
merging gsoc 2009 color management work by Felipe Sanches (a.k.a. JucaBlues)
[inkscape.git] / src / libavoid / vpsc.cpp
1 /*
2  * vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0
3  *
4  * libavoid - Fast, Incremental, Object-avoiding Line Router
5  *
6  * Copyright (C) 2005-2009  Monash University
7  *
8  * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
9  * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
10  * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
11  * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
12  * See the file LICENSE.LGPL distributed with the library.
13  *
14  * Licensees holding a valid commercial license may use this file in
15  * accordance with the commercial license agreement provided with the 
16  * library.
17  *
18  * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
19  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
21  *
22  * Author(s):   Tim Dwyer  <>
23  *
24  * --------------
25  *
26  * This file contains a slightly modified version of Solver() from libvpsc:
27  * A solver for the problem of Variable Placement with Separation Constraints.
28  * It has the following changes from the Adaptagrams VPSC version:
29  *  -  The required VPSC code has been consolidated into a single file.
30  *  -  Unnecessary code (like Solver) has been removed.
31  *  -  The PairingHeap code has been replaced by a STL priority_queue.
32  *
33  * Modifications:  Michael Wybrow  <>
34  *
35 */
37 #include <iostream>
38 #include <math.h>
39 #include <sstream>
40 #include <map>
41 #include <cfloat>
42 #include <cstdio>
44 #include "libavoid/vpsc.h"
45 #include "libavoid/assertions.h"
48 using namespace std;
50 namespace Avoid {
52 static const double ZERO_UPPERBOUND=-1e-10;
53 static const double LAGRANGIAN_TOLERANCE=-1e-4;
55 IncSolver::IncSolver(vector<Variable*> const &vs, vector<Constraint *> const &cs) 
56     : m(cs.size()), 
57       cs(cs), 
58       n(vs.size()), 
59       vs(vs) 
60 {
61     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;++i) {
62         vs[i]->in.clear();
63         vs[i]->out.clear();
64     }
65     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;++i) {
66         Constraint *c=cs[i];
67         c->left->out.push_back(c);
68         c->right->in.push_back(c);
69     }
70     bs=new Blocks(vs);
72     printBlocks();
73     //COLA_ASSERT(!constraintGraphIsCyclic(n,vs));
74 #endif
76     inactive=cs;
77     for(Constraints::iterator i=inactive.begin();i!=inactive.end();++i) {
78         (*i)->active=false;
79     }
80 }
81 IncSolver::~IncSolver() {
82     delete bs;
83 }
85 // useful in debugging
86 void IncSolver::printBlocks() {
88     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
89     for(set<Block*>::iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
90         Block *b=*i;
91         f<<"  "<<*b<<endl;
92     }
93     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
94         f<<"  "<<*cs[i]<<endl;
95     }
96 #endif
97 }
99 /*
100  * Stores the relative positions of the variables in their finalPosition
101  * field.
102  */
103 void IncSolver::copyResult() {
104     for(Variables::const_iterator i=vs.begin();i!=vs.end();++i) {
105         Variable* v=*i;
106         v->finalPosition=v->position();
107         COLA_ASSERT(v->finalPosition==v->finalPosition);
108     }
111 struct node {
112     set<node*> in;
113     set<node*> out;
114 };
115 // useful in debugging - cycles would be BAD
116 bool IncSolver::constraintGraphIsCyclic(const unsigned n, Variable* const vs[]) {
117     map<Variable*, node*> varmap;
118     vector<node*> graph;
119     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
120         node *u=new node;
121         graph.push_back(u);
122         varmap[vs[i]]=u;
123     }
124     for(unsigned i=0;i<n;i++) {
125         for(vector<Constraint*>::iterator c=vs[i]->in.begin();c!=vs[i]->in.end();++c) {
126             Variable *l=(*c)->left;
127             varmap[vs[i]]->in.insert(varmap[l]);
128         }
130         for(vector<Constraint*>::iterator c=vs[i]->out.begin();c!=vs[i]->out.end();++c) {
131             Variable *r=(*c)->right;
132             varmap[vs[i]]->out.insert(varmap[r]);
133         }
134     }
135     while(graph.size()>0) {
136         node *u=NULL;
137         vector<node*>::iterator i=graph.begin();
138         for(;i!=graph.end();++i) {
139             u=*i;
140             if(u->in.size()==0) {
141                 break;
142             }
143         }
144         if(i==graph.end() && graph.size()>0) {
145             //cycle found!
