
Unit test cleanup.
[inkscape.git] / src / sp-guide.cpp
1 /*
2  * Inkscape guideline implementation
3  *
4  * Authors:
5  *   Lauris Kaplinski <>
6  *   Peter Moulder <>
7  *   Johan Engelen
8  *   Jon A. Cruz <>
9  *   Abhishek Sharma
10  *
11  * Copyright (C) 2000-2002 authors
12  * Copyright (C) 2004 Monash University
13  * Copyright (C) 2007 Johan Engelen
14  *
15  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
16  */
18 #ifdef HAVE_CONFIG_H
19 # include <config.h>
20 #endif
22 #include <algorithm>
23 #include <cstring>
24 #include <string>
25 #include "desktop-handles.h"
26 #include "display/guideline.h"
27 #include "svg/svg.h"
28 #include "svg/stringstream.h"
29 #include "attributes.h"
30 #include "sp-guide.h"
31 #include <sp-item-notify-moveto.h>
32 #include <sp-item.h>
33 #include <sp-guide-constraint.h>
34 #include <glibmm/i18n.h>
35 #include <xml/repr.h>
36 #include <remove-last.h>
37 #include "sp-metrics.h"
38 #include "inkscape.h"
39 #include "desktop.h"
40 #include "sp-namedview.h"
41 #include <2geom/angle.h>
42 #include "document.h"
44 using Inkscape::DocumentUndo;
45 using std::vector;
47 enum {
48     PROP_0,
49     PROP_COLOR,
51 };
53 static void sp_guide_class_init(SPGuideClass *gc);
54 static void sp_guide_init(SPGuide *guide);
55 static void sp_guide_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);
56 static void sp_guide_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec);
58 static void sp_guide_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr);
59 static void sp_guide_release(SPObject *object);
60 static void sp_guide_set(SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value);
62 static SPObjectClass *parent_class;
64 GType sp_guide_get_type(void)
65 {
66     static GType guide_type = 0;
68     if (!guide_type) {
69         GTypeInfo guide_info = {
70             sizeof(SPGuideClass),
71             NULL, NULL,
72             (GClassInitFunc) sp_guide_class_init,
73             NULL, NULL,
74             sizeof(SPGuide),
75             16,
76             (GInstanceInitFunc) sp_guide_init,
77             NULL,       /* value_table */
78         };
79         guide_type = g_type_register_static(SP_TYPE_OBJECT, "SPGuide", &guide_info, (GTypeFlags) 0);
80     }
82     return guide_type;
83 }
85 static void sp_guide_class_init(SPGuideClass *gc)
86 {
87     GObjectClass *gobject_class = (GObjectClass *) gc;
88     SPObjectClass *sp_object_class = (SPObjectClass *) gc;
90     parent_class = (SPObjectClass*) g_type_class_ref(SP_TYPE_OBJECT);
92     gobject_class->set_property = sp_guide_set_property;
93     gobject_class->get_property = sp_guide_get_property;
95     sp_object_class->build = sp_guide_build;
96     sp_object_class->release = sp_guide_release;
97     sp_object_class->set = sp_guide_set;
99     g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
100                                     PROP_COLOR,
101                                     g_param_spec_uint("color", "Color", "Color",
102                                                       0,
103                                                       0xffffffff,
104                                                       0xff000000,
105                                                       (GParamFlags) G_PARAM_READWRITE));
107     g_object_class_install_property(gobject_class,
108                                     PROP_HICOLOR,
109                                     g_param_spec_uint("hicolor", "HiColor", "HiColor",
110                                                       0,
111                                                       0xffffffff,
112                                                       0xff000000,
113                                                       (GParamFlags) G_PARAM_READWRITE));
116 static void sp_guide_init(SPGuide *guide)
118     guide->normal_to_line = component_vectors[Geom::Y];
119     guide->point_on_line = Geom::Point(0.,0.);
120     guide->color = 0x0000ff7f;
