
[inkscape.git] / src / ui / dialog / filter-effects-dialog.cpp
1 /**
2  * \brief Filter Effects dialog
3  *
4  * Authors:
5  *   Nicholas Bishop <>
6  *
7  * Copyright (C) 2007 Authors
8  *
9  * Released under GNU GPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
10  */
12 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
13 # include <config.h>
14 #endif
16 #include <gtk/gtktreeview.h>
17 #include <gtkmm/cellrenderertext.h>
18 #include <gtkmm/paned.h>
19 #include <gtkmm/scale.h>
20 #include <gtkmm/scrolledwindow.h>
21 #include <gtkmm/spinbutton.h>
22 #include <gtkmm/stock.h>
23 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
25 #include "application/application.h"
26 #include "application/editor.h"
27 #include "desktop.h"
28 #include "desktop-handles.h"
29 #include "dialog-manager.h"
30 #include "document.h"
31 #include "filter-chemistry.h"
32 #include "filter-effects-dialog.h"
33 #include "inkscape.h"
34 #include "sp-feblend.h"
35 #include "sp-fecomposite.h"
36 #include "sp-fedisplacementmap.h"
37 #include "sp-femerge.h"
38 #include "sp-filter-primitive.h"
39 #include "sp-gaussian-blur.h"
40 #include "sp-feoffset.h"
41 #include "verbs.h"
42 #include "xml/node.h"
43 #include "xml/repr.h"
44 #include <sstream>
46 #include <iostream>
48 using namespace NR;
50 namespace Inkscape {
51 namespace UI {
52 namespace Dialog {
54 /* Displays/Edits the kernel matrix for feConvolveMatrix */
55 class FilterEffectsDialog::ConvolveMatrix : public Gtk::TreeView, public AttrWidget
56 {
57 public:
58     ConvolveMatrix(const SPAttributeEnum a)
59         : AttrWidget(a)
60     {
61         _model = Gtk::ListStore::create(_columns);
62         set_model(_model);
63         set_headers_visible(false);
64     }
66     Glib::ustring get_as_attribute() const
67     {
68         std::ostringstream os;
70         for(Gtk::TreeIter iter = _model->children().begin();
71             iter != _model->children().end(); ++iter) {
72             for(unsigned c = 0; c < get_columns().size(); ++c) {
73                 os << (*iter)[_columns.cols[c]] << " ";
74             }
75         }
77         return os.str();
78     }
80     void set_from_attribute(SPObject* o)
81     {
82         update(SP_FECONVOLVEMATRIX(o));
83     }
85     sigc::signal<void>& signal_changed()
86     {
87         return _signal_changed;
88     }
90     void update_direct(FilterEffectsDialog* d)
91     {
92         update(SP_FECONVOLVEMATRIX(d->_primitive_list.get_selected()));
93     }
94 private:
95     class ConvolveMatrixColumns : public Gtk::TreeModel::ColumnRecord
96     {
97     public:
98         ConvolveMatrixColumns()
99         {
100             cols.resize(5);
101             for(unsigned i = 0; i < cols.size(); ++i)
102                 add(cols[i]);
103         }
104         std::vector<Gtk::TreeModelColumn<double> > cols;
105     };
107     void update(SPFeConvolveMatrix* conv)
108     {
109         if(conv) {
110             int cols, rows;
112             cols = (int)conv->order.getNumber();
113             if(cols > 5)
114                 cols = 5;
115             rows = conv->order.optNumber_set ? (int)conv->order.getOptNumber() : cols;
117             update(conv, cols, rows);
118         }
119     }
121     void update(SPFeConvolveMatrix* conv, const int rows, const int cols)
122     {
123         _model->clear();
125         remove_all_columns();
127         if(conv) {
128             int ndx = 0;
130             for(int i = 0; i < cols; ++i) {
131                 append_column_numeric_editable("", _columns.cols[i], "%.2f");
132                 dynamic_cast<Gtk::CellRendererText*>(get_column(i)->get_first_cell_renderer())->signal_edited().connect(
133                     sigc::mem_fun(*this, &ConvolveMatrix::rebind));
134             }
136             for(int r = 0; r < rows; ++r) {
137                 Gtk::TreeRow row = *(_model->append());
138                 for(int c = 0; c < cols; ++c, ++ndx)
139                     row[_columns.cols[c]] = ndx < (int)conv->kernelMatrix.size() ? conv->kernelMatrix[ndx] : 0;
140             }
141         }
142     }
144     void rebind(const Glib::ustring&, const Glib::ustring&)
145     {
146         _signal_changed();
147     }
149     Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::ListStore> _model;
150     ConvolveMatrixColumns _columns;
151     sigc::signal<void> _signal_changed;
152 };
154 class FilterEffectsDialog::Settings
156 public:
157     Settings(FilterEffectsDialog& d)
158         : _dialog(d)
159     {
160         _sizegroup = Gtk::SizeGroup::create(Gtk::SIZE_GROUP_HORIZONTAL);
161         _sizegroup->set_ignore_hidden();
163         for(int i = 0; i < NR_FILTER_ENDPRIMITIVETYPE; ++i) {
164             _dialog._settings_box.add(_groups[i]);
165         }
166     }
168     // Show the active settings group and update all the AttrWidgets with new values
169     void show_and_update(const NR::FilterPrimitiveType t)
170     {
171         type(t);
172         _groups[t].show_all();
174         SPObject* ob = _dialog._primitive_list.get_selected();
176         for(unsigned i = 0; i < _attrwidgets[_current_type].size(); ++i)
