1 /**
2 * collectd - src/amqp.c
3 * Copyright (C) 2009 Sebastien Pahl
4 * Copyright (C) 2010-2012 Florian Forster
5 *
6 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a
7 * copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),
8 * to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation
9 * the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense,
10 * and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
11 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:
12 *
13 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in
14 * all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
15 *
23 *
24 * Authors:
25 * Sebastien Pahl <sebastien.pahl at dotcloud.com>
26 * Florian Forster <octo at verplant.org>
27 **/
29 #include "collectd.h"
30 #include "common.h"
31 #include "plugin.h"
32 #include "utils_cmd_putval.h"
33 #include "utils_format_json.h"
34 #include "utils_format_graphite.h"
36 #include <pthread.h>
38 #include <amqp.h>
39 #include <amqp_framing.h>
41 /* Defines for the delivery mode. I have no idea why they're not defined by the
42 * library.. */
43 #define CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE 1
47 #define CAMQP_FORMAT_JSON 2
50 #define CAMQP_CHANNEL 1
52 /*
53 * Data types
54 */
55 struct camqp_config_s
56 {
57 _Bool publish;
58 char *name;
60 char *host;
61 int port;
62 char *vhost;
63 char *user;
64 char *password;
66 char *exchange;
67 char *routing_key;
69 /* publish only */
70 uint8_t delivery_mode;
71 _Bool store_rates;
72 int format;
73 /* publish & graphite format only */
74 char *prefix;
75 char *postfix;
76 char escape_char;
77 unsigned int graphite_flags;
79 /* subscribe only */
80 char *exchange_type;
81 char *queue;
83 amqp_connection_state_t connection;
84 pthread_mutex_t lock;
85 };
86 typedef struct camqp_config_s camqp_config_t;
88 /*
89 * Global variables
90 */
91 static const char *def_host = "localhost";
92 static const char *def_vhost = "/";
93 static const char *def_user = "guest";
94 static const char *def_password = "guest";
95 static const char *def_exchange = "amq.fanout";
97 static pthread_t *subscriber_threads = NULL;
98 static size_t subscriber_threads_num = 0;
99 static _Bool subscriber_threads_running = 1;
101 #define CONF(c,f) (((c)->f != NULL) ? (c)->f : def_##f)
103 /*
104 * Functions
105 */
106 static void camqp_close_connection (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
107 {
108 int sockfd;
110 if ((conf == NULL) || (conf->connection == NULL))
111 return;
113 sockfd = amqp_get_sockfd (conf->connection);
114 amqp_channel_close (conf->connection, CAMQP_CHANNEL, AMQP_REPLY_SUCCESS);
115 amqp_connection_close (conf->connection, AMQP_REPLY_SUCCESS);
116 amqp_destroy_connection (conf->connection);
117 close (sockfd);
118 conf->connection = NULL;
119 } /* }}} void camqp_close_connection */
121 static void camqp_config_free (void *ptr) /* {{{ */
122 {
123 camqp_config_t *conf = ptr;
125 if (conf == NULL)
126 return;
128 camqp_close_connection (conf);
130 sfree (conf->name);
131 sfree (conf->host);
132 sfree (conf->vhost);
133 sfree (conf->user);
134 sfree (conf->password);
135 sfree (conf->exchange);
136 sfree (conf->exchange_type);
137 sfree (conf->queue);
138 sfree (conf->routing_key);
139 sfree (conf->prefix);
140 sfree (conf->postfix);
143 sfree (conf);
144 } /* }}} void camqp_config_free */
146 static char *camqp_bytes_cstring (amqp_bytes_t *in) /* {{{ */
147 {
148 char *ret;
150 if ((in == NULL) || (in->bytes == NULL))
151 return (NULL);
153 ret = malloc (in->len + 1);
154 if (ret == NULL)
155 return (NULL);
157 memcpy (ret, in->bytes, in->len);
158 ret[in->len] = 0;
160 return (ret);
161 } /* }}} char *camqp_bytes_cstring */
163 static _Bool camqp_is_error (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
164 {
165 amqp_rpc_reply_t r;
167 r = amqp_get_rpc_reply (conf->connection);
168 if (r.reply_type == AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL)
169 return (0);
171 return (1);
172 } /* }}} _Bool camqp_is_error */
174 static char *camqp_strerror (camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */
175 char *buffer, size_t buffer_size)
176 {
177 amqp_rpc_reply_t r;
179 r = amqp_get_rpc_reply (conf->connection);
180 switch (r.reply_type)
181 {
183 sstrncpy (buffer, "Success", sizeof (buffer));
184 break;
187 sstrncpy (buffer, "Missing RPC reply type", sizeof (buffer));
188 break;
192 if (r.library_errno)
