FAI support for GOsa ==================== Please note, that FAI support is work in progress. Anyway here's a quick guide how it works: 1) Preparing FAI a) adjust the secrets file to match the password of your terminal-admin ldap user b) build the debian package in goto-fai (i.e. using dpkg-buidpackage) c) add the resulting package to your fai nfs-root 2) Preparing GOsa a) use the get-packages.pl script to generate a stripped down list of your packages lists, move them to /etc/gosa/fai/servername/dist/. b) use the get-debconf.sh script to extract the debconf templates from your mirror, move the resulting debconf.d directory to /etc/gosa/fai/servername/dist/debconf.d 3) Create classes/etc in GOsa, follow the ordinary fai documentation to get your clients booted