1 <?php
3 class workservice extends plugin
4 {
5 var $gotoScannerEnable;
7 /* Generic terminal attributes */
8 var $gotoXMonitor= "";
9 var $gotoXDriver= "";
10 var $gotoXResolution= "";
11 var $gotoXColordepth= "";
12 var $gotoXHsync= "";
13 var $gotoXVsync= "";
14 var $AutoSync = false;
15 var $gotoXKbModel= "";
16 var $gotoXKbLayout= "";
17 var $gotoXKbVariant= "";
18 var $gotoXMouseType= "";
19 var $gotoXMouseport= "";
20 var $gotoScannerClients= "";
21 var $gotoScannerBackend= "";
22 var $goFonHardware= "automatic";
23 var $view_logged = FALSE;
25 /* Needed values and lists */
26 var $ignore_account= TRUE;
27 var $base= "";
28 var $cn= "";
29 var $orig_dn= "";
30 var $XDrivers= array();
31 var $XResolutions = array();
32 var $MouseTypes= array();
33 var $MousePorts= array();
34 var $hardware_list= array();
35 var $used_hardware= array();
38 /* attribute list for save action */
39 var $attributes= array("gotoXMonitor", "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
40 "gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync",
41 "gotoScannerEnable", "gotoScannerClients",
42 "gotoScannerBackend", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout", "gotoXKbVariant",
43 "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport", "goFonHardware");
44 var $objectclasses= array("GOhard");
46 var $XColordepths =array();
47 var $XKbModels =array();
48 var $XKbLayouts =array();
49 var $XKbVariants =array();
51 function workservice (&$config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
52 {
53 plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
55 $this->XResolutions= array(
56 "640x480" => "640x480",
57 "800x600" => "800x600",
58 "1024x768" => "1024x768",
59 "1152x864" => "1152x864",
60 "1280x1024" => "1280x1024",
61 "1400x1050" => "1400x1050",
62 "1600x1200" => "1600x1200");
64 if($this->config->get_cfg_value("resolutions") != ""){
65 $file = $this->config->get_cfg_value("resolutions");
67 if(is_readable($file)){
68 $str = file_get_contents($file);
69 $lines = split("\n",$str);
70 foreach($lines as $line){
71 $line = trim($line);
72 if(!empty($line)){
73 $this->XResolutions[$line]=$line;
74 }
75 }
76 //natcasesort($this->gotoXResolutions);
77 }else{
78 msg_dialog::display(_("Configuration error"), msgPool::cannotReadFile($file), WARNING_DIALOG);
79 }
80 }
82 /* Get list of available xdrivers */
83 foreach($this->getListOfXDrivers() as $xdriver) {
84 $this->XDrivers[$xdriver] = $xdriver;
85 }
87 if (isset($this->attrs['gosaGroupObjects'])) {
88 array_unshift($this->XDrivers, "["._("manual/auto")."]");
89 }
90 else {
91 array_unshift($this->XDrivers, "["._("unknown")."]");
92 }
94 $this->XColordepths= array(
95 "8" => "8 " ._("bit"),
96 "15" => "15 "._("bit"),
97 "16" => "16 "._("bit"),
98 "24" => "24 "._("bit"));
100 foreach(array ("btc9000", "chicony", "compaq", "dell", "dell101", "everex",
101 "flexpro", "geniuscomfy", "hp", "itouch", "jp106", "logicordless",
102 "logiinetnav", "logiinternet", "macintosh", "microsoft",
103 "microsoftpro", "omnikey101", "pc101", "pc102", "pc104",
104 "pc105", "rapidaccess", "rapidaccess2", "winbook") as $type){
105 $this->XKbModels[$type] = $type;
106 }
108 $this->MouseTypes= array("auto" => "auto",
109 "explorerps/2" => "explorerps/2",
110 "ImPS/2" => "ImPS/2",
111 "PS/2" => "PS/2",
112 "Microsoft" => "Microsoft",
113 "Logitech" => "Logitech",);
115 $this->MousePorts= array("/dev/input/mice" => "/dev/input/mice",
116 "/dev/mouse" => "/dev/mouse",
117 "/dev/psaux" => "/dev/psaux",
118 "/dev/ttyS0" => "/dev/ttyS0",
119 "/dev/ttyS1" => "/dev/ttyS1",);
121 /* Additional values will be extracted from CONFIG_DIR./keyboardLayouts */
