
[inkscape.git] / src / display / nr-svgfonts.cpp
1 #include "config.h"
3 /*
4  * SVGFonts rendering implementation
5  *
6  * Authors:
7  *    Felipe C. da S. Sanches <>
8  *
9  * Copyright (C) 2008 Felipe C. da S. Sanches
10  *
11  * Released under GNU GPL version 2 or later.
12  * Read the file 'COPYING' for more information.
13  */
15 #include <2geom/pathvector.h>
16 #include <2geom/transforms.h>
17 #include "../style.h"
18 #include <cairo.h>
19 #include <vector>
20 #include "svg/svg.h"
21 #include "inkscape-cairo.h"
22 #include "nr-svgfonts.h"
24 //*************************//
25 // UserFont Implementation //
26 //*************************//
28 // I wrote this binding code because Cairomm does not yet support userfonts. I have moved this code to cairomm and sent them a patch.
29 // Once Cairomm incorporate the UserFonts binding, this code should be removed from inkscape and Cairomm API should be used.
31 static cairo_user_data_key_t key;
33 static cairo_status_t font_init_cb (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
34                        cairo_t */*cairo*/, cairo_font_extents_t *metrics){
35         cairo_font_face_t*  face;
36         face = cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face(scaled_font);
37         SvgFont* instance = (SvgFont*) cairo_font_face_get_user_data(face, &key);
38         return instance->scaled_font_init(scaled_font, metrics);
39 }
41 static cairo_status_t font_text_to_glyphs_cb (
42                 cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
43                                 const char               *utf8,
44                                 int                  utf8_len,
45                                 cairo_glyph_t        **glyphs,
46                                 int                          *num_glyphs,
47                                 cairo_text_cluster_t **clusters,
48                                 int                  *num_clusters,
49                                 cairo_text_cluster_flags_t         *flags){
50         cairo_font_face_t*  face;
51         face = cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face(scaled_font);
52         SvgFont* instance = (SvgFont*) cairo_font_face_get_user_data(face, &key);
53         return instance->scaled_font_text_to_glyphs(scaled_font, utf8, utf8_len, glyphs, num_glyphs, clusters, num_clusters, flags);
54 }
56 static cairo_status_t font_render_glyph_cb (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
57                                unsigned long         glyph,
58                                cairo_t              *cr,
59                                cairo_text_extents_t *metrics){
60         cairo_font_face_t*  face;
61         face = cairo_scaled_font_get_font_face(scaled_font);
62         SvgFont* instance = (SvgFont*) cairo_font_face_get_user_data(face, &key);
63         return instance->scaled_font_render_glyph(scaled_font, glyph, cr, metrics);
64 }
66 UserFont::UserFont(SvgFont* instance){
67         this->face = cairo_user_font_face_create ();
68         cairo_user_font_face_set_init_func              (this->face, font_init_cb);
69         cairo_user_font_face_set_render_glyph_func      (this->face, font_render_glyph_cb);
70         cairo_user_font_face_set_text_to_glyphs_func    (this->face, font_text_to_glyphs_cb);
72         cairo_font_face_set_user_data (this->face, &key, (void*)instance, (cairo_destroy_func_t) NULL);
73 }
75 //******************************//
76 // SvgFont class Implementation //
77 //******************************//
78 SvgFont::SvgFont(SPFont* spfont){
79         this->font = spfont;
80         this->missingglyph = NULL;
81         this->userfont = NULL;
82 }
84 cairo_status_t
85 SvgFont::scaled_font_init (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
86                        cairo_font_extents_t *metrics)
87 {
88 //TODO
89 //  metrics->ascent  = .75;
90 //  metrics->descent = .25;
92 }
94 unsigned int size_of_substring(gchar* substring, gchar* str){
95         const gchar* original_substring = substring;
97         while((g_utf8_get_char(substring)==g_utf8_get_char(str)) && g_utf8_get_char(substring) != 0 && g_utf8_get_char(str) != 0){
98                 substring = g_utf8_next_char(substring);
99                 str = g_utf8_next_char(str);
100         }
101         if (g_utf8_get_char(substring)==0)
102                 return substring - original_substring;
103         else
104                 return 0;
107 cairo_status_t
108 SvgFont::scaled_font_text_to_glyphs (cairo_scaled_font_t *scaled_font,
109                                 const char      *utf8,
110                                 int             utf8_len,
111                                 cairo_glyph_t   **glyphs,
112                                 int             *num_glyphs,
113                                 cairo_text_cluster_t **clusters,
114                                 int                  *num_clusters,
115                                 cairo_text_cluster_flags_t         *flags)
117         //This function receives a text string to be rendered. It then defines what is the sequence of glyphs that
118         // is used to properly render this string. It also defines the respective coordinates of each glyph. Thus, it
119         // has to read the attributes of the SVGFont hkern and vkern nodes in order to adjust the glyph kerning.
