
Varnish plugin: better rrd files layout
[collectd.git] / src / varnish.c
1 /**
2  * collectd - src/varnish.c
3  * Copyright (C) 2010 Jerome Renard
4  *
5  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
6  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
7  * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
8  *
9  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
10  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12  * General Public License for more details.
13  *
14  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
15  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
16  * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
17  *
18  * Authors:
19  *   Florian octo Forster <octo at>
20  *   Jerome Renard <>
21  **/
23 /**
24  * Current list of what is monitored and what is not monitored (yet)
25  * {{{
26  * Field name           Description                           Monitored
27  * ----------           -----------                           ---------
28  * uptime               Child uptime                              N
29  * client_conn          Client connections accepted               Y
30  * client_drop          Connection dropped, no sess               Y
31  * client_req           Client requests received                  Y
32  * cache_hit            Cache hits                                Y
33  * cache_hitpass        Cache hits for pass                       Y
34  * cache_miss           Cache misses                              Y
35  * backend_conn         Backend conn. success                     Y
36  * backend_unhealthy    Backend conn. not attempted               Y
37  * backend_busy         Backend conn. too many                    Y
38  * backend_fail         Backend conn. failures                    Y
39  * backend_reuse        Backend conn. reuses                      Y
40  * backend_toolate      Backend conn. was closed                  Y
41  * backend_recycle      Backend conn. recycles                    Y
42  * backend_unused       Backend conn. unused                      Y
43  * fetch_head           Fetch head                                Y
44  * fetch_length         Fetch with Length                         Y
45  * fetch_chunked        Fetch chunked                             Y
46  * fetch_eof            Fetch EOF                                 Y
47  * fetch_bad            Fetch had bad headers                     Y
48  * fetch_close          Fetch wanted close                        Y
49  * fetch_oldhttp        Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed                 Y
50  * fetch_zero           Fetch zero len                            Y
51  * fetch_failed         Fetch failed                              Y
52  * n_sess_mem           N struct sess_mem                         N
53  * n_sess               N struct sess                             N
54  * n_object             N struct object                           N
55  * n_vampireobject      N unresurrected objects                   N
56  * n_objectcore         N struct objectcore                       N
57  * n_objecthead         N struct objecthead                       N
58  * n_smf                N struct smf                              N
59  * n_smf_frag           N small free smf                          N
60  * n_smf_large          N large free smf                          N
61  * n_vbe_conn           N struct vbe_conn                         N
62  * n_wrk                N worker threads                          Y
63  * n_wrk_create         N worker threads created                  Y
64  * n_wrk_failed         N worker threads not created              Y
65  * n_wrk_max            N worker threads limited                  Y
66  * n_wrk_queue          N queued work requests                    Y
67  * n_wrk_overflow       N overflowed work requests                Y
68  * n_wrk_drop           N dropped work requests                   Y
69  * n_backend            N backends                                N
70  * n_expired            N expired objects                         N
71  * n_lru_nuked          N LRU nuked objects                       N
72  * n_lru_saved          N LRU saved objects                       N
73  * n_lru_moved          N LRU moved objects                       N
74  * n_deathrow           N objects on deathrow                     N
75  * losthdr              HTTP header overflows                     N
76  * n_objsendfile        Objects sent with sendfile                N
77  * n_objwrite           Objects sent with write                   N
78  * n_objoverflow        Objects overflowing workspace             N
79  * s_sess               Total Sessions                            Y
80  * s_req                Total Requests                            Y
81  * s_pipe               Total pipe                                Y
82  * s_pass               Total pass                                Y
83  * s_fetch              Total fetch                               Y
84  * s_hdrbytes           Total header bytes                        Y
85  * s_bodybytes          Total body bytes                          Y
86  * sess_closed          Session Closed                            N
87  * sess_pipeline        Session Pipeline                          N
88  * sess_readahead       Session Read Ahead                        N
89  * sess_linger          Session Linger                            N
90  * sess_herd            Session herd                              N
91  * shm_records          SHM records                               Y
92  * shm_writes           SHM writes                                Y
93  * shm_flushes          SHM flushes due to overflow               Y
94  * shm_cont             SHM MTX contention                        Y
95  * shm_cycles           SHM cycles through buffer                 Y
96  * sm_nreq              allocator requests                        Y
97  * sm_nobj              outstanding allocations                   Y
98  * sm_balloc            bytes allocated                           Y
99  * sm_bfree             bytes free                                Y
