
Created trunk inside of 2.6-lhm
[gosa.git] / trunk / gosa-plugins / openxchange / personal / connectivity / openxchange / oxchange.tpl
1 {if !$pg}
2 <h2>{t}Open-Xchange Account{/t} - {t}disabled, no Postgresql support detected. Or the specified database can't be reached{/t}</h2>
3 {else}
4 <h2>
5 <input type="checkbox" name="oxchange" value="B" 
6         {$oxchangeState} {$oxchangeAccountACL} 
7         onCLick="       
8         {if $OXAppointmentDays_W} 
9                 changeState('OXAppointmentDays');
10         {/if}
11         {if $OXTaskDays_W} 
12                 changeState('OXTaskDays');
13         {/if}
14         {if $OXTimeZone_W} 
15                 changeState('OXTimeZone'); 
16         {/if}
17         ">
18 {t}Open-Xchange account{/t}</h2>
21 <table summary="" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=0 border=0>
23  <!-- Headline container -->
24  <tr>
25    <td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
26      <table summary="" style="margin-left:4px;">
27        <tr>
28          <td colspan=2 style="vertical-align:top;">
29            <b>{t}Remember{/t}</b>
30          </td>
31        </tr>
32        <tr>
33          <td><LABEL for="OXAppointmentDays">{t}Appointment Days{/t}</LABEL></td>
34          <td>
36 {render acl=$OXAppointmentDaysACL}      
37 <input name="OXAppointmentDays" id="OXAppointmentDays" size=7 maxlength=7 value="{$OXAppointmentDays}" {$oxState} >
38 {/render}
39          {t}days{/t}</td>
40        </tr>
41        <tr>
42          <td><LABEL for="OXTaskDays">{t}Task Days{/t}</LABEL></td>
43          <td>
45 {render acl=$OXTaskDaysACL}     
46 <input name="OXTaskDays" id="OXTaskDays" size=7 maxlength=7 value="{$OXTaskDays}" {$oxState} >
47 {/render}
49          {t}days{/t}
50         </td>
51        </tr>
52      </table>
53    </td>
54    <td rowspan=2 style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
55      &nbsp;
56    </td>
57    <td style="vertical-align:top;">
58      <table summary="">
59        <tr>
60          <td colspan=2 style="vertical-align:top;">
61            <b>{t}User Information{/t}</b>
62          </td>
63        </tr>
64        <tr>
65          <td><LABEL for="OXTimeZone">{t}User Timezone{/t}</LABEL></td>
66          <td>
68 {render acl=$OXTimeZoneACL}     
69 <select size="1" name="OXTimeZone" id="OXTimeZone" {$oxState} > 
70  {html_options values=$timezones output=$timezones selected=$OXTimeZone}
71  </select>
72 {/render}
74          </td>
75        </tr>
76        <tr>
77          <td></td>
78          <td></td>
79        </tr>
80      </table>
81    </td>
82  </tr>
83 </table>
84 {/if}