
[inkscape.git] / src / graphlayout / graphlayout.cpp
1 /** \file
2  * Interface between Inkscape code (SPItem) and graphlayout functions.
3  */
4 /*
5 * Authors:
6 *   Tim Dwyer <>
7 *
8 * Copyright (C) 2005 Authors
9 *
10 * Released under GNU GPL.  Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
11 */
12 #include <iostream>
13 #include <config.h>
14 #include <map>
15 #include <vector>
16 #include <algorithm>
17 #include <cstring>
18 #include <cstdlib>
19 #include <float.h>
21 #include "desktop.h"
22 #include "inkscape.h"
23 #include "sp-namedview.h"
24 #include "util/glib-list-iterators.h"
25 #include "graphlayout/graphlayout.h"
26 #include "sp-path.h"
27 #include "sp-item.h"
28 #include "sp-item-transform.h"
29 #include "sp-conn-end-pair.h"
30 #include "style.h"
31 #include "conn-avoid-ref.h"
32 #include "libavoid/connector.h"
33 #include "libavoid/geomtypes.h"
34 #include "libcola/cola.h"
35 #include "libvpsc/generate-constraints.h"
36 #include "prefs-utils.h"
38 using namespace std;
39 using namespace cola;
40 using namespace vpsc;
41 /**
42  * Returns true if item is a connector
43  */
44 bool isConnector(SPItem const *const i) {
45         SPPath *path = NULL;
46         if(SP_IS_PATH(i)) {
47                 path = SP_PATH(i);
48         }
49         return path && path->connEndPair.isAutoRoutingConn();
50 }
52 struct CheckProgress : TestConvergence {
53     CheckProgress(double d,unsigned i,list<SPItem *>&
54             selected,vector<Rectangle*>& rs,map<string,unsigned>& nodelookup) :
55         TestConvergence(d,i), selected(selected), rs(rs), nodelookup(nodelookup) {}
56         bool operator()(double new_stress, double* X, double* Y) {
57         /* This is where, if we wanted to animate the layout, we would need to update
58          * the positions of all objects and redraw the canvas and maybe sleep a bit
59                 cout << "stress="<<new_stress<<endl;
60         cout << "x[0]="<<rs[0]->getMinX()<<endl;
61         for (list<SPItem *>::iterator it(selected.begin());
62             it != selected.end();
63             ++it)
64         {
65             SPItem *u=*it;
66             if(!isConnector(u)) {
67                 Rectangle* r=rs[nodelookup[u->id]];
68                 NR::Rect const item_box(sp_item_bbox_desktop(u));
69                 NR::Point const curr(item_box.midpoint());
70                 NR::Point const dest(r->getCentreX(),r->getCentreY());
71                 sp_item_move_rel(u, NR::translate(dest - curr));
72             }
73         }
74         */
75                 return TestConvergence::operator()(new_stress,X,Y);
76         }
77     list<SPItem *>& selected;
78     vector<Rectangle*>& rs;
79     map<string,unsigned>& nodelookup;
80 };
82 /**
83  * Scans the items list and places those items that are 
84  * not connectors in filtered
85  */
86 void filterConnectors(GSList const *const items, list<SPItem *> &filtered) {
87         for(GSList *i=(GSList *)items; i!=NULL; i=i->next) {
88                 SPItem *item=SP_ITEM(i->data);
89                 if(!isConnector(item)) {
90                         filtered.push_back(item);
91                 }
92         }
93 }
94 /**
95 * Takes a list of inkscape items, extracts the graph defined by 
96 * connectors between them, and uses graph layout techniques to find
97 * a nice layout
98 */
99 void graphlayout(GSList const *const items) {
100         if(!items) {
101                 return;
102         }
104         using Inkscape::Util::GSListConstIterator;
105         list<SPItem *> selected;
106         filterConnectors(items,selected);
107         if (selected.empty()) return;
109         const unsigned n=selected.size();
110         //Check 2 or more selected objects
111         if (n < 2) return;
113     // add the connector spacing to the size of node bounding boxes
114     // so that connectors can always be routed between shapes
115     SPDesktop* desktop = inkscape_active_desktop();
116     double spacing = 0;
117     if(desktop) spacing = desktop->namedview->connector_spacing+0.1;
119         map<string,unsigned> nodelookup;
120         vector<Rectangle*> rs;
121         vector<Edge> es;
122         for (list<SPItem *>::iterator i(selected.begin());
123                 i != selected.end();
124                 ++i)
125         {
126                 SPItem *u=*i;
127                 boost::optional<NR::Rect> const item_box(sp_item_bbox_desktop(u));
128         if(item_box) {
129             NR::Point ll(item_box->min());
130             NR::Point ur(item_box->max());
131             nodelookup[u->id]=rs.size();
132             rs.push_back(new Rectangle(ll[0]-spacing,ur[0]+spacing,
133                         ll[1]-spacing,ur[1]+spacing));
134         } else {
135             // I'm not actually sure if it's possible for something with a
136             // NULL item-box to be attached to a connector in which case we
137             // should never get to here... but if such a null box can occur it's
