
Add "action" attributes to forms.
[roundup.git] / templates / classic / html / keyword.item.html
1 <!-- dollarId: keyword.item,v 1.3 2002/05/22 00:32:34 richard Exp dollar-->
2 <tal:block metal:use-macro="templates/page/macros/icing">
3 <title metal:fill-slot="head_title">Keyword editing</title>
4 <td class="page-header-top" metal:fill-slot="body_title">
5  <h2>Keyword editing</h2>
6 </td>
7 <td class="content" metal:fill-slot="content">
9 <table class="otherinfo" tal:define="keywords db/keyword/list"
10        tal:condition="keywords">
11  <tr><th colspan="4" class="header">Existing Keywords</th></tr>
12  <tr tal:repeat="start python:range(0, len(keywords), 4)">
13   <td width="25%" tal:define="batch python:utils.Batch(keywords, 4, start)"
14       tal:repeat="keyword batch">
15     <a tal:attributes="href string:keyword${keyword/id}"
16        tal:content="keyword/name">keyword here</a>
17   </td>
18  </tr>
19  <tr>
20   <td colspan="4" style="border-top: 1px solid gray">
21    To edit an existing keyword (for spelling or typing errors),
22    click on its entry above.
23   </td>
24  </tr>
25 </table>
27 <p class="help" tal:condition="not:context/id">
28  To create a new keyword, enter it below and click "Submit New Entry".
29 </p>
31 <form method="POST" onSubmit="return submit_once()"
32       enctype="multipart/form-data"
33       tal:attributes="action context/designator">
35  <table class="form">
36   <tr>
37    <th>Keyword</th>
38    <td tal:content="structure context/name/field">name</td>
39   </tr>
41   <tr>
42    <td>
43     &nbsp;
44     <input type="hidden" name=":required" value="name">
45     <input type="hidden" name=":template" value="item">
46    </td>
47    <td colspan=3 tal:content="structure context/submit">
48     submit button will go here
49    </td>
50   </tr>
51  </table>
52 </form>
53 </td>
55 </tal:block>