MESSAGE(STATUS "Creating build files in: ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}") IF(WIN32) SET(PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR "locale") ELSEIF(WIN32) # TODO: check and change this to correct value: SET(PACKAGE_LOCALE_DIR "locale") ENDIF(WIN32) SET(CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH ${CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX}/lib) SET(CMAKE_SKIP_RPATH:BOOL OFF) # Include base dir, so other files can refer to the generated files. # CMAKE_INCLUDE_CURRENT_DIR is not enough as it only includes the current dir and not the basedir with config.h in it #INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES ("${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" src/) #LINK_DIRECTORIES ("${LINK_DIRECTORIES}" "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}" "${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}" src/) #INSTALL(TARGETS INKSCAPE # RUNTIME DESTINATION bin # LIBRARY DESTINATION lib # ARCHIVE DESTINATION lib #) #FILE(GLOB files "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/*.h") #INSTALL(FILES ${files} DESTINATION include/INKSCAPE/INKSCAPE) #CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ # ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/INKSCAPE.pc @ONLY IMMEDIATE ) #INSTALL(FILES "${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/INKSCAPE.pc" DESTINATION lib/pkgconfig) #SET(EXECUTABLE_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/bin CACHE INTERNAL "Where to put the executables")set(LIBRARY_OUTPUT_PATH ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/lib CACHE INTERNAL "Where to put the libraries")