121     guide->hicolor = 0xff00007f;
124 static void sp_guide_set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec */*pspec*/)
126     SPGuide &guide = *SP_GUIDE(object);
128     switch (prop_id) {
129         case PROP_COLOR:
130             guide.color = g_value_get_uint(value);
131             for (GSList *l = guide.views; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
132                 sp_guideline_set_color(SP_GUIDELINE(l->data), guide.color);
133             }
134             break;
136         case PROP_HICOLOR:
137             guide.hicolor = g_value_get_uint(value);
138             break;
139     }
142 static void sp_guide_get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec */*pspec*/)
144     SPGuide const &guide = *SP_GUIDE(object);
146     switch (prop_id) {
147         case PROP_COLOR:
148             g_value_set_uint(value, guide.color);
149             break;
150         case PROP_HICOLOR:
151             g_value_set_uint(value, guide.hicolor);
152             break;
153     }
156 static void sp_guide_build(SPObject *object, SPDocument *document, Inkscape::XML::Node *repr)
158     if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->build) {
159         (* ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->build)(object, document, repr);
160     }
162     object->readAttr( "orientation" );
163     object->readAttr( "position" );
166 static void sp_guide_release(SPObject *object)
168     SPGuide *guide = (SPGuide *) object;
170     while (guide->views) {
171         sp_guideline_delete(SP_GUIDELINE(guide->views->data));
172         guide->views = g_slist_remove(guide->views, guide->views->data);
173     }
175     if (((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release) {
176         ((SPObjectClass *) parent_class)->release(object);
177     }
180 static void sp_guide_set(SPObject *object, unsigned int key, const gchar *value)
182     SPGuide *guide = SP_GUIDE(object);
184     switch (key) {
186         {
187             if (value && !strcmp(value, "horizontal")) {
188                 /* Visual representation of a horizontal line, constrain vertically (y coordinate). */
189                 guide->normal_to_line = component_vectors[Geom::Y];
190             } else if (value && !strcmp(value, "vertical")) {
191                 guide->normal_to_line = component_vectors[Geom::X];
192             } else if (value) {
193                 gchar ** strarray = g_strsplit(value, ",", 2);
194                 double newx, newy;
195                 unsigned int success = sp_svg_number_read_d(strarray[0], &newx);
196                 success += sp_svg_number_read_d(strarray[1], &newy);
197                 g_strfreev (strarray);
198                 if (success == 2 && (fabs(newx) > 1e-6 || fabs(newy) > 1e-6)) {
199                     Geom::Point direction(newx, newy);
200                     direction.normalize();
201                     guide->normal_to_line = direction;
202                 } else {
203                     // default to vertical line for bad arguments
204                     guide->normal_to_line = component_vectors[Geom::X];
205                 }
206             } else {
207                 // default to vertical line for bad arguments
208                 guide->normal_to_line = component_vectors[Geom::X];
209             }
210             sp_guide_set_normal(*guide, guide->normal_to_line, false);
211         }
212         break;
213     case SP_ATTR_POSITION:
214         {
215             gchar ** strarray = g_strsplit(value, ",", 2);
216             double newx, newy;
217             unsigned int success = sp_svg_number_read_d(strarray[0], &newx);
218             success += sp_svg_number_read_d(strarray[1], &newy);
219             g_strfreev (strarray);
220             if (success == 2) {
221                 guide->point_on_line = Geom::Point(newx, newy);
222             } else if (success == 1) {
223                 // before 0.46 style guideline definition.
