Things to fix before 2.4: ========================= * Finish kolab integration - shared folders * Fix problem with winstation and invalid structural object class chain (inetOrgPerson/device) * All dialogs - ALT not translated - Image cleanup * include/ -> gosaMailQuota not defined when opening "cajus" * Check renaming of servers * Fix filter part of dialogs and remove long descriptive textx in front of the search fields * Addressbook shows up with windows workstations * Rework environment tab * Rework printer tabs * FAI management - Add package lists - Re-implement profile management, divlists look pretty ugly here - Description checks arn't necessary. - Check base64_encoding/decoding is not needed everytime. * Phone account - Errors when phone account is diabled and a user is saved (?) * Add function to get GOto application templates -> filled variables, etc. * Disabling error messages doesn't work, (?) For me it works;Fabian * Saving of initially created gofon stuff fails (?) * Avoid escaping of " in FAI scripts * Group Dialog : Primary group chkbox is broken, nothing is shown if it is checked. ======= * Base is not evaluated in several dialogs -> Creating an object in a special base results in creation in the ldap root * Workstation is defect Target for 2.5: =============== * Complete PHP5 compliance and optimization * Simplify plugins by providing a schema parser * Remove smarty from SVN. It has an own repository. * Replace PHP IMAP module by self made module * Add possibility to add referrals in department dialog * Add sambaWorkingHours * Fine tuning in Kerberos support Special kerberos attributes like ticket expiery and policies can't be handeled with GOsa right now this has to be added in later releases. * Server-/Workstation management This has been removed because of inconsistencies. Will be back soon: - support for dhcp - attributes for ldap-, ntp-, nfs-, imap- and print-servers * SSL User certificates are only shown as "absent" or "present", because the SSL PHP module isn't buildable in the moment. I'll check this later on. (Notes: openssl x509 -outform DER -in incert.pem -out outcert.der ldif -b "usercertificate;binary" < outcert.der > cert.ldif print_r(openssl_x509_parse ($this->userCertificate)); ) * Rework ACL stuff, use experimental (native) LDAP ACLs / get ACLs from classes The complete ACL dialog stinks. If every dialog is done by smarty, we could use a shrinked version of each dialog with checkboxes, to let the admin decide what fields could be edited. * Documentation - End user documentation: online help - Administrators documentation: how to install / contributed scripts, etc. - Developer documentation: how to extend, own plugins, themes, etc. * amavis-new support * Automatic passwords? Generate a password for a newly created user and display it. * Make IMAP namespace configurable * Try RDN style for unique names * Object Groups should have member tabs depending of the grouped object types Target > 2.3: ============= * OpenAFS support Still completely missing...