100  * sma_nreq             SMA allocator requests                    Y
101  * sma_nobj             SMA outstanding allocations               Y
102  * sma_nbytes           SMA outstanding bytes                     Y
103  * sma_balloc           SMA bytes allocated                       Y
104  * sma_bfree            SMA bytes free                            Y
105  * sms_nreq             SMS allocator requests                    Y
106  * sms_nobj             SMS outstanding allocations               Y
107  * sms_nbytes           SMS outstanding bytes                     Y
108  * sms_balloc           SMS bytes allocated                       Y
109  * sms_bfree            SMS bytes freed                           Y
110  * backend_req          Backend requests made                     N
111  * n_vcl                N vcl total                               N
112  * n_vcl_avail          N vcl available                           N
113  * n_vcl_discard        N vcl discarded                           N
114  * n_purge              N total active purges                     N
115  * n_purge_add          N new purges added                        N
116  * n_purge_retire       N old purges deleted                      N
117  * n_purge_obj_test     N objects tested                          N
118  * n_purge_re_test      N regexps tested against                  N
119  * n_purge_dups         N duplicate purges removed                N
120  * hcb_nolock           HCB Lookups without lock                  Y
121  * hcb_lock             HCB Lookups with lock                     Y
122  * hcb_insert           HCB Inserts                               Y
123  * esi_parse            Objects ESI parsed (unlock)               Y
124  * esi_errors           ESI parse errors (unlock)                 Y
125  * }}}
126  */
127 #include "collectd.h"
128 #include "common.h"
129 #include "plugin.h"
130 #include "configfile.h"
132 #include <varnish/varnishapi.h>
134 /* {{{ user_config_s */
135 struct user_config_s {
136         char *instance;
138         _Bool collect_cache;
139         _Bool collect_connections;
140         _Bool collect_esi;
141         _Bool collect_backend;
142         _Bool collect_fetch;
143         _Bool collect_hcb;
144         _Bool collect_shm;
145         _Bool collect_sma;
146         _Bool collect_sms;
147         _Bool collect_sm;
148         _Bool collect_totals;
149         _Bool collect_workers;
150 };
151 typedef struct user_config_s user_config_t; /* }}} */
153 static _Bool have_instance = 0;
155 static int varnish_submit (const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
156                 const char *category, const char *type, const char *type_instance, value_t value)
158         value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT;
160         vl.values = &value;
161         vl.values_len = 1;
163         sstrncpy(, hostname_g, sizeof(;
165         sstrncpy(vl.plugin, "varnish", sizeof(vl.plugin));
167         if (plugin_instance != NULL) {
168                 sstrncpy (vl.plugin_instance, plugin_instance,
169                                 sizeof (vl.plugin_instance));
170                 strncat(vl.plugin_instance, "-", 1);
171                 strncat(vl.plugin_instance, category, sizeof(category));
172         }
174         sstrncpy(vl.type, type, sizeof(vl.type));
176         if (type_instance != NULL)
177                 sstrncpy(vl.type_instance, type_instance,
178                                 sizeof(vl.type_instance));
180         return (plugin_dispatch_values(&vl));
181 } /* }}} int varnish_submit */
183 static int varnish_submit_gauge (const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
184                 const char *category, const char *type, const char *type_instance,
185                 uint64_t gauge_value)
187         value_t value;
189         value.gauge = (gauge_t) gauge_value;
191         return (varnish_submit (plugin_instance, category, type, type_instance, value));
192 } /* }}} int varnish_submit_gauge */
194 static int varnish_submit_derive (const char *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
195                 const char *category, const char *type, const char *type_instance,
196                 uint64_t derive_value)
198         value_t value;
200         value.derive = (derive_t) derive_value;
202         return (varnish_submit (plugin_instance, category, type, type_instance, value));
203 } /* }}} int varnish_submit_derive */
205 static void varnish_monitor(const user_config_t *conf, struct varnish_stats *VSL_stats) /* {{{ */
207         if(conf->collect_cache)
208         {
209                 /* Cache hits */
210                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hit",     VSL_stats->cache_hit);
211                 /* Cache misses */
212                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "miss",    VSL_stats->cache_miss);
213                 /* Cache hits for pass */
214                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "cache", "cache_result", "hitpass", VSL_stats->cache_hitpass);
215         }
217         if(conf->collect_connections)
218         {
219                 /* Client connections accepted */
220                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "client", "connections", "accepted", VSL_stats->client_conn);
221                 /* Connection dropped, no sess */
222                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "client", "connections", "dropped" , VSL_stats->client_drop);
223                 /* Client requests received    */
224                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "client", "connections", "received", VSL_stats->client_req);
225         }
227         if(conf->collect_esi)
228         {
229                 /* Objects ESI parsed (unlock) */
230                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "parsed", VSL_stats->esi_parse);
231                 /* ESI parse errors (unlock)   */
232                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "esi", "total_operations", "error",  VSL_stats->esi_errors);
233         }
235         if(conf->collect_backend)
236         {
