
Ctor fixes and misc warning cleanups
[inkscape.git] / src / live_effects / lpe-vonkoch.cpp
3 /*
4  * Copyright (C) JF Barraud 2007 <>
5  *
6  * Released under GNU GPL, read the file 'COPYING' for more information
7  */
9 #include <cstdio>
10 #include "live_effects/lpe-vonkoch.h"
11 #include "nodepath.h"
12 #include <2geom/transforms.h>
14 //using std::vector;
15 namespace Inkscape {
16 namespace LivePathEffect {
18 void
19 VonKochPathParam::param_setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
20 {  
21     PathParam::param_setup_nodepath(np);
22     sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(np);
23 }
25 //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
26 void
27 VonKochRefPathParam::param_setup_nodepath(Inkscape::NodePath::Path *np)
28 {  
29     PathParam::param_setup_nodepath(np);
30     sp_nodepath_make_straight_path(np);
31 }
32 bool
33 VonKochRefPathParam::param_readSVGValue(const gchar * strvalue)
34 {  
35     std::vector<Geom::Path> old = _pathvector;
36     bool res = PathParam::param_readSVGValue(strvalue);
37     if (res && _pathvector.size()==1 && _pathvector.front().size()==1){
38         return true;
39     }else{
40         _pathvector = old;
41         return false;
42     }
43 }
45 LPEVonKoch::LPEVonKoch(LivePathEffectObject *lpeobject) :
46     Effect(lpeobject),
47     nbgenerations(_("Nb of generations"), _("Depth of the recursion --- keep low!!"), "nbgenerations", &wr, this, 1),
48     generator(_("Generating path"), _("Path whose segments define the iterated transforms"), "generator", &wr, this, "M0,0 L30,0 M0,10 L10,10 M 20,10 L30,10"),
49     similar_only(_("Use uniform transforms only"), _("2 consecutive segments are used to reverse/preserve orientation only (otherwise, they define a general transform)."), "similar_only", &wr, this, false),
50     drawall(_("Draw all generations"), _("If unchecked, draw only the last generation"), "drawall", &wr, this, true),
51     //,draw_boxes(_("Display boxes"), _("Display boxes instead of paths only"), "draw_boxes", &wr, this, true)
52     ref_path(_("Reference segment"), _("The reference segment. Defaults to bbox diameter."), "ref_path", &wr, this, "M0,0 L10,0"),
53     //refA(_("Ref Start"), _("Left side middle of the reference box"), "refA", &wr, this),
54     //refB(_("Ref End"), _("Right side middle of the reference box"), "refB", &wr, this),
55     //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
56     maxComplexity(_("Max complexity"), _("Disable effect if the output is too complex"), "maxComplexity", &wr, this, 1000)
57 {
58     //FIXME: a path is used here instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
59     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&ref_path) );
60     //registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&refA) );
61     //registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&refB) );
62     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&generator) );
63     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&similar_only) );
64     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&nbgenerations) );
65     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&drawall) );
66     registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&maxComplexity) );
67     //registerParameter( dynamic_cast<Parameter *>(&draw_boxes) );
69     nbgenerations.param_make_integer();
70     nbgenerations.param_set_range(0, NR_HUGE);
71     maxComplexity.param_make_integer();
72     maxComplexity.param_set_range(0, NR_HUGE);
73 }
75 LPEVonKoch::~LPEVonKoch()
76 {
78 }
80 std::vector<Geom::Path>
81 LPEVonKoch::doEffect_path (std::vector<Geom::Path> const & path_in)
82 {
83     using namespace Geom;
85     std::vector<Geom::Path> generating_path = generator.get_pathvector();
87     if (generating_path.size()==0) {
88         return path_in;
89     }
91     //Collect transform matrices.
