default it is in the tracker home. **TEMPLATES** - ``os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'html')`` This is the directory that the HTML templates reside in. By default they are in the tracker home. **INSTANCE_NAME** - ``'Roundup issue tracker'`` A descriptive name for your roundup tracker. This is sent out in e-mails and appears in the heading of CGI pages. **ISSUE_TRACKER_EMAIL** - ``'issue_tracker@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN`` The email address that e-mail sent to roundup should go to. Think of it as the tracker's personal e-mail address. **ISSUE_TRACKER_WEB** - ``'http://your.tracker.url.example/'`` The web address that the tracker is viewable at. This will be included in information sent to users of the tracker. **ADMIN_EMAIL** - ``'roundup-admin@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN`` The email address that roundup will complain to if it runs into trouble. **MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR** - ``'yes'`` or``'no'`` Send nosy messages to the author of the message. **ADD_AUTHOR_TO_NOSY** - ``'new'``, ``'yes'`` or ``'no'`` Does the author of a message get placed on the nosy list automatically? If ``'new'`` is used, then the author will only be added when a message creates a new issue. If ``'yes'``, then the author will be added on followups too. If ``'no'``, they're never added to the nosy. **ADD_RECIPIENTS_TO_NOSY** - ``'new'``, ``'yes'`` or ``'no'`` Do the recipients (To:, Cc:) of a message get placed on the nosy list? If ``'new'`` is used, then the recipients will only be added when a message creates a new issue. If ``'yes'``, then the recipients will be added on followups too. If ``'no'``, they're never added to the nosy. **EMAIL_SIGNATURE_POSITION** - ``'top'``, ``'bottom'`` or ``'none'`` Where to place the email signature in messages that Roundup generates. **EMAIL_KEEP_QUOTED_TEXT** - ``'yes'`` or ``'no'`` Keep email citations. Citations are the part of e-mail which the sender has quoted in their reply to previous e-mail. **EMAIL_LEAVE_BODY_UNCHANGED** - ``'no'`` Preserve the email body as is. Enabiling this will cause the entire message body to be stored, including all citations and signatures. It should be either ``'yes'`` or ``'no'``. **MAIL_DEFAULT_CLASS** - ``'issue'`` or ``''`` Default class to use in the mailgw if one isn't supplied in email subjects. To disable, comment out the variable below or leave it blank. The default config.py is given below - as you can see, the MAIL_DOMAIN must be edited before any interaction with the tracker is attempted.:: # roundup home is this package's directory INSTANCE_HOME=os.path.split(__file__)[0] # The SMTP mail host that roundup will use to send mail MAILHOST = 'localhost' # The domain name used for email addresses. MAIL_DOMAIN = 'your.tracker.email.domain.example' # This is the directory that the database is going to be stored in DATABASE = os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'db') # This is the directory that the HTML templates reside in TEMPLATES = os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'html') # A descriptive name for your roundup tracker INSTANCE_NAME = 'Roundup issue tracker' # The email address that mail to roundup should go to ISSUE_TRACKER_EMAIL = 'issue_tracker@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN # The web address that the tracker is viewable at ISSUE_TRACKER_WEB = 'http://your.tracker.url.example/' # The email address that roundup will complain to if it runs into trouble ADMIN_EMAIL = 'roundup-admin@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN # Somewhere for roundup to log stuff internally sent to stdout or stderr LOG = os.path.join(INSTANCE_HOME, 'roundup.log') # Send nosy messages to the author of the message MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR = 'no' # either 'yes' or 'no' # Does the author of a message get placed on the nosy list automatically? # If 'new' is used, then the author will only be added when a message # creates a new issue. If 'yes', then the author will be added on followups # too. If 'no', they're never added to the nosy. ADD_AUTHOR_TO_NOSY = 'new' # one of 'yes', 'no', 'new' # Do the recipients (To:, Cc:) of a message get placed on the nosy list? # If 'new' is used, then the recipients will only be added when a message # creates a new issue. If 'yes', then the recipients will be added on followups # too. If 'no', they're never added to the nosy. ADD_RECIPIENTS_TO_NOSY = 'new' # either 'yes', 'no', 'new' # Where to place the email signature EMAIL_SIGNATURE_POSITION = 'bottom' # one of 'top', 'bottom', 'none' # Keep email citations EMAIL_KEEP_QUOTED_TEXT = 'no' # either 'yes' or 'no' # Preserve the email body as is EMAIL_LEAVE_BODY_UNCHANGED = 'no' # either 'yes' or 'no' # Default class to use in the mailgw if one isn't supplied in email # subjects. To disable, comment out the variable below or leave it blank. # Examples: MAIL_DEFAULT_CLASS = 'issue' # use "issue" class by default #MAIL_DEFAULT_CLASS = '' # disable (or just comment the var out) Tracker Schema -------------- Note: if you modify the schema, you'll most likely need to edit the `web interface`_ HTML template files and `detectors`_ to reflect your changes. A tracker schema defines what data is stored in the tracker's database. The schemas shipped with Roundup turn it into a typical software bug tracker or help desk. XXX make sure we ship the help desk Schemas are defined using Python code in the ``dbinit.py`` module of your tracker. The "classic" schema looks like this:: pri = Class(db, "priority", name=String(), order=String()) pri.setkey("name") pri.create(name="critical", order="1") pri.create(name="urgent", order="2") pri.create(name="bug", order="3") pri.create(name="feature", order="4") pri.create(name="wish", order="5") stat = Class(db, "status", name=String(), order=String()) stat.setkey("name") stat.create(name="unread", order="1") stat.create(name="deferred", order="2") stat.create(name="chatting", order="3") stat.create(name="need-eg", order="4") stat.create(name="in-progress", order="5") stat.create(name="testing", order="6") stat.create(name="done-cbb", order="7") stat.create(name="resolved", order="8") keyword = Class(db, "keyword", name=String()) keyword.setkey("name") user = Class(db, "user", username=String(), password=String(), address=String(), realname=String(), phone=String(), organisation=String()) user.setkey("username") user.create(username="admin", password=adminpw, address=config.ADMIN_EMAIL) msg = FileClass(db, "msg", author=Link("user"), recipients=Multilink ("user"), date=Date(), summary=String(), files=Multilink("file")) file = FileClass(db, "file", name=String(), type=String()) issue = IssueClass(db, "issue", assignedto=Link("user"), topic=Multilink("keyword"), priority=Link("priority"), status=Link ("status")) issue.setkey('title') XXX security definitions Classes and Properties - creating a new information store ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ In the tracker above, we've defined 7 classes of information: priority Defines the possible levels of urgency for issues. status Defines the possible states of processing the issue may be in. keyword Initially empty, will hold keywords useful for searching issues. user Initially holding the "admin" user, will eventually have an entry for all users using roundup. msg Initially empty, will all e-mail messages sent to or generated by roundup. file Initially empty, will all files attached to issues. issue Initially empty, this is where the issue information is stored. We define the "priority" and "status" classes to allow two things: reduction in the amount of information stored on the issue and more powerful, accurate searching of issues by priority and status. By only requiring a link on the issue (which is stored as a single number) we reduce the chance that someone mis-types a priority or status - or simply makes a new one up. Class and Items ::::::::::::::: A Class defines a particular class (or type) of data that will be stored in the database. A class comprises one or more properties, which given the information about the class items. The actual data entered into the database, using class.create() are called items. They have a special immutable property called id. We sometimes refer to this as the itemid. Properties :::::::::: A Class is comprised of one or more properties of the following types: * String properties are for storing arbitrary-length strings. * Password properties are for storing encoded arbitrary-length strings. The default encoding is defined on the roundup.password.Password class. * Date properties store date-and-time stamps. Their values are Timestamp objects. * Number properties store numeric values. * Boolean properties store on/off, yes/no, true/false values. * A Link property refers to a single other item selected from a specified class. The class is part of the property; the value is an integer, the id of the chosen item. * A Multilink property refers to possibly many items in a specified class. The value is a list of integers. FileClass ::::::::: FileClasses save their "content" attribute off in a separate file from the rest of the database. This reduces the number of large entries in the database, which generally makes databases more efficient, and also allows us to use command-line tools to operate on the files. They are stored in the files sub- directory of the db directory in your tracker. IssueClass :::::::::: IssueClasses automatically include the "messages", "files", "nosy", and "superseder" properties. The messages and files properties list the links to the messages and files related to the issue. The nosy property is a list of links to users who wish to be informed of changes to the issue - they get "CC'ed" e-mails when messages are sent to or generated by the issue. The nosy reactor (in the detectors directory) handles this action. The superceder link indicates an issue which has superceded this one. They also have the dynamically generated "creation", "activity" and "creator" properties. The value of the "creation" property is the date when an item was created, and the value of the "activity" property is the date when any property on the item was last edited (equivalently, these are the dates on the first and last records in the item's journal). The "creator" property holds a link to the user that created the issue. setkey(property) :::::::::::::::: Select a String property of the class to be the key property. The key property muse be unique, and allows references to the items in the class by the content of the key property. That is, we can refer to users by their username, e.g. let's say that there's an issue in roundup, issue 23. There's also a user, richard who happens to be user 2. To assign an issue to him, we could do either of:: roundup-admin set issue assignedto=2 or:: roundup-admin set issue assignedto=richard Note, the same thing can be done in the web and e-mail interfaces. create(information) ::::::::::::::::::: Create an item in the database. This is generally used to create items in the "definitional" classes like "priority" and "status". Examples of adding to your schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TODO Detectors - adding behaviour to your tracker -------------------------------------------- .. _detectors: The detectors in your tracker fire before (*auditors*) and after (*reactors*) changes to the contents of your database. They are Python modules that sit in your tracker's ``detectors`` directory. You will have some installed by default - have a look. You can write new detectors or modify the existing ones. The existing detectors installed for you are: **nosyreaction.py** This provides the automatic nosy list maintenance and email sending. The nosy reactor (``nosyreaction``) fires when new messages are added to issues. The nosy auditor (``updatenosy``) fires when issues are changed and figures what changes need to be made to the nosy list (like adding new authors etc) **statusauditor.py** This provides the ``chatty`` auditor which changes the issue status from ``unread`` or ``closed`` to ``chatting`` if new messages appear. It also provides the ``presetunread`` auditor which pre-sets the status to ``unread`` on new items if the status isn't explicitly defined. See the detectors section in the `design document`__ for details of the interface for detectors. __ design.html Sample additional detectors that have been found useful will appear in the ``detectors`` directory of the Roundup distribution: **newissuecopy.py** This detector sends an email to a team address whenever a new issue is created. The address is hard-coded into the detector, so edit it before you use it (look for the text 'team@team.host') or you'll get email errors! XXX give the example here. Database Content ---------------- Note: if you modify the content of definitional classes, you'll most likely need to edit the tracker `detectors`_ to reflect your changes. Customisation of the special "definitional" classes (eg. status, priority, resolution, ...) may be done either before or after the tracker is initialised. The actual method of doing so is completely different in each case though, so be careful to use the right one. **Changing content before tracker initialisation** Edit the dbinit module in your tracker to alter the items created in using the create() methods. **Changing content after tracker initialisation** Use the roundup-admin interface's create, set and retire methods to add, alter or remove items from the classes in question. XXX example Web Interface ------------- The web is provided by the roundup.cgi.client module and is used by roundup.cgi, roundup-server and ZRoundup. In all cases, we determine which tracker is being accessed (the first part of the URL path inside the scope of the CGI handler) and pass control on to the tracker interfaces.Client class - which uses the Client class from roundup.cgi.client - which handles the rest of the access through its main() method. This means that you can do pretty much anything you want as a web interface to your tracker. Repurcussions of changing the tracker schema ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ If you choose to change the `tracker schema`_ you will need to ensure the web interface knows about it: 1. Index, item and search pages for the relevant classes may need to have properties added or removed, 2. The "page" template may require links to be changed, as might the "home" page's content arguments. How requests are processed ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The basic processing of a web request proceeds as follows: 1. figure out who we are, defaulting to the "anonymous" user 2. figure out what the request is for - we call this the "context" 3. handle any requested action (item edit, search, ...) 4. render a template, resulting in HTML output In some situations, exceptions occur: - HTTP Redirect (generally raised by an action) - SendFile (generally raised by determine_context) here we serve up a FileClass "content" property - SendStaticFile (generally raised by determine_context) here we serve up a file from the tracker "html" directory - Unauthorised (generally raised by an action) here the action is cancelled, the request is rendered and an error message is displayed indicating that permission was not granted for the action to take place - NotFound (raised wherever it needs to be) this exception percolates up to the CGI interface that called the client Determining web context ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ To determine the "context" of a request, we look at the URL and the special request variable ``:template``. The URL path after the tracker identifier is examined. Typical URL paths look like: 1. ``/tracker/issue`` 2. ``/tracker/issue1`` 3. ``/tracker/_file/style.css`` 4. ``/cgi-bin/roundup.cgi/tracker/file1`` 5. ``/cgi-bin/roundup.cgi/tracker/file1/kitten.png`` where the "tracker identifier" is "tracker" in the above cases. That means we're looking at "issue", "issue1", "_file/style.css", "file1" and "file1/kitten.png" in the cases above. The path is generally only one entry long - longer paths are handled differently. a. if there is no path, then we are in the "home" context. b. if the path starts with "_file" (as in example 3, "/tracker/_file/style.css"), then the additional path entry, "style.css" specifies the filename of a static file we're to serve up from the tracker "html" directory. Raises a SendStaticFile exception. c. if there is something in the path (as in example 1, "issue"), it identifies the tracker class we're to display. d. if the path is an item designator (as in examples 2 and 4, "issue1" and "file1"), then we're to display a specific item. e. if the path starts with an item designator and is longer than one entry (as in example 5, "file1/kitten.png"), then we're assumed to be handling an item of a