146             return true;
147         } else {
148             graph.erase(i);
149             for(set<node*>::iterator j=u->out.begin();j!=u->out.end();++j) {
150                 node *v=*j;
151                 v->in.erase(u);
152             }
153             delete u;
154         }
155     }
156     for(unsigned i=0; i<graph.size(); ++i) {
157         delete graph[i];
158     }
159     return false;
162 // useful in debugging - cycles would be BAD
163 bool IncSolver::blockGraphIsCyclic() {
164     map<Block*, node*> bmap;
165     vector<node*> graph;
166     for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
167         Block *b=*i;
168         node *u=new node;
169         graph.push_back(u);
170         bmap[b]=u;
171     }
172     for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i=bs->begin();i!=bs->end();++i) {
173         Block *b=*i;
174         b->setUpInConstraints();
175         Constraint *c=b->findMinInConstraint();
176         while(c!=NULL) {
177             Block *l=c->left->block;
178             bmap[b]->in.insert(bmap[l]);
179             b->deleteMinInConstraint();
180             c=b->findMinInConstraint();
181         }
183         b->setUpOutConstraints();
184         c=b->findMinOutConstraint();
185         while(c!=NULL) {
186             Block *r=c->right->block;
187             bmap[b]->out.insert(bmap[r]);
188             b->deleteMinOutConstraint();
189             c=b->findMinOutConstraint();
190         }
191     }
192     while(graph.size()>0) {
193         node *u=NULL;
194         vector<node*>::iterator i=graph.begin();
195         for(;i!=graph.end();++i) {
196             u=*i;
197             if(u->in.size()==0) {
198                 break;
199             }
200         }
201         if(i==graph.end() && graph.size()>0) {
202             //cycle found!
203             return true;
204         } else {
205             graph.erase(i);
206             for(set<node*>::iterator j=u->out.begin();j!=u->out.end();++j) {
207                 node *v=*j;
208                 v->in.erase(u);
209             }
210             delete u;
211         }
212     }
213     for(unsigned i=0; i<graph.size(); i++) {
214         delete graph[i];
215     }
216     return false;
219 bool IncSolver::solve() {
221     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
222     f<<"solve_inc()..."<<endl;
223 #endif
224     satisfy();
225     double lastcost = DBL_MAX, cost = bs->cost();
226     while(fabs(lastcost-cost)>0.0001) {
227         satisfy();
228         lastcost=cost;
229         cost = bs->cost();
231         f<<"  bs->size="<<bs->size()<<", cost="<<cost<<endl;
232 #endif
233     }
234     copyResult();
235     return bs->size()!=n; 
237 /*
238  * incremental version of satisfy that allows refinement after blocks are
239  * moved.
240  *
241  *  - move blocks to new positions
242  *  - repeatedly merge across most violated constraint until no more
243  *    violated constraints exist
244  *
245  * Note: there is a special case to handle when the most violated constraint
246  * is between two variables in the same block.  Then, we must split the block
247  * over an active constraint between the two variables.  We choose the 
248  * constraint with the most negative lagrangian multiplier. 
249  */
250 bool IncSolver::satisfy() {
252     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
253     f<<"satisfy_inc()..."<<endl;
254 #endif
255     splitBlocks();
256     //long splitCtr = 0;
257     Constraint* v = NULL;
258     //CBuffer buffer(inactive);
259     while((v=mostViolated(inactive))
260             &&(v->equality || v->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND && !v->active)) 
261     {
262         COLA_ASSERT(!v->active);
263         Block *lb = v->left->block, *rb = v->right->block;
264         if(lb != rb) {
265             lb->merge(rb,v);
266         } else {
267             if(lb->isActiveDirectedPathBetween(v->right,v->left)) {
268                 // cycle found, relax the violated, cyclic constraint
269                 v->unsatisfiable=true;
270                 continue;
271                 //UnsatisfiableException e;
272                 //lb->getActiveDirectedPathBetween(e.path,v->right,v->left);
273                 //e.path.push_back(v);
274                 //throw e;
275             }
276             //if(splitCtr++>10000) {
277                 //throw "Cycle Error!";
278             //}
279             // constraint is within block, need to split first
280             try {
281                 Constraint* splitConstraint
282                     =lb->splitBetween(v->left,v->right,lb,rb);
283                 if(splitConstraint!=NULL) {
284                     COLA_ASSERT(!splitConstraint->active);
285                     inactive.push_back(splitConstraint);
286                 } else {
287                     v->unsatisfiable=true;
288                     continue;
289                 }
290             } catch(UnsatisfiableException e) {
291                 e.path.push_back(v);
292                 std::cerr << "Unsatisfiable:" << std::endl;
293                 for(std::vector<Constraint*>::iterator r=e.path.begin();
294                         r!=e.path.end();++r)
295                 {
296                     std::cerr << **r <<std::endl;
297                 }
298                 v->unsatisfiable=true;
299                 continue;
300             }
301             if(v->slack()>=0) {
302                 COLA_ASSERT(!v->active);
303                 // v was satisfied by the above split!
