
swap plugin: fix building on OpenBSD
[collectd.git] / src / mysql.c
1 /**
2  * collectd - src/mysql.c
3  * Copyright (C) 2006-2010  Florian octo Forster
4  * Copyright (C) 2008       Mirko Buffoni
5  * Copyright (C) 2009       Doug MacEachern
6  * Copyright (C) 2009       Sebastian tokkee Harl
7  * Copyright (C) 2009       Rodolphe QuiĆ©deville
8  *
9  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
10  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
11  * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
12  *
13  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
14  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
16  * General Public License for more details.
17  *
18  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
19  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
20  * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
21  *
22  * Authors:
23  *   Florian octo Forster <octo at>
24  *   Mirko Buffoni <briareos at>
25  *   Doug MacEachern <dougm at>
26  *   Sebastian tokkee Harl <sh at>
27  *   Rodolphe QuiĆ©deville <rquiedeville at>
28  **/
30 #include "collectd.h"
31 #include "common.h"
32 #include "plugin.h"
33 #include "configfile.h"
35 #ifdef HAVE_MYSQL_H
36 #include <mysql.h>
37 #elif defined(HAVE_MYSQL_MYSQL_H)
38 #include <mysql/mysql.h>
39 #endif
41 struct mysql_database_s /* {{{ */
42 {
43         char *instance;
44         char *alias;
45         char *host;
46         char *user;
47         char *pass;
48         char *database;
49         char *socket;
50         int   port;
51         int   timeout;
53         _Bool master_stats;
54         _Bool slave_stats;
55         _Bool innodb_stats;
57         _Bool slave_notif;
58         _Bool slave_io_running;
59         _Bool slave_sql_running;
61         MYSQL *con;
62         _Bool  is_connected;
63 };
64 typedef struct mysql_database_s mysql_database_t; /* }}} */
66 static int mysql_read (user_data_t *ud);
68 void mysql_read_default_options(struct st_mysql_options *options,
69                 const char *filename, const char *group);
71 static void mysql_database_free (void *arg) /* {{{ */
72 {
73         mysql_database_t *db;
75         DEBUG ("mysql plugin: mysql_database_free (arg = %p);", arg);
77         db = (mysql_database_t *) arg;
79         if (db == NULL)
80                 return;
82         if (db->con != NULL)
83                 mysql_close (db->con);
85         sfree (db->alias);
86         sfree (db->host);
87         sfree (db->user);
88         sfree (db->pass);
89         sfree (db->socket);
90         sfree (db->instance);
91         sfree (db->database);
92         sfree (db);
93 } /* }}} void mysql_database_free */
95 /* Configuration handling functions {{{
96  *
97  * <Plugin mysql>
98  *   <Database "plugin_instance1">
99  *     Host "localhost"
100  *     Port 22000
101  *     ...
102  *   </Database>
103  * </Plugin>
104  */
105 static int mysql_config_database (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
107         mysql_database_t *db;
108         int status = 0;
109         int i;
111         if ((ci->values_num != 1)
112             || (ci->values[0].type != OCONFIG_TYPE_STRING))
113         {
114                 WARNING ("mysql plugin: The `Database' block "
115                          "needs exactly one string argument.");
116                 return (-1);
117         }
119         db = (mysql_database_t *) malloc (sizeof (*db));
120         if (db == NULL)
121         {
122                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: malloc failed.");
123                 return (-1);
124         }
125         memset (db, 0, sizeof (*db));
127         /* initialize all the pointers */
128         db->alias    = NULL;
129         db->host     = NULL;
130         db->user     = NULL;
131         db->pass     = NULL;
132         db->database = NULL;
133         db->socket   = NULL;
134         db->con      = NULL;
135         db->timeout  = 0;
137         /* trigger a notification, if it's not running */
138         db->slave_io_running  = 1;
139         db->slave_sql_running = 1;
141         status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &db->instance);
142         if (status != 0)
143         {
144                 sfree (db);
145                 return (status);
146         }
147         assert (db->instance != NULL);
149         /* Fill the `mysql_database_t' structure.. */
150         for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
151         {
152                 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
154                 if (strcasecmp ("Alias", child->key) == 0)
155                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->alias);
156                 else if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
157                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->host);
158                 else if (strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
159                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->user);
160                 else if (strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
161                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->pass);
162                 else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0)
163                 {
164                         status = cf_util_get_port_number (child);
165                         if (status > 0)
166                         {
167                                 db->port = status;
168                                 status = 0;
169                         }
170                 }
171                 else if (strcasecmp ("Socket", child->key) == 0)
172                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->socket);
173                 else if (strcasecmp ("Database", child->key) == 0)
174                         status = cf_util_get_string (child, &db->database);
175                 else if (strcasecmp ("ConnectTimeout", child->key) == 0)
176                         status = cf_util_get_int (child, &db->timeout);
177                 else if (strcasecmp ("MasterStats", child->key) == 0)
178                         status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->master_stats);
179                 else if (strcasecmp ("SlaveStats", child->key) == 0)
180                         status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->slave_stats);