193 return (sstrerror (r.library_errno, buffer, buffer_size));
194 #else
195 if (r.library_error)
196 return (sstrerror (r.library_error, buffer, buffer_size));
197 #endif
198 else
199 sstrncpy (buffer, "End of stream", sizeof (buffer));
200 break;
203 if (r.reply.id == AMQP_CONNECTION_CLOSE_METHOD)
204 {
205 amqp_connection_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded;
206 char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text);
207 ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server connection error %d: %s",
208 m->reply_code, tmp);
209 sfree (tmp);
210 }
211 else if (r.reply.id == AMQP_CHANNEL_CLOSE_METHOD)
212 {
213 amqp_channel_close_t *m = r.reply.decoded;
214 char *tmp = camqp_bytes_cstring (&m->reply_text);
215 ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server channel error %d: %s",
216 m->reply_code, tmp);
217 sfree (tmp);
218 }
219 else
220 {
221 ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Server error method %#"PRIx32,
222 r.reply.id);
223 }
224 break;
226 default:
227 ssnprintf (buffer, buffer_size, "Unknown reply type %i",
228 (int) r.reply_type);
229 }
231 return (buffer);
232 } /* }}} char *camqp_strerror */
235 static int camqp_create_exchange (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
236 {
237 amqp_exchange_declare_ok_t *ed_ret;
239 if (conf->exchange_type == NULL)
240 return (0);
242 ed_ret = amqp_exchange_declare (conf->connection,
243 /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL,
244 /* exchange = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange),
245 /* type = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange_type),
246 /* passive = */ 0,
247 /* durable = */ 0,
248 /* auto_delete = */ 1,
249 /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE);
250 if ((ed_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf))
251 {
252 char errbuf[1024];
253 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_exchange_declare failed: %s",
254 camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
255 camqp_close_connection (conf);
256 return (-1);
257 }
259 INFO ("amqp plugin: Successfully created exchange \"%s\" "
260 "with type \"%s\".",
261 conf->exchange, conf->exchange_type);
263 return (0);
264 } /* }}} int camqp_create_exchange */
265 #else
266 static int camqp_create_exchange (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
267 {
268 amqp_exchange_declare_ok_t *ed_ret;
269 amqp_table_t argument_table;
270 struct amqp_table_entry_t_ argument_table_entries[1];
272 if (conf->exchange_type == NULL)
273 return (0);
275 /* Valid arguments: "auto_delete", "internal" */
276 argument_table.num_entries = STATIC_ARRAY_SIZE (argument_table_entries);
277 argument_table.entries = argument_table_entries;
278 argument_table_entries[0].key = amqp_cstring_bytes ("auto_delete");
279 argument_table_entries[0].value.kind = AMQP_FIELD_KIND_BOOLEAN;
280 argument_table_entries[0].value.value.boolean = 1;
282 ed_ret = amqp_exchange_declare (conf->connection,
283 /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL,
284 /* exchange = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange),
285 /* type = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange_type),
286 /* passive = */ 0,
287 /* durable = */ 0,
288 /* arguments = */ argument_table);
289 if ((ed_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf))
290 {
291 char errbuf[1024];
292 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_exchange_declare failed: %s",
293 camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
294 camqp_close_connection (conf);
295 return (-1);
296 }
298 INFO ("amqp plugin: Successfully created exchange \"%s\" "
299 "with type \"%s\".",
300 conf->exchange, conf->exchange_type);
302 return (0);
303 } /* }}} int camqp_create_exchange */
304 #endif
306 static int camqp_setup_queue (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
307 {
308 amqp_queue_declare_ok_t *qd_ret;
309 amqp_basic_consume_ok_t *cm_ret;
311 qd_ret = amqp_queue_declare (conf->connection,
312 /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL,
313 /* queue = */ (conf->queue != NULL)
314 ? amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue)
316 /* passive = */ 0,
317 /* durable = */ 0,
318 /* exclusive = */ 0,
319 /* auto_delete = */ 1,
320 /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE);
321 if (qd_ret == NULL)
322 {
323 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_queue_declare failed.");