304                 inactive.push_back(v);
305                 bs->insert(lb);
306                 bs->insert(rb);
307             } else {
308                 bs->insert(lb->merge(rb,v));
309             }
310         }
311         bs->cleanup();
313         f<<"...remaining blocks="<<bs->size()<<", cost="<<bs->cost()<<endl;
314 #endif
315     }
317     f<<"  finished merges."<<endl;
318 #endif
319     bs->cleanup();
320     bool activeConstraints=false;
321     for(unsigned i=0;i<m;i++) {
322         v=cs[i];
323         if(v->active) activeConstraints=true;
324         if(v->slack() < ZERO_UPPERBOUND) {
325             ostringstream s;
326             s<<"Unsatisfied constraint: "<<*v;
328             ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
329             f<<s.str()<<endl;
330 #endif
331             throw s.str().c_str();
332         }
333     }
335     f<<"  finished cleanup."<<endl;
336     printBlocks();
337 #endif
338     copyResult();
339     return activeConstraints;
341 void IncSolver::moveBlocks() {
343     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
344     f<<"moveBlocks()..."<<endl;
345 #endif
346     for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i(bs->begin());i!=bs->end();++i) {
347         Block *b = *i;
348         b->updateWeightedPosition();
349         //b->posn = b->wposn / b->weight;
350     }
352     f<<"  moved blocks."<<endl;
353 #endif
355 void IncSolver::splitBlocks() {
357     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
358 #endif
359     moveBlocks();
360     splitCnt=0;
361     // Split each block if necessary on min LM
362     for(set<Block*>::const_iterator i(bs->begin());i!=bs->end();++i) {
363         Block* b = *i;
364         Constraint* v=b->findMinLM();
365         if(v!=NULL && v->lm < LAGRANGIAN_TOLERANCE) {
366             COLA_ASSERT(!v->equality);
368             f<<"    found split point: "<<*v<<" lm="<<v->lm<<endl;
369 #endif
370             splitCnt++;
371             Block *b = v->left->block, *l=NULL, *r=NULL;
372             COLA_ASSERT(v->left->block == v->right->block);
373             //double pos = b->posn;
374             b->split(l,r,v);
375             //l->posn=r->posn=pos;
376             //l->wposn = l->posn * l->weight;
377             //r->wposn = r->posn * r->weight;
378             l->updateWeightedPosition();
379             r->updateWeightedPosition();
380             bs->insert(l);
381             bs->insert(r);
382             b->deleted=true;
383             COLA_ASSERT(!v->active);
384             inactive.push_back(v);
386             f<<"  new blocks: "<<*l<<" and "<<*r<<endl;
387 #endif
388         }
389     }
390     //if(splitCnt>0) { std::cout<<"  splits: "<<splitCnt<<endl; }
392     f<<"  finished splits."<<endl;
393 #endif
394     bs->cleanup();
397 /*
398  * Scan constraint list for the most violated constraint, or the first equality
399  * constraint
400  */
401 Constraint* IncSolver::mostViolated(Constraints &l) {
402     double minSlack = DBL_MAX;
403     Constraint* v=NULL;
405     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
406     f<<"Looking for most violated..."<<endl;
407 #endif
408     Constraints::iterator end = l.end();
409     Constraints::iterator deletePoint = end;
410     for(Constraints::iterator i=l.begin();i!=end;++i) {
411         Constraint *c=*i;
412         double slack = c->slack();
413         if(c->equality || slack < minSlack) {
414             minSlack=slack;    
415             v=c;
416             deletePoint=i;
417             if(c->equality) break;
418         }
419     }
420     // Because the constraint list is not order dependent we just
421     // move the last element over the deletePoint and resize
422     // downwards.  There is always at least 1 element in the
423     // vector because of search.
424     if(deletePoint != end && (minSlack < ZERO_UPPERBOUND && !v->active || v->equality)) {
425         *deletePoint = l[l.size()-1];
426         l.resize(l.size()-1);
427     }
429     f<<"  most violated is: "<<*v<<endl;
430 #endif
431     return v;
435 using std::set;
436 using std::vector;
437 using std::iterator;
438 using std::list;
439 using std::copy;
440 #define __NOTNAN(p) (p)==(p)
442 long blockTimeCtr;
444 Blocks::Blocks(vector<Variable*> const &vs) : vs(vs),nvs(vs.size()) {
445     blockTimeCtr=0;
446     for(int i=0;i<nvs;i++) {
447         insert(new Block(vs[i]));
448     }
450 Blocks::~Blocks(void)
452     blockTimeCtr=0;
453     for(set<Block*>::iterator i=begin();i!=end();++i) {
454         delete *i;
455     }
456     clear();
459 /*
460  * returns a list of variables with total ordering determined by the constraint 
461  * DAG
462  */
463 list<Variable*> *Blocks::totalOrder() {
464     list<Variable*> *order = new list<Variable*>;
465     for(int i=0;i<nvs;i++) {
466         vs[i]->visited=false;
467     }
468     for(int i=0;i<nvs;i++) {
469         if(vs[i]->in.size()==0) {
470             dfsVisit(vs[i],order);
471         }
472     }
473     return order;
475 // Recursive depth first search giving total order by pushing nodes in the DAG
476 // onto the front of the list when we finish searching them
477 void Blocks::dfsVisit(Variable *v, list<Variable*> *order) {
478     v->visited=true;
479     vector<Constraint*>::iterator it=v->out.begin();
480     for(;it!=v->out.end();++it) {
481         Constraint *c=*it;
482         if(!c->right->visited) {
483             dfsVisit(c->right, order);
484         }
485     }    
487     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
488     f<<"  order="<<*v<<endl;
489 #endif
490     order->push_front(v);
492 /*