181                 else if (strcasecmp ("SlaveNotifications", child->key) == 0)
182                         status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->slave_notif);
183                 else if (strcasecmp ("InnodbStats", child->key) == 0)
184                         status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &db->innodb_stats);
185                 else
186                 {
187                         WARNING ("mysql plugin: Option `%s' not allowed here.", child->key);
188                         status = -1;
189                 }
191                 if (status != 0)
192                         break;
193         }
195         /* If all went well, register this database for reading */
196         if (status == 0)
197         {
198                 user_data_t ud;
199                 char cb_name[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
201                 DEBUG ("mysql plugin: Registering new read callback: %s",
202                                 (db->database != NULL) ? db->database : "<default>");
204                 memset (&ud, 0, sizeof (ud));
205        = (void *) db;
206                 ud.free_func = mysql_database_free;
208                 if (db->instance != NULL)
209                         ssnprintf (cb_name, sizeof (cb_name), "mysql-%s",
210                                         db->instance);
211                 else
212                         sstrncpy (cb_name, "mysql", sizeof (cb_name));
214                 plugin_register_complex_read (/* group = */ NULL, cb_name,
215                                               mysql_read,
216                                               /* interval = */ 0, &ud);
217         }
218         else
219         {
220                 mysql_database_free (db);
221                 return (-1);
222         }
224         return (0);
225 } /* }}} int mysql_config_database */
227 static int mysql_config (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
229         int i;
231         if (ci == NULL)
232                 return (EINVAL);
234         /* Fill the `mysql_database_t' structure.. */
235         for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
236         {
237                 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
239                 if (strcasecmp ("Database", child->key) == 0)
240                         mysql_config_database (child);
241                 else
242                         WARNING ("mysql plugin: Option \"%s\" not allowed here.",
243                                         child->key);
244         }
246         return (0);
247 } /* }}} int mysql_config */
249 /* }}} End of configuration handling functions */
251 static MYSQL *getconnection (mysql_database_t *db)
253         if (db->is_connected)
254         {
255                 int status;
257                 status = mysql_ping (db->con);
258                 if (status == 0)
259                         return (db->con);
261                 WARNING ("mysql plugin: Lost connection to instance \"%s\": %s",
262                                 db->instance, mysql_error (db->con));
263         }
264         db->is_connected = 0;
266         if (db->con == NULL)
267         {
268                 db->con = mysql_init (NULL);
269                 if (db->con == NULL)
270                 {
271                         ERROR ("mysql plugin: mysql_init failed: %s",
272                                         mysql_error (db->con));
273                         return (NULL);
274                 }
275         }
277         /* Configure TCP connect timeout (default: 0) */
278         db->con->options.connect_timeout = db->timeout;
280         if (mysql_real_connect (db->con, db->host, db->user, db->pass,
281                                 db->database, db->port, db->socket, 0) == NULL)
282         {
283                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to connect to database %s "
284                                 "at server %s: %s",
285                                 (db->database != NULL) ? db->database : "<none>",
286                                 (db->host != NULL) ? db->host : "localhost",
287                                 mysql_error (db->con));
288                 return (NULL);
289         }
291         INFO ("mysql plugin: Successfully connected to database %s "
292                         "at server %s (server version: %s, protocol version: %d)",
293                         (db->database != NULL) ? db->database : "<none>",
294                         mysql_get_host_info (db->con),
295                         mysql_get_server_info (db->con),
296                         mysql_get_proto_info (db->con));
298         db->is_connected = 1;
299         return (db->con);
300 } /* static MYSQL *getconnection (mysql_database_t *db) */
302 static void set_host (mysql_database_t *db, char *buf, size_t buflen)
304         if (db->alias)
305                 sstrncpy (buf, db->alias, buflen);
306         else if ((db->host == NULL)
307                         || (strcmp ("", db->host) == 0)
308                         || (strcmp ("", db->host) == 0)
309                         || (strcmp ("localhost", db->host) == 0))
310                 sstrncpy (buf, hostname_g, buflen);
311         else
312                 sstrncpy (buf, db->host, buflen);
313 } /* void set_host */
315 static void submit (const char *type, const char *type_instance,
316                 value_t *values, size_t values_len, mysql_database_t *db)
318         value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT;
320         vl.values     = values;
321         vl.values_len = values_len;
323         set_host (db,, sizeof (;
325         sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "mysql", sizeof (vl.plugin));
327         /* Assured by "mysql_config_database" */
328         assert (db->instance != NULL);
329         sstrncpy (vl.plugin_instance, db->instance, sizeof (vl.plugin_instance));
331         sstrncpy (vl.type, type, sizeof (vl.type));
332         if (type_instance != NULL)
333                 sstrncpy (vl.type_instance, type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance));
335         plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);
336 } /* submit */
338 static void counter_submit (const char *type, const char *type_instance,
339                 derive_t value, mysql_database_t *db)
341         value_t values[1];
343         values[0].derive = value;