122 $this->XKbLayouts = array("de"=> "de","en" =>"en", "es" => "es", "us" =>"us", "fr" => "fr");
123 $this->XKbVariants= array ("nodeadkeys"=>"nodeadkeys", "basic"=>"basic");
125 /* try to read additional keyboard layouts
126 */
127 if(file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
128 if(is_readable(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
129 $str = file_get_contents(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts");
130 $tmp = split("\n",$str);
131 foreach($tmp as $entry){
132 if((!empty($entry)) && (!preg_match("/^#/",$entry))){
133 $entry = trim($entry);
134 $tmp2 = split ("\:",$entry);
135 $la = trim($tmp2[0]); // What would be saved to ldap
136 $da = trim($tmp2[1]); // This wis displayed in the listbox
137 $this->XKbLayouts [ $la] = $da;
138 }
139 }
140 }
141 }
143 $this->orig_dn= $this->dn;
145 /* Load phone hardware list
146 */
147 $tmp = get_sub_list("(objectClass=goFonHardware)","",array(get_ou("phoneRDN")),
148 $this->config->current['BASE'],array("cn","description"), GL_NO_ACL_CHECK);
149 foreach($tmp as $attrs){
150 $cn= $attrs['cn'][0];
151 $description= "";
152 if (isset($attrs['description'])){
153 $description= " - ".$attrs['description'][0];
154 }
155 $this->hardware_list[$cn]= "$cn$description";
156 }
157 $this->hardware_list["automatic"]= _("automatic");
158 ksort($this->hardware_list);
160 /* These departments may contain objects that have
161 goFonHardware set.
162 */
163 $deps_a = array(
164 get_people_ou(),
165 get_ou("ogroupRDN"),
166 get_ou("serverRDN"),
167 get_ou("terminalRDN"),
168 get_ou("workstationRDN"),
169 get_ou("printerRDN"),
170 get_ou("componentRDN"),
171 get_ou("phoneRDN"));
173 $tmp = get_sub_list("(goFonHardware=*)","",$deps_a,$this->config->current['BASE'],
174 array('cn','dn','goFonHardware'),GL_NO_ACL_CHECK);
175 foreach($tmp as $attrs){
176 $cn = $attrs['goFonHardware'][0];
177 if(isset($this->hardware_list[$cn])){
178 $this->used_hardware[$cn]= $cn;
179 }
180 }
182 if(preg_match("/\+/",$this->gotoXHsync)){
183 $this->AutoSync = true;
184 $this->gotoXHsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXHsync);
185 $this->gotoXVsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXVsync);
186 }
188 /* Load hardware list */
189 $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
190 $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
191 $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoWorkstationTemplate)(member=".LDAP::prepare4filter($this->dn)."))");
192 if ($ldap->count() == 1){
193 $map= array("gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout",
194 "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport", "gotoXDriver");
195 $attrs= $ldap->fetch();
197 foreach ($map as $name){
198 if (!isset($attrs[$name][0])){
199 continue;
200 }
202 switch ($name){
203 case 'gotoXDriver':
204 $ogroup_driver = $attrs['gotoXDriver'][0];
205 if (in_array($ogroup_driver, $this->XDrivers) && (empty($this->attrs['gotoXDriver']))) {
206 $this->XDrivers = array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XDrivers;
207 }
208 break;
209 case 'gotoXResolution':
210 $this->XResolutions= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XResolutions;
211 break;
212 case 'gotoXColordepth':
213 $this->XColordepths= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].' '._('Bit').']') + $this->XColordepths;
214 break;
215 case 'gotoXKbModel':
216 $this->XKbModels= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']') + $this->XKbModels;
217 break;
218 case 'gotoXKbLayout':
219 $this->XKbLayouts= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XKbLayouts;
220 break;
221 case 'gotoXKbVariant':