324 camqp_close_connection (conf);
325 return (-1);
326 }
328 if (conf->queue == NULL)
329 {
330 conf->queue = camqp_bytes_cstring (&qd_ret->queue);
331 if (conf->queue == NULL)
332 {
333 ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_bytes_cstring failed.");
334 camqp_close_connection (conf);
335 return (-1);
336 }
338 INFO ("amqp plugin: Created queue \"%s\".", conf->queue);
339 }
340 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Successfully created queue \"%s\".", conf->queue);
342 /* bind to an exchange */
343 if (conf->exchange != NULL)
344 {
345 amqp_queue_bind_ok_t *qb_ret;
347 assert (conf->queue != NULL);
348 qb_ret = amqp_queue_bind (conf->connection,
349 /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL,
350 /* queue = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue),
351 /* exchange = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->exchange),
352 /* routing_key = */ (conf->routing_key != NULL)
353 ? amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->routing_key)
355 /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE);
356 if ((qb_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf))
357 {
358 char errbuf[1024];
359 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_queue_bind failed: %s",
360 camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
361 camqp_close_connection (conf);
362 return (-1);
363 }
365 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Successfully bound queue \"%s\" to exchange \"%s\".",
366 conf->queue, conf->exchange);
367 } /* if (conf->exchange != NULL) */
369 cm_ret = amqp_basic_consume (conf->connection,
370 /* channel = */ CAMQP_CHANNEL,
371 /* queue = */ amqp_cstring_bytes (conf->queue),
372 /* consumer_tag = */ AMQP_EMPTY_BYTES,
373 /* no_local = */ 0,
374 /* no_ack = */ 1,
375 /* exclusive = */ 0,
376 /* arguments = */ AMQP_EMPTY_TABLE
377 );
378 if ((cm_ret == NULL) && camqp_is_error (conf))
379 {
380 char errbuf[1024];
381 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_basic_consume failed: %s",
382 camqp_strerror (conf, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
383 camqp_close_connection (conf);
384 return (-1);
385 }
387 return (0);
388 } /* }}} int camqp_setup_queue */
390 static int camqp_connect (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
391 {
392 amqp_rpc_reply_t reply;
393 int sockfd;
394 int status;
396 if (conf->connection != NULL)
397 return (0);
399 conf->connection = amqp_new_connection ();
400 if (conf->connection == NULL)
401 {
402 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_new_connection failed.");
403 return (ENOMEM);
404 }
406 sockfd = amqp_open_socket (CONF(conf, host), conf->port);
407 if (sockfd < 0)
408 {
409 char errbuf[1024];
410 status = (-1) * sockfd;
411 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_open_socket failed: %s",
412 sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
413 amqp_destroy_connection (conf->connection);
414 conf->connection = NULL;
415 return (status);
416 }
417 amqp_set_sockfd (conf->connection, sockfd);
419 reply = amqp_login (conf->connection, CONF(conf, vhost),
420 /* channel max = */ 0,
421 /* frame max = */ 131072,
422 /* heartbeat = */ 0,
423 /* authentication = */ AMQP_SASL_METHOD_PLAIN,
424 CONF(conf, user), CONF(conf, password));
425 if (reply.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL)
426 {
427 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_login (vhost = %s, user = %s) failed.",
428 CONF(conf, vhost), CONF(conf, user));
429 amqp_destroy_connection (conf->connection);
430 close (sockfd);
431 conf->connection = NULL;
432 return (1);
433 }
435 amqp_channel_open (conf->connection, /* channel = */ 1);
436 /* FIXME: Is checking "reply.reply_type" really correct here? How does
437 * it get set? --octo */
438 if (reply.reply_type != AMQP_RESPONSE_NORMAL)
439 {
440 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_channel_open failed.");
441 amqp_connection_close (conf->connection, AMQP_REPLY_SUCCESS);
442 amqp_destroy_connection (conf->connection);
443 close(sockfd);
444 conf->connection = NULL;
445 return (1);
446 }
448 INFO ("amqp plugin: Successfully opened connection to vhost \"%s\" "
449 "on %s:%i.", CONF(conf, vhost), CONF(conf, host), conf->port);
451 status = camqp_create_exchange (conf);
452 if (status != 0)
453 return (status);
455 if (!conf->publish)
456 return (camqp_setup_queue (conf));
457 return (0);