344         submit (type, type_instance, values, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (values), db);
345 } /* void counter_submit */
347 static void gauge_submit (const char *type, const char *type_instance,
348                 gauge_t value, mysql_database_t *db)
350         value_t values[1];
352         values[0].gauge = value;
353         submit (type, type_instance, values, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (values), db);
354 } /* void gauge_submit */
356 static void derive_submit (const char *type, const char *type_instance,
357                 derive_t value, mysql_database_t *db)
359         value_t values[1];
361         values[0].derive = value;
362         submit (type, type_instance, values, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (values), db);
363 } /* void derive_submit */
365 static void traffic_submit (derive_t rx, derive_t tx, mysql_database_t *db)
367         value_t values[2];
369         values[0].derive = rx;
370         values[1].derive = tx;
372         submit ("mysql_octets", NULL, values, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (values), db);
373 } /* void traffic_submit */
375 static MYSQL_RES *exec_query (MYSQL *con, const char *query)
377         MYSQL_RES *res;
379         int query_len = strlen (query);
381         if (mysql_real_query (con, query, query_len))
382         {
383                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to execute query: %s",
384                                 mysql_error (con));
385                 INFO ("mysql plugin: SQL query was: %s", query);
386                 return (NULL);
387         }
389         res = mysql_store_result (con);
390         if (res == NULL)
391         {
392                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to store query result: %s",
393                                 mysql_error (con));
394                 INFO ("mysql plugin: SQL query was: %s", query);
395                 return (NULL);
396         }
398         return (res);
399 } /* exec_query */
401 static int mysql_read_master_stats (mysql_database_t *db, MYSQL *con)
403         MYSQL_RES *res;
404         MYSQL_ROW  row;
406         const char *query;
407         int         field_num;
408         unsigned long long position;
410         query = "SHOW MASTER STATUS";
412         res = exec_query (con, query);
413         if (res == NULL)
414                 return (-1);
416         row = mysql_fetch_row (res);
417         if (row == NULL)
418         {
419                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to get master statistics: "
420                                 "`%s' did not return any rows.", query);
421                 mysql_free_result (res);
422                 return (-1);
423         }
425         field_num = mysql_num_fields (res);
426         if (field_num < 2)
427         {
428                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to get master statistics: "
429                                 "`%s' returned less than two columns.", query);
430                 mysql_free_result (res);
431                 return (-1);
432         }
434         position = atoll (row[1]);
435         counter_submit ("mysql_log_position", "master-bin", position, db);
437         row = mysql_fetch_row (res);
438         if (row != NULL)
439                 WARNING ("mysql plugin: `%s' returned more than one row - "
440                                 "ignoring further results.", query);
442         mysql_free_result (res);
444         return (0);
445 } /* mysql_read_master_stats */
447 static int mysql_read_slave_stats (mysql_database_t *db, MYSQL *con)
449         MYSQL_RES *res;
450         MYSQL_ROW  row;
452         const char *query;
453         int         field_num;
455         /* WTF? libmysqlclient does not seem to provide any means to
456          * translate a column name to a column index ... :-/ */
457         const int READ_MASTER_LOG_POS_IDX   = 6;
458         const int SLAVE_IO_RUNNING_IDX      = 10;
459         const int SLAVE_SQL_RUNNING_IDX     = 11;
460         const int EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS_IDX   = 21;
461         const int SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER_IDX = 32;
463         query = "SHOW SLAVE STATUS";
465         res = exec_query (con, query);
466         if (res == NULL)
467                 return (-1);
469         row = mysql_fetch_row (res);
470         if (row == NULL)
471         {
472                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to get slave statistics: "
473                                 "`%s' did not return any rows.", query);
474                 mysql_free_result (res);
475                 return (-1);
476         }
478         field_num = mysql_num_fields (res);
479         if (field_num < 33)
480         {
481                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: Failed to get slave statistics: "
482                                 "`%s' returned less than 33 columns.", query);
483                 mysql_free_result (res);
484                 return (-1);
485         }
487         if (db->slave_stats)
488         {
489                 unsigned long long counter;
490                 double gauge;
492                 counter = atoll (row[READ_MASTER_LOG_POS_IDX]);
493                 counter_submit ("mysql_log_position", "slave-read", counter, db);
495                 counter = atoll (row[EXEC_MASTER_LOG_POS_IDX]);
496                 counter_submit ("mysql_log_position", "slave-exec", counter, db);
498                 if (row[SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER_IDX] != NULL)
499                 {
500                         gauge = atof (row[SECONDS_BEHIND_MASTER_IDX]);
501                         gauge_submit ("time_offset", NULL, gauge, db);
502                 }
503         }
505         if (db->slave_notif)
506         {
507                 notification_t n = { 0, cdtime (), "", "",
508                         "mysql", "", "time_offset", "", NULL };
510                 char *io, *sql;
512                 io  = row[SLAVE_IO_RUNNING_IDX];
513                 sql = row[SLAVE_SQL_RUNNING_IDX];
515                 set_host (db,, sizeof (;
517                 /* Assured by "mysql_config_database" */
518                 assert (db->instance != NULL);
519                 sstrncpy (n.plugin_instance, db->instance, sizeof (n.plugin_instance));
