
openldap plugin: replace comma with semicolon
[collectd.git] / src / battery.c
1 /**
2  * collectd - src/battery.c
3  * Copyright (C) 2006-2014  Florian octo Forster
4  * Copyright (C) 2008       Michał Mirosław
5  * Copyright (C) 2014       Andy Parkins
6  *
7  * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
8  * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
9  * Free Software Foundation; only version 2 of the License is applicable.
10  *
11  * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
12  * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
14  * General Public License for more details.
15  *
16  * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
17  * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
18  * 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301 USA
19  *
20  * Authors:
21  *   Florian octo Forster <octo at>
22  *   Michał Mirosław <mirq-linux at>
23  *   Andy Parkins <andyp at>
24  **/
26 #include "collectd.h"
28 #include "common.h"
29 #include "plugin.h"
32 #  include <mach/mach_types.h>
33 #endif
35 #  include <mach/mach_init.h>
36 #endif
38 #  include <mach/mach_error.h>
39 #endif
41 #  include <CoreFoundation/CoreFoundation.h>
42 #endif
44 #  include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>
45 #endif
47 #  include <IOKit/IOTypes.h>
48 #endif
50 #  include <IOKit/ps/IOPowerSources.h>
51 #endif
53 #  include <IOKit/ps/IOPSKeys.h>
54 #endif
57 # error "No applicable input method."
58 #endif
61         /* No global variables */
65 # define PROC_PMU_PATH_FORMAT "/proc/pmu/battery_%i"
66 # define PROC_ACPI_PATH "/proc/acpi/battery"
67 # define PROC_ACPI_FACTOR 0.001
68 # define SYSFS_PATH "/sys/class/power_supply"
69 # define SYSFS_FACTOR 0.000001
70 #endif /* KERNEL_LINUX */
72 static _Bool report_percent = 0;
73 static _Bool report_degraded = 0;
75 static void battery_submit2 (char const *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
76                 char const *type, char const *type_instance, gauge_t value)
77 {
78         value_t values[1];
79         value_list_t vl = VALUE_LIST_INIT;
81         values[0].gauge = value;
83         vl.values = values;
84         vl.values_len = 1;
85         sstrncpy (, hostname_g, sizeof (;
86         sstrncpy (vl.plugin, "battery", sizeof (vl.plugin));
87         sstrncpy (vl.plugin_instance, plugin_instance, sizeof (vl.plugin_instance));
88         sstrncpy (vl.type, type, sizeof (vl.type));
89         if (type_instance != NULL)
90                 sstrncpy (vl.type_instance, type_instance, sizeof (vl.type_instance));
92         plugin_dispatch_values (&vl);
93 } /* }}} void battery_submit2 */
95 static void battery_submit (char const *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
96                 char const *type, gauge_t value)
97 {
98         battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, type, NULL, value);
99 } /* }}} void battery_submit */
101 static void submit_capacity (char const *plugin_instance, /* {{{ */
102                 gauge_t capacity_charged,
103                 gauge_t capacity_full,
104                 gauge_t capacity_design)
106         if (report_percent && (capacity_charged > capacity_full))
107                 return;
108         if (report_degraded && (capacity_full > capacity_design))
109                 return;
111         if (report_percent)
112         {
113                 gauge_t capacity_max;
115                 if (report_degraded)
116                         capacity_max = capacity_design;
117                 else
118                         capacity_max = capacity_full;
120                 battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "percent", "charged",
121                                 100.0 * capacity_charged / capacity_max);
122                 battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "percent", "discharged",
123                                 100.0 * (capacity_full - capacity_charged) / capacity_max);
125                 if (report_degraded)
126                         battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "percent", "degraded",
127                                         100.0 * (capacity_design - capacity_full) / capacity_max);
128         }
129         else if (report_degraded) /* && !report_percent */
130         {
131                 battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "capacity", "charged",
132                                 capacity_charged);
133                 battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "capacity", "discharged",
134                                 (capacity_full - capacity_charged));
135                 battery_submit2 (plugin_instance, "capacity", "degraded",
136                                 (capacity_design - capacity_full));
137         }
138         else /* !report_percent && !report_degraded */
139         {
140                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "capacity", capacity_charged);
141         }
142 } /* }}} void submit_capacity */
145 static double dict_get_double (CFDictionaryRef dict, const char *key_string) /* {{{ */
147         double      val_double;
148         long long   val_int;
149         CFNumberRef val_obj;
150         CFStringRef key_obj;
152         key_obj = CFStringCreateWithCString (kCFAllocatorDefault, key_string,