FileClass, and the extra path information gives the filename that the client is going to label the download with (ie "file1/kitten.png" is nicer to download than "file1"). This raises a SendFile exception. Both b. and e. stop before we bother to determine the template we're going to use. That's because they don't actually use templates. The template used is specified by the ``:template`` CGI variable, which defaults to: - only classname suplied: "index" - full item designator supplied: "item" Performing actions in web requests ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When a user requests a web page, they may optionally also request for an action to take place. As described in `how requests are processed`_, the action is performed before the requested page is generated. Actions are triggered by using a ``:action`` CGI variable, where the value is one of: login Attempt to log a user in. logout Log the user out - make them "anonymous". register Attempt to create a new user based on the contents of the form and then log them in. edit Perform an edit of an item in the database. There are some special form elements you may use: :link=designator:property and :multilink=designator:property The value specifies an item designator and the property on that item to add _this_ item to as a link or multilink. :note Create a message and attach it to the current item's "messages" property. :file Create a file and attach it to the current item's "files" property. Attach the file to the message created from the :note if it's supplied. :required=property,property,... The named properties are required to be filled in the form. new Add a new item to the database. You may use the same special form elements as in the "edit" action. editCSV Performs an edit of all of a class' items in one go. See also the *class*.csv templating method which generates the CSV data to be edited, and the "_generic.index" template which uses both of these features. search Mangle some of the form variables. Set the form ":filter" variable based on the values of the filter variables - if they're set to anything other than "dontcare" then add them to :filter. Also handle the ":queryname" variable and save off the query to the user's query list. Each of the actions is implemented by a corresponding *actionAction* (where "action" is the name of the action) method on the roundup.cgi.Client class, which also happens to be in your tracker as interfaces.Client. So if you need to define new actions, you may add them there (see `definining new web actions`_). Each action also has a corresponding *actionPermission* (where "action" is the name of the action) method which determines whether the action is permissible given the current user. The base permission checks are: login Determine whether the user has permission to log in. Base behaviour is to check the user has "Web Access". logout No permission checks are made. register Determine whether the user has permission to register Base behaviour is to check the user has "Web Registration". edit Determine whether the user has permission to edit this item. Base behaviour is to check the user can edit this class. If we're editing the "user" class, users are allowed to edit their own details. Unless it's the "roles" property, which requires the special Permission "Web Roles". new Determine whether the user has permission to create (edit) this item. Base behaviour is to check the user can edit this class. No additional property checks are made. Additionally, new user items may be created if the user has the "Web Registration" Permission. editCSV Determine whether the user has permission to edit this class. Base behaviour is to check the user can edit this class. search Determine whether the user has permission to search this class. Base behaviour is to check the user can view this class. Default templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Most customisation of the web view can be done by modifying the templates in the tracker **html** directory. There are several types of files in there: page defines the overall look of your tracker. When you view an issue, it appears inside this template. When you view an index, it also appears inside this template. home the default page displayed when no other page is indicated by the user home.classlist a special version of the default page that lists the classes in the tracker *classname*.item displays an item of the *classname* class *classname*.index displays a list of *classname* items *classname*.search displays a search page for *classname* items _generic.index used to display a list of items where there is no *classname*.index available _generic.help used to display a "class help" page where there is no *classname*.help user.register a special page just for the user class that renders the registration page style.css a static file that is served up as-is Overall Look - "page" template ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ XXX How the templates work ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Roundup's templates consist of special attributes on your template tags. These attributes form the Template Attribute Language, or TAL. The commands are: tal:define="variable expression; variable expression; ..." Define a new variable that is local to this tag and its contents. For example:: In the example, the variable "title" is defined as being the result of the expression "request/description". The tal:content command inside the tag may then use the "title" variable. tal:condition="expression" Only keep this tag and its contents if the expression is true. For example::

Display some issue information.

