
- fixes for sf bug 818339
[roundup.git] / test /
1 #
2 # Copyright (c) 2001 Bizar Software Pty Ltd (
3 # This module is free software, and you may redistribute it and/or modify
4 # under the same terms as Python, so long as this copyright message and
5 # disclaimer are retained in their original form.
6 #
11 #
18 # $Id:,v 1.7 2003-11-12 03:42:13 richard Exp $ 
20 import unittest, os, shutil, errno, imp, sys, time, pprint
22 from roundup.hyperdb import String, Password, Link, Multilink, Date, \
23     Interval, DatabaseError, Boolean, Number, Node
24 from roundup import date, password
25 from roundup import init
26 from roundup.indexer import Indexer
28 def setupSchema(db, create, module):
29     status = module.Class(db, "status", name=String())
30     status.setkey("name")
31     user = module.Class(db, "user", username=String(), password=Password(),
32         assignable=Boolean(), age=Number(), roles=String())
33     user.setkey("username")
34     file = module.FileClass(db, "file", name=String(), type=String(),
35         comment=String(indexme="yes"), fooz=Password())
36     issue = module.IssueClass(db, "issue", title=String(indexme="yes"),
37         status=Link("status"), nosy=Multilink("user"), deadline=Date(),
38         foo=Interval(), files=Multilink("file"), assignedto=Link('user'))
39     session = module.Class(db, 'session', title=String())
40     session.disableJournalling()
41     db.post_init()
42     if create:
43         user.create(username="admin", roles='Admin')
44         status.create(name="unread")
45         status.create(name="in-progress")
46         status.create(name="testing")
47         status.create(name="resolved")
48     db.commit()
50 class MyTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
51     def tearDown(self):
52         if hasattr(self, 'db'):
53             self.db.close()
54         if os.path.exists('_test_dir'):
55             shutil.rmtree('_test_dir')
57 class config:
58     DATABASE='_test_dir'
59     MAILHOST = 'localhost'
60     MAIL_DOMAIN = ''
61     TRACKER_NAME = 'Roundup issue tracker'
62     TRACKER_EMAIL = 'issue_tracker@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN
63     TRACKER_WEB = 'http://some.useful.url/'
64     ADMIN_EMAIL = 'roundup-admin@%s'%MAIL_DOMAIN
65     FILTER_POSITION = 'bottom'      # one of 'top', 'bottom', 'top and bottom'
66     ANONYMOUS_ACCESS = 'deny'       # either 'deny' or 'allow'
67     ANONYMOUS_REGISTER = 'deny'     # either 'deny' or 'allow'
68     MESSAGES_TO_AUTHOR = 'no'       # either 'yes' or 'no'
72 class DBTest(MyTestCase):
73     def setUp(self):
74         # remove previous test, ignore errors
75         if os.path.exists(config.DATABASE):
76             shutil.rmtree(config.DATABASE)
77         os.makedirs(config.DATABASE + '/files')
78         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
79         setupSchema(self.db, 1, self.module)
81     #
82     # schema mutation
83     #
84     def testAddProperty(self):
85         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
86         self.db.commit()
88         self.db.issue.addprop(fixer=Link("user"))
89         # force any post-init stuff to happen
90         self.db.post_init()
91         props = self.db.issue.getprops()
92         keys = props.keys()
93         keys.sort()
94         self.assertEqual(keys, ['activity', 'assignedto', 'creation',
95             'creator', 'deadline', 'files', 'fixer', 'foo', 'id', 'messages',
96             'nosy', 'status', 'superseder', 'title'])
97         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get('1', "fixer"), None)
99     def testRemoveProperty(self):
100         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
101         self.db.commit()
103         del['title']
104         self.db.post_init()
105         props = self.db.issue.getprops()
106         keys = props.keys()
107         keys.sort()
108         self.assertEqual(keys, ['activity', 'assignedto', 'creation',
109             'creator', 'deadline', 'files', 'foo', 'id', 'messages',
110             'nosy', 'status', 'superseder'])
111         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.list(), ['1'])
113     def testAddRemoveProperty(self):
114         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
115         self.db.commit()
117         self.db.issue.addprop(fixer=Link("user"))
118         del['title']
119         self.db.post_init()
120         props = self.db.issue.getprops()
121         keys = props.keys()
122         keys.sort()
123         self.assertEqual(keys, ['activity', 'assignedto', 'creation',
124             'creator', 'deadline', 'files', 'fixer', 'foo', 'id', 'messages',
125             'nosy', 'status', 'superseder'])
126         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.list(), ['1'])
128     #
129     # basic operations
130     #
131     def testIDGeneration(self):
132         id1 = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
133         id2 = self.db.issue.create(title="eggs", status='2')
134         self.assertNotEqual(id1, id2)
136     def testStringChange(self):
137         for commit in (0,1):
138             # test set & retrieve
139             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
140             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, 'title'), 'spam')
142             # change and make sure we retrieve the correct value
143             self.db.issue.set(nid, title='eggs')
144             if commit: self.db.commit()
145             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, 'title'), 'eggs')
147     def testStringUnset(self):
148         for commit in (0,1):
149             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
150             if commit: self.db.commit()
151             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, 'title'), 'spam')
152             # make sure we can unset
153             self.db.issue.set(nid, title=None)
154             if commit: self.db.commit()
155             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "title"), None)
157     def testLinkChange(self):