224                 const gchar *attr = SP_OBJECT_REPR(object)->attribute("orientation");
225                 if (attr && !strcmp(attr, "horizontal")) {
226                     guide->point_on_line = Geom::Point(0, newx);
227                 } else {
228                     guide->point_on_line = Geom::Point(newx, 0);
229                 }
230             }
232             // update position in non-committing way
233             // fixme: perhaps we need to add an update method instead, and request_update here
234             sp_guide_moveto(*guide, guide->point_on_line, false);
235         }
236         break;
237     default:
238             if (((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->set) {
239                 ((SPObjectClass *) (parent_class))->set(object, key, value);
240             }
241             break;
242     }
245 SPGuide *SPGuide::createSPGuide(SPDesktop *desktop, Geom::Point const &pt1, Geom::Point const &pt2)
247     SPDocument *doc = sp_desktop_document(desktop);
248     Inkscape::XML::Document *xml_doc = doc->getReprDoc();
250     Inkscape::XML::Node *repr = xml_doc->createElement("sodipodi:guide");
252     Geom::Point n = Geom::rot90(pt2 - pt1);
254     sp_repr_set_point(repr, "position", pt1);
255     sp_repr_set_point(repr, "orientation", n);
257     desktop->namedview->appendChild(repr);
258     Inkscape::GC::release(repr);
260     SPGuide *guide= SP_GUIDE(doc->getObjectByRepr(repr));
261     return guide;
264 void
265 sp_guide_pt_pairs_to_guides(SPDesktop *dt, std::list<std::pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point> > &pts) {
266     for (std::list<std::pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point> >::iterator i = pts.begin(); i != pts.end(); ++i) {
267         SPGuide::createSPGuide(dt, (*i).first, (*i).second);
268     }
271 void
272 sp_guide_create_guides_around_page(SPDesktop *dt) {
273     SPDocument *doc=sp_desktop_document(dt);
274     std::list<std::pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point> > pts;
276     Geom::Point A(0, 0);
277     Geom::Point C(doc->getWidth(), doc->getHeight());
278     Geom::Point B(C[Geom::X], 0);
279     Geom::Point D(0, C[Geom::Y]);
281     pts.push_back(std::make_pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point>(A, B));
282     pts.push_back(std::make_pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point>(B, C));
283     pts.push_back(std::make_pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point>(C, D));
284     pts.push_back(std::make_pair<Geom::Point, Geom::Point>(D, A));
286     sp_guide_pt_pairs_to_guides(dt, pts);
288     DocumentUndo::done(doc, SP_VERB_NONE, _("Guides Around Page"));
291 void SPGuide::showSPGuide(SPCanvasGroup *group, GCallback handler)
293     SPCanvasItem *item = sp_guideline_new(group, point_on_line, normal_to_line);
294     sp_guideline_set_color(SP_GUIDELINE(item), color);
296     g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(item), "event", G_CALLBACK(handler), this);
298     views = g_slist_prepend(views, item);
301 void SPGuide::hideSPGuide(SPCanvas *canvas)
303     g_assert(canvas != NULL);
304     g_assert(SP_IS_CANVAS(canvas));
306     for (GSList *l = views; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
307         if (canvas == SP_CANVAS_ITEM(l->data)->canvas) {
308             sp_guideline_delete(SP_GUIDELINE(l->data));
309             views = g_slist_remove(views, l->data);
310             return;
311         }
312     }
314     g_assert_not_reached();
317 void SPGuide::sensitize(SPCanvas *canvas, gboolean sensitive)
319     g_assert(canvas != NULL);
320     g_assert(SP_IS_CANVAS(canvas));
322     for (GSList *l = views; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
323         if (canvas == SP_CANVAS_ITEM(l->data)->canvas) {
324             sp_guideline_set_sensitive(SP_GUIDELINE(l->data), sensitive);
325             return;
326         }
327     }
329     g_assert_not_reached();
332 Geom::Point SPGuide::getPositionFrom(Geom::Point const &pt) const
334     return -(pt - point_on_line);
337 double SPGuide::getDistanceFrom(Geom::Point const &pt) const
339     return Geom::dot(pt - point_on_line, normal_to_line);
342 /**
343  * \arg commit False indicates temporary moveto in response to motion event while dragging,
344  *      true indicates a "committing" version: in response to button release event after
345  *      dragging a guideline, or clicking OK in guide editing dialog.
346  */
347 void sp_guide_moveto(SPGuide const &guide, Geom::Point const point_on_line, bool const commit)
349     g_assert(SP_IS_GUIDE(&guide));
351     for (GSList *l = guide.views; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
352         sp_guideline_set_position(SP_GUIDELINE(l->data), point_on_line);
353     }
355     /* Calling sp_repr_set_point must precede calling sp_item_notify_moveto in the commit
356        case, so that the guide's new position is available for sp_item_rm_unsatisfied_cns. */
357     if (commit) {
358         //XML Tree being used here directly while it shouldn't be.