177             _attrwidgets[_current_type][i]->set_from_attribute(ob);
178     }
180     void type(const NR::FilterPrimitiveType t)
181     {
182         _current_type = t;
183     }
185     void add(Gtk::ColorButton& cb, const SPAttributeEnum attr, const Glib::ustring& label)
186     {
187         //generic_add(cb, label);
188         //cb.signal_color_set().connect(
189         //    sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_dialog, &FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_color), attr, &cb));
190     }
192     // ConvolveMatrix
193     ConvolveMatrix* add(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const Glib::ustring& label)
194     {
195         ConvolveMatrix* conv = new ConvolveMatrix(attr);
196         add_widget(*conv, label);
197         _attrwidgets[_current_type].push_back(conv);
198         conv->signal_changed().connect(
199             sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_dialog, &FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_direct), attr, conv));
200         return conv;
201     }
203     // SpinSlider
204     SpinSlider* add(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const Glib::ustring& label,
205              const double lo, const double hi, const double step_inc, const double climb, const int digits)
206     {
207         SpinSlider* spinslider = new SpinSlider(lo, lo, hi, step_inc, climb, digits, attr);
208         add_widget(*spinslider, label);
209         _attrwidgets[_current_type].push_back(spinslider);
210         spinslider->signal_value_changed().connect(
211             sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_dialog, &FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_direct), attr, spinslider));
212         return spinslider;
213     }
215     // DualSpinSlider
216     DualSpinSlider* add(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const Glib::ustring& label1, const Glib::ustring& label2,
217                  const double lo, const double hi, const double step_inc, const double climb, const int digits)
218     {
219         DualSpinSlider* dss = new DualSpinSlider(lo, lo, hi, step_inc, climb, digits, attr);
220         add_widget(dss->get_spinslider1(), label1);
221         add_widget(dss->get_spinslider2(), label2);
222         _attrwidgets[_current_type].push_back(dss);
223         dss->signal_value_changed().connect(
224             sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_dialog, &FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_direct), attr, dss));
225         return dss;
226     }
228     // ComboBoxEnum
229     template<typename T> ComboBoxEnum<T>* add(const SPAttributeEnum attr,
230                                   const Glib::ustring& label,
231                                   const Util::EnumDataConverter<T>& conv)
232     {
233         ComboBoxEnum<T>* combo = new ComboBoxEnum<T>(conv, attr);
234         add_widget(*combo, label);
235         _attrwidgets[_current_type].push_back(combo);
236         combo->signal_changed().connect(
237             sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(_dialog, &FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_direct), attr, combo));
238         return combo;
239     }
240 private:
241     /* Adds a new settings widget using the specified label. The label will be formatted with a colon
242        and all widgets within the setting group are aligned automatically. */
243     void add_widget(Gtk::Widget& w, const Glib::ustring& label)
244     {
245         Gtk::Label *lbl = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Label(label + (label == "" ? "" : ":"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT));
246         Gtk::HBox *hb = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox);
247         hb->set_spacing(12);
248         hb->pack_start(*lbl, false, false);
249         hb->pack_start(w);
250         _groups[_current_type].pack_start(*hb);
252         _sizegroup->add_widget(*lbl);
254         hb->show();
255         lbl->show();
258     }
260     Gtk::VBox _groups[NR::NR_FILTER_ENDPRIMITIVETYPE];
261     Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::SizeGroup> _sizegroup;
263     FilterEffectsDialog& _dialog;
264     std::vector<AttrWidget*> _attrwidgets[NR::NR_FILTER_ENDPRIMITIVETYPE];
265     NR::FilterPrimitiveType _current_type;
266 };
268 Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Menu> create_popup_menu(Gtk::Widget& parent, sigc::slot<void> dup,
269                                           sigc::slot<void> rem)
271     Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Menu> menu(new Gtk::Menu);
273     menu->items().push_back(Gtk::Menu_Helpers::MenuElem(_("_Duplicate"), dup));
274     Gtk::MenuItem* mi = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ImageMenuItem(Gtk::Stock::REMOVE));
275     menu->append(*mi);
276     mi->signal_activate().connect(rem);
277     mi->show();
278     menu->accelerate(parent);
280     return menu;
283 static void try_id_change(SPObject* ob, const Glib::ustring& text)
285     // FIXME: this needs more serious error checking...