158         for commit in (0,1):
159             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
160             if commit: self.db.commit()
161             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "status"), '1')
162             self.db.issue.set(nid, status='2')
163             if commit: self.db.commit()
164             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "status"), '2')
166     def testLinkUnset(self):
167         for commit in (0,1):
168             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
169             if commit: self.db.commit()
170             self.db.issue.set(nid, status=None)
171             if commit: self.db.commit()
172             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "status"), None)
174     def testMultilinkChange(self):
175         for commit in (0,1):
176             u1 = self.db.user.create(username='foo%s'%commit)
177             u2 = self.db.user.create(username='bar%s'%commit)
178             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", nosy=[u1])
179             if commit: self.db.commit()
180             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "nosy"), [u1])
181             self.db.issue.set(nid, nosy=[])
182             if commit: self.db.commit()
183             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "nosy"), [])
184             self.db.issue.set(nid, nosy=[u1,u2])
185             if commit: self.db.commit()
186             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "nosy"), [u1,u2])
188     def testDateChange(self):
189         for commit in (0,1):
190             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
191             a = self.db.issue.get(nid, "deadline")
192             if commit: self.db.commit()
193             self.db.issue.set(nid, deadline=date.Date())
194             b = self.db.issue.get(nid, "deadline")
195             if commit: self.db.commit()
196             self.assertNotEqual(a, b)
197             self.assertNotEqual(b, date.Date('1970-1-1 00:00:00'))
199     def testDateUnset(self):
200         for commit in (0,1):
201             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
202             self.db.issue.set(nid, deadline=date.Date())
203             if commit: self.db.commit()
204             self.assertNotEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "deadline"), None)
205             self.db.issue.set(nid, deadline=None)
206             if commit: self.db.commit()
207             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "deadline"), None)
209     def testIntervalChange(self):
210         for commit in (0,1):
211             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
212             if commit: self.db.commit()
213             a = self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo")
214             i = date.Interval('-1d')
215             self.db.issue.set(nid, foo=i)
216             if commit: self.db.commit()
217             self.assertNotEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"), a)
218             self.assertEqual(i, self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"))
219             j = date.Interval('1y')
220             self.db.issue.set(nid, foo=j)
221             if commit: self.db.commit()
222             self.assertNotEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"), i)
223             self.assertEqual(j, self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"))
225     def testIntervalUnset(self):
226         for commit in (0,1):
227             nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
228             self.db.issue.set(nid, foo=date.Interval('-1d'))
229             if commit: self.db.commit()
230             self.assertNotEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"), None)
231             self.db.issue.set(nid, foo=None)
232             if commit: self.db.commit()
233             self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.get(nid, "foo"), None)
235     def testBooleanChange(self):
236         userid = self.db.user.create(username='foo', assignable=1)
237         self.assertEqual(1, self.db.user.get(userid, 'assignable'))
238         self.db.user.set(userid, assignable=0)
239         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(userid, 'assignable'), 0)
241     def testBooleanUnset(self):
242         nid = self.db.user.create(username='foo', assignable=1)
243         self.db.user.set(nid, assignable=None)
244         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, "assignable"), None)
246     def testNumberChange(self):
247         nid = self.db.user.create(username='foo', age=1)
248         self.assertEqual(1, self.db.user.get(nid, 'age'))
249         self.db.user.set(nid, age=3)
250         self.assertNotEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, 'age'), 1)
251         self.db.user.set(nid, age=1.0)
252         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, 'age'), 1)
253         self.db.user.set(nid, age=0)
254         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, 'age'), 0)
256         nid = self.db.user.create(username='bar', age=0)
257         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, 'age'), 0)
259     def testNumberUnset(self):
260         nid = self.db.user.create(username='foo', age=1)
261         self.db.user.set(nid, age=None)
262         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.get(nid, "age"), None)
264     def testKeyValue(self):
265         newid = self.db.user.create(username="spam")
266         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.lookup('spam'), newid)
267         self.db.commit()
268         self.assertEqual(self.db.user.lookup('spam'), newid)
269         self.db.user.retire(newid)
270         self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.db.user.lookup, 'spam')
272         # use the key again now that the old is retired
273         newid2 = self.db.user.create(username="spam")
274         self.assertNotEqual(newid, newid2)
275         # try to restore old node. this shouldn't succeed!