In the example, the

tag and its contents are only displayed if the user has the View permission for issues. We consider the number zero, a blank string, an empty list, and the built-in variable nothing to be false values. Nearly every other value is true, including non-zero numbers, and strings with anything in them (even spaces!). tal:repeat="variable expression" Repeat this tag and its contents for each element of the sequence that the expression returns, defining a new local variable and a special "repeat" variable for each element. For example:: The example would iterate over the sequence of users returned by "user/list" and define the local variable "u" for each entry. tal:replace="expression" Replace this tag with the result of the expression. For example:: The example would replace the tag and its contents with the user's realname. If the user's realname was "Bruce" then the resultant output would be "Bruce". tal:content="expression" Replace the contents of this tag with the result of the expression. For example:: user's name appears here The example would replace the contents of the tag with the user's realname. If the user's realname was "Bruce" then the resultant output would be "Bruce". tal:attributes="attribute expression; attribute expression; ..." Set attributes on this tag to the results of expressions. For example:: My Details In the example, the "href" attribute of the tag is set to the value of the "string:user${request/user/id}" expression, which will be something like "user123". tal:omit-tag="expression" Remove this tag (but not its contents) if the expression is true. For example:: Hello, world! would result in output of:: Hello, world! Note that the commands on a given tag are evaulated in the order above, so *define* comes before *condition*, and so on. Additionally, a tag is defined, tal:block, which is removed from output. Its content is not, but the tag itself is (so don't go using any tal:attributes commands on it). This is useful for making arbitrary blocks of HTML conditional or repeatable (very handy for repeating multiple table rows, which would othewise require an illegal tag placement to effect the repeat). The expressions you may use in the attibute values may be one of the following three forms: Path Expressions - eg. ``item/status/checklist`` These are object attribute / item accesses. Roughly speaking, the path ``item/status/checklist`` is broken into parts ``item``, ``status`` and ``checklist``. The ``item`` part is the root of the expression. We then look for a ``status`` attribute on ``item``, or failing that, a ``status`` item (as in ``item['status']``). If that fails, the path expression fails. When we get to the end, the object we're left with is evaluated to get a string - methods are called, objects are stringified. Path expressions may have an optional ``path:`` prefix, though they are the default expression type, so it's not necessary. XXX | components of expressions XXX "nothing" and "default" String Expressions - eg. ``string:hello ${user/name}`` These expressions are simple string interpolations (though they can be just plain strings with no interpolation if you want. The expression in the ``${ ... }`` is just a path expression as above. Python Expressions - eg. ``python: 1+1`` These expressions give the full power of Python. All the "root level" variables are available, so ``python:item.status.checklist()`` would be equivalent to ``item/status/checklist``, assuming that ``checklist`` is a method. Information available to templates ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The following variables are available to templates. .. taken from roundup.cgi.templating.RoundupPageTemplate docstring *context* The current context. This is either None, a wrapper around a hyperdb class (an HTMLClass) or a wrapper around a hyperdb item (an HTMLItem). *request* Includes information about the current request, including: - the url - the current index information (``filterspec``, ``filter`` args, ``properties``, etc) parsed out of the form. - methods for easy filterspec link generation - *user*, the current user item as an HTMLItem instance - *form* The current CGI form information as a mapping of form argument name to value *tracker* The current tracker *db* The current database, through which db.config may be reached. *nothing* XXX a special variable *default* XXX a special variable The context variable :::::::::::::::::::: The *context* variable is one of three things based on the current context (see `determining web context`_ for how we figure this out): 1. if we're looking at a "home" page, then it's None 2. if we're looking at a specific hyperdb class, it's an HTMLClass instance 3. if we're looking at a specific hyperdb item, it's an HTMLItem instance If the context is not None, we can access the properties of the class or item. The only real difference between cases 2 and 3 above are: 1. the properties may have a real value behind them, and this will appear if the property is displayed through ``context/property`` or ``context/property/field``. 2. the context's "id" property will be a false value in the second case, but a real, or true value in the third. Thus we can determine whether we're looking at a real item from the hyperdb by testing "context/id". The request variable :::::::::::::::::::: The request variable is packed with information about the current request. .. taken from roundup.cgi.templating.HTMLRequest docstring =========== ================================================================ Variable Holds =========== ================================================================ form the CGI form as a cgi.FieldStorage env the CGI environment variables url the current URL path for this request base the base URL for this tracker user a HTMLUser instance for this user classname the current classname (possibly None) template the current template (suffix, also possibly None) form the current CGI form variables in a FieldStorage =========== ================================================================ **Index page specific variables (indexing