1 <?php
3 class gotoLpdEnable extends plugin
4 {
5 public $parent;
7 protected $DevID = 0;
8 private $data = array();
9 private $default_entry = array();
11 protected $s_Type = "U";
12 protected $s_Device = "/dev/usb/lp";
13 protected $i_Port = 9100;
14 protected $s_Options = "";
15 protected $s_WriteOnly = "Y";
17 protected $s_Speed = 9600;
18 protected $s_FlowControl = "S";
19 protected $s_Parity = "E";
20 protected $i_Bit = 5;
22 /* Option predefinition */
23 private $a_Types = array();
24 private $a_FlowControls = array(); //
25 private $a_Parities = array(); //
26 private $a_Speeds = array(); //
27 private $a_Bits = array(); //
28 private $a_Devices = array();
29 public $attributes = array("s_Type","s_Device","i_Port","s_Options","s_WriteOnly",
30 "s_Speed","s_FlowControl","s_Parity","i_Bit");
32 /*! \brief Create gotoLpdEnable dialog, allows to edit printer settings.
33 @param Object $config The GOsa configuration object.
34 @param Array $data The values for attribute 'gotoLpdEnable'
35 e.g. array("U:/dev/usb/lp0:9100:9600:S:E:0:Y:options",
36 "U:/dev/usb/lp1:9101:9600:S:E:5:Y:", ...)
37 @param Object $parent A reference to the parent plugin-object.
38 @return Object gotoLpdEnable (plugin)
39 */
40 public function __construct($config,$data,&$parent)
41 {
42 plugin::plugin($config,NULL);
43 $this->parent = $parent;
44 $this->DevID = 0;
46 /* Predefine selectable values
47 */
48 $this->a_Types = array(
49 "U" => _("USB"),
50 "P" => _("Parallel port"),
51 "S" => _("Serial"));
52 $this->a_FlowControl = array(
53 "S" => _("Software"),
54 "H" => _("Hardware"));
55 $this->a_Parities = array(
56 "E" => _("Even"),
57 "O" => _("Odd"),
58 "N" => _("None"));
59 $this->a_Speeds = array(
60 "4800" => "4.800 "._("bit/s"),
61 "9600" => "9.600 "._("bit/s"),
62 "19200" => "19.200 "._("bit/s"),
63 "38400" => "38.400 "._("bit/s"),
64 "57600" => "57.600 "._("bit/s"),
65 "115200"=> "115.200 "._("bit/s"),
66 "230400"=> "230.400 "._("bit/s"),
67 "460800"=> "460.800 "._("bit/s"));
68 $this->a_Bits = array(
69 5,6,7,8);
70 $this->a_Devices = array(
71 "U" => "/dev/usb/lp",
72 "P" => "/dev/lp",
73 "S" => "/dev/ttyS");
75 /* Create default entry
76 */
77 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
78 $this->default_entry[$attr] = $this->$attr;
79 }
81 /* Load current settings
82 */
83 if(count($data) == 0){
84 $this->is_account = FALSE;
85 }else{
86 foreach($data as $dat){
87 if(substr_count($dat,":") < 8) continue;
88 list($s_Type,$s_Device,$i_Port,$s_Speed,$s_FlowControl,$s_Parity,$i_Bit,$s_WriteOnly,$s_Options) = split("\:",$dat);
89 $entry = array();
90 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
91 $entry[$attr] = $$attr;
92 }
93 $this->data[] = $entry;
94 }
96 /* Set first entry values
97 From "$this->data[0]" to "$this->"
98 */
99 if(count($this->data)){
100 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
101 $this->$attr = $this->data[$this->DevID][$attr];
102 }
103 $this->is_account = TRUE;
104 }
105 }
106 $this->initially_was_account = $this->is_account;
107 }
110 /*! \brief Create HTML output of this plugin.
111 Depending on the current plugin status, there is a
112 'create' and a 'remove'account button displayed on top
113 followed by the gotoLpdEnable options.
114 @param .
115 @return String HTML content
116 */
117 public function execute()
118 {
119 $display = "";
121 /* Set smarty variables
122 */
123 $smarty = get_smarty();
124 $smarty->assign("acl",$this->parent->getacl("gotoLpdEnable"));
125 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
126 $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr);
127 }
128 foreach(array("DevID","a_Types","a_FlowControl","a_Parities","a_Speeds","a_Bits") as $attr){
129 $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr);
130 }
131 ksort($this->data);
132 $smarty->assign("data_cnt",count($this->data));
133 $smarty->assign("data",$this->data);
134 $smarty->assign("a_DevIDs",array_keys($this->data));
135 $smarty->assign("is_account",$this->is_account);
136 return($display.$smarty->fetch(get_template_path("gotoLpdEnable.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
137 }
140 /*! \brief Checks the given informations and returns an array
141 with the error messages or an empty array if everything went fine.