276         self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.db.user.restore, newid)
278     def testRetire(self):
279         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
280         b = self.db.status.get('1', 'name')
281         a = self.db.status.list()
282         self.db.status.retire('1')
283         # make sure the list is different 
284         self.assertNotEqual(a, self.db.status.list())
285         # can still access the node if necessary
286         self.assertEqual(self.db.status.get('1', 'name'), b)
287         self.db.commit()
288         self.assertEqual(self.db.status.get('1', 'name'), b)
289         self.assertNotEqual(a, self.db.status.list())
290         # try to restore retired node
291         self.db.status.restore('1')
293     def testCacheCreateSet(self):
294         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
295         a = self.db.issue.get('1', 'title')
296         self.assertEqual(a, 'spam')
297         self.db.issue.set('1', title='ham')
298         b = self.db.issue.get('1', 'title')
299         self.assertEqual(b, 'ham')
301     def testSerialisation(self):
302         nid = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1',
303             deadline=date.Date(), foo=date.Interval('-1d'))
304         self.db.commit()
305         assert isinstance(self.db.issue.get(nid, 'deadline'), date.Date)
306         assert isinstance(self.db.issue.get(nid, 'foo'), date.Interval)
307         uid = self.db.user.create(username="fozzy",
308             password=password.Password('t. bear'))
309         self.db.commit()
310         assert isinstance(self.db.user.get(uid, 'password'), password.Password)
312     def testTransactions(self):
313         # remember the number of items we started
314         num_issues = len(self.db.issue.list())
315         num_files = self.db.numfiles()
316         self.db.issue.create(title="don't commit me!", status='1')
317         self.assertNotEqual(num_issues, len(self.db.issue.list()))
318         self.db.rollback()
319         self.assertEqual(num_issues, len(self.db.issue.list()))
320         self.db.issue.create(title="please commit me!", status='1')
321         self.assertNotEqual(num_issues, len(self.db.issue.list()))
322         self.db.commit()
323         self.assertNotEqual(num_issues, len(self.db.issue.list()))
324         self.db.rollback()
325         self.assertNotEqual(num_issues, len(self.db.issue.list()))
326         self.db.file.create(name="test", type="text/plain", content="hi")
327         self.db.rollback()
328         self.assertEqual(num_files, self.db.numfiles())
329         for i in range(10):
330             self.db.file.create(name="test", type="text/plain", 
331                     content="hi %d"%(i))
332             self.db.commit()
333         num_files2 = self.db.numfiles()
334         self.assertNotEqual(num_files, num_files2)
335         self.db.file.create(name="test", type="text/plain", content="hi")
336         self.db.rollback()
337         self.assertNotEqual(num_files, self.db.numfiles())
338         self.assertEqual(num_files2, self.db.numfiles())
340         # rollback / cache interaction
341         name1 = self.db.user.get('1', 'username')
342         self.db.user.set('1', username = name1+name1)
343         # get the prop so the info's forced into the cache (if there is one)
344         self.db.user.get('1', 'username')
345         self.db.rollback()
346         name2 = self.db.user.get('1', 'username')
347         self.assertEqual(name1, name2)
349     def testDestroyNoJournalling(self):
350         self.innerTestDestroy(klass=self.db.session)
352     def testDestroyJournalling(self):
353         self.innerTestDestroy(klass=self.db.issue)
355     def innerTestDestroy(self, klass):
356         newid = klass.create(title='Mr Friendly')
357         n = len(klass.list())
358         self.assertEqual(klass.get(newid, 'title'), 'Mr Friendly')
359         klass.destroy(newid)
360         self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.get, newid, 'title')
361         self.assertNotEqual(len(klass.list()), n)
362         if klass.do_journal:
363             self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.history, newid)
365         # now with a commit
366         newid = klass.create(title='Mr Friendly')
367         n = len(klass.list())
368         self.assertEqual(klass.get(newid, 'title'), 'Mr Friendly')
369         self.db.commit()
370         klass.destroy(newid)
371         self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.get, newid, 'title')
372         self.db.commit()
373         self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.get, newid, 'title')
374         self.assertNotEqual(len(klass.list()), n)
375         if klass.do_journal:
376             self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.history, newid)
378         # now with a rollback
379         newid = klass.create(title='Mr Friendly')
380         n = len(klass.list())
381         self.assertEqual(klass.get(newid, 'title'), 'Mr Friendly')
382         self.db.commit()
383         klass.destroy(newid)
384         self.assertNotEqual(len(klass.list()), n)
385         self.assertRaises(IndexError, klass.get, newid, 'title')
386         self.db.rollback()
387         self.assertEqual(klass.get(newid, 'title'), 'Mr Friendly')