458 } /* }}} int camqp_connect */
460 static int camqp_shutdown (void) /* {{{ */
461 {
462 size_t i;
464 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Shutting down %zu subscriber threads.",
465 subscriber_threads_num);
467 subscriber_threads_running = 0;
468 for (i = 0; i < subscriber_threads_num; i++)
469 {
470 /* FIXME: Sending a signal is not very elegant here. Maybe find out how
471 * to use a timeout in the thread and check for the variable in regular
472 * intervals. */
473 pthread_kill (subscriber_threads[i], SIGTERM);
474 pthread_join (subscriber_threads[i], /* retval = */ NULL);
475 }
477 subscriber_threads_num = 0;
478 sfree (subscriber_threads);
480 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: All subscriber threads exited.");
482 return (0);
483 } /* }}} int camqp_shutdown */
485 /*
486 * Subscribing code
487 */
488 static int camqp_read_body (camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */
489 size_t body_size, const char *content_type)
490 {
491 char body[body_size + 1];
492 char *body_ptr;
493 size_t received;
494 amqp_frame_t frame;
495 int status;
497 memset (body, 0, sizeof (body));
498 body_ptr = &body[0];
499 received = 0;
501 while (received < body_size)
502 {
503 status = amqp_simple_wait_frame (conf->connection, &frame);
504 if (status < 0)
505 {
506 char errbuf[1024];
507 status = (-1) * status;
508 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed: %s",
509 sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
510 camqp_close_connection (conf);
511 return (status);
512 }
514 if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_BODY)
515 {
516 NOTICE ("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#"PRIx8,
517 frame.frame_type);
518 return (-1);
519 }
521 if ((body_size - received) < frame.payload.body_fragment.len)
522 {
523 WARNING ("amqp plugin: Body is larger than indicated by header.");
524 return (-1);
525 }
527 memcpy (body_ptr, frame.payload.body_fragment.bytes,
528 frame.payload.body_fragment.len);
529 body_ptr += frame.payload.body_fragment.len;
530 received += frame.payload.body_fragment.len;
531 } /* while (received < body_size) */
533 if (strcasecmp ("text/collectd", content_type) == 0)
534 {
535 status = handle_putval (stderr, body);
536 if (status != 0)
537 ERROR ("amqp plugin: handle_putval failed with status %i.",
538 status);
539 return (status);
540 }
541 else if (strcasecmp ("application/json", content_type) == 0)
542 {
543 ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_read_body: Parsing JSON data has not "
544 "been implemented yet. FIXME!");
545 return (0);
546 }
547 else
548 {
549 ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_read_body: Unknown content type \"%s\".",
550 content_type);
551 return (EINVAL);
552 }
554 /* not reached */
555 return (0);
556 } /* }}} int camqp_read_body */
558 static int camqp_read_header (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
559 {
560 int status;
561 amqp_frame_t frame;
562 amqp_basic_properties_t *properties;
563 char *content_type;
565 status = amqp_simple_wait_frame (conf->connection, &frame);
566 if (status < 0)
567 {
568 char errbuf[1024];
569 status = (-1) * status;
570 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed: %s",
571 sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
572 camqp_close_connection (conf);
573 return (status);
574 }
576 if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_HEADER)
577 {
578 NOTICE ("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#"PRIx8,
579 frame.frame_type);
580 return (-1);
581 }
583 properties = frame.payload.properties.decoded;
584 content_type = camqp_bytes_cstring (&properties->content_type);
585 if (content_type == NULL)
586 {
587 ERROR ("amqp plugin: Unable to determine content type.");
588 return (-1);
589 }
591 status = camqp_read_body (conf,
592 (size_t) frame.payload.properties.body_size,
593 content_type);
595 sfree (content_type);
596 return (status);
597 } /* }}} int camqp_read_header */
599 static void *camqp_subscribe_thread (void *user_data) /* {{{ */
600 {
601 camqp_config_t *conf = user_data;
602 int status;
604 cdtime_t interval = plugin_get_interval ();
606 while (subscriber_threads_running)
607 {
608 amqp_frame_t frame;
610 status = camqp_connect (conf);
611 if (status != 0)
612 {
613 struct timespec ts_interval;
614 ERROR ("amqp plugin: camqp_connect failed. "
615 "Will sleep for %.3f seconds.",