493  * Processes incoming constraints, most violated to least, merging with the
494  * neighbouring (left) block until no more violated constraints are found
495  */
496 void Blocks::mergeLeft(Block *r) {    
498     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
499     f<<"mergeLeft called on "<<*r<<endl;
500 #endif
501     r->timeStamp=++blockTimeCtr;
502     r->setUpInConstraints();
503     Constraint *c=r->findMinInConstraint();
504     while (c != NULL && c->slack()<0) {
506         f<<"mergeLeft on constraint: "<<*c<<endl;
507 #endif
508         r->deleteMinInConstraint();
509         Block *l = c->left->block;        
510         if (l->in==NULL) l->setUpInConstraints();
511         double dist = c->right->offset - c->left->offset - c->gap;
512         if (r->vars->size() < l->vars->size()) {
513             dist=-dist;
514             std::swap(l, r);
515         }
516         blockTimeCtr++;
517         r->merge(l, c, dist);
518         r->mergeIn(l);
519         r->timeStamp=blockTimeCtr;
520         removeBlock(l);
521         c=r->findMinInConstraint();
522     }        
524     f<<"merged "<<*r<<endl;
525 #endif
526 }    
527 /*
528  * Symmetrical to mergeLeft
529  */
530 void Blocks::mergeRight(Block *l) {    
532     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
533     f<<"mergeRight called on "<<*l<<endl;
534 #endif    
535     l->setUpOutConstraints();
536     Constraint *c = l->findMinOutConstraint();
537     while (c != NULL && c->slack()<0) {        
539         f<<"mergeRight on constraint: "<<*c<<endl;
540 #endif
541         l->deleteMinOutConstraint();
542         Block *r = c->right->block;
543         r->setUpOutConstraints();
544         double dist = c->left->offset + c->gap - c->right->offset;
545         if (l->vars->size() > r->vars->size()) {
546             dist=-dist;
547             std::swap(l, r);
548         }
549         l->merge(r, c, dist);
550         l->mergeOut(r);
551         removeBlock(r);
552         c=l->findMinOutConstraint();
553     }    
555     f<<"merged "<<*l<<endl;
556 #endif
558 void Blocks::removeBlock(Block *doomed) {
559     doomed->deleted=true;
560     //erase(doomed);
562 void Blocks::cleanup() {
563     vector<Block*> bcopy(begin(),end());
564     for(vector<Block*>::iterator i=bcopy.begin();i!=bcopy.end();++i) {
565         Block *b=*i;
566         if(b->deleted) {
567             erase(b);
568             delete b;
569         }
570     }
572 /*
573  * Splits block b across constraint c into two new blocks, l and r (c's left
574  * and right sides respectively)
575  */
576 void Blocks::split(Block *b, Block *&l, Block *&r, Constraint *c) {
577     b->split(l,r,c);
579     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
580     f<<"Split left: "<<*l<<endl;
581     f<<"Split right: "<<*r<<endl;
582 #endif
583     r->posn = b->posn;
584     //COLA_ASSERT(r->weight!=0);
585     //r->wposn = r->posn * r->weight;
586     mergeLeft(l);
587     // r may have been merged!
588     r = c->right->block;
589     r->updateWeightedPosition();
590     //r->posn = r->wposn / r->weight;
591     mergeRight(r);
592     removeBlock(b);
594     insert(l);
595     insert(r);
596     COLA_ASSERT(__NOTNAN(l->posn));
597     COLA_ASSERT(__NOTNAN(r->posn));
599 /*
600  * returns the cost total squared distance of variables from their desired
601  * positions
602  */
603 double Blocks::cost() {
604     double c = 0;
605     for(set<Block*>::iterator i=begin();i!=end();++i) {
606         c += (*i)->cost();
607     }
608     return c;
611 void PositionStats::addVariable(Variable* v) {
612     double ai=scale/v->scale;
613     double bi=v->offset/v->scale;
614     double wi=v->weight;
615     AB+=wi*ai*bi;
616     AD+=wi*ai*v->desiredPosition;
617     A2+=wi*ai*ai;
618     /*
620     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
621     f << "adding v[" << v->id << "], blockscale=" << scale << ", despos=" 
622       << v->desiredPosition << ", ai=" << ai << ", bi=" << bi
623       << ", AB=" << AB << ", AD=" << AD << ", A2=" << A2;
624 #endif
625 */
627 void Block::addVariable(Variable* v) {
628     v->block=this;
629     vars->push_back(v);
630     if(ps.A2==0) ps.scale=v->scale;
631     //weight+= v->weight;
632     //wposn += v->weight * (v->desiredPosition - v->offset);
633     //posn=wposn/weight;
634     ps.addVariable(v);
635     posn=(ps.AD - ps.AB) / ps.A2;
636     COLA_ASSERT(__NOTNAN(posn));
637     /*
639     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
640     f << ", posn=" << posn << endl;
641 #endif
642 */
644 Block::Block(Variable* const v)
645     : vars(new vector<Variable*>)
646     , posn(0)
647     //, weight(0)
648     //, wposn(0)
649     , deleted(false)
650     , timeStamp(0)
651     , in(NULL)
652     , out(NULL)
654     if(v!=NULL) {
655         v->offset=0;
656         addVariable(v);
657     }
660 void Block::updateWeightedPosition() {
661     //wposn=0;
662     ps.AB=ps.AD=ps.A2=0;
663     for (Vit v=vars->begin();v!=vars->end();++v) {
664         //wposn += ((*v)->desiredPosition - (*v)->offset) * (*v)->weight;
665         ps.addVariable(*v);
666     }
667     posn=(ps.AD - ps.AB) / ps.A2;
668     COLA_ASSERT(__NOTNAN(posn));
670     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
671     f << ", posn=" << posn << endl;
672 #endif
674 Block::~Block(void)
676     delete vars;
677     delete in;
678     delete out;
680 void Block::setUpInConstraints() {
681     setUpConstraintHeap(in,true);
683 void Block::setUpOutConstraints() {
684     setUpConstraintHeap(out,false);
686 void Block::setUpConstraintHeap(Heap* &h,bool in) {
687     delete h;
688     h = new Heap();