286     if(ob && !SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT->getObjectById(text.c_str())) {
287         SPException ex;
288         SP_EXCEPTION_INIT(&ex);
289         sp_object_setAttribute(ob, "id", text.c_str(), &ex);
290         sp_document_done(SP_ACTIVE_DOCUMENT, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Set object ID"));
291     }
294 /*** FilterModifier ***/
295 FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::FilterModifier()
296     : _add(Gtk::Stock::ADD)
298     Gtk::ScrolledWindow* sw = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ScrolledWindow);
299     pack_start(*sw);
300     pack_start(_add, false, false);
301     sw->add(_list);
303     _list.set_model(_model);
304     _list.append_column_editable(_("_Filter"),;
305     ((Gtk::CellRendererText*)_list.get_column(0)->get_first_cell_renderer())->
306         signal_edited().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::filter_name_edited));
308     sw->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
309     sw->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
310     show_all_children();
311     _add.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterModifier::add_filter));
312     _list.signal_button_release_event().connect_notify(
313         sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterModifier::filter_list_button_release));
314     _menu = create_popup_menu(*this, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterModifier::duplicate_filter),
315                               sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterModifier::remove_filter));
317     update_filters();
320 Glib::SignalProxy0<void> FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::signal_selection_changed()
322     return _list.get_selection()->signal_changed();
325 SPFilter* FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::get_selected_filter()
327     if(_list.get_selection()) {
328         Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i = _list.get_selection()->get_selected();
330         if(i)
331             return (*i)[_columns.filter];
332     }
334     return 0;
337 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::select_filter(const SPFilter* filter)
339     if(filter) {
340         for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i = _model->children().begin();
341             i != _model->children().end(); ++i) {
342             if((*i)[_columns.filter] == filter) {
343                 _list.get_selection()->select(i);
344                 break;
345             }
346         }
347     }
350 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::filter_list_button_release(GdkEventButton* event)
352     if((event->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) && (event->button == 3)) {
353         const bool sensitive = get_selected_filter() != NULL;
354         _menu->items()[0].set_sensitive(sensitive);
355         _menu->items()[1].set_sensitive(sensitive);
356         _menu->popup(event->button, event->time);
357     }
360 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::add_filter()
362     SPDocument* doc = sp_desktop_document(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP);
363     SPFilter* filter = new_filter(doc);
365     update_filters();
367     select_filter(filter);
369     sp_document_done(doc, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Add filter"));
372 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::remove_filter()
374     SPFilter *filter = get_selected_filter();
376     if(filter) {
377         SPDocument* doc = filter->document;
378         sp_repr_unparent(filter->repr);
380         sp_document_done(doc, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Remove filter"));
382         update_filters();
383     }
386 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::duplicate_filter()
388     SPFilter* filter = get_selected_filter();
390     if(filter) {
391         Inkscape::XML::Node* repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(filter), *parent = repr->parent();
392         repr = repr->duplicate(repr->document());
393         parent->appendChild(repr);
395         sp_document_done(filter->document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Duplicate filter"));
397         update_filters();
398     }
401 void FilterEffectsDialog::FilterModifier::filter_name_edited(const Glib::ustring& path, const Glib::ustring& text)
403     Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i = _model->get_iter(path);
405     if(i)
406         try_id_change((SPObject*)(*i)[_columns.filter], text);
409 FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::CellRendererConnection()
410     : Glib::ObjectBase(typeid(CellRendererConnection)),
411       _primitive(*this, "primitive", 0)
412 {}
414 Glib::PropertyProxy<void*> FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::property_primitive()
416     return _primitive.get_proxy();
419 int FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::input_count(const SPFilterPrimitive* prim)
421     if(!prim)
422         return 0;
423     else if(SP_IS_FEBLEND(prim) || SP_IS_FECOMPOSITE(prim) || SP_IS_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP(prim))
424         return 2;
425     else if(SP_IS_FEMERGE(prim)) {
426         // Return the number of feMergeNode connections plus an extra one for adding a new input
427         int count = 1;
428         for(const SPObject* o = prim->firstChild(); o; o = o->next, ++count);
429         return count;
430     }
431     else
432         return 1;
435 void FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::set_text_width(const int w)
437     _text_width = w;
440 int FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::get_text_width() const
442     return _text_width;
445 void FilterEffectsDialog::CellRendererConnection::get_size_vfunc(
446     Gtk::Widget& widget, const Gdk::Rectangle* cell_area,
447     int* x_offset, int* y_offset, int* width, int* height) const
449     PrimitiveList& primlist = dynamic_cast<PrimitiveList&>(widget);
451     if(x_offset)
452         (*x_offset) = 0;
453     if(y_offset)
454         (*y_offset) = 0;
455     if(width)
456         (*width) = size * primlist.primitive_count() + _text_width * 7;
457     if(height) {
458         // Scale the height depending on the number of inputs, unless it's
459         // the first primitive, in which case there are no connections
460         SPFilterPrimitive* prim = (SPFilterPrimitive*)_primitive.get_value();
461         (*height) = size * input_count(prim);
462     }
465 /*** PrimitiveList ***/
466 FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::PrimitiveList(FilterEffectsDialog& d)
467     : _dialog(d),
468       _in_drag(0)
471     signal_expose_event().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PrimitiveList::on_expose_signal));
473     _model = Gtk::ListStore::create(_columns);
475     set_reorderable(true);
477     set_model(_model);
478     append_column(_("_Type"), _columns.type);
480     signal_selection_changed().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &PrimitiveList::queue_draw));
482     _connection_cell.set_text_width(init_text());
484     int cols_count = append_column(_("Connections"), _connection_cell);
485     Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col = get_column(cols_count - 1);
486     if(col)
487        col->add_attribute(_connection_cell.property_primitive(), _columns.primitive);
490 // Sets up a vertical Pango context/layout, and returns the largest
491 // width needed to render the FilterPrimitiveInput labels.
