Heya, as we don't want to run into licensing issues the apple.schema is not included here. In case you want to manage your apple users' homedirectories with GOsa please copy the apple.schema file from your MacOSX installation into the schema-directory of your openldap installation and include it in the slapd- configuration. Usually you'll have to change a few objectclasses as some attribute-types are missing. For example to use the apple.schema from osx 10.4 you'll have to - remove the objectclass authAuthorityObject - remove the objectclass apple-acl - remove the following attributes from all ObjectClasses: - acctFlags - pwdLastSet - logonTime - logoffTime - kickoffTime - homeDrive - scriptPath - profilePath - userWorkstations - smbHome - rid - primaryGroupID YMMV depending on the version of the apple.schema. As far as I can remember the apple.schema from 10.2 does not include all neccessary attributes and object- classes, so you probably want to use a more recent one. As I actually don't have the time to provide a complete howto I've googled for a howto - probably http://www.spack.org/wiki/AppleOsxIntegrationWithOpenLdap will give you some hints how to setup your apple. The netatalk plugin was developed by Gina Haeussge and Bernd Zeimetz for use at the Darmstadt University of Technology, Department of Architecture. In case you have any questions or find any bugs feel free to contact me at . Best regards, Bernd Zeimetz