689     for (Vit i=vars->begin();i!=vars->end();++i) {
690         Variable *v=*i;
691         vector<Constraint*> *cs=in?&(v->in):&(v->out);
692         for (Cit j=cs->begin();j!=cs->end();++j) {
693             Constraint *c=*j;
694             c->timeStamp=blockTimeCtr;
695             if (c->left->block != this && in || c->right->block != this && !in) {
696                 h->push(c);
697             }
698         }
699     }
700 }    
701 Block* Block::merge(Block* b, Constraint* c) {
703     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
704     f<<"  merging on: "<<*c<<",c->left->offset="<<c->left->offset<<",c->right->offset="<<c->right->offset<<endl;
705 #endif
706     double dist = c->right->offset - c->left->offset - c->gap;
707     Block *l=c->left->block;
708     Block *r=c->right->block;
709     if (l->vars->size() < r->vars->size()) {
710         r->merge(l,c,dist);
711     } else {
712                l->merge(r,c,-dist);
713     }
714     Block* mergeBlock=b->deleted?this:b;
716     f<<"  merged block="<<*mergeBlock<<endl;
717 #endif
718     return mergeBlock;
720 /*
721  * Merges b into this block across c.  Can be either a
722  * right merge or a left merge
723  * @param b block to merge into this
724  * @param c constraint being merged
725  * @param distance separation required to satisfy c
726  */
727 void Block::merge(Block *b, Constraint *c, double dist) {
729     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
730     f<<"    merging: "<<*b<<"dist="<<dist<<endl;
731 #endif
732     c->active=true;
733     //wposn+=b->wposn-dist*b->weight;
734     //weight+=b->weight;
735     for(Vit i=b->vars->begin();i!=b->vars->end();++i) {
736         Variable *v=*i;
737         //v->block=this;
738         //vars->push_back(v);
739         v->offset+=dist;
740         addVariable(v);
741     }
743     for(Vit i=vars->begin();i!=vars->end();++i) {
744         Variable *v=*i;
745         f<<"    v["<<v->id<<"]: d="<<v->desiredPosition
746             <<" a="<<v->scale<<" o="<<v->offset
747             <<endl;
748     }
749     f<<"  AD="<<ps.AD<<" AB="<<ps.AB<<" A2="<<ps.A2<<endl;
750 #endif
751     //posn=wposn/weight;
752     //COLA_ASSERT(wposn==ps.AD - ps.AB);
753     posn=(ps.AD - ps.AB) / ps.A2;
754     COLA_ASSERT(__NOTNAN(posn));
755     b->deleted=true;
758 void Block::mergeIn(Block *b) {
760     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
761     f<<"  merging constraint heaps... "<<endl;
762 #endif
763     // We check the top of the heaps to remove possible internal constraints
764     findMinInConstraint();
765     b->findMinInConstraint();
766     while (!b->in->empty())
767     {
768         in->push(b->in->top());
769         b->in->pop();
770     }
772     f<<"  merged heap: "<<*in<<endl;
773 #endif
775 void Block::mergeOut(Block *b) {    
776     findMinOutConstraint();
777     b->findMinOutConstraint();
778     while (!b->out->empty())
779     {
780         out->push(b->out->top());
781         b->out->pop();
782     }
784 Constraint *Block::findMinInConstraint() {
785     Constraint *v = NULL;
786     vector<Constraint*> outOfDate;
787     while (!in->empty()) {
788         v = in->top();
789         Block *lb=v->left->block;
790         Block *rb=v->right->block;
791         // rb may not be this if called between merge and mergeIn
793         ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
794         f<<"  checking constraint ... "<<*v;
795         f<<"    timestamps: left="<<lb->timeStamp<<" right="<<rb->timeStamp<<" constraint="<<v->timeStamp<<endl;
796 #endif
797         if(lb == rb) {
798             // constraint has been merged into the same block
800             if(v->slack()<0) {
801                 f<<"  violated internal constraint found! "<<*v<<endl;
802                 f<<"     lb="<<*lb<<endl;
803                 f<<"     rb="<<*rb<<endl;
804             }
805 #endif
806             in->pop();
808             f<<" ... skipping internal constraint"<<endl;
809 #endif
810         } else if(v->timeStamp < lb->timeStamp) {
811             // block at other end of constraint has been moved since this
812             in->pop();
813             outOfDate.push_back(v);
815             f<<"    reinserting out of date (reinsert later)"<<endl;
816 #endif
817         } else {
818             break;
819         }
820     }
821     for(Cit i=outOfDate.begin();i!=outOfDate.end();++i) {
822         v=*i;
823         v->timeStamp=blockTimeCtr;
824         in->push(v);
825     }
826     if(in->empty()) {
827         v=NULL;
828     } else {
829         v=in->top();
830     }
831     return v;
833 Constraint *Block::findMinOutConstraint() {
834     if(out->empty()) return NULL;
835     Constraint *v = out->top();
836     while (v->left->block == v->right->block) {
837         out->pop();
838         if(out->empty()) return NULL;
839         v = out->top();
840     }
841     return v;
843 void Block::deleteMinInConstraint() {
844     in->pop();
846     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
847     f<<"deleteMinInConstraint... "<<endl;
848     f<<"  result: "<<*in<<endl;
849 #endif
851 void Block::deleteMinOutConstraint() {
852     out->pop();
854 inline bool Block::canFollowLeft(Constraint const* c, Variable const* last) const {
855     return c->left->block==this && c->active && last!=c->left;
857 inline bool Block::canFollowRight(Constraint const* c, Variable const* last) const {
858     return c->right->block==this && c->active && last!=c->right;
861 // computes the derivative of v and the lagrange multipliers
862 // of v's out constraints (as the recursive sum of those below.