222 $this->XKbVariants= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->XKbVariants;
223 break;
224 case 'gotoXMouseType':
225 $this->MouseTypes= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->MouseTypes;
226 break;
227 case 'gotoXMouseport':
228 $this->MousePorts= array('default' => _("inherited").' ['.$attrs[$name][0].']' ) + $this->MousePorts;
229 break;
230 }
232 }
234 }
236 /* Workaround to fill in inherited values if we've specified an objectclass */
237 $SelectedSystemType = session::get("SelectedSystemType");
238 if (isset($SelectedSystemType['ogroup']) && $SelectedSystemType['ogroup'] != 'none'){
239 $this->XDrivers=array('default' => _("inherited"));
240 $this->XResolutions= array('default' => _("inherited"));
241 $this->XColordepths= array('default' => _("inherited"));
242 $this->XKbModels= array('default' => _("inherited"));
243 $this->XKbLayouts= array('default' => _("inherited"));
244 $this->XKbVariants= array('default' => _("inherited"));
245 $this->MouseTypes= array('default' => _("inherited"));
246 $this->MousePorts= array('default' => _("inherited"));
247 }
248 }
250 function execute()
251 {
252 /* Call parent execute */
253 plugin::execute();
255 if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
256 $this->view_logged = TRUE;
257 new log("view","workstation/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
258 }
260 /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
261 if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
262 $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
263 }
265 /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
266 if(isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
267 if($this->is_account && $this->acl_is_removeable()){
268 $this->is_account= FALSE;
269 }elseif(!$this->is_account && $this->acl_is_createable()){
270 $this->is_account= TRUE;
271 }
272 }
274 /* Show main page */
275 $smarty= get_smarty();
277 /* Assign ACLs */
278 $tmp = $this->plInfo();
279 foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translated){
280 $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name));
281 }
283 /* Arrays */
284 foreach(array("XDrivers", "XResolutions", "XColordepths",
285 "XKbModels", "XKbVariants",
286 "MouseTypes", "MousePorts") as $val){
287 $smarty->assign("$val", $this->$val);
288 }
289 $smarty->assign("XKbLayouts" ,$this->XKbLayouts);
290 $smarty->assign("XKbLayoutKeys" ,array_flip($this->XKbLayouts));
292 $smarty->assign("xdmcpservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL']);
293 $smarty->assign("nfsservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS']);
294 $smarty->assign("nfsservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS']);
296 /* Variables - select */
297 foreach(array(
298 "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
299 "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout","gotoScannerEnable",
300 "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
302 $smarty->assign($val."_select", $this->$val);
303 }
305 /* Variables */
306 foreach(array("gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync") as $val){
307 $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val);
308 }
309 $smarty->assign("staticAddress", "");
311 /* Checkboxes */
312 foreach(array("gotoScannerEnable") as $val){
313 if ($this->$val == TRUE) {
314 $smarty->assign("$val", "checked");
315 } else {
316 $smarty->assign("$val", "");
317 }
318 }
320 /* Phone stuff */
321 $smarty->assign ("goFonHardware", $this->goFonHardware);
323 $perms = "";
324 if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("goFonHardware")){
325 $perms = " disabled ";
326 }
328 $hl= "<select size=\"1\" name=\"goFonHardware\" ".$perms." title=\"".