492 int FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::init_text()
494     // Set up a vertical context+layout
495     Glib::RefPtr<Pango::Context> context = create_pango_context();
496     const Pango::Matrix matrix = {0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0};
497     context->set_matrix(matrix);
498     _vertical_layout = Pango::Layout::create(context);
500     int maxfont = 0;
501     for(int i = 0; i < FPInputConverter.end; ++i) {
502         _vertical_layout->set_text(FPInputConverter.get_label((FilterPrimitiveInput)i));
503         int fontw, fonth;
504         _vertical_layout->get_pixel_size(fontw, fonth);
505         if(fonth > maxfont)
506             maxfont = fonth;
507     }
509     return maxfont;
512 Glib::SignalProxy0<void> FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::signal_selection_changed()
514     return get_selection()->signal_changed();
517 /* Add all filter primitives in the current to the list.
518    Keeps the same selection if possible, otherwise selects the first element */
519 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::update()
521     SPFilter* f = _dialog._filter_modifier.get_selected_filter();
522     const SPFilterPrimitive* active_prim = get_selected();
523     bool active_found = false;
525     _model->clear();
527     if(f) {
528         _dialog._primitive_box.set_sensitive(true);
530         for(SPObject *prim_obj = f->children;
531                 prim_obj && SP_IS_FILTER_PRIMITIVE(prim_obj);
532                 prim_obj = prim_obj->next) {
533             SPFilterPrimitive *prim = SP_FILTER_PRIMITIVE(prim_obj);
534             if(prim) {
535                 Gtk::TreeModel::Row row = *_model->append();
536                 row[_columns.primitive] = prim;
537                 row[_columns.type_id] = FPConverter.get_id_from_key(prim->repr->name());
538                 row[_columns.type] = FPConverter.get_label(row[_columns.type_id]);
539                 row[] = SP_OBJECT_ID(prim);
541                 if(prim == active_prim) {
542                     get_selection()->select(row);
543                     active_found = true;
544                 }
545             }
546         }
548         if(!active_found && _model->children().begin())
549             get_selection()->select(_model->children().begin());
550     }
551     else {
552         _dialog._primitive_box.set_sensitive(false);
553     }
556 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::set_menu(Glib::RefPtr<Gtk::Menu> menu)
558     _primitive_menu = menu;
561 SPFilterPrimitive* FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::get_selected()
563     if(_dialog._filter_modifier.get_selected_filter()) {
564         Gtk::TreeModel::iterator i = get_selection()->get_selected();
565         if(i)
566             return (*i)[_columns.primitive];
567     }
569     return 0;
572 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::select(SPFilterPrimitive* prim)
574     for(Gtk::TreeIter i = _model->children().begin();
575         i != _model->children().end(); ++i) {
576         if((*i)[_columns.primitive] == prim)
577             get_selection()->select(i);
578     }
583 bool FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::on_expose_signal(GdkEventExpose* e)
585     Gdk::Rectangle clip(e->area.x, e->area.y, e->area.width, e->area.height);
586     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::Window> win = get_bin_window();
587     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> darkgc = get_style()->get_dark_gc(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL);
589     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = get_selected();
590     int row_count = get_model()->children().size();
592     int fheight = CellRendererConnection::size;
593     Gdk::Rectangle rct, vis;
594     Gtk::TreeIter row = get_model()->children().begin();
595     int text_start_x = 0;
596     if(row) {
597         get_cell_area(get_model()->get_path(row), *get_column(1), rct);
598         get_visible_rect(vis);
599         int vis_x, vis_y;
600         tree_to_widget_coords(vis.get_x(), vis.get_y(), vis_x, vis_y);
602         text_start_x = rct.get_x() + row_count * fheight;
603         for(int i = 0; i < FPInputConverter.end; ++i) {
604             _vertical_layout->set_text(FPInputConverter.get_label((FilterPrimitiveInput)i));
605             const int x = text_start_x + _connection_cell.get_text_width() * (i + 1);
606             get_bin_window()->draw_layout(get_style()->get_text_gc(Gtk::STATE_NORMAL), x, vis_y, _vertical_layout);
607             get_bin_window()->draw_line(darkgc, x, vis_y, x, vis_y + vis.get_height());
608         }
609     }
611     int row_index = 0;
612     for(; row != get_model()->children().end(); ++row, ++row_index) {
613         get_cell_area(get_model()->get_path(row), *get_column(1), rct);
614         const int x = rct.get_x(), y = rct.get_y(), h = rct.get_height();
616         // Check mouse state
617         int mx, my;
618         Gdk::ModifierType mask;
619         get_bin_window()->get_pointer(mx, my, mask);
621         // Outline the bottom of the connection area
622         const int outline_x = x + fheight * (row_count - row_index);
623         get_bin_window()->draw_line(darkgc, x, y + h, outline_x, y + h);
625         // Side outline
626         get_bin_window()->draw_line(darkgc, outline_x, y, outline_x, y + h);
628         std::vector<Gdk::Point> con_poly;
629         int con_drag_y;
630         bool inside;
631         const SPFilterPrimitive* row_prim = (*row)[_columns.primitive];
632         const int inputs = CellRendererConnection::input_count(row_prim);
634         if(SP_IS_FEMERGE(row_prim)) {
635             for(int i = 0; i < inputs; ++i) {
636                 inside = do_connection_node(row, i, con_poly, mx, my);
637                 get_bin_window()->draw_polygon(inside && mask & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK ?