388         self.assertEqual(len(klass.list()), n)
389         if klass.do_journal:
390             self.assertNotEqual(klass.history(newid), [])
392     def testExceptions(self):
393         # this tests the exceptions that should be raised
394         ar = self.assertRaises
396         #
397         # class create
398         #
399         # string property
400         ar(TypeError, self.db.status.create, name=1)
401         # invalid property name
402         ar(KeyError, self.db.status.create, foo='foo')
403         # key name clash
404         ar(ValueError, self.db.status.create, name='unread')
405         # invalid link index
406         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.create, title='foo', status='bar')
407         # invalid link value
408         ar(ValueError, self.db.issue.create, title='foo', status=1)
409         # invalid multilink type
410         ar(TypeError, self.db.issue.create, title='foo', status='1',
411             nosy='hello')
412         # invalid multilink index type
413         ar(ValueError, self.db.issue.create, title='foo', status='1',
414             nosy=[1])
415         # invalid multilink index
416         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.create, title='foo', status='1',
417             nosy=['10'])
419         #
420         # key property
421         # 
422         # key must be a String
423         ar(TypeError, self.db.file.setkey, 'fooz')
424         # key must exist
425         ar(KeyError, self.db.file.setkey, 'fubar')
427         #
428         # class get
429         #
430         # invalid node id
431         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.get, '99', 'title')
432         # invalid property name
433         ar(KeyError, self.db.status.get, '2', 'foo')
435         #
436         # class set
437         #
438         # invalid node id
439         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.set, '99', title='foo')
440         # invalid property name
441         ar(KeyError, self.db.status.set, '1', foo='foo')
442         # string property
443         ar(TypeError, self.db.status.set, '1', name=1)
444         # key name clash
445         ar(ValueError, self.db.status.set, '2', name='unread')
446         # set up a valid issue for me to work on
447         id = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
448         # invalid link index
449         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.set, id, title='foo', status='bar')
450         # invalid link value
451         ar(ValueError, self.db.issue.set, id, title='foo', status=1)
452         # invalid multilink type
453         ar(TypeError, self.db.issue.set, id, title='foo', status='1',
454             nosy='hello')
455         # invalid multilink index type
456         ar(ValueError, self.db.issue.set, id, title='foo', status='1',
457             nosy=[1])
458         # invalid multilink index
459         ar(IndexError, self.db.issue.set, id, title='foo', status='1',
460             nosy=['10'])
461         # NOTE: the following increment the username to avoid problems
462         # within metakit's backend (it creates the node, and then sets the
463         # info, so the create (and by a fluke the username set) go through
464         # before the age/assignable/etc. set, which raises the exception)
465         # invalid number value
466         ar(TypeError, self.db.user.create, username='foo', age='a')
467         # invalid boolean value
468         ar(TypeError, self.db.user.create, username='foo2', assignable='true')
469         nid = self.db.user.create(username='foo3')
470         # invalid number value
471         ar(TypeError, self.db.user.set, nid, age='a')
472         # invalid boolean value
473         ar(TypeError, self.db.user.set, nid, assignable='true')
475     def testJournals(self):
476         self.db.user.create(username="mary")
477         self.db.user.create(username="pete")
478         self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
479         self.db.commit()
481         # journal entry for issue create
482         journal = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')
483         self.assertEqual(1, len(journal))
484         (nodeid, date_stamp, journaltag, action, params) = journal[0]
485         self.assertEqual(nodeid, '1')
486         self.assertEqual(journaltag, self.db.user.lookup('admin'))
487         self.assertEqual(action, 'create')
488         keys = params.keys()
489         keys.sort()
490         self.assertEqual(keys, [])
492         # journal entry for link
493         journal = self.db.getjournal('user', '1')
494         self.assertEqual(1, len(journal))
495         self.db.issue.set('1', assignedto='1')
496         self.db.commit()
497         journal = self.db.getjournal('user', '1')
498         self.assertEqual(2, len(journal))
499         (nodeid, date_stamp, journaltag, action, params) = journal[1]
500         self.assertEqual('1', nodeid)
501         self.assertEqual('1', journaltag)
502         self.assertEqual('link', action)
503         self.assertEqual(('issue', '1', 'assignedto'), params)
505         # journal entry for unlink
506         self.db.issue.set('1', assignedto='2')
507         self.db.commit()
508         journal = self.db.getjournal('user', '1')
509         self.assertEqual(3, len(journal))