153                         kCFStringEncodingASCII);
154         if (key_obj == NULL)
155         {
156                 DEBUG ("CFStringCreateWithCString (%s) failed.\n", key_string);
157                 return (NAN);
158         }
160         if ((val_obj = CFDictionaryGetValue (dict, key_obj)) == NULL)
161         {
162                 DEBUG ("CFDictionaryGetValue (%s) failed.", key_string);
163                 CFRelease (key_obj);
164                 return (NAN);
165         }
166         CFRelease (key_obj);
168         if (CFGetTypeID (val_obj) == CFNumberGetTypeID ())
169         {
170                 if (CFNumberIsFloatType (val_obj))
171                 {
172                         CFNumberGetValue (val_obj,
173                                         kCFNumberDoubleType,
174                                         &val_double);
175                 }
176                 else
177                 {
178                         CFNumberGetValue (val_obj,
179                                         kCFNumberLongLongType,
180                                         &val_int);
181                         val_double = val_int;
182                 }
183         }
184         else
185         {
186                 DEBUG ("CFGetTypeID (val_obj) = %i", (int) CFGetTypeID (val_obj));
187                 return (NAN);
188         }
190         return (val_double);
191 } /* }}} double dict_get_double */
194 static void get_via_io_power_sources (double *ret_charge, /* {{{ */
195                 double *ret_current,
196                 double *ret_voltage)
198         CFTypeRef       ps_raw;
199         CFArrayRef      ps_array;
200         int             ps_array_len;
201         CFDictionaryRef ps_dict;
202         CFTypeRef       ps_obj;
204         double temp_double;
206         ps_raw       = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesInfo ();
207         ps_array     = IOPSCopyPowerSourcesList (ps_raw);
208         ps_array_len = CFArrayGetCount (ps_array);
210         DEBUG ("ps_array_len == %i", ps_array_len);
212         for (int i = 0; i < ps_array_len; i++)
213         {
214                 ps_obj  = CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (ps_array, i);
215                 ps_dict = IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription (ps_raw, ps_obj);
217                 if (ps_dict == NULL)
218                 {
219                         DEBUG ("IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription failed.");
220                         continue;
221                 }
223                 if (CFGetTypeID (ps_dict) != CFDictionaryGetTypeID ())
224                 {
225                         DEBUG ("IOPSGetPowerSourceDescription did not return a CFDictionaryRef");
226                         continue;
227                 }
229                 /* FIXME: Check if this is really an internal battery */
231                 if (isnan (*ret_charge))
232                 {
233                         /* This is the charge in percent. */
234                         temp_double = dict_get_double (ps_dict,
235                                         kIOPSCurrentCapacityKey);
236                         if (!isnan ((temp_double))
237                                         && (temp_double >= 0.0)
238                                         && (temp_double <= 100.0))
239                                 *ret_charge = temp_double;
240                 }
242                 if (isnan (*ret_current))
243                 {
244                         temp_double = dict_get_double (ps_dict,
245                                         kIOPSCurrentKey);
246                         if (!isnan (temp_double))
247                                 *ret_current = temp_double / 1000.0;
248                 }
250                 if (isnan (*ret_voltage))
251                 {
252                         temp_double = dict_get_double (ps_dict,
253                                         kIOPSVoltageKey);
254                         if (!isnan (temp_double))
255                                 *ret_voltage = temp_double / 1000.0;
256                 }
257         }
259         CFRelease(ps_array);
260         CFRelease(ps_raw);
261 } /* }}} void get_via_io_power_sources */
265 static void get_via_generic_iokit (double *ret_capacity_full, /* {{{ */
266                 double *ret_capacity_design,
267                 double *ret_current,
268                 double *ret_voltage)
270         kern_return_t   status;
271         io_iterator_t   iterator;
272         io_object_t     io_obj;
274         CFDictionaryRef bat_root_dict;
275         CFArrayRef      bat_info_arry;
276         CFIndex         bat_info_arry_len;
277         CFDictionaryRef bat_info_dict;
279         double temp_double;
281         status = IOServiceGetMatchingServices (kIOMasterPortDefault,
282                         IOServiceNameMatching ("battery"),
283                         &iterator);
284         if (status != kIOReturnSuccess)
285         {
286                 DEBUG ("IOServiceGetMatchingServices failed.");
287                 return;
288         }
290         while ((io_obj = IOIteratorNext (iterator)))
291         {
292                 status = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties (io_obj,