521                 if (((io == NULL) || (strcasecmp (io, "yes") != 0))
522                                 && (db->slave_io_running))
523                 {
524                         n.severity = NOTIF_WARNING;
525                         ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
526                                         "slave I/O thread not started or not connected to master");
527                         plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);
528                         db->slave_io_running = 0;
529                 }
530                 else if (((io != NULL) && (strcasecmp (io, "yes") == 0))
531                                 && (! db->slave_io_running))
532                 {
533                         n.severity = NOTIF_OKAY;
534                         ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
535                                         "slave I/O thread started and connected to master");
536                         plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);
537                         db->slave_io_running = 1;
538                 }
540                 if (((sql == NULL) || (strcasecmp (sql, "yes") != 0))
541                                 && (db->slave_sql_running))
542                 {
543                         n.severity = NOTIF_WARNING;
544                         ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
545                                         "slave SQL thread not started");
546                         plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);
547                         db->slave_sql_running = 0;
548                 }
549                 else if (((sql != NULL) && (strcasecmp (sql, "yes") == 0))
550                                 && (! db->slave_sql_running))
551                 {
552                         n.severity = NOTIF_OKAY;
553                         ssnprintf (n.message, sizeof (n.message),
554                                         "slave SQL thread started");
555                         plugin_dispatch_notification (&n);
556                         db->slave_sql_running = 1;
557                 }
558         }
560         row = mysql_fetch_row (res);
561         if (row != NULL)
562                 WARNING ("mysql plugin: `%s' returned more than one row - "
563                                 "ignoring further results.", query);
565         mysql_free_result (res);
567         return (0);
568 } /* mysql_read_slave_stats */
570 static int mysql_read_innodb_stats (mysql_database_t *db, MYSQL *con)
572         MYSQL_RES *res;
573         MYSQL_ROW  row;
575         const char *query;
576         struct {
577                 const char *key;
578                 const char *type;
579                 int ds_type;
580         } metrics[] = {
581                 { "metadata_mem_pool_size",          "bytes",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
582                 { "lock_deadlocks",                  "mysql_locks",  DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
583                 { "lock_timeouts",                   "mysql_locks",  DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
584                 { "lock_row_lock_current_waits",     "mysql_locks",  DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
585                 { "buffer_pool_size",                "bytes",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
587                 { "buffer_pool_reads",               "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
588                 { "buffer_pool_read_requests",       "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
589                 { "buffer_pool_write_requests",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
590                 { "buffer_pool_wait_free",           "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
591                 { "buffer_pool_read_ahead",          "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
592                 { "buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted",  "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
594                 { "buffer_pool_pages_total",         "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
595                 { "buffer_pool_pages_misc",          "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
596                 { "buffer_pool_pages_data",          "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
597                 { "buffer_pool_bytes_data",          "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
598                 { "buffer_pool_pages_dirty",         "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
599                 { "buffer_pool_bytes_dirty",         "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
600                 { "buffer_pool_pages_free",          "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
602                 { "buffer_pages_created",            "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
603                 { "buffer_pages_written",            "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
604                 { "buffer_pages_read",               "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
605                 { "buffer_data_reads",               "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
606                 { "buffer_data_written",             "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
608                 { "os_data_reads",                   "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
609                 { "os_data_writes",                  "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
610                 { "os_data_fsyncs",                  "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
611                 { "os_log_bytes_written",            "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
612                 { "os_log_fsyncs",                   "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
613                 { "os_log_pending_fsyncs",           "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
614                 { "os_log_pending_writes",           "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
616                 { "trx_rseg_history_len",            "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