638                                                darkgc : get_style()->get_dark_gc(Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE),
639                                                inside, con_poly);
641                 // TODO: draw connections for each of the feMergeNodes
642             }
643         }
644         else {
645             // Draw "in" shape
646             inside = do_connection_node(row, 0, con_poly, mx, my);
647             con_drag_y = con_poly[2].get_y();
648             get_bin_window()->draw_polygon(inside && mask & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK ?
649                                            darkgc : get_style()->get_dark_gc(Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE),
650                                            inside, con_poly);
651             // Draw "in" connection
652             if(_in_drag != 1 || row_prim != prim)
653                 draw_connection(row, SP_ATTR_IN, text_start_x, outline_x, con_poly[2].get_y(), row_count);
655             if(inputs == 2) {
656                 // Draw "in2" shape
657                 inside = do_connection_node(row, 1, con_poly, mx, my);
658                 if(_in_drag == 2)
659                     con_drag_y = con_poly[2].get_y();
660                 get_bin_window()->draw_polygon(inside && mask & GDK_BUTTON1_MASK ?
661                                                darkgc : get_style()->get_dark_gc(Gtk::STATE_ACTIVE),
662                                                inside, con_poly);
663                 // Draw "in2" connection
664                 if(_in_drag != 2 || row_prim != prim)
665                     draw_connection(row, SP_ATTR_IN2, text_start_x, outline_x, con_poly[2].get_y(), row_count);
666             }
668             // Draw drag connection
669             if(row_prim == prim && _in_drag) {
670                 get_bin_window()->draw_line(get_style()->get_black_gc(), outline_x, con_drag_y,
671                                             mx, con_drag_y);
672                 get_bin_window()->draw_line(get_style()->get_black_gc(), mx, con_drag_y, mx, my);
673             }
674         }
675     }
677     return true;
680 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::draw_connection(const Gtk::TreeIter& input, const SPAttributeEnum attr,
681                                                          const int text_start_x, const int x1, const int y1,
682                                                          const int row_count)
684     const Gtk::TreeIter res = find_result(input, attr);
685     Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::GC> gc = get_style()->get_black_gc();
687     if(res == input) {
688         // Draw straight connection to a standard input
689         const int tw = _connection_cell.get_text_width();
690         const int src = 1 + (int)FPInputConverter.get_id_from_key(
691             SP_OBJECT_REPR((*res)[_columns.primitive])->attribute((const gchar*)sp_attribute_name(attr)));
692         get_bin_window()->draw_line(gc, x1, y1, text_start_x + tw * src + (int)(tw * 0.5f), y1);
693     }
694     else if(res != _model->children().end()) {
695         Gdk::Rectangle rct;
697         get_cell_area(get_model()->get_path(_model->children().begin()), *get_column(1), rct);
698         const int fheight = CellRendererConnection::size;
700         get_cell_area(get_model()->get_path(res), *get_column(1), rct);
701         const int row_index = find_index(res);
702         const int x2 = rct.get_x() + fheight * (row_count - row_index) - fheight / 2;
703         const int y2 = rct.get_y() + rct.get_height();
705         // Draw an 'L'-shaped connection to another filter primitive
706         get_bin_window()->draw_line(gc, x1, y1, x2, y1);
707         get_bin_window()->draw_line(gc, x2, y1, x2, y2);
708     }
711 // Creates a triangle outline of the connection node and returns true if (x,y) is inside the node
712 bool FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::do_connection_node(const Gtk::TreeIter& row, const int input,
713                                                             std::vector<Gdk::Point>& points,
714                                                             const int ix, const int iy)
716     Gdk::Rectangle rct;
717     const int input_count = CellRendererConnection::input_count((*row)[_columns.primitive]);
719     get_cell_area(get_model()->get_path(_model->children().begin()), *get_column(1), rct);
720     const int fheight = CellRendererConnection::size;
722     get_cell_area(_model->get_path(row), *get_column(1), rct);
723     const float h = rct.get_height() / input_count;
725     const int x = rct.get_x() + fheight * (_model->children().size() - find_index(row));
726     const int con_w = (int)(fheight * 0.35f);
727     const int con_y = (int)(rct.get_y() + (h / 2) - con_w + (input * h));
728     points.clear();
729     points.push_back(Gdk::Point(x, con_y));
730     points.push_back(Gdk::Point(x, con_y + con_w * 2));
731     points.push_back(Gdk::Point(x - con_w, con_y + con_w));
733     return ix >= x - h && iy >= con_y && ix <= x && iy <= points[1].get_y();
736 const Gtk::TreeIter FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::find_result(const Gtk::TreeIter& start,
737                                                                     const SPAttributeEnum attr)