293                                 (CFMutableDictionaryRef *) &bat_root_dict,
294                                 kCFAllocatorDefault,
295                                 kNilOptions);
296                 if (status != kIOReturnSuccess)
297                 {
298                         DEBUG ("IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperties failed.");
299                         continue;
300                 }
302                 bat_info_arry = (CFArrayRef) CFDictionaryGetValue (bat_root_dict,
303                                 CFSTR ("IOBatteryInfo"));
304                 if (bat_info_arry == NULL)
305                 {
306                         CFRelease (bat_root_dict);
307                         continue;
308                 }
309                 bat_info_arry_len = CFArrayGetCount (bat_info_arry);
311                 for (CFIndex bat_info_arry_pos = 0;
312                                 bat_info_arry_pos < bat_info_arry_len;
313                                 bat_info_arry_pos++)
314                 {
315                         bat_info_dict = (CFDictionaryRef) CFArrayGetValueAtIndex (bat_info_arry, bat_info_arry_pos);
317                         if (isnan (*ret_capacity_full))
318                         {
319                                 temp_double = dict_get_double (bat_info_dict, "Capacity");
320                                 *ret_capacity_full = temp_double / 1000.0;
321                         }
323                         if (isnan (*ret_capacity_design))
324                         {
325                                 temp_double = dict_get_double (bat_info_dict, "AbsoluteMaxCapacity");
326                                 *ret_capacity_design = temp_double / 1000.0;
327                         }
329                         if (isnan (*ret_current))
330                         {
331                                 temp_double = dict_get_double (bat_info_dict, "Current");
332                                 *ret_current = temp_double / 1000.0;
333                         }
335                         if (isnan (*ret_voltage))
336                         {
337                                 temp_double = dict_get_double (bat_info_dict, "Voltage");
338                                 *ret_voltage = temp_double / 1000.0;
339                         }
340                 }
342                 CFRelease (bat_root_dict);
343         }
345         IOObjectRelease (iterator);
346 } /* }}} void get_via_generic_iokit */
347 # endif /* HAVE_IOKIT_IOKITLIB_H */
349 static int battery_read (void) /* {{{ */
351         gauge_t current = NAN; /* Current in A */
352         gauge_t voltage = NAN; /* Voltage in V */
354         /* We only get the charged capacity as a percentage from
355          * IOPowerSources. IOKit, on the other hand, only reports the full
356          * capacity. We use the two to calculate the current charged capacity. */
357         gauge_t charge_rel = NAN; /* Current charge in percent */
358         gauge_t capacity_charged; /* Charged capacity */
359         gauge_t capacity_full = NAN; /* Total capacity */
360         gauge_t capacity_design = NAN; /* Full design capacity */
363         get_via_io_power_sources (&charge_rel, &current, &voltage);
364 #endif
366         get_via_generic_iokit (&capacity_full, &capacity_design, &current, &voltage);
367 #endif
369         capacity_charged = charge_rel * capacity_full / 100.0;
370         submit_capacity ("0", capacity_charged, capacity_full, capacity_design);
372         if (!isnan (current))
373                 battery_submit ("0", "current", current);
374         if (!isnan (voltage))
375                 battery_submit ("0", "voltage", voltage);
377         return (0);
378 } /* }}} int battery_read */
381 #elif KERNEL_LINUX
382 /* Reads a file which contains only a number (and optionally a trailing
383  * newline) and parses that number. */
384 static int sysfs_file_to_buffer(char const *dir, /* {{{ */
385                 char const *power_supply,
386                 char const *basename,
387                 char *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
389         int status;
390         FILE *fp;
391         char filename[PATH_MAX];
393         ssnprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "%s/%s/%s",
394                         dir, power_supply, basename);
396         /* No file isn't the end of the world -- not every system will be
397          * reporting the same set of statistics */
398         if (access (filename, R_OK) != 0)
399                 return ENOENT;
401         fp = fopen (filename, "r");
402         if (fp == NULL)
403         {
404                 status = errno;
405                 if (status != ENOENT)
406                 {
407                         char errbuf[1024];
408                         WARNING ("battery plugin: fopen (%s) failed: %s", filename,
409                                         sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
410                 }
411                 return status;
412         }
414         if (fgets (buffer, buffer_size, fp) == NULL)
415         {
416                 status = errno;
417                 if (status != ENODEV)
418                 {
419                         char errbuf[1024];