863 // Does not backtrack over u.
864 // also records the constraint with minimum lagrange multiplier
865 // in min_lm
866 double Block::compute_dfdv(Variable* const v, Variable* const u,
867                Constraint *&min_lm) {
868     double dfdv=v->dfdv();
869     for(Cit it=v->out.begin();it!=v->out.end();++it) {
870         Constraint *c=*it;
871         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
872             c->lm=compute_dfdv(c->right,v,min_lm);
873             dfdv+=c->lm*c->left->scale;
874             if(!c->equality&&(min_lm==NULL||c->lm<min_lm->lm)) min_lm=c;
875         }
876     }
877     for(Cit it=v->in.begin();it!=v->in.end();++it) {
878         Constraint *c=*it;
879         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
880             c->lm=-compute_dfdv(c->left,v,min_lm);
881             dfdv-=c->lm*c->right->scale;
882             if(!c->equality&&(min_lm==NULL||c->lm<min_lm->lm)) min_lm=c;
883         }
884     }
885     return dfdv/v->scale;
887 double Block::compute_dfdv(Variable* const v, Variable* const u) {
888     double dfdv = v->dfdv();
889     for(Cit it = v->out.begin(); it != v->out.end(); ++it) {
890         Constraint *c = *it;
891         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
892             c->lm =   compute_dfdv(c->right,v);
893             dfdv += c->lm * c->left->scale;
894         }
895     }
896     for(Cit it=v->in.begin();it!=v->in.end();++it) {
897         Constraint *c = *it;
898         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
899             c->lm = - compute_dfdv(c->left,v);
900             dfdv -= c->lm * c->right->scale;
901         }
902     }
903     return dfdv/v->scale;
906 // The top level v and r are variables between which we want to find the
907 // constraint with the smallest lm.  
908 // Similarly, m is initially NULL and is only assigned a value if the next
909 // variable to be visited is r or if a possible min constraint is returned from
910 // a nested call (rather than NULL).
911 // Then, the search for the m with minimum lm occurs as we return from
912 // the recursion (checking only constraints traversed left-to-right 
913 // in order to avoid creating any new violations).
914 // We also do not consider equality constraints as potential split points
915 bool Block::split_path(
916     Variable* r, 
917     Variable* const v, 
918     Variable* const u, 
919     Constraint* &m,
920     bool desperation=false
921     ) 
923     for(Cit it(v->in.begin());it!=v->in.end();++it) {
924         Constraint *c=*it;
925         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
927     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
928     f<<"  left split path: "<<*c<<endl;
929 #endif
930             if(c->left==r) {
931                 if(desperation&&!c->equality) m=c;
932                 return true;
933             } else {
934                 if(split_path(r,c->left,v,m)) {
935                     if(desperation && !c->equality && (!m||c->lm<m->lm)) {
936                                m=c;
937                     }
938                     return true;
939                 }
940             }
941         }
942     }
943     for(Cit it(v->out.begin());it!=v->out.end();++it) {
944         Constraint *c=*it;
945         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
947     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
948     f<<"  right split path: "<<*c<<endl;
949 #endif
950             if(c->right==r) {
951                 if(!c->equality) m=c;
952                 return true;
953             } else {
954                 if(split_path(r,c->right,v,m)) {
955                     if(!c->equality && (!m||c->lm<m->lm))
956                                m=c;
957                     return true;
958                 }
959             }
960         }
961     }
962     return false;
964 /*
965 Block::Pair Block::compute_dfdv_between(
966         Variable* r, Variable* const v, Variable* const u, 
967         const Direction dir = NONE, bool changedDirection = false) {
968     double dfdv=v->weight*(v->position() - v->desiredPosition);
969     Constraint *m=NULL;
970     for(Cit it(v->in.begin());it!=v->in.end();++it) {
971         Constraint *c=*it;
972         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
973             if(dir==RIGHT) { 
974                 changedDirection = true; 
975             }
976             if(c->left==r) {
977                        r=NULL;
978                     if(!c->equality) m=c; 
979             }
980             Pair p=compute_dfdv_between(r,c->left,v,
981                     LEFT,changedDirection);
982             dfdv -= c->lm = -p.first;
983             if(r && p.second) 
984                 m = p.second;
985         }
986     }
987     for(Cit it(v->out.begin());it!=v->out.end();++it) {
988         Constraint *c=*it;
989         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
990             if(dir==LEFT) { 
991                 changedDirection = true; 
992             }
993             if(c->right==r) {
994                        r=NULL; 
995                     if(!c->equality) m=c; 
996             }
997             Pair p=compute_dfdv_between(r,c->right,v,
998                     RIGHT,changedDirection);
999             dfdv += c->lm = p.first;
1000             if(r && p.second) 