739     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = (*start)[_columns.primitive];
740     Gtk::TreeIter target = _model->children().end();
741     int image;
743     if(attr == SP_ATTR_IN)
744         image = prim->image_in;
745     else if(attr == SP_ATTR_IN2) {
746         if(SP_IS_FEBLEND(prim))
747             image = SP_FEBLEND(prim)->in2;
748         else if(SP_IS_FECOMPOSITE(prim))
749             image = SP_FECOMPOSITE(prim)->in2;
750         /*else if(SP_IS_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP(prim))
751         image = SP_FEDISPLACEMENTMAP(prim)->in2;*/
752         else
753             return target;
754     }
755     else
756         return target;
758     if(image >= 0) {
759         for(Gtk::TreeIter i = _model->children().begin();
760             i != start; ++i) {
761             if(((SPFilterPrimitive*)(*i)[_columns.primitive])->image_out == image)
762                 target = i;
763         }
764         return target;
765     }
766     else if(image < -1)
767         return start;
769     return target;
772 int FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::find_index(const Gtk::TreeIter& target)
774     int i = 0;
775     for(Gtk::TreeIter iter = _model->children().begin();
776         iter != target; ++iter, ++i);
777     return i;
780 bool FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::on_button_press_event(GdkEventButton* e)
782     Gtk::TreePath path;
783     Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col;
784     const int x = (int)e->x, y = (int)e->y;
785     int cx, cy;
787     _drag_prim = 0;
789     if(get_path_at_pos(x, y, path, col, cx, cy)) {
790         Gtk::TreeIter iter = _model->get_iter(path);
791         std::vector<Gdk::Point> points;
792         if(do_connection_node(_model->get_iter(path), 0, points, x, y))
793             _in_drag = 1;
794         else if(do_connection_node(_model->get_iter(path), 1, points, x, y))
795             _in_drag = 2;
797         queue_draw();
798         _drag_prim = (*iter)[_columns.primitive];
799     }
801     if(_in_drag) {
802         get_selection()->select(path);
803         return true;
804     }
805     else
806         return Gtk::TreeView::on_button_press_event(e);
809 bool FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::on_motion_notify_event(GdkEventMotion* e)
811     queue_draw();
813     return Gtk::TreeView::on_motion_notify_event(e);
816 bool FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::on_button_release_event(GdkEventButton* e)
818     SPFilterPrimitive *prim = get_selected(), *target;
820     if(_in_drag && prim) {
821         Gtk::TreePath path;
822         Gtk::TreeViewColumn* col;
823         int cx, cy;
825         if(get_path_at_pos((int)e->x, (int)e->y, path, col, cx, cy)) {
826             const gchar *in_val = 0;
827             Glib::ustring result;
828             Gtk::TreeIter target_iter = _model->get_iter(path);
829             target = (*target_iter)[_columns.primitive];
831             const int sources_x = CellRendererConnection::size * _model->children().size() +
832                 _connection_cell.get_text_width();
834             if(cx > sources_x) {
835                 int src = (cx - sources_x) / _connection_cell.get_text_width();
836                 if(src < 0)
837                     src = 1;
838                 else if(src >= FPInputConverter.end)
839                     src = FPInputConverter.end - 1;
840                 result = FPInputConverter.get_key((FilterPrimitiveInput)src);
841                 in_val = result.c_str();
842             }
843             else {
844                 // Ensure that the target comes before the selected primitive
845                 for(Gtk::TreeIter iter = _model->children().begin();
846                     iter != get_selection()->get_selected(); ++iter) {
847                     if(iter == target_iter) {
848                         Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(target);
849                         // Make sure the target has a result
850                         const gchar *gres = repr->attribute("result");
851                         if(!gres) {
852                             result = "result" + Glib::Ascii::dtostr(SP_FILTER(prim->parent)->_image_number_next);
853                             repr->setAttribute("result", result.c_str());
854                             in_val = result.c_str();
855                         }
856                         else
857                             in_val = gres;
858                         break;
859                     }
860                 }
861             }
863             if(_in_drag == 1)
864                 _dialog.set_attr(SP_ATTR_IN, in_val);
865             else if(_in_drag == 2)
866                 _dialog.set_attr(SP_ATTR_IN2, in_val);
867         }
869         _in_drag = 0;
870         queue_draw();
872         _dialog.update_settings_view();
873     }
875     if((e->type == GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE) && (e->button == 3)) {
876         const bool sensitive = get_selected() != NULL;
877         _primitive_menu->items()[0].set_sensitive(sensitive);
878         _primitive_menu->items()[1].set_sensitive(sensitive);
879         _primitive_menu->popup(e->button, e->time);
881         return true;
882     }
883     else
884         return Gtk::TreeView::on_button_release_event(e);