329 _("Choose the phone located at the current terminal")."\" >";
330 foreach ($this->hardware_list as $cn => $description){
331 if ($cn == $this->goFonHardware){
332 $selected= "selected";
333 } else {
334 $selected= "";
335 }
336 if (isset($this->used_hardware[$cn])){
337 $color= "style=\"color:#A0A0A0\"";
338 } else {
339 $color= "";
340 }
341 $hl.= " <option $color label=\"$cn\" value=\"$cn\" $selected>$description</option>\n";
342 }
343 $hl.= "</select>\n";
344 $smarty->assign ("hardware_list", $hl);
345 $smarty->assign ("gotoXMonitor", $this->gotoXMonitor);
347 if($this->AutoSync){
348 $smarty->assign("AutoSyncCHK"," checked ");
349 $smarty->assign("hiddenState"," disabled ");
350 }else{
351 $smarty->assign("AutoSyncCHK"," ");
352 $smarty->assign("hiddenState","");
353 }
355 /* Show main page */
356 return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('workstationService.tpl',TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
357 }
359 function remove_from_parent()
360 {
361 $this->handle_post_events("remove");
362 new log("remove","workstation/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
363 }
365 /* Save data to object */
366 function save_object()
367 {
368 plugin::save_object();
370 if((isset($_POST['workservicePosted'])) && $this->acl_is_writeable("AutoSync")) {
371 if(isset($_POST['AutoSync'])){
372 $this->AutoSync = true;
373 }else{
374 $this->AutoSync = false;
375 }
376 }
377 }
379 /* Check supplied data */
380 function check()
381 {
382 /* Call common method to give check the hook */
383 $message= plugin::check();
385 /* Default entries can use blank hsync/vsync entries */
386 if ($this->dn != "" && $this->cn != "default" && $this->cn != "wdefault"){
388 /* But only if no auto sync is enabled... */
389 if (!$this->AutoSync){
391 /* Check vsync for correct usage */
392 $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXVsync);
394 if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXVsync")){
395 if(empty($val)){
396 $message[]= msgPool::required(_("VSync"));
397 }elseif (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?([-]\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val)){
398 $message[]= msgPool::invalid(_("VSync"));
399 } else{
400 list($v1,$v2)= preg_split ("/[-+]/", $val);
401 if ($v2 != ""){
402 if ($v1 > $v2){
403 $message[]= msgPool::invalid(_("VSync"));
404 }
405 }
406 }
407 }
409 /* Check hsync for correct usage */
410 $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXHsync);
411 if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoXHsync")){
412 if(empty($val)){
413 $message[]= msgPool::required(_("HSync"));
414 }elseif (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?([-]\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val)){
415 $message[]= msgPool::invalid(_("HSync"));
416 } else{
417 list($v1,$v2)= preg_split ("/[-+]/", $val);
418 if ($v2 != ""){
419 if ($v1 > $v2){
420 $message[]= msgPool::invalid(_("HSync"));
421 }
422 }
423 }
424 }
425 }
426 }
428 return ($message);
429 }
432 /* Save to LDAP */
433 function save()
434 {
435 /* remove objectclass GOhard if this is an ogroup tab */
436 if(isset($this->parent->by_object['ogroup'])){
437 $this->objectclasses = array();
438 }
440 plugin::save();
442 /* Strip out 'default' values */
443 foreach(array(
444 "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
445 "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout", "gotoXDriver",
446 "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
448 if ($this->attrs[$val] == "default"){
449 $this->attrs[$val]= array();
450 }
451 }
453 if($this->AutoSync){
454 $this->attrs['gotoXHsync'] = "30+55";
455 $this->attrs['gotoXVsync'] = "50+70";
456 }
458 /* Write back to ldap */
459 $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
460 $ldap->cd($this->dn);
461 $this->cleanup();
464 $ldap->modify ($this->attrs);
465 new log("modify","workstation/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
466 if (!$ldap->success()){
467 msg_dialog::display(_("LDAP error"), msgPool::ldaperror($ldap->get_error(), $this->dn, LDAP_MOD, get_class()));
