
Created trunk inside of 2.6-lhm
[gosa.git] / trunk / gosa-plugins / systems / help / en / html / systems / node56.html
1 <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
3 <!--Converted with LaTeX2HTML 2002-2-1 (1.71)
4 original version by:  Nikos Drakos, CBLU, University of Leeds
5 * revised and updated by:  Marcus Hennecke, Ross Moore, Herb Swan
6 * with significant contributions from:
7   Jens Lippmann, Marek Rouchal, Martin Wilck and others -->
8 <HTML>
9 <HEAD>
10 <TITLE>Services</TITLE>
11 <META NAME="description" CONTENT="Services">
12 <META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="systems">
13 <META NAME="resource-type" CONTENT="document">
14 <META NAME="distribution" CONTENT="global">
16 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=iso-8859-15">
17 <META NAME="Generator" CONTENT="LaTeX2HTML v2002-2-1">
18 <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Style-Type" CONTENT="text/css">
20 <LINK REL="STYLESHEET" HREF="systems.css">
22 </HEAD>
24 <BODY >
26 <H3><A NAME="SECTION00013500000000000000">
27 Services</A>
28 </H3>
30 <P>
32 <UL>
33 <LI>Nfs Export
34 </LI>
35 </UL>
36 <SPAN ID="hue383">?</SPAN>
37 <P>
39 <P>
40 <BR>
43 <P>
45 <UL>
46 <LI>Time Service
47 </LI>
48 </UL>
49 <SPAN ID="hue388">?</SPAN>
50 <P>
52 <P>
53 <BR>
56 <P>
58 <UL>
59 <LI>LDAP Service
60 </LI>
61 </UL>
62 <SPAN ID="hue393">?</SPAN>
63 <P>
65 <P>
66 <BR>
69 <P>
71 <UL>
72 <LI>Terminal Service
73 </LI>
74 </UL>
76 <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH=142>Temporary disable login</TD>
77 <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH=283><SPAN ID="hue401">?</SPAN></TD>
78 </TR>
79 <TR><TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH=142>Font path</TD>
80 <TD ALIGN="LEFT" VALIGN="TOP" WIDTH=283><SPAN ID="hue403">?</SPAN></TD>
81 </TR>
82 </TABLE>
84 <P>
86 <P>
87 <BR>
90 <P>
92 <UL>
93 <LI>Syslog Service
94 </LI>
95 </UL>
96 <SPAN ID="hue409">?</SPAN>
97 <P>
99 <P>
100 <BR>
103 <P>
105 <UL>
106 <LI>Print Service
107 </LI>
108 </UL>
109 <SPAN ID="hue414">?</SPAN>
110 <P>
112 <P><P>
113 <BR>
116 <P>
117 <BR><HR>
119 Jan Wenzel
120 2008-03-13
121 </ADDRESS>
122 </BODY>
123 </HTML>