359         sp_repr_set_point(SP_OBJECT(&guide)->getRepr(), "position", point_on_line);
360     }
363     for (vector<SPGuideAttachment>::const_iterator i(guide.attached_items.begin()),
364              iEnd(guide.attached_items.end());
365          i != iEnd; ++i)
366     {
367         SPGuideAttachment const &att = *i;
368         sp_item_notify_moveto(*att.item, guide, att.snappoint_ix, position, commit);
369     }
370 */
373 /**
374  * \arg commit False indicates temporary moveto in response to motion event while dragging,
375  *      true indicates a "committing" version: in response to button release event after
376  *      dragging a guideline, or clicking OK in guide editing dialog.
377  */
378 void sp_guide_set_normal(SPGuide const &guide, Geom::Point const normal_to_line, bool const commit)
380     g_assert(SP_IS_GUIDE(&guide));
382     for (GSList *l = guide.views; l != NULL; l = l->next) {
383         sp_guideline_set_normal(SP_GUIDELINE(l->data), normal_to_line);
384     }
386     /* Calling sp_repr_set_svg_point must precede calling sp_item_notify_moveto in the commit
387        case, so that the guide's new position is available for sp_item_rm_unsatisfied_cns. */
388     if (commit) {
389         //XML Tree being used directly while it shouldn't be
390         sp_repr_set_point(SP_OBJECT(&guide)->getRepr(), "orientation", normal_to_line);
391     }
394     for (vector<SPGuideAttachment>::const_iterator i(guide.attached_items.begin()),
395              iEnd(guide.attached_items.end());
396          i != iEnd; ++i)
397     {
398         SPGuideAttachment const &att = *i;
399         sp_item_notify_moveto(*att.item, guide, att.snappoint_ix, position, commit);
400     }
401 */
404 /**
405  * Returns a human-readable description of the guideline for use in dialog boxes and status bar.
406  * If verbose is false, only positioning information is included (useful for dialogs).
407  *
408  * The caller is responsible for freeing the string.
409  */
410 char *sp_guide_description(SPGuide const *guide, const bool verbose)
412     using Geom::X;
413     using Geom::Y;
415     GString *position_string_x = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(guide->point_on_line[X],
416                                                         SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
417     GString *position_string_y = SP_PX_TO_METRIC_STRING(guide->point_on_line[Y],
418                                                         SP_ACTIVE_DESKTOP->namedview->getDefaultMetric());
420     gchar *shortcuts = g_strdup_printf("; %s", _("<b>Shift+drag</b> to rotate, <b>Ctrl+drag</b> to move origin, <b>Del</b> to delete"));
421     gchar *descr;
423     if ( are_near(guide->normal_to_line, component_vectors[X]) ||
424          are_near(guide->normal_to_line, -component_vectors[X]) ) {
425         descr = g_strdup_printf(_("vertical, at %s"), position_string_x->str);
426     } else if ( are_near(guide->normal_to_line, component_vectors[Y]) ||
427                 are_near(guide->normal_to_line, -component_vectors[Y]) ) {
428         descr = g_strdup_printf(_("horizontal, at %s"), position_string_y->str);
429     } else {
430         double const radians = guide->angle();
431         double const degrees = Geom::rad_to_deg(radians);
432         int const degrees_int = (int) round(degrees);
433         descr = g_strdup_printf(_("at %d degrees, through (%s,%s)"), 
434                                 degrees_int, position_string_x->str, position_string_y->str);
435     }
437     g_string_free(position_string_x, TRUE);
438     g_string_free(position_string_y, TRUE);
440     if (verbose) {
441         descr = g_strconcat(descr, shortcuts, NULL);
442     }
443     g_free(shortcuts);
444     return descr;
447 void sp_guide_remove(SPGuide *guide)
449     g_assert(SP_IS_GUIDE(guide));
451     for (vector<SPGuideAttachment>::const_iterator i(guide->attached_items.begin()),
452              iEnd(guide->attached_items.end());
453          i != iEnd; ++i)
454     {
455         SPGuideAttachment const &att = *i;
456         remove_last(att.item->constraints, SPGuideConstraint(guide, att.snappoint_ix));
457     }
458     guide->attached_items.clear();
460     //XML Tree being used directly while it shouldn't be.
461     sp_repr_unparent(SP_OBJECT(guide)->getRepr());
464 /*
465   Local Variables:
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471   End:
472 */
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