120         //It also determines the usage of the missing-glyph in portions of the string that does not match any of the declared glyphs.
122     unsigned long i;
123     int count = 0;
124     gchar* _utf8 = (gchar*) utf8;
125     unsigned int len;
127     bool missing;
128     //First we findout whats the number of glyphs needed.
129     while(g_utf8_get_char(_utf8) != 0){
130         missing = true;
131         for (i=0; i < (unsigned long) this->glyphs.size(); i++){
132             if ( (len = size_of_substring(this->glyphs[i]->unicode, _utf8)) ){
133                 //TODO: store this cluster
134                 _utf8+=len;
135                 count++;
136                 missing=false;
137                 break;
138             }
139         }
140         if (missing){
141                 //TODO: store this cluster
142                 _utf8++;
143                 count++;
144         }
145     }
147 //g_warning("count is %d", count);
149     //We use that info to allocate memory for the glyphs
150     *glyphs = (cairo_glyph_t*) malloc(count*sizeof(cairo_glyph_t));
152     char* previous_unicode = NULL; //This is used for kerning
153     gchar* previous_glyph_name = NULL; //This is used for kerning
155     count=0;
156     double x=0, y=0;//These vars store the position of the glyph within the rendered string
157     bool is_horizontal_text = true; //TODO
158     _utf8 = (char*) utf8;
159     while(g_utf8_get_char(_utf8) != 0){
160         len = 0;
161         for (i=0; i < (unsigned long) this->glyphs.size(); i++){
162             if ( (len = size_of_substring(this->glyphs[i]->unicode, _utf8)) ){
163                 //check whether is there a glyph declared on the SVG document
164                 // that matches with the text string in its current position
165                 for(SPObject* node = this->font->children;previous_unicode && node;node=node->next){
166                     //apply glyph kerning if appropriate
167                     if (SP_IS_HKERN(node) && is_horizontal_text){
168                         if (    (((SPHkern*)node)->u1->contains(previous_unicode[0])
169                                  || ((SPHkern*)node)->g1->contains(previous_glyph_name)) &&
170                                 (((SPHkern*)node)->u2->contains(this->glyphs[i]->unicode[0])
171                                  || ((SPHkern*)node)->g2->contains(this->glyphs[i]->glyph_name))
172                         )//TODO: verify what happens when using unicode strings.
