
Created trunk inside of 2.6-lhm
[gosa.git] / trunk / gosa-core / plugins / admin / departments / dcObject.tpl
1 <!--////////////////////
2         //      LOCALITY (l)
3     //////////////////// -->
5 <table summary="" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=4>
6  <tr>
7    <td style="vertical-align:top; width:50%">
8      <h2><img class="center" alt="" align="middle" src="images/rightarrow.png"> {t}Properties{/t}</h2>
9      <table summary="">
10       <tr>
11        <td><LABEL for="dc">{t}Locality name{/t}</LABEL>{$must}</td>
12        <td>
13 {render acl=$dcACL}
14         <input id="dc" name="dc" size=25 maxlength=60 value="{$dc}" title="{t}Name of locality to create{/t}">
15 {/render}
16        </td>
17       </tr>
18       <tr>
19        <td><LABEL for="description">{t}Description{/t}</LABEL>{$must}</td>
20        <td>
21 {render acl=$descriptionACL}
22         <input id="description" name="description" size=25 maxlength=80 value="{$description}" title="{t}Descriptive text for department{/t}">
23 {/render}
24        </td>
25       </tr>
26         {if !$is_root_dse}
27       <tr>
28         <td><LABEL for="base">{t}Base{/t}</LABEL>{$must}</td>
29         <td>
30 {render acl=$baseACL}
31          <select id="base" size="1" name="base" title="{t}Choose subtree to place department in{/t}"> 
32           {html_options options=$bases selected=$base_select}
33          </select>
34 {/render}
36 {render acl=$baseACL disable_picture='images/lists/folder_grey.png'}
37         <input type="image" name="chooseBase" src="images/lists/folder.png" class="center" title="{t}Select a base{/t}">
38 {/render}
39           </td>
40          </tr>
41         {/if}
42         </table>
43   </td>
44  </tr>
45 </table>
46 <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
47 <table summary="" style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=4>
48  <tr>
49    <td style="vertical-align:top; width:100%">
50      <h2><img class="center" alt="" align="middle" src="images/lists/locked.png"> {t}Administrative settings{/t}</h2>
51 {render acl=$gosaUnitTagACL}
52      <input id="is_administrational_unit" type=checkbox name="is_administrational_unit" value="1" {$gosaUnitTag}><label for="is_administrational_unit">{t}Tag department as an independent administrative unit{/t}</label>
53 {/render}
54    </td>
55   </tr>
56 </table>
57 <input type='hidden' name='dep_generic_posted' value='1'>