92     Matrix m0;
93     Geom::Path refpath = ref_path.get_pathvector().front();
94     Point A = refpath.pointAt(0);
95     Point B = refpath.pointAt(refpath.size());
96     Point u = B-A;
97     m0 = Matrix(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], A[X], A[Y]);
99     //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
100     //Point u = refB-refA;
101     //m0 = Matrix(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], refA[X], refA[Y]);
102     m0 = m0.inverse();
104     std::vector<Matrix> transforms;
105     for (unsigned i=0; i<generating_path.size(); i++){
106         Matrix m;
107         if(generating_path[i].size()==1){
108             Point p = generating_path[i].pointAt(0);
109             Point u = generating_path[i].pointAt(1)-p;
110             m = Matrix(u[X], u[Y],-u[Y], u[X], p[X], p[Y]);
111             m = m0*m;
112             transforms.push_back(m);
113         }else if(generating_path[i].size()>=2){
114             Point p = generating_path[i].pointAt(1);
115             Point u = generating_path[i].pointAt(2)-p;
116             Point v = p-generating_path[i].pointAt(0);
117             if (similar_only.get_value()){
118                 int sign = (u[X]*v[Y]-u[Y]*v[X]>=0?1:-1);
119                 v[X] = -u[Y]*sign;
120                 v[Y] =  u[X]*sign;
121             }
122             m = Matrix(u[X], u[Y],v[X], v[Y], p[X], p[Y]);
123             m = m0*m;
124             transforms.push_back(m);
125         }
126     }
128     if (transforms.size()==0){
129         return path_in;
130     }
132     //Do nothing if the output is too complex... 
133     int path_in_complexity = 0;
134     for (unsigned k = 0; k < path_in.size(); k++){
135             path_in_complexity+=path_in[k].size();
136     }    
137     double complexity = pow(transforms.size(),nbgenerations)*path_in_complexity;
138     if (drawall.get_value()){
139         int k = transforms.size();
140         if(k>1){
141             complexity = (pow(k,nbgenerations+1)-1)/(k-1)*path_in_complexity;
142         }else{
143             complexity = nbgenerations*k*path_in_complexity;
144         }
145     }else{
146         complexity = pow(transforms.size(),nbgenerations)*path_in_complexity;
147     }
148     if (complexity > double(maxComplexity)){
149         g_warning("VonKoch lpe's output too complex. Effect bypassed.");
150         return path_in;
151     }
153     //Generate path:
154     std::vector<Geom::Path> pathi = path_in;
155     std::vector<Geom::Path> path_out = path_in;
157     for (unsigned i = 0; i<nbgenerations; i++){
158         if (drawall.get_value()){
159             path_out =  path_in;
160             complexity = path_in_complexity;
161         }else{
162             path_out = std::vector<Geom::Path>();
163             complexity = 0;
164         }
165         for (unsigned j = 0; j<transforms.size(); j++){
166             for (unsigned k = 0; k<pathi.size() && complexity < maxComplexity; k++){
167                 path_out.push_back(pathi[k]*transforms[j]); 
168                 complexity+=pathi[k].size();
169             }
170         }
171         pathi = path_out;
172     }
173     return path_out;
177 //Usefull?? 
178 //void 
179 //LPEVonKoch::addCanvasIndicators(SPLPEItem */*lpeitem*/, std::vector<Geom::PathVector> &hp_vec)
180 /*{
181     using namespace Geom;
182     if (draw_boxes.get_value()){
183         double ratio = .5;
184         if (similar_only.get_value()) ratio = boundingbox_Y.extent()/boundingbox_X.extent()/2;
186         Point BB1,BB2,BB3,BB4,v;
188         //Draw the reference box  (ref_path is supposed to consist in one line segment)
189         //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
190         Geom::Path refpath = ref_path.get_pathvector().front();
191         if (refpath.size()==1){
192             BB1 = BB4 = refpath.front().pointAt(0);
193             BB2 = BB3 = refpath.front().pointAt(1);
194             v = rot90(BB2 - BB1)*ratio;
195             BB1 -= v;
196             BB2 -= v;
197             BB3 += v;
198             BB4 += v;
199             Geom::Path refbox(BB1);
200             refbox.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB2);
201             refbox.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB3);
202             refbox.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB4);
203             refbox.close();
204             PathVector refbox_as_vect;
205             refbox_as_vect.push_back(refbox);
206             hp_vec.push_back(refbox_as_vect);
207         }
208         //Draw the transformed boxes
209         std::vector<Geom::Path> generating_path = generator.get_pathvector();
210         for (unsigned i=0;i<generating_path.size(); i++){
211             if (generating_path[i].size()==0){
212                 //Ooops! this should not happen.