1001                 m = changedDirection && !c->equality && c->lm < p.second->lm 
1002                     ? c 
1003                     : p.second;
1004         }
1005     }
1006     return Pair(dfdv,m);
1008 */
1010 // resets LMs for all active constraints to 0 by
1011 // traversing active constraint tree starting from v,
1012 // not back tracking over u
1013 void Block::reset_active_lm(Variable* const v, Variable* const u) {
1014     for(Cit it=v->out.begin();it!=v->out.end();++it) {
1015         Constraint *c=*it;
1016         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
1017             c->lm=0;
1018             reset_active_lm(c->right,v);
1019         }
1020     }
1021     for(Cit it=v->in.begin();it!=v->in.end();++it) {
1022         Constraint *c=*it;
1023         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
1024             c->lm=0;
1025             reset_active_lm(c->left,v);
1026         }
1027     }
1029 void Block::list_active(Variable* const v, Variable* const u) {
1030     for(Cit it=v->out.begin();it!=v->out.end();++it) {
1031         Constraint *c=*it;
1032         if(canFollowRight(c,u)) {
1034     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
1035     f<<"  "<<*c<<endl;
1036 #endif
1037             list_active(c->right,v);
1038         }
1039     }
1040     for(Cit it=v->in.begin();it!=v->in.end();++it) {
1041         Constraint *c=*it;
1042         if(canFollowLeft(c,u)) {
1044     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
1045     f<<"  "<<*c<<endl;
1046 #endif
1047             list_active(c->left,v);
1048         }
1049     }
1051 /*
1052  * finds the constraint with the minimum lagrange multiplier, that is, the constraint
1053  * that most wants to split
1054  */
1055 Constraint *Block::findMinLM() {
1056     Constraint *min_lm=NULL;
1057     reset_active_lm(vars->front(),NULL);
1058     compute_dfdv(vars->front(),NULL,min_lm);
1060     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
1061     f<<"  langrangians: "<<endl;
1062     list_active(vars->front(),NULL);
1063 #endif
1064     return min_lm;
1066 Constraint *Block::findMinLMBetween(Variable* const lv, Variable* const rv) {
1067     reset_active_lm(vars->front(),NULL);
1068     compute_dfdv(vars->front(),NULL);
1069     Constraint *min_lm=NULL;
1070     split_path(rv,lv,NULL,min_lm);
1071 #if 0
1072     if(min_lm==NULL) {
1073         split_path(rv,lv,NULL,min_lm,true);
1074     }
1075 #else
1076     if(min_lm==NULL) {
1077         fprintf(stderr,"Couldn't find split point!\n");
1078         UnsatisfiableException e;
1079         getActivePathBetween(e.path,lv,rv,NULL);
1080         throw e;
1081     }
1082     COLA_ASSERT(min_lm!=NULL);
1083 #endif
1084     return min_lm;
1087 // populates block b by traversing the active constraint tree adding variables as they're 
1088 // visited.  Starts from variable v and does not backtrack over variable u.
1089 void Block::populateSplitBlock(Block *b, Variable* v, Variable const* u) {
1090     b->addVariable(v);
1091     for (Cit c=v->in.begin();c!=v->in.end();++c) {
1092         if (canFollowLeft(*c,u))
1093             populateSplitBlock(b, (*c)->left, v);
1094     }
1095     for (Cit c=v->out.begin();c!=v->out.end();++c) {
1096         if (canFollowRight(*c,u)) 
1097             populateSplitBlock(b, (*c)->right, v);
1098     }
1100 /*
1101  * Returns the active path between variables u and v... not back tracking over w
1102  */
1103 bool Block::getActivePathBetween(Constraints& path, Variable const* u,
1104                Variable const* v, Variable const *w) const {
1105     if(u==v) return true;
1106     for (Cit_const c=u->in.begin();c!=u->in.end();++c) {
1107         if (canFollowLeft(*c,w)) {
1108             if(getActivePathBetween(path, (*c)->left, v, u)) {
1109                 path.push_back(*c);
1110                 return true;
1111             }
1112         }
1113     }
1114     for (Cit_const c=u->out.begin();c!=u->out.end();++c) {
1115         if (canFollowRight(*c,w)) {
1116             if(getActivePathBetween(path, (*c)->right, v, u)) {
1117                 path.push_back(*c);
1118                 return true;
1119             }
1120         }
1121     }
1122     return false;
1124 // Search active constraint tree from u to see if there is a directed path to v.
1125 // Returns true if path is found with all constraints in path having their visited flag
1126 // set true.
1127 bool Block::isActiveDirectedPathBetween(Variable const* u, Variable const* v) const {
1128     if(u==v) return true;
1129     for (Cit_const c=u->out.begin();c!=u->out.end();++c) {
1130         if(canFollowRight(*c,NULL)) {
1131             if(isActiveDirectedPathBetween((*c)->right,v)) {
1132                 return true;
1133             }
1134         }
1135     }
1136     return false;
1138 bool Block::getActiveDirectedPathBetween(
1139         Constraints& path, Variable const* u, Variable const* v) const {
1140     if(u==v) return true;
1141     for (Cit_const c=u->out.begin();c!=u->out.end();++c) {
1142         if(canFollowRight(*c,NULL)) {
1143             if(getActiveDirectedPathBetween(path,(*c)->right,v)) {
1144                 path.push_back(*c);
1145                 return true;
1146             }
1147         }
1148     }
1149     return false;
1151 /*
1152  * Block needs to be split because of a violated constraint between vl and vr.