237                 /* Backend conn. success       */
238                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "success"      , VSL_stats->backend_conn);
239                 /* Backend conn. not attempted */
240                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "not-attempted", VSL_stats->backend_unhealthy);
241                 /* Backend conn. too many      */
242                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "too-many"     , VSL_stats->backend_busy);
243                 /* Backend conn. failures      */
244                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "failures"     , VSL_stats->backend_fail);
245                 /* Backend conn. reuses        */
246                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "reuses"       , VSL_stats->backend_reuse);
247                 /* Backend conn. was closed    */
248                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "was-closed"   , VSL_stats->backend_toolate);
249                 /* Backend conn. recycles      */
250                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "recycled"     , VSL_stats->backend_recycle);
251                 /* Backend conn. unused        */
252                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "backend", "connections", "unused"       , VSL_stats->backend_unused);
253         }
255         if(conf->collect_fetch)
256         {
257                 /* Fetch head                */
258                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "head"       , VSL_stats->fetch_head);
259                 /* Fetch with length         */
260                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "length"     , VSL_stats->fetch_length);
261                 /* Fetch chunked             */
262                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "chunked"    , VSL_stats->fetch_chunked);
263                 /* Fetch EOF                 */
264                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "eof"        , VSL_stats->fetch_eof);
265                 /* Fetch bad headers         */
266                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "bad_headers", VSL_stats->fetch_bad);
267                 /* Fetch wanted close        */
268                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "close"      , VSL_stats->fetch_close);
269                 /* Fetch pre HTTP/1.1 closed */
270                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "oldhttp"    , VSL_stats->fetch_oldhttp);
271                 /* Fetch zero len            */
272                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "zero"       , VSL_stats->fetch_zero);
273                 /* Fetch failed              */
274                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "fetch", "http_requests", "failed"     , VSL_stats->fetch_failed);
275         }
277         if(conf->collect_hcb)
278         {
279                 /* HCB Lookups without lock */
280                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_nolock", VSL_stats->hcb_nolock);
281                 /* HCB Lookups with lock    */
282                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "lookup_lock",   VSL_stats->hcb_lock);
283                 /* HCB Inserts              */
284                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "hcb", "cache_operation", "insert",        VSL_stats->hcb_insert);
285         }
287         if(conf->collect_shm)
288         {
289                 /* SHM records                 */
290                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "records"   , VSL_stats->shm_records);
291                 /* SHM writes                  */
292                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "writes"    , VSL_stats->shm_writes);
293                 /* SHM flushes due to overflow */
294                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "flushes"   , VSL_stats->shm_flushes);
295                 /* SHM MTX contention          */
296                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "contention", VSL_stats->shm_cont);
297                 /* SHM cycles through buffer   */
298                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "shm", "total_operations", "cycles"    , VSL_stats->shm_cycles);
299         }
301         if(conf->collect_sm)
302         {
303                 /* allocator requests */
304                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "sm", "total_requests", "nreq",  VSL_stats->sm_nreq);
305                 /* outstanding allocations */
306                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sm", "requests", "outstanding", VSL_stats->sm_nobj);
307                 /* bytes allocated */
308                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sm", "bytes", "allocated",      VSL_stats->sm_balloc);
309                 /* bytes free */
310                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sm", "bytes", "free",           VSL_stats->sm_bfree);
311         }
313         if(conf->collect_sma)
314         {
315                 /* SMA allocator requests */
316                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "sma", "total_requests", "nreq",  VSL_stats->sma_nreq);
317                 /* SMA outstanding allocations */
318                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sma", "requests", "outstanding", VSL_stats->sma_nobj);
319                 /* SMA outstanding bytes */
320                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sma", "bytes", "outstanding",    VSL_stats->sma_nbytes);
321                 /* SMA bytes allocated */
322                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sma", "bytes", "allocated",      VSL_stats->sma_balloc);
323                 /* SMA bytes free */
324                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sma", "bytes", "free" ,          VSL_stats->sma_bfree);
325         }
327         if(conf->collect_sms)
328         {