616 CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (interval));
617 CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (interval, &ts_interval);
618 nanosleep (&ts_interval, /* remaining = */ NULL);
619 continue;
620 }
622 status = amqp_simple_wait_frame (conf->connection, &frame);
623 if (status < 0)
624 {
625 struct timespec ts_interval;
626 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_simple_wait_frame failed. "
627 "Will sleep for %.3f seconds.",
628 CDTIME_T_TO_DOUBLE (interval));
629 camqp_close_connection (conf);
630 CDTIME_T_TO_TIMESPEC (interval, &ts_interval);
631 nanosleep (&ts_interval, /* remaining = */ NULL);
632 continue;
633 }
635 if (frame.frame_type != AMQP_FRAME_METHOD)
636 {
637 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Unexpected frame type: %#"PRIx8,
638 frame.frame_type);
639 continue;
640 }
642 if (frame.payload.method.id != AMQP_BASIC_DELIVER_METHOD)
643 {
644 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: Unexpected method id: %#"PRIx32,
645 frame.payload.method.id);
646 continue;
647 }
649 status = camqp_read_header (conf);
651 amqp_maybe_release_buffers (conf->connection);
652 } /* while (subscriber_threads_running) */
654 camqp_config_free (conf);
655 pthread_exit (NULL);
656 return (NULL);
657 } /* }}} void *camqp_subscribe_thread */
659 static int camqp_subscribe_init (camqp_config_t *conf) /* {{{ */
660 {
661 int status;
662 pthread_t *tmp;
664 tmp = realloc (subscriber_threads,
665 sizeof (*subscriber_threads) * (subscriber_threads_num + 1));
666 if (tmp == NULL)
667 {
668 ERROR ("amqp plugin: realloc failed.");
669 camqp_config_free (conf);
670 return (ENOMEM);
671 }
672 subscriber_threads = tmp;
673 tmp = subscriber_threads + subscriber_threads_num;
674 memset (tmp, 0, sizeof (*tmp));
676 status = plugin_thread_create (tmp, /* attr = */ NULL,
677 camqp_subscribe_thread, conf);
678 if (status != 0)
679 {
680 char errbuf[1024];
681 ERROR ("amqp plugin: pthread_create failed: %s",
682 sstrerror (status, errbuf, sizeof (errbuf)));
683 camqp_config_free (conf);
684 return (status);
685 }
687 subscriber_threads_num++;
689 return (0);
690 } /* }}} int camqp_subscribe_init */
692 /*
693 * Publishing code
694 */
695 /* XXX: You must hold "conf->lock" when calling this function! */
696 static int camqp_write_locked (camqp_config_t *conf, /* {{{ */
697 const char *buffer, const char *routing_key)
698 {
699 amqp_basic_properties_t props;
700 int status;
702 status = camqp_connect (conf);
703 if (status != 0)
704 return (status);
706 memset (&props, 0, sizeof (props));
710 if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND)
711 props.content_type = amqp_cstring_bytes("text/collectd");
712 else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_JSON)
713 props.content_type = amqp_cstring_bytes("application/json");
714 else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_GRAPHITE)
715 props.content_type = amqp_cstring_bytes("text/graphite");
716 else
717 assert (23 == 42);
718 props.delivery_mode = conf->delivery_mode;
719 props.app_id = amqp_cstring_bytes("collectd");
721 status = amqp_basic_publish(conf->connection,
722 /* channel = */ 1,
723 amqp_cstring_bytes(CONF(conf, exchange)),
724 amqp_cstring_bytes (routing_key),
725 /* mandatory = */ 0,
726 /* immediate = */ 0,
727 &props,
728 amqp_cstring_bytes(buffer));
729 if (status != 0)
730 {
731 ERROR ("amqp plugin: amqp_basic_publish failed with status %i.",
732 status);
733 camqp_close_connection (conf);
734 }
736 return (status);
737 } /* }}} int camqp_write_locked */
739 static int camqp_write (const data_set_t *ds, const value_list_t *vl, /* {{{ */
740 user_data_t *user_data)
741 {
742 camqp_config_t *conf = user_data->data;
743 char routing_key[6 * DATA_MAX_NAME_LEN];
744 char buffer[4096];
745 int status;
747 if ((ds == NULL) || (vl == NULL) || (conf == NULL))
748 return (EINVAL);
750 memset (buffer, 0, sizeof (buffer));
752 if (conf->routing_key != NULL)
753 {
754 sstrncpy (routing_key, conf->routing_key, sizeof (routing_key));
755 }
756 else
757 {
758 size_t i;
759 ssnprintf (routing_key, sizeof (routing_key), "collectd/%s/%s/%s/%s/%s",
760 vl->host,
761 vl->plugin, vl->plugin_instance,
762 vl->type, vl->type_instance);
764 /* Switch slashes (the only character forbidden by collectd) and dots
765 * (the separation character used by AMQP). */
766 for (i = 0; routing_key[i] != 0; i++)
767 {
768 if (routing_key[i] == '.')