618                 { "log_waits",                       "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
619                 { "log_write_requests",              "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
620                 { "log_writes",                      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
621                 { "adaptive_hash_searches",          "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
623                 { "file_num_open_files",             "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
625                 { "ibuf_merges_insert",              "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
626                 { "ibuf_merges_delete_mark",         "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
627                 { "ibuf_merges_delete",              "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
628                 { "ibuf_merges_discard_insert",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
629                 { "ibuf_merges_discard_delete_mark", "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
630                 { "ibuf_merges_discard_delete",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
631                 { "ibuf_merges_discard_merges",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
632                 { "ibuf_size",                       "bytes",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
634                 { "innodb_activity_count",           "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
635                 { "innodb_dblwr_writes",             "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
636                 { "innodb_dblwr_pages_written",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
637                 { "innodb_dblwr_page_size",          "gauge",        DS_TYPE_GAUGE },
639                 { "innodb_rwlock_s_spin_waits",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
640                 { "innodb_rwlock_x_spin_waits",      "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
641                 { "innodb_rwlock_s_spin_rounds",     "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
642                 { "innodb_rwlock_x_spin_rounds",     "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
643                 { "innodb_rwlock_s_os_waits",        "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
644                 { "innodb_rwlock_x_os_waits",        "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
646                 { "dml_reads",                       "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
647                 { "dml_inserts",                     "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
648                 { "dml_deletes",                     "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
649                 { "dml_updates",                     "operations",   DS_TYPE_DERIVE },
651                 { NULL,                              NULL,           0}
652         };
654         query = "SELECT name, count, type FROM information_schema.innodb_metrics WHERE status = 'enabled'";
656         res = exec_query (con, query);
657         if (res == NULL)
658                 return (-1);
660         while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res)))
661         {
662                 int i;
663                 char *key;
664                 unsigned long long val;
666                 key = row[0];
667                 val = atoll (row[1]);
669                 for (i = 0; metrics[i].key != NULL && strcmp(metrics[i].key, key) != 0; i++)
670                         ;
672                 if (metrics[i].key == NULL)
673                         continue;
675                 switch (metrics[i].ds_type) {
676                         case DS_TYPE_COUNTER:
677                                 counter_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (counter_t)val, db);
678                                 break;
679                         case DS_TYPE_GAUGE:
680                                 gauge_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (gauge_t)val, db);
681                                 break;
682                         case DS_TYPE_DERIVE:
683                                 derive_submit(metrics[i].type, key, (derive_t)val, db);
684                                 break;
685                 }
686         }
688         mysql_free_result(res);
689         return (0);
692 static int mysql_read (user_data_t *ud)
694         mysql_database_t *db;
695         MYSQL      *con;
696         MYSQL_RES  *res;
697         MYSQL_ROW   row;
698         const char *query;
700         derive_t qcache_hits          = 0;
701         derive_t qcache_inserts       = 0;
702         derive_t qcache_not_cached    = 0;
703         derive_t qcache_lowmem_prunes = 0;
704         gauge_t qcache_queries_in_cache = NAN;
706         gauge_t threads_running   = NAN;
707         gauge_t threads_connected = NAN;
708         gauge_t threads_cached    = NAN;
709         derive_t threads_created = 0;
711         unsigned long long traffic_incoming = 0ULL;
712         unsigned long long traffic_outgoing = 0ULL;
713         unsigned long mysql_version = 0ULL;
715         if ((ud == NULL) || (ud->data == NULL))
716         {
717                 ERROR ("mysql plugin: mysql_database_read: Invalid user data.");
718                 return (-1);
719         }
721         db = (mysql_database_t *) ud->data;
723         /* An error message will have been printed in this case */
724         if ((con = getconnection (db)) == NULL)
725                 return (-1);
727         mysql_version = mysql_get_server_version(con);
729         query = "SHOW STATUS";
730         if (mysql_version >= 50002)
731                 query = "SHOW GLOBAL STATUS";
733         res = exec_query (con, query);
734         if (res == NULL)
735                 return (-1);
737         while ((row = mysql_fetch_row (res)))
738         {
739                 char *key;
740                 unsigned long long val;
742                 key = row[0];
743                 val = atoll (row[1]);
745                 if (strncmp (key, "Com_", 
746                                   strlen ("Com_")) == 0)
747                 {
748                         if (val == 0ULL)
749                                 continue;
751                         /* Ignore `prepared statements' */
752                         if (strncmp (key, "Com_stmt_", strlen ("Com_stmt_")) != 0)