468 }
469 $this->handle_post_events("modify");
471 /* Send goto reload event to gosaSupportDaemon */
472 if(count($this->attrs)){
473 $this->send_goto_reload();
474 }
476 }
479 function getListOfXDrivers()
480 {
481 /* Generate a list of xdrivers from CONFIG_DIR./xdrivers */
482 $drivers = array();
483 if (file_exists(CONFIG_DIR.'/xdrivers')){
484 $xdrivers = file (CONFIG_DIR.'/xdrivers');
485 foreach ($xdrivers as $line){
486 if (!preg_match ("/^#/", $line)){
487 $drivers[]= trim($line);
488 }
489 }
490 } else {
491 $drivers = array("ati", "atimisc", "chips", "cirrus", "cyrix", "fbdev", "fglrx",
492 "i128", "i740", "i810", "intel", "imstt", "mga", "neomagic", "newport", "nsc", "nv", "nvidia",
493 "r128", "radeon", "rendition", "s3", "s3virge", "savage", "siliconmotion",
494 "sis", "tdfx", "tga", "trident", "tseng", "vboxvideo", "vesa", "vga", "vmware");
495 }
496 return($drivers);
497 }
500 /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
501 static function plInfo()
502 {
503 return (array(
504 "plShortName" => _("Service"),
505 "plDescription" => _("Workstation service"),
506 "plSelfModify" => FALSE,
507 "plDepends" => array(),
508 "plPriority" => 10,
509 "plSection" => array("administration"),
510 "plCategory" => array("workstation","ogroups"),
512 "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
513 "gotoXMonitor" => _("Monitor"),
514 "gotoXDriver" => _("Gfx driver"),
515 "gotoXResolution" => _("Gfx resolution"),
516 "gotoXColordepth" => _("Gfx color depth"),
517 "gotoXHsync" => _("HSync"),
518 "gotoXVsync" => _("VSync"),
519 "AutoSync" => _("Use DDC"),
520 "gotoScannerEnable" => _("Scanner enabled"),
521 "gotoXKbModel" => _("Keyboard model"),
522 "gotoXKbLayout" => _("Keyboard layout"),
523 "gotoXKbVariant" => _("Keyboard variant"),
524 "gotoXMouseType" => _("Mouse type"),
525 "gotoXMouseport" => _("Mouse port"),
526 "goFonHardware" => _("Telephone hardware"))
527 ));
528 }
531 /*! \brief Send goto_reload event to support daemon
532 */
533 function send_goto_reload()
534 {
535 if(count($this->attrs) && class_available("DaemonEvent")){
536 $events = DaemonEvent::get_event_types(SYSTEM_EVENT | HIDDEN_EVENT);
537 $o_queue = new gosaSupportDaemon();
538 if(isset($events['TRIGGERED']['DaemonEvent_goto_reload'])){
539 $evt = $events['TRIGGERED']['DaemonEvent_goto_reload'];
540 $macs = array();
542 /* Get list of macAddresses
543 */
544 if(isset($this->parent->by_object['ogroup'])){
546 /* If we are an object group, add all member macs
547 */
548 $p = $this->parent->by_object['ogroup'];
549 foreach($p->memberList as $dn => $obj){
550 if(preg_match("/".preg_quote(get_ou("systemIncomingRDN"), '/')."/",$dn)) continue;
551 if(isset($p->objcache[$dn]['macAddress']) && !empty($p->objcache[$dn]['macAddress'])){
552 $macs[] = $p->objcache[$dn]['macAddress'];
553 }
554 }
555 }elseif(isset($this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->netConfigDNS->macAddress)){
557 /* We are a workstation. Add current mac.
558 */
559 $mac = $this->parent->by_object['workgeneric']->netConfigDNS->macAddress;
560 if(!empty($mac) && !preg_match("/".preg_quote(get_ou("systemIncomingRDN"), '/')."/",$this->orig_dn)){
561 $macs[] = $mac;
562 }
563 }
565 /* Trigger event for all member objects
566 */
567 if(count($macs)){
568 $tmp = new $evt['CLASS_NAME']($this->config);
569 $tmp->set_type(TRIGGERED_EVENT);
570 $target = $o_queue->get_host().":".$o_queue->get_port();
571 $tmp->add_targets(array($target));
572 $tmp->set_macs($macs);
573 if(!$o_queue->append($tmp,TRUE)){
574 msg_dialog::display(_("Service infrastructure"),msgPool::siError($o_queue->get_error()),ERROR_DIALOG);
575 }
576 }
577 }
578 }
579 }
582 function PrepareForCopyPaste($source)
583 {
584 plugin::PrepareForCopyPaste($source);
586 if(preg_match("/\+/",$this->gotoXHsync)){
587 $this->AutoSync = true;
588 $this->gotoXHsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXHsync);
589 $this->gotoXVsync = preg_replace("/\+/","-",$this->gotoXVsync);
590 }
591 }
592 }
594 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
595 ?>