
Just use the -n option from dh_installinit and the world is fine again.
[gosa.git] / trunk / gosa-plugins / mail / personal / mail / sieve /
1 <?php
3 class Scanner
4 {
5         function Scanner(&$script)
6         {
7                 $this->_construct($script);
8         }
10         function _construct(&$script)
11         {
12                 if ($script === null)
13                 {
14                         return;
15                 }
17                 $this->tokenize($script);
18         }
20         function setCommentFunc($callback)
21         {
22                 if ($callback == null || is_callable($callback))
23                 {
24                         $this->commentFn_ = $callback;
25                 }
26         }
28         function tokenize(&$script)
29         {
30                 $pos = 0;
31                 $line = 1;
32                 $script_length = mb_strlen($script);
34                 while ($pos < $script_length)
35                 {
36                         foreach ($this->token_match_ as $class => $regex)
37                         {
38                                 if (preg_match('/^'. $regex .'/', mb_substr($script, $pos), $match))
39                                 {
40                                         $length = mb_strlen($match[0]);
42                                         if ($class != 'whitespace')
43                                         {
44                                                 array_push($this->tokens_, array(
45                                                         'class' => $class,
46                                                         'text'  => chop(mb_substr($script, $pos, $length)),
47                                                         'line'  => $line,
48                                                 ));
49                                         }
50                                         if ($class == 'unknown')
51                                         {
52                                                 return;
53                                         }
55                                         $pos += $length;
56                                         $line += mb_substr_count($match[0], "\n");
57                                         break;
58                                 }
59                         }
60                 }
62                 array_push($this->tokens_, array(
63                         'class' => 'script-end',
64                         'text'  => 'script-end',
65                         'line'  => $line,
66                 ));
67         }
69         function nextTokenIs($class)
70         {
71                 $offset = 0;
72                 do
73                 {
74                         $next = $this->tokens_[$this->tokenPos_ + $offset++]['class'];
75                 }
76                 while ($next == 'comment');
78                 if (is_array($class))
79                 {
80                         return in_array($next, $class);
81                 }
82                 else if (is_string($class))
83                 {
84                         return (strcmp($next, $class) == 0);
85                 }
86                 return false;
87         }
89         function peekNextToken()
90         {
91                 return $this->tokens_[$this->tokenPos_];
92         }
94         function nextToken()
95         {
96                 $token = $this->tokens_[$this->tokenPos_++];
97                 while ($token['class'] == 'comment')
98                 {
99                         if ($this->commentFn_ != null)
100                         {
101                                 call_user_func($this->commentFn_, $token);
102                         }
103                         $token = $this->tokens_[$this->tokenPos_++];
104                 }
105                 return $token;
106         }
108         function scriptStart()
109         {
110                 return array(
111                         'class' => 'script-start',
112                         'text'  => 'script-start',
113                         'line'  => 1,
114                 );
115         }
117         var $commentFn_ = null;
118         var $tokenPos_ = 0;
119         var $tokens_ = array();
120         var $token_match_ = array (
121                 'left-bracket'   =>  '\[',
122                 'right-bracket'  =>  '\]',
123                 'block-start'    =>  '\{',
124                 'block-end'      =>  '\}',
125                 'left-parant'    =>  '\(',
126                 'right-parant'   =>  '\)',
127                 'comma'          =>  ',',
128                 'semicolon'      =>  ';',
129                 'whitespace'     =>  '[ \r\n\t]+',
130                 'tag'            =>  ':[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*(?=\b)',
131                 'quoted-string'  =>  '"(?:\\[\\"]|[^\x00"])*"',
132                 'number'         =>  '[[:digit:]]+(?:[KMG])?(?=\b)',
133                 'comment'        =>  '(?:\/\*(?:[^\*]|\*(?=[^\/]))*\*\/|#[^\r\n]*\r?\n)',
134                 'multi-line'     =>  'text:[ \t]*(?:#[^\r\n]*)?\r?\n(\.[^\r\n]+\r?\n|[^\.]*\r?\n)*\.\r?\n',
135                 'identifier'     =>  '[[:alpha:]_][[:alnum:]_]*(?=\b)',
136                 'unknown token'  =>  '[^ \r\n\t]+'
137         );
140 ?>