769 routing_key[i] = '/';
770 else if (routing_key[i] == '/')
771 routing_key[i] = '.';
772 }
773 }
775 if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND)
776 {
777 status = create_putval (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ds, vl);
778 if (status != 0)
779 {
780 ERROR ("amqp plugin: create_putval failed with status %i.",
781 status);
782 return (status);
783 }
784 }
785 else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_JSON)
786 {
787 size_t bfree = sizeof (buffer);
788 size_t bfill = 0;
790 format_json_initialize (buffer, &bfill, &bfree);
791 format_json_value_list (buffer, &bfill, &bfree, ds, vl, conf->store_rates);
792 format_json_finalize (buffer, &bfill, &bfree);
793 }
794 else if (conf->format == CAMQP_FORMAT_GRAPHITE)
795 {
796 status = format_graphite (buffer, sizeof (buffer), ds, vl,
797 conf->prefix, conf->postfix, conf->escape_char,
798 conf->graphite_flags);
799 if (status != 0)
800 {
801 ERROR ("amqp plugin: format_graphite failed with status %i.",
802 status);
803 return (status);
804 }
805 }
806 else
807 {
808 ERROR ("amqp plugin: Invalid format (%i).", conf->format);
809 return (-1);
810 }
812 pthread_mutex_lock (&conf->lock);
813 status = camqp_write_locked (conf, buffer, routing_key);
814 pthread_mutex_unlock (&conf->lock);
816 return (status);
817 } /* }}} int camqp_write */
819 /*
820 * Config handling
821 */
822 static int camqp_config_set_format (oconfig_item_t *ci, /* {{{ */
823 camqp_config_t *conf)
824 {
825 char *string;
826 int status;
828 string = NULL;
829 status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &string);
830 if (status != 0)
831 return (status);
833 assert (string != NULL);
834 if (strcasecmp ("Command", string) == 0)
835 conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND;
836 else if (strcasecmp ("JSON", string) == 0)
837 conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_JSON;
838 else if (strcasecmp ("Graphite", string) == 0)
839 conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_GRAPHITE;
840 else
841 {
842 WARNING ("amqp plugin: Invalid format string: %s",
843 string);
844 }
846 free (string);
848 return (0);
849 } /* }}} int config_set_string */
851 static int camqp_config_connection (oconfig_item_t *ci, /* {{{ */
852 _Bool publish)
853 {
854 camqp_config_t *conf;
855 int status;
856 int i;
858 conf = malloc (sizeof (*conf));
859 if (conf == NULL)
860 {
861 ERROR ("amqp plugin: malloc failed.");
862 return (ENOMEM);
863 }
865 /* Initialize "conf" {{{ */
866 memset (conf, 0, sizeof (*conf));
867 conf->publish = publish;
868 conf->name = NULL;
869 conf->format = CAMQP_FORMAT_COMMAND;
870 conf->host = NULL;
871 conf->port = 5672;
872 conf->vhost = NULL;
873 conf->user = NULL;
874 conf->password = NULL;
875 conf->exchange = NULL;
876 conf->routing_key = NULL;
877 /* publish only */
878 conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
879 conf->store_rates = 0;
880 /* publish & graphite only */
881 conf->prefix = NULL;
882 conf->postfix = NULL;
883 conf->escape_char = '_';
884 /* subscribe only */
885 conf->exchange_type = NULL;
886 conf->queue = NULL;
887 /* general */
888 conf->connection = NULL;
889 pthread_mutex_init (&conf->lock, /* attr = */ NULL);
890 /* }}} */
892 status = cf_util_get_string (ci, &conf->name);
893 if (status != 0)
894 {
895 sfree (conf);
896 return (status);
897 }
899 for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
900 {
901 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
903 if (strcasecmp ("Host", child->key) == 0)
904 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->host);
905 else if (strcasecmp ("Port", child->key) == 0)
906 {
907 status = cf_util_get_port_number (child);
908 if (status > 0)
909 {
910 conf->port = status;
911 status = 0;
912 }
913 }
914 else if (strcasecmp ("VHost", child->key) == 0)
915 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->vhost);
916 else if (strcasecmp ("User", child->key) == 0)
917 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->user);
918 else if (strcasecmp ("Password", child->key) == 0)
919 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->password);