1153  * We need to search the active constraint tree between l and r and find the constraint
1154  * with min lagrangrian multiplier and split at that point.
1155  * Returns the split constraint
1156  */
1157 Constraint* Block::splitBetween(Variable* const vl, Variable* const vr,
1158                Block* &lb, Block* &rb) {
1160     ofstream f(LOGFILE,ios::app);
1161     f<<"  need to split between: "<<*vl<<" and "<<*vr<<endl;
1162 #endif
1163     Constraint *c=findMinLMBetween(vl, vr);
1165     f<<"  going to split on: "<<*c<<endl;
1166 #endif
1167     if(c!=NULL) {
1168         split(lb,rb,c);
1169         deleted = true;
1170     }
1171     return c;
1174 /*
1175  * Creates two new blocks, l and r, and splits this block across constraint c,
1176  * placing the left subtree of constraints (and associated variables) into l
1177  * and the right into r.
1178  */
1179 void Block::split(Block* &l, Block* &r, Constraint* c) {
1180     c->active=false;
1181     l=new Block();
1182     populateSplitBlock(l,c->left,c->right);
1183     //COLA_ASSERT(l->weight>0);
1184     r=new Block();
1185     populateSplitBlock(r,c->right,c->left);
1186     //COLA_ASSERT(r->weight>0);
1189 /*
1190  * Computes the cost (squared euclidean distance from desired positions) of the
1191  * current positions for variables in this block
1192  */
1193 double Block::cost() {
1194     double c = 0;
1195     for (Vit v=vars->begin();v!=vars->end();++v) {
1196         double diff = (*v)->position() - (*v)->desiredPosition;
1197         c += (*v)->weight * diff * diff;
1198     }
1199     return c;
1201 ostream& operator <<(ostream &os, const Block& b)
1203     os<<"Block(posn="<<b.posn<<"):";
1204     for(Block::Vit v=b.vars->begin();v!=b.vars->end();++v) {
1205         os<<" "<<**v;
1206     }
1207     if(b.deleted) {
1208         os<<" Deleted!";
1209     }
1210     return os;
1213 Constraint::Constraint(Variable *left, Variable *right, double gap, bool equality)
1214 : left(left),
1215   right(right),
1216   gap(gap),
1217   timeStamp(0),
1218   active(false),
1219   equality(equality),
1220   unsatisfiable(false)
1222     // In hindsight I think it's probably better to build the constraint DAG
1223     // (by creating variable in/out lists) when needed, rather than in advance
1224     //left->out.push_back(this);
1225     //right->in.push_back(this);
1227 Constraint::~Constraint() {
1228     // see constructor: the following is just way too slow.  
1229     // Better to create a
1230     // new DAG on demand than maintain the lists dynamically.
1231     //Constraints::iterator i;
1232     //for(i=left->out.begin(); i!=left->out.end(); i++) {
1233         //if(*i==this) break;
1234     //}
1235     //left->out.erase(i);
1236     //for(i=right->in.begin(); i!=right->in.end(); i++) {
1237         //if(*i==this) break;
1238     //}
1239     //right->in.erase(i);
1241 double Constraint::slack() const { 
1242     return unsatisfiable ? DBL_MAX
1243            : right->scale * right->position() 
1244          - gap - left->scale * left->position(); 
1246 std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Constraint &c)
1248     if(&c==NULL) {
1249         os<<"NULL";
1250     } else {
1251         const char *type=c.equality?"=":"<=";
1252         std::ostringstream lscale, rscale;
1253         if(c.left->scale!=1) {
1254             lscale << c.left->scale << "*";
1255         }
1256         if(c.right->scale!=1) {
1257             rscale << c.right->scale << "*";
1258         }
1259         os<<lscale.str()<<*c.left<<"+"<<<<type<<rscale.str()<<*c.right;
1260         if(c.left->block&&c.right->block)
1261             os<<"("<<c.slack()<<")"<<("-active":"")
1262                 <<"(lm="<<c.lm<<")";
1263         else
1264             os<<"(vars have no position)";
1265     }
1266     return os;
1269 bool CompareConstraints::operator() (
1270     Constraint *const &l, Constraint *const &r
1271 ) const {
1272     double const sl = 
1273         l->left->block->timeStamp > l->timeStamp
1274         ||l->left->block==l->right->block
1275         ?-DBL_MAX:l->slack();
1276     double const sr = 
1277         r->left->block->timeStamp > r->timeStamp
1278         ||r->left->block==r->right->block
1279         ?-DBL_MAX:r->slack();
1280     if(sl==sr) {
1281         // arbitrary choice based on id
1282         if(l->left->id==r->left->id) {
1283             if(l->right->id<r->right->id) return true;
1284             return false;
1285         }
1286         if(l->left->id<r->left->id) return true;
1287         return false;
1288     }
1289     return sl > sr;
1292 std::ostream& operator <<(std::ostream &os, const Variable &v) {
1293     if(v.block)
1294         os << "(" << << "=" << v.position() << ")";
1295     else
1296         os << "(" << << "=" << v.desiredPosition << ")";
1297     return os;