173                                 x -= (((SPHkern*)node)->k / this->font->horiz_adv_x);
174                     }
175                     if (SP_IS_VKERN(node) && !is_horizontal_text){
176                         if (    (((SPVkern*)node)->u1->contains(previous_unicode[0])
177                                  || ((SPVkern*)node)->g1->contains(previous_glyph_name)) &&
178                                 (((SPVkern*)node)->u2->contains(this->glyphs[i]->unicode[0])
179                                  || ((SPVkern*)node)->g2->contains(this->glyphs[i]->glyph_name))
180                         )//TODO: idem
181                                 y -= (((SPVkern*)node)->k / this->font->vert_adv_y);
182                     }
183                 }
184                 previous_unicode = this->glyphs[i]->unicode;//used for kerning checking
185                 previous_glyph_name = this->glyphs[i]->glyph_name;//used for kerning checking
186                 (*glyphs)[count].index = i;
187                 (*glyphs)[count].x = x;
188                 (*glyphs)[count++].y = y;
189                 //advance glyph coordinates:
190                 if (is_horizontal_text) x++;
191                 else y++;
192                 _utf8+=len; //advance 'len' bytes in our string pointer
193                 //continue;
194                 goto dirty;
195             }
196         }
197 dirty:
198         if (!len){
199                 (*glyphs)[count].index = i;
200                 (*glyphs)[count].x = x;
201                 (*glyphs)[count++].y = y;
202                 //advance glyph coordinates:
203                 if (is_horizontal_text) x++;
204                 else y++;
205                 _utf8 = g_utf8_next_char(_utf8); //advance 1 char in our string pointer
206         }
207     }
208     *num_glyphs = count;
209     return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
212 cairo_status_t
213 SvgFont::scaled_font_render_glyph (cairo_scaled_font_t  *scaled_font,
214                                unsigned long         glyph,
215                                cairo_t              *cr,
216                                cairo_text_extents_t *metrics)
218     // This method does the actual rendering of glyphs.
220     // We have glyphs.size() glyphs and possibly one missing-glyph declared on this SVG document 
221     // The id of the missing-glyph is always equal to glyphs.size()
222     // All the other glyphs have ids ranging from 0 to glyphs.size()-1
224     if (glyph > this->glyphs.size())     return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;//TODO: this is an error!
226     SPObject* node;
227     if (glyph == this->glyphs.size()){
228         if (!this->missingglyph) return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
229         node = (SPObject*) this->missingglyph;
230         g_warning("RENDER MISSING-GLYPH");
231     } else {
232         node = (SPObject*) this->glyphs[glyph];
233         g_warning("RENDER %s", this->glyphs[glyph]->unicode);
234     }
236     //glyphs can be described by arbitrary SVG declared in the childnodes of a glyph node
237     // or using the d attribute of a glyph node.
238     // pathv stores the path description from the d attribute:
239     Geom::PathVector pathv;
240     if (SP_IS_GLYPH(node) && ((SPGlyph*)node)->d) {
241         pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(((SPGlyph*)node)->d);
242     } else if (SP_IS_MISSING_GLYPH(node) && ((SPMissingGlyph*)node)->d) {
243         pathv = sp_svg_read_pathv(((SPMissingGlyph*)node)->d);
244     } else {
245         return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;  // FIXME: is this the right code to return?
246     }
248     if (!pathv.empty()){
249         //This glyph has a path description on its d attribute, so we render it:
250         cairo_new_path(cr);
251         Geom::Scale s(1.0/((SPFont*) node->parent)->horiz_adv_x);
252         Geom::Rect area( Geom::Point(0,0), Geom::Point(1,1) ); //I need help here!    (reaction: note that the 'area' parameter is an *optional* rect, so you can pass an empty boost::optional<Geom::Rect>() )
253         feed_pathvector_to_cairo (cr, pathv, s, area, false, 0);
254         cairo_fill(cr);
255     }
257     //TODO: render the SVG described on this glyph's child nodes.
258     return CAIRO_STATUS_SUCCESS;
261 cairo_font_face_t*
262 SvgFont::get_font_face(){
263     if (!this->userfont) {
264         for(SPObject* node = this->font->children;node;node=node->next){
265             if (SP_IS_GLYPH(node)){
266                 g_warning("glyphs.push_back((SPGlyph*)node); (node->unicode='%s')", ((SPGlyph*)node)->unicode);
267                 this->glyphs.push_back((SPGlyph*)node);
268             }
269             if (SP_IS_MISSING_GLYPH(node)){
270                 g_warning("missingglyph=(SPMissingGlyph*)node;");
271                 this->missingglyph=(SPMissingGlyph*)node;
272             }
273         }
274         this->userfont = new UserFont(this);
275     }
276     return this->userfont->face;
278 #endif //#ifdef ENABLE_SVG_FONTS