920 else if (strcasecmp ("Exchange", child->key) == 0)
921 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange);
922 else if ((strcasecmp ("ExchangeType", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
923 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->exchange_type);
924 else if ((strcasecmp ("Queue", child->key) == 0) && !publish)
925 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->queue);
926 else if (strcasecmp ("RoutingKey", child->key) == 0)
927 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->routing_key);
928 else if ((strcasecmp ("Persistent", child->key) == 0) && publish)
929 {
930 _Bool tmp = 0;
931 status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &tmp);
932 if (tmp)
933 conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_PERSISTENT;
934 else
935 conf->delivery_mode = CAMQP_DM_VOLATILE;
936 }
937 else if ((strcasecmp ("StoreRates", child->key) == 0) && publish)
938 {
939 status = cf_util_get_boolean (child, &conf->store_rates);
940 (void) cf_util_get_flag (child, &conf->graphite_flags,
942 }
943 else if ((strcasecmp ("Format", child->key) == 0) && publish)
944 status = camqp_config_set_format (child, conf);
945 else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePrefix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
946 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->prefix);
947 else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphitePostfix", child->key) == 0) && publish)
948 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &conf->postfix);
949 else if ((strcasecmp ("GraphiteEscapeChar", child->key) == 0) && publish)
950 {
951 char *tmp_buff = NULL;
952 status = cf_util_get_string (child, &tmp_buff);
953 if (strlen (tmp_buff) > 1)
954 WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"GraphiteEscapeChar\" handles "
955 "only one character. Others will be ignored.");
956 conf->escape_char = tmp_buff[0];
957 sfree (tmp_buff);
958 }
959 else
960 WARNING ("amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown "
961 "configuration option \"%s\".", child->key);
963 if (status != 0)
964 break;
965 } /* for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++) */
967 if ((status == 0) && (conf->exchange == NULL))
968 {
969 if (conf->exchange_type != NULL)
970 WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"ExchangeType\" was given "
971 "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");
973 if (!publish && (conf->routing_key != NULL))
974 WARNING ("amqp plugin: The option \"RoutingKey\" was given "
975 "without the \"Exchange\" option. It will be ignored.");
977 }
979 if (status != 0)
980 {
981 camqp_config_free (conf);
982 return (status);
983 }
985 if (conf->exchange != NULL)
986 {
987 DEBUG ("amqp plugin: camqp_config_connection: exchange = %s;",
988 conf->exchange);
989 }
991 if (publish)
992 {
993 char cbname[128];
994 user_data_t ud = { conf, camqp_config_free };
996 ssnprintf (cbname, sizeof (cbname), "amqp/%s", conf->name);
998 status = plugin_register_write (cbname, camqp_write, &ud);
999 if (status != 0)
1000 {
1001 camqp_config_free (conf);
1002 return (status);
1003 }
1004 }
1005 else
1006 {
1007 status = camqp_subscribe_init (conf);
1008 if (status != 0)
1009 {
1010 camqp_config_free (conf);
1011 return (status);
1012 }
1013 }
1015 return (0);
1016 } /* }}} int camqp_config_connection */
1018 static int camqp_config (oconfig_item_t *ci) /* {{{ */
1019 {
1020 int i;
1022 for (i = 0; i < ci->children_num; i++)
1023 {
1024 oconfig_item_t *child = ci->children + i;
1026 if (strcasecmp ("Publish", child->key) == 0)
1027 camqp_config_connection (child, /* publish = */ 1);
1028 else if (strcasecmp ("Subscribe", child->key) == 0)
1029 camqp_config_connection (child, /* publish = */ 0);
1030 else
1031 WARNING ("amqp plugin: Ignoring unknown config option \"%s\".",
1032 child->key);
1033 } /* for (ci->children_num) */
1035 return (0);
1036 } /* }}} int camqp_config */
1038 void module_register (void)
1039 {
1040 plugin_register_complex_config ("amqp", camqp_config);
1041 plugin_register_shutdown ("amqp", camqp_shutdown);
1042 } /* void module_register */
1044 /* vim: set sw=4 sts=4 et fdm=marker : */