329                 /* SMS allocator requests */
330                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "sms", "total_requests", "allocator", VSL_stats->sms_nreq);
331                 /* SMS outstanding allocations */
332                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sms", "requests", "outstanding",     VSL_stats->sms_nobj);
333                 /* SMS outstanding bytes */
334                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sms", "bytes", "outstanding",        VSL_stats->sms_nbytes);
335                 /* SMS bytes allocated */
336                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sms", "bytes", "allocated",          VSL_stats->sms_balloc);
337                 /* SMS bytes freed */
338                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance,  "sms", "bytes", "free",               VSL_stats->sms_bfree);
339         }
341         if(conf->collect_totals)
342         {
343                 /* Total Sessions */
344                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_sessions", "sessions",  VSL_stats->s_sess);
345                 /* Total Requests */
346                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_requests", "requests",  VSL_stats->s_req);
347                 /* Total pipe */
348                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_operations", "pipe",    VSL_stats->s_pipe);
349                 /* Total pass */
350                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_operations", "pass",    VSL_stats->s_pass);
351                 /* Total fetch */
352                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_operations", "fetches", VSL_stats->s_fetch);
353                 /* Total header bytes */
354                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_bytes", "header-bytes", VSL_stats->s_hdrbytes);
355                 /* Total body byte */
356                 varnish_submit_derive (conf->instance, "s", "total_bytes", "body-bytes",   VSL_stats->s_bodybytes);
357         }
359         if(conf->collect_workers)
360         {
361                 /* worker threads */
362                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "threads", "worker",            VSL_stats->n_wrk);
363                 /* worker threads created */
364                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_threads", "created",     VSL_stats->n_wrk_create);
365                 /* worker threads not created */
366                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_threads", "failed",      VSL_stats->n_wrk_failed);
367                 /* worker threads limited */
368                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_threads", "limited",     VSL_stats->n_wrk_max);
369                 /* queued work requests */
370                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_requests", "queued",     VSL_stats->n_wrk_queue);
371                 /* overflowed work requests */
372                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_requests", "overflowed", VSL_stats->n_wrk_overflow);
373                 /* dropped work requests */
374                 varnish_submit_gauge (conf->instance, "n_wrk", "total_requests", "dropped",    VSL_stats->n_wrk_drop);
375         }
376 } /* }}} void varnish_monitor */
378 static int varnish_read(user_data_t *ud) /* {{{ */
380         struct varnish_stats *VSL_stats;
381         user_config_t *conf;
383         if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL))
384                 return (EINVAL);
386         conf = ud->data;
388         VSL_stats = VSL_OpenStats(conf->instance);
389         if (VSL_stats == NULL)
390         {
391                 ERROR("Varnish plugin : unable to load statistics");
393                 return (-1);
394         }
396         varnish_monitor(conf, VSL_stats);
398     return (0);
399 } /* }}} */
401 static void varnish_config_free (void *ptr) /* {{{ */
403         user_config_t *conf = ptr;
405         if (conf == NULL)
406                 return;
408         sfree (conf->instance);
409         sfree (conf);
410 } /* }}} */
412 static int varnish_config_apply_default (user_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
414         if (conf == NULL)
415                 return (EINVAL);
417         conf->collect_backend     = 1;
418         conf->collect_cache       = 1;
419         conf->collect_connections = 1;
420         conf->collect_esi         = 0;
421         conf->collect_fetch       = 0;
422         conf->collect_hcb         = 0;
423         conf->collect_shm         = 1;
424         conf->collect_sm          = 0;
425         conf->collect_sma         = 0;
426         conf->collect_sms         = 0;
427         conf->collect_totals      = 0;
429         return (0);
430 } /* }}} int varnish_config_apply_default */
432 static int varnish_init (void) /* {{{ */
434         user_config_t *conf;
435         user_data_t ud;
437         if (have_instance)
438                 return (0);
440         conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
441         if (conf == NULL)
442                 return (ENOMEM);
443         memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
445         /* Default settings: */
446         conf->instance = NULL;
448         varnish_config_apply_default (conf);
450 = conf;
451         ud.free_func = varnish_config_free;
453         plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ "varnish",
454                         /* name      = */ "varnish/localhost",
455                         /* callback  = */ varnish_read,
456                         /* interval  = */ NULL,
457                         /* user data = */ &ud);
459         return (0);
460 } /* }}} int varnish_init */
462 static int varnish_config_instance (const oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
464         user_config_t *conf;
465         user_data_t ud;
466         char callback_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
467         int i;
469         conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