753                                 counter_submit ("mysql_commands", 
754                                                 key + strlen ("Com_"), 
755                                                 val, db);
756                 }
757                 else if (strncmp (key, "Handler_", 
758                                         strlen ("Handler_")) == 0)
759                 {
760                         if (val == 0ULL)
761                                 continue;
763                         counter_submit ("mysql_handler", 
764                                         key + strlen ("Handler_"), 
765                                         val, db);
766                 }
767                 else if (strncmp (key, "Qcache_",
768                                         strlen ("Qcache_")) == 0)
769                 {
770                         if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_hits") == 0)
771                                 qcache_hits = (derive_t) val;
772                         else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_inserts") == 0)
773                                 qcache_inserts = (derive_t) val;
774                         else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_not_cached") == 0)
775                                 qcache_not_cached = (derive_t) val;
776                         else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_lowmem_prunes") == 0)
777                                 qcache_lowmem_prunes = (derive_t) val;
778                         else if (strcmp (key, "Qcache_queries_in_cache") == 0)
779                                 qcache_queries_in_cache = (gauge_t) val;
780                 }
781                 else if (strncmp (key, "Bytes_", 
782                                         strlen ("Bytes_")) == 0)
783                 {
784                         if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_received") == 0)
785                                 traffic_incoming += val;
786                         else if (strcmp (key, "Bytes_sent") == 0)
787                                 traffic_outgoing += val;
788                 }
789                 else if (strncmp (key, "Threads_", 
790                                         strlen ("Threads_")) == 0)
791                 {
792                         if (strcmp (key, "Threads_running") == 0)
793                                 threads_running = (gauge_t) val;
794                         else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_connected") == 0)
795                                 threads_connected = (gauge_t) val;
796                         else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_cached") == 0)
797                                 threads_cached = (gauge_t) val;
798                         else if (strcmp (key, "Threads_created") == 0)
799                                 threads_created = (derive_t) val;
800                 }
801                 else if (strncmp (key, "Table_locks_",
802                                         strlen ("Table_locks_")) == 0)
803                 {
804                         counter_submit ("mysql_locks",
805                                         key + strlen ("Table_locks_"),
806                                         val, db);
807                 }
808                 else if (db->innodb_stats && strncmp (key, "Innodb_", strlen ("Innodb_")) == 0)
809                 {
810                         /* buffer pool */
811                         if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_data") == 0)
812                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "data", val, db);
813                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty") == 0)
814                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "dirty", val, db);
815                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_flushed") == 0)
816                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "pages_flushed", val, db);
817                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_free") == 0)
818                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "free", val, db);
819                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_misc") == 0)
820                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "misc", val, db);
821                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_total") == 0)
822                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_pages", "total", val, db);
823                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_rnd") == 0)
824                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead_rnd", val, db);
825                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead") == 0)
826                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead", val, db);
827                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead_evicted") == 0)
828                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_ahead_evicted", val, db);
829                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests") == 0)
830                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "read_requests", val, db);
831                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_reads") == 0)
832                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "reads", val, db);
833                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_write_requests") == 0)
834                                 counter_submit ("mysql_bpool_counters", "write_requests", val, db);
835                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_data") == 0)
836                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_bytes", "data", val, db);
837                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_buffer_pool_bytes_dirty") == 0)
838                                 gauge_submit ("mysql_bpool_bytes", "dirty", val, db);
840                         /* data */
841                         if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_fsyncs") == 0)
842                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "fsyncs", val, db);
843                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_read") == 0)