510         (nodeid, date_stamp, journaltag, action, params) = journal[2]
511         self.assertEqual('1', nodeid)
512         self.assertEqual('1', journaltag)
513         self.assertEqual('unlink', action)
514         self.assertEqual(('issue', '1', 'assignedto'), params)
516         # test disabling journalling
517         # ... get the last entry
518         time.sleep(1)
519         entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
520         (x, date_stamp, x, x, x) = entry
521         self.db.issue.disableJournalling()
522         self.db.issue.set('1', title='hello world')
523         self.db.commit()
524         entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
525         (x, date_stamp2, x, x, x) = entry
526         # see if the change was journalled when it shouldn't have been
527         self.assertEqual(date_stamp, date_stamp2)
528         time.sleep(1)
529         self.db.issue.enableJournalling()
530         self.db.issue.set('1', title='hello world 2')
531         self.db.commit()
532         entry = self.db.getjournal('issue', '1')[-1]
533         (x, date_stamp2, x, x, x) = entry
534         # see if the change was journalled
535         self.assertNotEqual(date_stamp, date_stamp2)
537     def testJournalPreCommit(self):
538         id = self.db.user.create(username="mary")
539         self.assertEqual(len(self.db.getjournal('user', id)), 1)
540         self.db.commit()
542     def testPack(self):
543         id = self.db.issue.create(title="spam", status='1')
544         self.db.commit()
545         self.db.issue.set(id, status='2')
546         self.db.commit()
548         # sleep for at least a second, then get a date to pack at
549         time.sleep(1)
550         pack_before = date.Date('.')
552         # wait another second and add one more entry
553         time.sleep(1)
554         self.db.issue.set(id, status='3')
555         self.db.commit()
556         jlen = len(self.db.getjournal('issue', id))
558         # pack
559         self.db.pack(pack_before)
561         # we should have the create and last set entries now
562         self.assertEqual(jlen-1, len(self.db.getjournal('issue', id)))
564     def testSearching(self):
565         self.db.file.create(content='hello', type="text/plain")
566         self.db.file.create(content='world', type="text/frozz",
567             comment='blah blah')
568         self.db.issue.create(files=['1', '2'], title="flebble plop")
569         self.db.issue.create(title="flebble frooz")
570         self.db.commit()
571         self.assertEquals(['hello'], self.db.issue),
572             {'1': {'files': ['1']}})
573         self.assertEquals(['world'], self.db.issue), {})
574         self.assertEquals(['frooz'], self.db.issue),
575             {'2': {}})
576         self.assertEquals(['flebble'], self.db.issue),
577             {'2': {}, '1': {}})
579     def testReindexing(self):
580         self.db.issue.create(title="frooz")
581         self.db.commit()
582         self.assertEquals(['frooz'], self.db.issue),
583             {'1': {}})
584         self.db.issue.set('1', title="dooble")
585         self.db.commit()
586         self.assertEquals(['dooble'], self.db.issue),
587             {'1': {}})
588         self.assertEquals(['frooz'], self.db.issue), {})
590     def testForcedReindexing(self):
591         self.db.issue.create(title="flebble frooz")
592         self.db.commit()
593         self.assertEquals(['flebble'], self.db.issue),
594             {'1': {}})
595         self.db.indexer.quiet = 1
596         self.db.indexer.force_reindex()
597         self.db.post_init()
598         self.db.indexer.quiet = 9
599         self.assertEquals(['flebble'], self.db.issue),
600             {'1': {}})
602     #
603     # searching tests follow
604     #
605     def testFind(self):
606         self.db.user.create(username='test')
607         ids = []
608         ids.append(self.db.issue.create(status="1", nosy=['1']))
609         oddid = self.db.issue.create(status="2", nosy=['2'], assignedto='2')
610         ids.append(self.db.issue.create(status="1", nosy=['1','2']))
611         self.db.issue.create(status="3", nosy=['1'], assignedto='1')
612         ids.sort()
614         # should match first and third
615         got = self.db.issue.find(status='1')
616         got.sort()
617         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
618         got = self.db.issue.find(status={'1':1})
619         got.sort()
620         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
622         # none
623         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.find(status='4'), [])
624         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.find(status={'4':1}), [])
626         # should match first and third
627         got = self.db.issue.find(assignedto=None)
628         got.sort()
629         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
630         got = self.db.issue.find(assignedto={None:1})
631         got.sort()
632         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
634         # should match first three
635         got = self.db.issue.find(status='1', nosy='2')
636         got.sort()
637         ids.append(oddid)
638         ids.sort()
639         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
640         got = self.db.issue.find(status={'1':1}, nosy={'2':1})
