ldap_servers: ldap://localhost/ ldap_bind_dn: cn=saslauthd,ou=Apps,dc=example,dc=com ldap_bind_pw: saslauthd ldap_version: 3 # <2|3> # Specify the LDAP protocol version to use. ldap_timeout: 5 # Specify a number of seconds a search can take before timing out. ldap_time_limit: 5 # Specify a number of seconds for a search request to complete. #ldap_deref: # Specify how aliases dereferencing is handled during a search. #ldap_referrals: # Specify whether or not the client should follow referrals. #ldap_restart: # Specify whether or not LDAP I/O operations are automatically restarted # if they abort prematurely. #ldap_cache_ttl: <0> # Non zero enables client side caching. Cached results will expire after # specified number seconds, e.g. 30. Use this option with care. # OpenLDAP folks consider this feature experimental. #ldap_cache_mem: <0> # If client side caching is enabled, the value specifies the cache size # in bytes, e.g. 32768. #ldap_scope: # Search scope. ldap_search_base: dc=iph,dc=ras,dc=ru # Specify a starting point for the search. e.g. dc=foo,dc=com #ldap_auth_method: # Specify an authentication method. The default 'bind' method uses the # LDAP simple bind facility to verify the password. The custom method # uses userPassword attribute to verify the password. Currently, {CRYPT} # hash is supported. ldap_filter: (|(uid=%u)(cn=%u)) # Specify a filter. Use the %u and %r tokens for the username and realm # substitution. The %u token has to be used at minimum for the filter to # be useful. If ldap_auth_method is 'bind', the filter will search for # the DN (distinguished name) attribute. Otherwise, the search will look # for the userPassword attribute. #ldap_debug: <0> # Specify a debugging level in the OpenLDAP libraries. See # ldap_set_option(3) for more (LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL). # #ldap_tls_check_peer: # Require and verify server certificate. If this option is yes, # you must specify ldap_tls_cacert_file or ldap_tls_cacert_dir. #ldap_tls_cacert_file: # File containing CA (Certificate Authority) certificate(s). #ldap_tls_cacert_dir: # Path to directory with CA (Certificate Authority) certificates. #ldap_tls_ciphers: # List of SSL/TLS ciphers to allow. The format of the string is # described in ciphers(1). #ldap_tls_cert: # File containing the client certificate. #ldap_tls_key: # File containing the private client key.