844                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "read", val, db);
845                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_reads") == 0)
846                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "reads", val, db);
847                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_writes") == 0)
848                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "writes", val, db);
849                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_data_written") == 0)
850                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_data", "written", val, db);
852                         /* double write */
853                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_dblwr_writes") == 0)
854                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_dblwr", "writes", val, db);
855                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_dblwr_pages_written") == 0)
856                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_dblwr", "written", val, db);
858                         /* log */
859                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_waits") == 0)
860                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "waits", val, db);
861                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_write_requests") == 0)
862                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "write_requests", val, db);
863                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_log_writes") == 0)
864                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "writes", val, db);
865                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_os_log_fsyncs") == 0)
866                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "fsyncs", val, db);
867                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_os_log_written") == 0)
868                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_log", "written", val, db);
870                         /* pages */
871                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_created") == 0)
872                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "created", val, db);
873                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_read") == 0)
874                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "read", val, db);
875                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_pages_written") == 0)
876                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_pages", "written", val, db);
878                         /* row lock */
879                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_row_lock_time") == 0)
880                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_row_lock", "time", val, db);
881                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_row_lock_waits") == 0)
882                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_row_lock", "waits", val, db);
884                         /* rows */
885                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_deleted") == 0)
886                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "deleted", val, db);
887                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_inserted") == 0)
888                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "inserted", val, db);
889                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_read") == 0)
890                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "read", val, db);
891                         else if (strcmp (key, "Innodb_rows_updated") == 0)
892                                 counter_submit ("mysql_innodb_rows", "updated", val, db);
893                 }
894                 else if (strncmp (key, "Select_", strlen ("Select_")) == 0)
895                 {
896                         counter_submit ("mysql_select", key + strlen ("Select_"),
897                                         val, db);
898                 }
899                 else if (strncmp (key, "Sort_", strlen ("Sort_")) == 0)
900                 {
901                         counter_submit ("mysql_sort", key + strlen ("Sort_"),
902                                         val, db);
903                 }
904         }
905         mysql_free_result (res); res = NULL;
907         if ((qcache_hits != 0)
908                         || (qcache_inserts != 0)
909                         || (qcache_not_cached != 0)
910                         || (qcache_lowmem_prunes != 0))
911         {
912                 derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-hits",
913                                 qcache_hits, db);
914                 derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-inserts",
915                                 qcache_inserts, db);
916                 derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-not_cached",
917                                 qcache_not_cached, db);
918                 derive_submit ("cache_result", "qcache-prunes",
919                                 qcache_lowmem_prunes, db);
921                 gauge_submit ("cache_size", "qcache",
922                                 qcache_queries_in_cache, db);
923         }
925         if (threads_created != 0)
926         {
927                 gauge_submit ("threads", "running",
928                                 threads_running, db);
929                 gauge_submit ("threads", "connected",
930                                 threads_connected, db);
931                 gauge_submit ("threads", "cached",
932                                 threads_cached, db);
934                 derive_submit ("total_threads", "created",
935                                 threads_created, db);
936         }
938         traffic_submit  (traffic_incoming, traffic_outgoing, db);
940         if (mysql_version >= 50600 && db->innodb_stats)
941                 mysql_read_innodb_stats (db, con);
943         if (db->master_stats)
944                 mysql_read_master_stats (db, con);
946         if ((db->slave_stats) || (db->slave_notif))
947                 mysql_read_slave_stats (db, con);
949         return (0);
950 } /* int mysql_read */
952 void module_register (void)
954         plugin_register_complex_config ("mysql", mysql_config);
955 } /* void module_register */