641         got.sort()
642         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
644         # none
645         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.find(status='4', nosy='3'), [])
646         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.find(status={'4':1}, nosy={'3':1}), [])
648     def testStringFind(self):
649         ids = []
650         ids.append(self.db.issue.create(title="spam"))
651         self.db.issue.create(title="not spam")
652         ids.append(self.db.issue.create(title="spam"))
653         ids.sort()
654         got = self.db.issue.stringFind(title='spam')
655         got.sort()
656         self.assertEqual(got, ids)
657         self.assertEqual(self.db.issue.stringFind(title='fubar'), [])
659     def filteringSetup(self):
660         for user in (
661                 {'username': 'bleep'},
662                 {'username': 'blop'},
663                 {'username': 'blorp'}):
664             self.db.user.create(**user)
665         iss = self.db.issue
666         for issue in (
667                 {'title': 'issue one', 'status': '2',
668                     'foo': date.Interval('1:10'), 
669                     'deadline': date.Date('2003-01-01.00:00')},
670                 {'title': 'issue two', 'status': '1',
671                     'foo': date.Interval('1d'), 
672                     'deadline': date.Date('2003-02-16.22:50')},
673                 {'title': 'issue three', 'status': '1',
674                     'nosy': ['1','2'], 'deadline': date.Date('2003-02-18')},
675                 {'title': 'non four', 'status': '3',
676                     'foo': date.Interval('0:10'), 
677                     'nosy': ['1'], 'deadline': date.Date('2004-03-08')}):
678             self.db.issue.create(**issue)
679         self.db.commit()
680         return self.assertEqual, self.db.issue.filter
682     def testFilteringID(self):
683         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
684         ae(filt(None, {'id': '1'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['1'])
686     def testFilteringString(self):
687         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
688         ae(filt(None, {'title': ['one']}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['1'])
689         ae(filt(None, {'title': ['issue']}, ('+','id'), (None,None)),
690             ['1','2','3'])
691         ae(filt(None, {'title': ['one', 'two']}, ('+','id'), (None,None)),
692             ['1', '2'])
694     def testFilteringLink(self):
695         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
696         ae(filt(None, {'status': '1'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['2','3'])
698     def testFilteringRetired(self):
699         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
700         self.db.issue.retire('2')
701         ae(filt(None, {'status': '1'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['3'])
703     def testFilteringMultilink(self):
704         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
705         ae(filt(None, {'nosy': '2'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['3'])
706         ae(filt(None, {'nosy': '-1'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)), ['1', '2'])
708     def testFilteringMany(self):
709         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
710         ae(filt(None, {'nosy': '2', 'status': '1'}, ('+','id'), (None,None)),
711             ['3'])
713     def testFilteringRange(self):
714         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
715         # Date ranges
716         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': 'from 2003-02-10 to 2003-02-23'}), ['2','3'])
717         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-02-10; 2003-02-23'}), ['2','3'])
718         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '; 2003-02-16'}), ['1'])
719         # Lets assume people won't invent a time machine, otherwise this test
720         # may fail :)
721         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': 'from 2003-02-16'}), ['2', '3', '4'])
722         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-02-16;'}), ['2', '3', '4'])
723         # year and month granularity
724         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2002'}), [])
725         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003'}), ['1', '2', '3'])
726         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2004'}), ['4'])
727         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-02'}), ['2', '3'])
728         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-03'}), [])
729         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-02-16'}), ['2'])
730         ae(filt(None, {'deadline': '2003-02-17'}), [])
731         # Interval ranges
732         ae(filt(None, {'foo': 'from 0:50 to 2:00'}), ['1'])
733         ae(filt(None, {'foo': 'from 0:50 to 1d 2:00'}), ['1', '2'])
734         ae(filt(None, {'foo': 'from 5:50'}), ['2'])
735         ae(filt(None, {'foo': 'to 0:05'}), [])
737     def testFilteringIntervalSort(self):
738         ae, filt = self.filteringSetup()
739         # ascending should sort None, 1:10, 1d
740         ae(filt(None, {}, ('+','foo'), (None,None)), ['3', '4', '1', '2'])
741         # descending should sort 1d, 1:10, None