420                         WARNING ("battery plugin: fgets (%s) failed: %s", filename,
421                                         sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
422                 }
423                 fclose (fp);
424                 return status;
425         }
427         strstripnewline (buffer);
429         fclose (fp);
430         return 0;
431 } /* }}} int sysfs_file_to_buffer */
433 /* Reads a file which contains only a number (and optionally a trailing
434  * newline) and parses that number. */
435 static int sysfs_file_to_gauge(char const *dir, /* {{{ */
436                 char const *power_supply,
437                 char const *basename, gauge_t *ret_value)
439         int status;
440         char buffer[32] = "";
442         status = sysfs_file_to_buffer (dir, power_supply, basename, buffer, sizeof (buffer));
443         if (status != 0)
444                 return (status);
446         return (strtogauge (buffer, ret_value));
447 } /* }}} sysfs_file_to_gauge */
449 static int read_sysfs_capacity (char const *dir, /* {{{ */
450                 char const *power_supply,
451                 char const *plugin_instance)
453         gauge_t capacity_charged = NAN;
454         gauge_t capacity_full = NAN;
455         gauge_t capacity_design = NAN;
456         int status;
458         status = sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "energy_now", &capacity_charged);
459         if (status != 0)
460                 return (status);
462         status = sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "energy_full", &capacity_full);
463         if (status != 0)
464                 return (status);
466         status = sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "energy_full_design", &capacity_design);
467         if (status != 0)
468                 return (status);
470         submit_capacity (plugin_instance,
471                         capacity_charged * SYSFS_FACTOR,
472                         capacity_full * SYSFS_FACTOR,
473                         capacity_design * SYSFS_FACTOR);
474         return (0);
475 } /* }}} int read_sysfs_capacity */
477 static int read_sysfs_callback (char const *dir, /* {{{ */
478                 char const *power_supply,
479                 void *user_data)
481         int *battery_index = user_data;
483         char const *plugin_instance;
484         char buffer[32];
485         gauge_t v = NAN;
486         _Bool discharging = 0;
487         int status;
489         /* Ignore non-battery directories, such as AC power. */
490         status = sysfs_file_to_buffer (dir, power_supply, "type", buffer, sizeof (buffer));
491         if (status != 0)
492                 return (0);
493         if (strcasecmp ("Battery", buffer) != 0)
494                 return (0);
496         (void) sysfs_file_to_buffer (dir, power_supply, "status", buffer, sizeof (buffer));
497         if (strcasecmp ("Discharging", buffer) == 0)
498                 discharging = 1;
500         /* FIXME: This is a dirty hack for backwards compatibility: The battery
501          * plugin, for a very long time, has had the plugin_instance
502          * hard-coded to "0". So, to keep backwards compatibility, we'll use
503          * "0" for the first battery we find and the power_supply name for all
504          * following. This should be reverted in a future major version. */
505         plugin_instance = (*battery_index == 0) ? "0" : power_supply;
506         (*battery_index)++;
508         read_sysfs_capacity (dir, power_supply, plugin_instance);
510         if (sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "power_now", &v) == 0)
511         {
512                 if (discharging)
513                         v *= -1.0;
514                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "power", v * SYSFS_FACTOR);
515         }
516         if (sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "current_now", &v) == 0)
517         {
518                 if (discharging)
519                         v *= -1.0;
520                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "current", v * SYSFS_FACTOR);
521         }
523         if (sysfs_file_to_gauge (dir, power_supply, "voltage_now", &v) == 0)
524                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "voltage", v * SYSFS_FACTOR);
526         return (0);
527 } /* }}} int read_sysfs_callback */
529 static int read_sysfs (void) /* {{{ */
531         int status;
532         int battery_counter = 0;
534         if (access (SYSFS_PATH, R_OK) != 0)
535                 return (ENOENT);
537         status = walk_directory (SYSFS_PATH, read_sysfs_callback,
538                         /* user_data = */ &battery_counter,
539                         /* include hidden */ 0);
540         return (status);
541 } /* }}} int read_sysfs */
543 static int read_acpi_full_capacity (char const *dir, /* {{{ */
544                 char const *power_supply,
545                 gauge_t *ret_capacity_full,
546                 gauge_t *ret_capacity_design)
549         char filename[PATH_MAX];
550         char buffer[1024];
552         FILE *fh;
554         ssnprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "%s/%s/info", dir, power_supply);
555         fh = fopen (filename, "r");
556         if (fh == NULL)
557                 return (errno);