138             // probably pretty safe to simply ignore
139             //fprintf(stderr,"NULL item_box found in graphlayout, ignoring!\n");
140         }
141         }
143         SimpleConstraints scx,scy;
144         double ideal_connector_length = prefs_get_double_attribute("tools.connector","length",100);
145         double directed_edge_height_modifier = 1.0;
146         gchar const *directed_str = NULL, *overlaps_str = NULL;
147         directed_str = prefs_get_string_attribute("tools.connector",
148                         "directedlayout");
149         overlaps_str = prefs_get_string_attribute("tools.connector",
150                         "avoidoverlaplayout");
151         bool avoid_overlaps = false;
152         bool directed = false;
153     if (directed_str && !strcmp(directed_str, "true")) {
154             directed = true;
155         }
156     if (overlaps_str && !strcmp(overlaps_str, "true")) {
157             avoid_overlaps = true;
158         }
160         for (list<SPItem *>::iterator i(selected.begin());
161                 i != selected.end();
162                 ++i)
163         {
164                 SPItem *iu=*i;
165         map<string,unsigned>::iterator i=nodelookup.find(iu->id);
166         if(i==nodelookup.end()) {
167             continue;
168         }
169         unsigned u=i->second;
170         GSList *nlist=iu->avoidRef->getAttachedConnectors(Avoid::runningFrom);
171         list<SPItem *> connectors;
173         connectors.insert<GSListConstIterator<SPItem *> >(connectors.end(),nlist,NULL);
174         for (list<SPItem *>::iterator j(connectors.begin());
175                 j != connectors.end();
176                 ++j) {
177             SPItem *conn=*j;
178             SPItem *iv;
179             SPItem *items[2];
180             assert(isConnector(conn));
181             SP_PATH(conn)->connEndPair.getAttachedItems(items);
182             if(items[0]==iu) {
183                 iv=items[1];
184             } else {
185                 iv=items[0];
186             }
188             if (iv == NULL) {
189                 // The connector is not attached to anything at the 
190                 // other end so we should just ignore it.
191                 continue;
192             }
194             // If iv not in nodelookup we again treat the connector
195             // as disconnected and continue
196             map<string,unsigned>::iterator v_pair=nodelookup.find(iv->id);
197             if(v_pair!=nodelookup.end()) {
198                 unsigned v=v_pair->second;
199                 //cout << "Edge: (" << u <<","<<v<<")"<<endl;
200                 es.push_back(make_pair(u,v));
201                 if(conn->style->marker[SP_MARKER_LOC_END].set) {
202                     if(directed && strcmp(conn->style->marker[SP_MARKER_LOC_END].value,"none")) {
203                         scy.push_back(new SimpleConstraint(v, u, 
204                                     (ideal_connector_length * directed_edge_height_modifier)));
205                     }
206                 }
207             }
208         }
209                 if(nlist) {
210                         g_slist_free(nlist);
211                 }
212         }
213         const unsigned E = es.size();
214         double eweights[E];
215         fill(eweights,eweights+E,1);
216     vector<Component*> cs;
217     connectedComponents(rs,es,scx,scy,cs);
218     for(unsigned i=0;i<cs.size();i++) {
219         Component* c=cs[i];
220         if(c->edges.size()<2) continue;
221         CheckProgress test(0.0001,100,selected,rs,nodelookup);
222         ConstrainedMajorizationLayout alg(c->rects,c->edges,eweights,ideal_connector_length,test);
223         alg.setupConstraints(NULL,NULL,avoid_overlaps,
224                 NULL,NULL,&c->scx,&c->scy,NULL,NULL);
226     }
227     separateComponents(cs);
229         for (list<SPItem *>::iterator it(selected.begin());
230                 it != selected.end();
231                 ++it)
232         {
233                 SPItem *u=*it;
234                 if(!isConnector(u)) {
235                         map<string,unsigned>::iterator i=nodelookup.find(u->id);
236                         if(i!=nodelookup.end()) {
237                 Rectangle* r=rs[i->second];
238                 boost::optional<NR::Rect> item_box(sp_item_bbox_desktop(u));
239                 if(item_box) {
240                     NR::Point const curr(item_box->midpoint());
241                     NR::Point const dest(r->getCentreX(),r->getCentreY());
242                     sp_item_move_rel(u, NR::translate(dest - curr));
243                 }
244             }
245                 }
246         }
247     for(unsigned i=0;i<scx.size();i++) {
248         delete scx[i];
249     }
250     for(unsigned i=0;i<scy.size();i++) {
251         delete scy[i];
252     }
253     for(unsigned i=0;i<rs.size();i++) {
254         delete rs[i];
255     }
257 // vim: set cindent 
258 // vim: ts=4 sw=4 et tw=0 wm=0