
Created trunk inside of 2.6-lhm
[gosa.git] / trunk / gosa-plugins / squid / personal / connectivity / squid / proxy.tpl
1 <h2>
3 {if $multiple_support}
5  <input type="checkbox" name="use_proxy" value="1" onClick="changeState('proxy')" class="center" 
6         {if $use_proxy} checked {/if}>  
7  <input type="checkbox" id="proxy" name="proxy" value="B" {$proxyState} class="center"
8         {if !$use_proxy} disabled {/if}>
10 {else}
12         {render acl=$proxyAccountACL}
13         <input type="checkbox" id="proxy" name="proxy" value="B" {$proxyState}
14         class="center" 
15         onClick="
17         {if $gosaProxyFlagF_W}
18         changeState('filterF');
19         {/if}
21         {if $gosaProxyFlagT_W}
22         changeState('filterT'); 
23         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterT', 'startHour'); 
24         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterT', 'startMinute'); 
25         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterT', 'stopMinute'); 
26         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterT', 'stopHour'); 
27         {/if}
28         {if $gosaProxyFlagB_W}
29         changeState('filterB'); 
30         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterB', 'quota_unit'); 
31         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterB', 'quota_size');
32         changeTripleSelectState('proxy', 'filterB', 'gosaProxyQuotaPeriod');
33         {/if}
34         ">
35         {/render}
36 {/if}
37  {t}Proxy account{/t}</h2>
39 <table summary="" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=0 border=0>
40  <tr>
41    <td>
42     <table summary="" border=0 width="100%" cellpadding=0>
43     <tr><td colspan=2>
45 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagFACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_filterF}
46     <input type="checkbox" name="filterF" id="filterF" value="F" {$filterF} {$pstate} class="center">
47 {/render}
48     {t}Filter unwanted content (i.e. pornographic or violence related){/t}
49     </td></tr>
50      <tr>
51       <td width="50%">
53 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagTACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_filterT}
54     <input type="checkbox" name="filterT" id="filterT" value="T" {$filterT} {$pstate}  onClick="javascript:
55  {$ProxyWorkingStateChange}" class="center">
56 {/render}
58     <LABEL for="startHour">{t}Limit proxy access to working time{/t}</LABEL>
59     <br>
60     <table summary="" style="margin-left:20px;">
61      <tr>
62       <td>
64 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagTACL}
65         <select size="1" id="startHour" name="startHour" {if $Tstate!=""} disabled {/if}  >
66          {html_options values=$hours output=$hours selected=$starthour}
67         </select>
68 {/render}
69         &nbsp;:&nbsp;
70 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagTACL}
71         <select size="1" id="startMinute" name="startMinute" {if $Tstate!=""} disabled {/if}  >
72          {html_options values=$minutes output=$minutes selected=$startminute}
73         </select>
74 {/render}
75         &nbsp;-&nbsp;
76 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagTACL}
77         <select size="1" id="stopHour" name="stopHour" {if $Tstate!=""} disabled {/if} >
78    {html_options values=$hours output=$hours selected=$stophour}
79         </select>
80 {/render}
81         &nbsp;:&nbsp;
82 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagTACL}
83         <select size="1" id="stopMinute" name="stopMinute" {if $Tstate!=""} disabled {/if}>
84          {html_options values=$minutes output=$minutes selected=$stopminute}
85         </select>
86 {/render}
87       </td>
88      </tr>
89     </table>
90       </td>
91    <td rowspan=2 style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
92      &nbsp;
93    </td>
94       <td>
95 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagBACL checkbox=$multiple_support checked=$use_filterB}
96     <input type="checkbox" id="filterB" name="filterB" value="B" {$filterB} {if $pstate=="disabled"} disabled {/if} onClick="{$changeB}"
97                 class="center"
98         >
99 {/render}
100     <LABEL for="quota_size">{t}Restrict proxy usage by quota{/t}</LABEL>
101     <br>
102     <table summary="" style="margin-left:20px;">
103      <tr>
104       <td>
105 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagBACL}
106        <input name="quota_size" id="quota_size" size=7 maxlength=10 value="{$quota_size}" {if $Bstate!=""} disabled {/if} >
107 {/render}
108        &nbsp;
109 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagBACL}
110        <select size="1" name="quota_unit" id="quota_unit" {if $Bstate!=""} disabled {/if} >
111         {html_options options=$quota_unit selected=$quota_u}
112        </select>
113 {/render}
115        <LABEL for="gosaProxyQuotaPeriod">{t}per{/t}</LABEL>
116 {render acl=$gosaProxyFlagBACL}
117        <select size="1" name="gosaProxyQuotaPeriod" id="gosaProxyQuotaPeriod" {if $Bstate!=""} disabled {/if} >
118         {html_options options=$quota_time selected=$gosaProxyQuotaPeriod}
119        </select>
120 {/render}
121       </td>
122      </tr>
123     </table>
124    </td>
125    </tr>
126    </table>
127   </td>
128  </tr>
129 </table>