470         if (conf == NULL)
471                 return (ENOMEM);
472         memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
473         conf->instance = NULL;
475         varnish_config_apply_default (conf);
477         if (ci->values_num == 1)
478         {
479                 int status;
481                 status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &conf->instance);
482                 if (status != 0)
483                 {
484                         sfree (conf);
485                         return (status);
486                 }
487                 assert (conf->instance != NULL);
489                 if (strcmp ("localhost", conf->instance) == 0)
490                 {
491                         sfree (conf->instance);
492                         conf->instance = NULL;
493                 }
494         }
495         else if (ci->values_num > 1)
496         {
497                 WARNING ("Varnish plugin: \"Instance\" blocks accept only "
498                                 "one argument.");
499                 return (EINVAL);
500         }
502         for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
503         {
504                 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
506                 if (strcasecmp ("CollectCache", child->key) == 0)
507                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_cache);
508                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectConnections", child->key) == 0)
509                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_connections);
510                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectESI", child->key) == 0)
511                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_esi);
512                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectBackend", child->key) == 0)
513                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_backend);
514                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectFetch", child->key) == 0)
515                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_fetch);
516                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectHCB", child->key) == 0)
517                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_hcb);
518                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSHM", child->key) == 0)
519                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_shm);
520                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSMA", child->key) == 0)
521                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sma);
522                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSMS", child->key) == 0)
523                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sms);
524                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectSM", child->key) == 0)
525                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_sm);
526                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectTotals", child->key) == 0)
527                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_totals);
528                 else if (strcasecmp ("CollectWorkers", child->key) == 0)
529                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->collect_workers);
530                 else
531                 {
532                         WARNING ("Varnish plugin: Ignoring unknown "
533                                         "configuration option: \"%s\"",
534                                         child->key);
535                 }
536         }
538         if (!conf->collect_cache
539                         && !conf->collect_connections
540                         && !conf->collect_esi
541                         && !conf->collect_backend
542                         && !conf->collect_fetch
543                         && !conf->collect_hcb
544                         && !conf->collect_shm
545                         && !conf->collect_sma
546                         && !conf->collect_sms
547                         && !conf->collect_sm
548                         && !conf->collect_totals
549                         && !conf->collect_workers)
550         {
551                 WARNING ("Varnish plugin: No metric has been configured for "
552                                 "instance \"%s\". Disabling this instance.",
553                                 (conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance);
554                 return (EINVAL);
555         }
557         ssnprintf (callback_name, sizeof (callback_name), "varnish/%s",
558                         (conf->instance == NULL) ? "localhost" : conf->instance);
560 = conf;
561         ud.free_func = varnish_config_free;
563         plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ "varnish",
564                         /* name      = */ callback_name,
565                         /* callback  = */ varnish_read,
566                         /* interval  = */ NULL,
567                         /* user data = */ &ud);
569         have_instance = 1;
571         return (0);
572 } /* }}} int varnish_config_instance */
574 static int varnish_config (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
576         int i;
578         for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
579         {
580                 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
582                 if (strcasecmp ("Instance", child->key) == 0)
583                         varnish_config_instance (child);
584                 else
585                 {
586                         WARNING ("Varnish plugin: Ignoring unknown "
587                                         "configuration option: \"%s\"",
588                                         child->key);
589                 }
590         }
592         return (0);
593 } /* }}} int varnish_config */
595 void module_register (void) /* {{{ */
597         plugin_register_complex_config("varnish", varnish_config);
598         plugin_register_init ("varnish", varnish_init);
599 } /* }}} */
601 /* vim: set sw=8 noet fdm=marker : */