213             }else if (generating_path[i].size()==1){
214                 BB1 = BB4 = generating_path[i].pointAt(0);
215                 BB2 = BB3 = generating_path[i].pointAt(1);
216                 v = rot90(BB2 - BB1)*ratio;
217             }else{//Only tak the first 2 segments into account.
218                 BB1 = BB4 = generating_path[i].pointAt(1);
219                 BB2 = BB3 = generating_path[i].pointAt(2);
220                 if(similar_only.get_value()){
221                     v = rot90(BB2 - BB1)*ratio;
222             }else{
223                     v = (generating_path[i].pointAt(0) - BB1)*ratio;
224                 }
225             }
226             BB1 -= v;
227             BB2 -= v;
228             BB3 += v;
229             BB4 += v;
230             Geom::Path path(BB1);
231             path.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB2);
232             path.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB3);
233             path.appendNew<LineSegment>(BB4);
234             path.close();
235             PathVector pathv;
236             pathv.push_back(path);
237             hp_vec.push_back(pathv);
238         }
239     }
241 */
243 void
244 LPEVonKoch::doBeforeEffect (SPLPEItem *lpeitem)
246     using namespace Geom;
247     original_bbox(lpeitem);
249     std::vector<Geom::Path> paths = ref_path.get_pathvector();
250     Geom::Point A,B;
251     if (paths.size()==0||paths.front().size()==0){
252         //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
253         //refA.param_setValue( Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle()) );
254         //refB.param_setValue( Geom::Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.middle()) );
255         A = Point(boundingbox_X.min(), boundingbox_Y.middle());
256         B = Point(boundingbox_X.max(), boundingbox_Y.middle());
257     }else{
258         A = paths.front().pointAt(0);
259         B = paths.front().pointAt(paths.front().size());
260     }
261     if (paths.size()!=1||paths.front().size()!=1){
262         Geom::Path tmp_path(A);
263         tmp_path.appendNew<LineSegment>(B);
264         std::vector<Geom::Path> tmp_pathv;
265         tmp_pathv.push_back(tmp_path);
266         ref_path.set_new_value(tmp_pathv,true);
267     }
271 void
272 LPEVonKoch::resetDefaults(SPItem * item)
274     Effect::resetDefaults(item);
276     using namespace Geom;
277     original_bbox(SP_LPE_ITEM(item));
279     Point A,B;
280     A[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.min();
281     A[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle();
282     B[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.max();
283     B[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle();
285     std::vector<Geom::Path> paths,refpaths;
286     Geom::Path path = Geom::Path(A);
287     path.appendNew<Geom::LineSegment>(B);
289     refpaths.push_back(path);
290     ref_path.set_new_value(refpaths, true);
292     paths.push_back(path * Matrix(1./3,0,0,1./3, A[X]*2./3, A[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2));
293     paths.push_back(path * Matrix(1./3,0,0,1./3, B[X]*2./3, B[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2));
294     generator.set_new_value(paths, true);
296     //FIXME: a path is used as ref instead of 2 points to work around path/point param incompatibility bug.
297     //refA[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.min();
298     //refA[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle();
299     //refB[Geom::X] = boundingbox_X.max();
300     //refB[Geom::Y] = boundingbox_Y.middle();
301     //std::vector<Geom::Path> paths;
302     //Geom::Path path = Geom::Path( (Point) refA);
303     //path.appendNew<Geom::LineSegment>( (Point) refB );
304     //paths.push_back(path * Matrix(1./3,0,0,1./3, refA[X]*2./3, refA[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2));
305     //paths.push_back(path * Matrix(1./3,0,0,1./3, refB[X]*2./3, refB[Y]*2./3 + boundingbox_Y.extent()/2));
306     //paths.push_back(path);
307     //generator.set_new_value(paths, true);
310 } // namespace LivePathEffect
311 } /* namespace Inkscape */
313 /*
314   Local Variables:
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317   c-file-offsets:((innamespace . 0)(inline-open . 0)(case-label . +))
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320   End:
321 */
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