742         ae(filt(None, {}, ('-','foo'), (None,None)), ['2', '1', '4', '3'])
744 # XXX add sorting tests for other types
745 # XXX test auditors and reactors
748 class ROTest(MyTestCase):
749     def setUp(self):
750         # remove previous test, ignore errors
751         if os.path.exists(config.DATABASE):
752             shutil.rmtree(config.DATABASE)
753         os.makedirs(config.DATABASE + '/files')
754         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
755         setupSchema(self.db, 1, self.module)
756         self.db.close()
758         self.db = self.module.Database(config)
759         setupSchema(self.db, 0, self.module)
761     def testExceptions(self):
762         # this tests the exceptions that should be raised
763         ar = self.assertRaises
765         # this tests the exceptions that should be raised
766         ar(DatabaseError, self.db.status.create, name="foo")
767         ar(DatabaseError, self.db.status.set, '1', name="foo")
768         ar(DatabaseError, self.db.status.retire, '1')
771 class SchemaTest(MyTestCase):
772     def setUp(self):
773         # remove previous test, ignore errors
774         if os.path.exists(config.DATABASE):
775             shutil.rmtree(config.DATABASE)
776         os.makedirs(config.DATABASE + '/files')
778     def init_a(self):
779         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
780         a = self.module.Class(self.db, "a", name=String())
781         a.setkey("name")
782         self.db.post_init()
784     def init_ab(self):
785         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
786         a = self.module.Class(self.db, "a", name=String())
787         a.setkey("name")
788         b = self.module.Class(self.db, "b", name=String())
789         b.setkey("name")
790         self.db.post_init()
792     def test_addNewClass(self):
793         self.init_a()
794         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
795         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
797         # add a new class to the schema and check creation of new items
798         # (and existence of old ones)
799         self.init_ab()
800         bid = self.db.b.create(name='bear')
801         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
802         self.db.commit()
803         self.db.close()
805         # now check we can recall the added class' items
806         self.init_ab()
807         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
808         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
809         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.get(bid, 'name'), 'bear')
810         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.lookup('bear'), bid)
812         # confirm journal's ok
813         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
814         self.db.getjournal('b', bid)
816     def init_amod(self):
817         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
818         a = self.module.Class(self.db, "a", name=String(), fooz=String())
819         a.setkey("name")
820         b = self.module.Class(self.db, "b", name=String())
821         b.setkey("name")
822         self.db.post_init()
824     def test_modifyClass(self):
825         self.init_ab()
827         # add item to user and issue class
828         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
829         bid = self.db.b.create(name='bear')
830         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
832         # modify "a" schema
833         self.init_amod()
834         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
835         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'fooz'), None)
836         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.get(aid, 'name'), 'bear')
837         aid2 = self.db.a.create(name='aardvark', fooz='booz')
838         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
840         # test
841         self.init_amod()
842         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
843         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'fooz'), None)
844         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.get(aid, 'name'), 'bear')
845         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid2, 'name'), 'aardvark')
846         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid2, 'fooz'), 'booz')
848         # confirm journal's ok
849         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
850         self.db.getjournal('a', aid2)
852     def init_amodkey(self):
853         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
854         a = self.module.Class(self.db, "a", name=String(), fooz=String())
855         a.setkey("fooz")
856         b = self.module.Class(self.db, "b", name=String())
857         b.setkey("name")
858         self.db.post_init()
860     def test_changeClassKey(self):
861         self.init_amod()
862         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
863         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
864         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
866         # change the key to fooz on a
867         self.init_amodkey()
868         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
869         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'fooz'), None)
870         self.assertRaises(KeyError, self.db.a.lookup, 'apple')