887 // Checks all of prim's inputs, removes any that use result
888 void check_single_connection(SPFilterPrimitive* prim, const int result)
890     if(prim && result >= 0) {
892         if(prim->image_in == result)
893             SP_OBJECT_REPR(prim)->setAttribute("in", 0);
895         if(SP_IS_FEBLEND(prim)) {
896             if(SP_FEBLEND(prim)->in2 == result)
897                 SP_OBJECT_REPR(prim)->setAttribute("in2", 0);
898         }
899         else if(SP_IS_FECOMPOSITE(prim)) {
900             if(SP_FECOMPOSITE(prim)->in2 == result)
901                 SP_OBJECT_REPR(prim)->setAttribute("in2", 0);
902         }
903     }
906 // Remove any connections going to/from prim_iter that forward-reference other primitives
907 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::sanitize_connections(const Gtk::TreeIter& prim_iter)
909     SPFilterPrimitive *prim = (*prim_iter)[_columns.primitive];
910     bool before = true;
912     for(Gtk::TreeIter iter = _model->children().begin();
913         iter != _model->children().end(); ++iter) {
914         if(iter == prim_iter)
915             before = false;
916         else {
917             SPFilterPrimitive* cur_prim = (*iter)[_columns.primitive];
918             if(before)
919                 check_single_connection(cur_prim, prim->image_out);
920             else
921                 check_single_connection(prim, cur_prim->image_out);
922         }
923     }
926 // Reorder the filter primitives to match the list order
927 void FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::on_drag_end(const Glib::RefPtr<Gdk::DragContext>&)
929     SPFilter* filter = _dialog._filter_modifier.get_selected_filter();
930     int ndx = 0;
932     for(Gtk::TreeModel::iterator iter = _model->children().begin();
933         iter != _model->children().end(); ++iter, ++ndx) {
934         SPFilterPrimitive* prim = (*iter)[_columns.primitive];
935         if(prim) {
936             SP_OBJECT_REPR(prim)->setPosition(ndx);
937             if(_drag_prim == prim) {
938                 sanitize_connections(iter);
939                 get_selection()->select(iter);
940             }
941         }
942     }
944     filter->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
946     sp_document_done(filter->document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Reorder filter primitive"));
949 int FilterEffectsDialog::PrimitiveList::primitive_count() const
951     return _model->children().size();
954 /*** FilterEffectsDialog ***/
956 FilterEffectsDialog::FilterEffectsDialog() 
957     : Dialog ("dialogs.filtereffects", SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS),
958       _primitive_list(*this),
959       _add_primitive_type(FPConverter),
960       _add_primitive(Gtk::Stock::ADD),
961       _empty_settings(_("No primitive selected"), Gtk::ALIGN_LEFT)
963     _settings = new Settings(*this);
965     // Initialize widget hierarchy
966     Gtk::HPaned* hpaned = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HPaned);
967     Gtk::ScrolledWindow* sw_prims = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::ScrolledWindow);
968     Gtk::HBox* hb_prims = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::HBox);
969     Gtk::Frame* fr_settings = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Frame(_("<b>Settings</b>")));
970     Gtk::Alignment* al_settings = Gtk::manage(new Gtk::Alignment);
971     get_vbox()->add(*hpaned);
972     hpaned->pack1(_filter_modifier);
973     hpaned->pack2(_primitive_box);
974     _primitive_box.pack_start(*sw_prims);
975     _primitive_box.pack_start(*hb_prims, false, false);
976     sw_prims->add(_primitive_list);
977     hb_prims->pack_end(_add_primitive, false, false);
978     hb_prims->pack_end(_add_primitive_type, false, false);
979     get_vbox()->pack_start(*fr_settings, false, false);
980     fr_settings->add(*al_settings);
981     al_settings->add(_settings_box);
983     _primitive_list.signal_selection_changed().connect(
984         sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterEffectsDialog::update_settings_view));
985     _filter_modifier.signal_selection_changed().connect(
986         sigc::mem_fun(_primitive_list, &PrimitiveList::update));
988     sw_prims->set_policy(Gtk::POLICY_NEVER, Gtk::POLICY_AUTOMATIC);
989     sw_prims->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_IN);
990     al_settings->set_padding(0, 0, 12, 0);
991     fr_settings->set_shadow_type(Gtk::SHADOW_NONE);
992     ((Gtk::Label*)fr_settings->get_label_widget())->set_use_markup();
993     _add_primitive.signal_clicked().connect(sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterEffectsDialog::add_primitive));
994     _primitive_list.set_menu(create_popup_menu(*this, sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterEffectsDialog::duplicate_primitive),
995                                                sigc::mem_fun(*this, &FilterEffectsDialog::remove_primitive)));
997     show_all_children();
998     init_settings_widgets();
999     _primitive_list.update();
1000     update_settings_view();
1003 FilterEffectsDialog::~FilterEffectsDialog()
1005     delete _settings;
1008 void FilterEffectsDialog::init_settings_widgets()
1010     // TODO: Find better range/climb-rate/digits values for the SpinSliders,
1011     //       most of the current values are complete guesses!