559         /* last full capacity:      40090 mWh */
560         while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL)
561         {
562                 gauge_t *value_ptr;
563                 int fields_num;
564                 char *fields[8];
565                 int index;
567                 if (strncmp ("last full capacity:", buffer, strlen ("last full capacity:")) == 0)
568                 {
569                         value_ptr = ret_capacity_full;
570                         index = 3;
571                 }
572                 else if (strncmp ("design capacity:", buffer, strlen ("design capacity:")) == 0)
573                 {
574                         value_ptr = ret_capacity_design;
575                         index = 2;
576                 }
577                 else
578                 {
579                         continue;
580                 }
582                 fields_num = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields));
583                 if (fields_num <= index)
584                         continue;
586                 strtogauge (fields[index], value_ptr);
587         }
589         fclose (fh);
590         return (0);
591 } /* }}} int read_acpi_full_capacity */
593 static int read_acpi_callback (char const *dir, /* {{{ */
594                 char const *power_supply,
595                 void *user_data)
597         int *battery_index = user_data;
599         gauge_t power = NAN;
600         gauge_t voltage = NAN;
601         gauge_t capacity_charged = NAN;
602         gauge_t capacity_full = NAN;
603         gauge_t capacity_design = NAN;
604         _Bool charging = 0;
605         _Bool is_current = 0;
607         char const *plugin_instance;
608         char filename[PATH_MAX];
609         char buffer[1024];
611         FILE *fh;
613         ssnprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), "%s/%s/state", dir, power_supply);
614         fh = fopen (filename, "r");
615         if (fh == NULL)
616         {
617                 if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR) || (errno == ENOENT))
618                         return (0);
619                 else
620                         return (errno);
621         }
623         /*
624          * [11:00] <@tokkee> $ cat /proc/acpi/battery/BAT1/state
625          * [11:00] <@tokkee> present:                 yes
626          * [11:00] <@tokkee> capacity state:          ok
627          * [11:00] <@tokkee> charging state:          charging
628          * [11:00] <@tokkee> present rate:            1724 mA
629          * [11:00] <@tokkee> remaining capacity:      4136 mAh
630          * [11:00] <@tokkee> present voltage:         12428 mV
631          */
632         while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL)
633         {
634                 char *fields[8];
635                 int numfields;
637                 numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields));
638                 if (numfields < 3)
639                         continue;
641                 if ((strcmp (fields[0], "charging") == 0)
642                                 && (strcmp (fields[1], "state:") == 0))
643                 {
644                         if (strcmp (fields[2], "charging") == 0)
645                                 charging = 1;
646                         else
647                                 charging = 0;
648                         continue;
649                 }
651                 /* The unit of "present rate" depends on the battery. Modern
652                  * batteries export power (watts), older batteries (used to)
653                  * export current (amperes). We check the fourth column and try
654                  * to find old batteries this way. */
655                 if ((strcmp (fields[0], "present") == 0)
656                                 && (strcmp (fields[1], "rate:") == 0))
657                 {
658                         strtogauge (fields[2], &power);
660                         if ((numfields >= 4) && (strcmp ("mA", fields[3]) == 0))
661                                 is_current = 1;
662                 }
663                 else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "remaining") == 0)
664                                 && (strcmp (fields[1], "capacity:") == 0))
665                         strtogauge (fields[2], &capacity_charged);
666                 else if ((strcmp (fields[0], "present") == 0)
667                                 && (strcmp (fields[1], "voltage:") == 0))
668                         strtogauge (fields[2], &voltage);
669         } /* while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL) */
671         fclose (fh);
673         if (!charging)
674                 power *= -1.0;
676         /* FIXME: This is a dirty hack for backwards compatibility: The battery
677          * plugin, for a very long time, has had the plugin_instance
678          * hard-coded to "0". So, to keep backwards compatibility, we'll use
679          * "0" for the first battery we find and the power_supply name for all
680          * following. This should be reverted in a future major version. */
681         plugin_instance = (*battery_index == 0) ? "0" : power_supply;
682         (*battery_index)++;
684         read_acpi_full_capacity (dir, power_supply, &capacity_full, &capacity_design);