871         aid2 = self.db.a.create(name='aardvark', fooz='booz')
872         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
874         # check
875         self.init_amodkey()
876         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('booz'), aid2)
878         # confirm journal's ok
879         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
881     def init_ml(self):
882         self.db = self.module.Database(config, 'admin')
883         a = self.module.Class(self.db, "a", name=String())
884         a.setkey('name')
885         b = self.module.Class(self.db, "b", name=String(),
886             fooz=Multilink('a'))
887         b.setkey("name")
888         self.db.post_init()
890     def test_makeNewMultilink(self):
891         self.init_a()
892         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
893         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
894         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
896         # add a multilink prop
897         self.init_ml()
898         bid = self.db.b.create(name='bear', fooz=[aid])
899         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.find(fooz=aid), [bid])
900         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
901         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
903         # check
904         self.init_ml()
905         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.find(fooz=aid), [bid])
906         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
907         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.lookup('bear'), bid)
909         # confirm journal's ok
910         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
911         self.db.getjournal('b', bid)
913     def test_removeMultilink(self):
914         # add a multilink prop
915         self.init_ml()
916         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
917         bid = self.db.b.create(name='bear', fooz=[aid])
918         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.find(fooz=aid), [bid])
919         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
920         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.lookup('bear'), bid)
921         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
923         # remove the multilink
924         self.init_ab()
925         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
926         self.assertEqual(self.db.b.lookup('bear'), bid)
928         # confirm journal's ok
929         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
930         self.db.getjournal('b', bid)
932     def test_removeClass(self):
933         self.init_ml()
934         aid = self.db.a.create(name='apple')
935         bid = self.db.b.create(name='bear', fooz=[aid])
936         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
938         # drop the b class
939         self.init_a()
940         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
941         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
942         self.db.commit(); self.db.close()
944         # now check we can recall the added class' items
945         self.init_a()
946         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.get(aid, 'name'), 'apple')
947         self.assertEqual(self.db.a.lookup('apple'), aid)
949         # confirm journal's ok
950         self.db.getjournal('a', aid)
953 class ClassicInitTest(unittest.TestCase):
954     count = 0
955     db = None
956     extra_config = ''
958     def setUp(self):
959         ClassicInitTest.count = ClassicInitTest.count + 1
960         self.dirname = '_test_init_%s'%self.count
961         try:
962             shutil.rmtree(self.dirname)
963         except OSError, error:
964             if error.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESRCH): raise
966     def testCreation(self):
967         ae = self.assertEqual
969         # create the instance
970         init.install(self.dirname, 'templates/classic')
971         init.write_select_db(self.dirname, self.backend)
973         if self.extra_config:
974             f = open(os.path.join(self.dirname, ''), 'a')
975             try:
976                 f.write(self.extra_config)
977             finally:
978                 f.close()
980         init.initialise(self.dirname, 'sekrit')
982         # check we can load the package
983         instance = imp.load_package(self.dirname, self.dirname)
985         # and open the database
986         db = self.db =
988         # check the basics of the schema and initial data set
989         l = db.priority.list()
990         ae(l, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5'])
991         l = db.status.list()
992         ae(l, ['1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8'])
993         l = db.keyword.list()
994         ae(l, [])
995         l = db.user.list()
996         ae(l, ['1', '2'])
997         l = db.msg.list()
998         ae(l, [])
999         l = db.file.list()
1000         ae(l, [])
1001         l = db.issue.list()
1002         ae(l, [])
1004     def tearDown(self):
1005         if self.db is not None:
1006             self.db.close()
1007         try:
1008             shutil.rmtree(self.dirname)
1009         except OSError, error:
1010             if error.errno not in (errno.ENOENT, errno.ESRCH): raise