1013     _empty_settings.set_sensitive(false);
1014     _settings_box.pack_start(_empty_settings);
1016     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_BLEND);
1017     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_MODE, _("Mode"), BlendModeConverter);
1019     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_COMPOSITE);
1020     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_OPERATOR, _("Operator"), CompositeOperatorConverter);
1021     _k1 = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_K1, _("K1"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1022     _k2 = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_K2, _("K2"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1023     _k3 = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_K3, _("K3"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1024     _k4 = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_K4, _("K4"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1026     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_CONVOLVEMATRIX);
1027     DualSpinSlider* order = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_ORDER, _("Rows"), _("Columns"), 1, 5, 1, 1, 0);
1028     ConvolveMatrix* convmat = _settings->add(SP_ATTR_KERNELMATRIX, _("Kernel"));
1029     order->signal_value_changed().connect(
1030         sigc::bind(sigc::mem_fun(*convmat, &ConvolveMatrix::update_direct), this));
1031     order->set_update_policy(Gtk::UPDATE_DISCONTINUOUS);
1032     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_DIVISOR, _("Divisor"), 0.01, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1033     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_BIAS, _("Bias"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1035     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_GAUSSIANBLUR);
1036     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_STDDEVIATION, _("Standard Deviation X"), _("Standard Deviation Y"), 0, 100, 1, 0.01, 1);
1038     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_OFFSET);
1039     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_DX, _("Delta X"), -100, 100, 1, 0.01, 1);
1040     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_DY, _("Delta Y"), -100, 100, 1, 0.01, 1);
1042     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_SPECULARLIGHTING);
1043     //_settings->add(_specular_color, SP_PROP_LIGHTING_COLOR, _("Specular Color"));
1044     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_SURFACESCALE, _("Surface Scale"), -10, 10, 1, 0.01, 1);
1045     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_SPECULARCONSTANT, _("Constant"), 0, 100, 1, 0.01, 1);
1046     _settings->add(SP_ATTR_SPECULAREXPONENT, _("Exponent"), 1, 128, 1, 0.01, 1);
1048     _settings->type(NR_FILTER_TURBULENCE);
1049     /*std::vector<Gtk::Widget*> trb_grp;
1050     trb_grp.push_back(&_turbulence_fractalnoise);
1051     trb_grp.push_back(&_turbulence_turbulence);
1052     _settings->add(trb_grp);
1053     _turbulence.add_setting(_turbulence_numoctaves, _("Octaves"));
1054     _turbulence.add_setting(_turbulence_basefrequency, _("Base Frequency"));
1055     _turbulence.add_setting(_turbulence_seed, _("Seed"));
1056     _turbulence.add_setting(_turbulence_stitchtiles);*/
1059 void FilterEffectsDialog::add_primitive()
1061     SPFilter* filter = _filter_modifier.get_selected_filter();
1063     if(filter) {
1064         SPFilterPrimitive* prim = filter_add_primitive(filter, _add_primitive_type.get_active_data()->id);
1066         _primitive_list.update();
1069         sp_document_done(filter->document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Add filter primitive"));
1070     }
1073 void FilterEffectsDialog::remove_primitive()
1075     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = _primitive_list.get_selected();
1077     if(prim) {
1078         sp_repr_unparent(prim->repr);
1080         sp_document_done(sp_desktop_document(SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP), SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS,
1081                          _("Remove filter primitive"));
1083         _primitive_list.update();
1084     }
1087 void FilterEffectsDialog::duplicate_primitive()
1089     SPFilter* filter = _filter_modifier.get_selected_filter();
1090     SPFilterPrimitive* origprim = _primitive_list.get_selected();
1092     if(filter && origprim) {
1093         Inkscape::XML::Node *repr;
1094         repr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(origprim)->duplicate(SP_OBJECT_REPR(origprim)->document());
1095         SP_OBJECT_REPR(filter)->appendChild(repr);
1097         sp_document_done(filter->document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Duplicate filter primitive"));
1099         _primitive_list.update();
1100     }
1103 void FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_color(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const Gtk::ColorButton* input)
1105     if(input->is_sensitive()) {
1106         std::ostringstream os;
1107         const Gdk::Color c = input->get_color();
1108         const int r = 255 * c.get_red() / 65535, g = 255 * c.get_green() / 65535, b = 255 * c.get_blue() / 65535;
1109         os << "rgb(" << r << "," << g << "," << b << ")";
1110         set_attr(attr, os.str().c_str());
1111     }
1114 void FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr_direct(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const AttrWidget* input)
1116     set_attr(attr, input->get_as_attribute().c_str());
1119 void FilterEffectsDialog::set_attr(const SPAttributeEnum attr, const gchar* val)
1121     SPFilter *filter = _filter_modifier.get_selected_filter();
1122     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = _primitive_list.get_selected();
1124     if(filter && prim) {
1125         update_settings_sensitivity();
1127         SP_OBJECT_REPR(prim)->setAttribute((gchar*)sp_attribute_name(attr), val);
1128         filter->requestModified(SP_OBJECT_MODIFIED_FLAG);
1130         sp_document_done(filter->document, SP_VERB_DIALOG_FILTER_EFFECTS, _("Set filter primitive attribute"));
1131     }
1134 void FilterEffectsDialog::update_settings_view()
1136     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = _primitive_list.get_selected();
1138     // Hide all the settings
1139     _settings_box.hide_all();
1142     _settings_box.set_sensitive(false);
1145     if(prim) {
1146         const FilterPrimitiveType tid = FPConverter.get_id_from_key(prim->repr->name());
1148         _settings->show_and_update(tid);
1150         _settings_box.set_sensitive(true);
1151         _empty_settings.hide();
1152     }
1154     update_settings_sensitivity();
1157 void FilterEffectsDialog::update_settings_sensitivity()
1159     SPFilterPrimitive* prim = _primitive_list.get_selected();
1160     const bool use_k = SP_IS_FECOMPOSITE(prim) && SP_FECOMPOSITE(prim)->composite_operator == COMPOSITE_ARITHMETIC;
1161     _k1->set_sensitive(use_k);
1162     _k2->set_sensitive(use_k);
1163     _k3->set_sensitive(use_k);
1164     _k4->set_sensitive(use_k);
1167 } // namespace Dialog
1168 } // namespace UI
1169 } // namespace Inkscape
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