686         submit_capacity (plugin_instance,
687                         capacity_charged * PROC_ACPI_FACTOR,
688                         capacity_full * PROC_ACPI_FACTOR,
689                         capacity_design * PROC_ACPI_FACTOR);
691         battery_submit (plugin_instance,
692                         is_current ? "current" : "power",
693                         power * PROC_ACPI_FACTOR);
694         battery_submit (plugin_instance, "voltage", voltage * PROC_ACPI_FACTOR);
696         return 0;
697 } /* }}} int read_acpi_callback */
699 static int read_acpi (void) /* {{{ */
701         int status;
702         int battery_counter = 0;
704         if (access (PROC_ACPI_PATH, R_OK) != 0)
705                 return (ENOENT);
707         status = walk_directory (PROC_ACPI_PATH, read_acpi_callback,
708                         /* user_data = */ &battery_counter,
709                         /* include hidden */ 0);
710         return (status);
711 } /* }}} int read_acpi */
713 static int read_pmu (void) /* {{{ */
715         int i = 0;
716         /* The upper limit here is just a safeguard. If there is a system with
717          * more than 100 batteries, this can easily be increased. */
718         for (; i < 100; i++)
719         {
720                 FILE *fh;
722                 char buffer[1024];
723                 char filename[PATH_MAX];
724                 char plugin_instance[DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
726                 gauge_t current = NAN;
727                 gauge_t voltage = NAN;
728                 gauge_t charge  = NAN;
730                 ssnprintf (filename, sizeof (filename), PROC_PMU_PATH_FORMAT, i);
731                 if (access (filename, R_OK) != 0)
732                         break;
734                 ssnprintf (plugin_instance, sizeof (plugin_instance), "%i", i);
736                 fh = fopen (filename, "r");
737                 if (fh == NULL)
738                 {
739                         if (errno == ENOENT)
740                                 break;
741                         else if ((errno == EAGAIN) || (errno == EINTR))
742                                 continue;
743                         else
744                                 return (errno);
745                 }
747                 while (fgets (buffer, sizeof (buffer), fh) != NULL)
748                 {
749                         char *fields[8];
750                         int numfields;
752                         numfields = strsplit (buffer, fields, STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (fields));
753                         if (numfields < 3)
754                                 continue;
756                         if (strcmp ("current", fields[0]) == 0)
757                                 strtogauge (fields[2], &current);
758                         else if (strcmp ("voltage", fields[0]) == 0)
759                                 strtogauge (fields[2], &voltage);
760                         else if (strcmp ("charge", fields[0]) == 0)
761                                 strtogauge (fields[2], &charge);
762                 }
764                 fclose (fh);
765                 fh = NULL;
767                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "charge", charge / 1000.0);
768                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "current", current / 1000.0);
769                 battery_submit (plugin_instance, "voltage", voltage / 1000.0);
770         }
772         if (i == 0)
773                 return (ENOENT);
774         return (0);
775 } /* }}} int read_pmu */
777 static int battery_read (void) /* {{{ */
779         int status;
781         DEBUG ("battery plugin: Trying sysfs ...");
782         status = read_sysfs ();
783         if (status == 0)
784                 return (0);
786         DEBUG ("battery plugin: Trying acpi ...");
787         status = read_acpi ();
788         if (status == 0)
789                 return (0);
791         DEBUG ("battery plugin: Trying pmu ...");
792         status = read_pmu ();
793         if (status == 0)
794                 return (0);
796         ERROR ("battery plugin: Add available input methods failed.");
797         return (-1);
798 } /* }}} int battery_read */
799 #endif /* KERNEL_LINUX */
801 static int battery_config (oconfig_item_t *ci)
803         for (int i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
804         {
805                 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
807                 if (strcasecmp ("ValuesPercentage", child->key) == 0)
808                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &report_percent);
809                 else if (strcasecmp ("ReportDegraded", child->key) == 0)
810                         cf_util_get_boolean (child, &report_degraded);
811                 else
812                         WARNING ("battery plugin: Ignoring unknown "
813                                         "configuration option \"%s\".",
814                                         child->key);
815         }
817         return (0);
818 } /* }}} int battery_config */
820 void module_register (void)
822         plugin_register_complex_config ("battery", battery_config);
823         plugin_register_read ("battery", battery_read);
824 } /* void module_register */