arguments)** =========== ================================================================ Variable Holds =========== ================================================================ columns dictionary of the columns to display in an index page show a convenience access to columns - request/show/colname will be true if the columns should be displayed, false otherwise sort index sort column (direction, column name) group index grouping property (direction, column name) filter properties to filter the index on filterspec values to filter the index on search_text text to perform a full-text search on for an index =========== ================================================================ Displaying Properties ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Properties appear in the user interface in three contexts: in indices, in editors, and as search arguments. For each type of property, there are several display possibilities. For example, in an index view, a string property may just be printed as a plain string, but in an editor view, that property may be displayed in an editable field. Index Views ~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the class context views. It is also the default view for classes. The template used is "*classname*.index". Index View Specifiers ::::::::::::::::::::: An index view specifier (URL fragment) looks like this (whitespace has been added for clarity):: /issue?status=unread,in-progress,resolved& topic=security,ui& :group=+priority& :sort=-activity& :filters=status,topic& :columns=title,status,fixer The index view is determined by two parts of the specifier: the layout part and the filter part. The layout part consists of the query parameters that begin with colons, and it determines the way that the properties of selected items are displayed. The filter part consists of all the other query parameters, and it determines the criteria by which items are selected for display. The filter part is interactively manipulated with the form widgets displayed in the filter section. The layout part is interactively manipulated by clicking on the column headings in the table. The filter part selects the union of the sets of items with values matching any specified Link properties and the intersection of the sets of items with values matching any specified Multilink properties. The example specifies an index of "issue" items. Only items with a "status" of either "unread" or "in-progres" or "resolved" are displayed, and only items with "topic" values including both "security" and "ui" are displayed. The items are grouped by priority, arranged in ascending order; and within groups, sorted by activity, arranged in descending order. The filter section shows filters for the "status" and "topic" properties, and the table includes columns for the "title", "status", and "fixer" properties. Filtering of indexes :::::::::::::::::::: TODO Searching Views ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is one of the class context views. The template used is typically "*classname*.search". TODO Item Views ~~~~~~~~~~ The basic view of a hyperdb item is provided by the "*classname*.item" template. It generally has three sections; an "editor", a "spool" and a "history" section. Editor Section :::::::::::::: The editor section is used to manipulate the item - it may be a static display if the user doesn't have permission to edit the item. Here's an example of a basic editor template (this is the default "classic" template issue item edit form - from the "issue.item" template)::
Title title
Priority priority Status status
Nosy List
Assigned To assignedto menu    
Change Note
  submit button will go here
When a change is submitted, the system automatically generates a message describing the changed properties. As shown in the example, the editor template can use the ":note" and ":file" fields, which are added to the standard change note message generated by Roundup. Spool Section ::::::::::::: The spool section lists related information like the messages and files of an issue. TODO History Section ::::::::::::::: The final section displayed is the history of the item - its database journal. This is generally generated with the template:: *To be done:* *The actual history entries of the item may be accessed for manual templating through the "journal" method of the item*:: a journal entry *where each journal entry is an HTMLJournalEntry.* Access Controls --------------- A set of Permissions are built in to the security module by default: - Edit (everything) - View (everything) The default interfaces define: - Web Registration - Web Access - Web Roles - Email Registration - Email Access These are hooked into the default Roles: - Admin (Edit everything, View everything, Web Roles) - User (Web Access, Email Access) - Anonymous (Web Registration, Email Registration) And finally, the "admin" user gets the "Admin" Role, and the "anonymous" user gets the "Anonymous" assigned when the database is initialised on installation. The two default schemas then define: - Edit issue, View issue (both) - Edit file, View file (both) - Edit msg, View msg (both) - Edit support, View support (extended only) and assign those Permissions to the "User" Role. New users are assigned the Roles defined in the config file as: - NEW_WEB_USER_ROLES - NEW_EMAIL_USER_ROLES You may alter the configuration variables to change the Role that new web or email users get, for example to not give them access to the web interface if they register through email. You may use the ``roundup-admin`` "``security``" command to display the current Role and Permission configuration in your tracker. Adding a new Permission ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ When adding a new Permission, you will need to: 1. add it to your tracker's dbinit so it is created 2. enable it for the Roles that should have it (verify with "``roundup-admin security``") 3. add it to the relevant HTML interface templates 4. add it to the appropriate xxxPermission methods on in your tracker interfaces module ----------------- Back to `Table of Contents`_ .. _`Table of Contents`: index.html