Target for 2.6: =============== * Move from gosa.conf-trunk to gosa.conf when we're ready * ACL - Acl roles should be selectable in acl dialog. - Role checks are missing - Copy & Paste tmplates for acl roles. - Check Title strings - Check role and acl remove - Check Base select dialog within roles. - Implement a kind of "umask" - Ensure that acls will be the same after renaming and moving objects. * Create a Bugtracker * Redo the setup * Make plugin loader react on predefined info values from plugins itself instead of gosa.conf * Can't use a dn longer than 100 characters as Glpi contact/technical responsible person. * Verify DNS plugin * Zones are not creatable, currently * Error messages are partly wrong * Auto-Resize for subdialogs * Enhance the export xls to export the whole three with a maximum of attributes in each sheet ( OpenSides ) * Enhance the pptp plugin (OpenSides) * Add support for nagios in the system part (OpenSides) * Asterisk : Create entry like this #309,1,PickupChan(SIP/rainer), to allow others to pickup the phone by pressing # and number of the phone. * Evaluate patches for certificate generation * Bug submitter * Complete PHP5 compliance and optimization * Simplify plugins by providing a schema parser * Replace PHP IMAP module by self made module * Add possibility to add referrals in department dialog * Fine tuning in Kerberos support Special kerberos attributes like ticket expiery and policies can't be handeled with GOsa right now this has to be added in later releases. * SSL User certificates are only shown as "absent" or "present", because the SSL PHP module isn't buildable in the moment. I'll check this later on. (Notes: openssl x509 -outform DER -in incert.pem -out outcert.der ldif -b "usercertificate;binary" < outcert.der > cert.ldif print_r(openssl_x509_parse ($this->userCertificate)); ) * Documentation - End user documentation: online help - Administrators documentation: how to install / contributed scripts, etc. - Developer documentation: how to extend, own plugins, themes, etc. * Automatic passwords? Generate a password for a newly created user and display it. * Make IMAP namespace configurable