142 @param .
143 @return Array of Strings Error messages.
144 */
145 public function check()
146 {
147 $messages = plugin::check();
148 if(!$this->is_account){
149 return($messages);
150 }
151 foreach($this->data as $id => $entry){
152 if(!tests::is_id($entry['i_Port'])){
153 $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Port"));
154 }
155 if(preg_match("/:/",$entry['s_Options'])){
156 $messages[] = msgPool::invalid(_("Options"));
157 }
158 }
159 return($messages);
160 }
163 /*! \brief Save all ui inputs.
164 @param .
165 @return .
166 */
167 public function save_object()
168 {
169 if(!$this->parent->acl_is_writeable("gotoLpdEnable")){
170 return;
171 }
173 if(!isset($_POST['gotoLpdEnable_entry_posted'])){
174 return;
175 }
177 /* Handle account add/remove
178 */
179 if(isset($_POST['gotoLpdEnable_enabled'])){
180 $this->is_account = TRUE;
181 }else{
182 $this->is_account = FALSE;
183 }
185 /* Check if we have to propose device settings
186 (current device info is empty and the printer type has changed)
187 */
188 $propose_device = "";
189 if(isset($_POST['s_Device']) && empty($_POST['s_Device']) &&
190 isset($_POST['s_Type']) && $_POST['s_Type'] != $this->s_Type){
191 $propose_device = $this->a_Devices[$_POST['s_Type']].$this->DevID;
192 }
194 plugin::save_object();
196 if(!empty($propose_device)){
197 $this->s_Device = $propose_device;
198 }
200 /* Get checkbox changes
201 */
202 if(isset($_POST['s_WriteOnly'])){
203 $this->s_WriteOnly = "Y";
204 }else{
205 $this->s_WriteOnly = "N";
206 }
208 /* Write back attributes to data array ($this->data)
209 */
210 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
211 $this->data[$this->DevID][$attr] = $this->$attr;
212 }
214 /* Device ID has changed another printer was selected * /
215 if(isset($_POST['DevID']) && $_POST['DevID'] != $this->DevID){
216 $this->DevID = $_POST['DevID'];
217 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
218 $this->$attr = $this->data[$this->DevID][$attr];
219 }
220 }
221 */
223 /* Add and remove additional printer settings
224 if(isset($_POST['del_printer'])){
225 unset($this->data[$this->DevID]);
226 $this->data = array_values($this->data);
227 if(count($this->data) == 0){
228 $this->is_account = FALSE;
229 }
230 $this->DevID = key($this->data);
231 }
232 if(isset($_POST['add_printer'])){
233 if(count($this->data) < 3){
234 $entry = $this->default_entry;
235 $entry['i_Port'] = $entry['i_Port'] + count($this->data);
236 $entry['s_Device'] = $entry['s_Device'].count($this->data);
237 $this->DevID = count($this->data);
238 $this->data[] = $entry;
239 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
240 $this->$attr = $this->data[$this->DevID][$attr];
241 }
242 }
243 }
244 */
245 }
248 /*! \brief Creates an array containing all gotoLpdEnabled values,
249 see constructor for more details.
250 @param .
251 @return Array of gotoLpdEnabled Strings.
252 */
253 public function save()
254 {
255 $ret = array();
256 $serial_only = array("s_Speed","s_FlowControl","s_Parity","i_Bit");
257 $attrs = array("s_Type","s_Device","i_Port","s_Speed","s_FlowControl","s_Parity","i_Bit","s_WriteOnly","s_Options");
258 foreach($this->data as $entry){
259 $str = "";
260 foreach($attrs as $attr){
261 if(in_array($attr,$serial_only) && $entry['s_Type'] != "Serial"){
262 $str .= ":";
263 }else{
264 $str .= $entry[$attr].":";
265 }
266 }
267 $ret[] = preg_replace("/:$/","",$str);
268 }
269 return($ret);
270 }
273 /*! \brief .
274 @param .
275 @return .
276 */
277 public function acl_is_writeable($attr,$skip_write = FALSE)
278 {
279 return(TRUE);
280 }
283 /*! \brief .
284 @param .
285 @return .
286 */
287 public function acl_is_removeable($skip_write = FALSE)
288 {
289 return(TRUE);
290 }
293 /*! \brief .
294 @param .
295 @return .
296 */
297 public function acl_is_createable($skip_write = FALSE)
298 {
299 return(TRUE);
300 }
301 }
303 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
304 ?>