
[inkscape.git] / src /
1 ## Process this file with automake to produce
3 # ################################################
4 #  G L O B A L
5 # ################################################
7 # Should work in either automake1.7 or 1.8, but 1.6 doesn't
8 # handle foo/libfoo_a_CPPFLAGS properly (if at all).
9 # Update: We now avoid setting foo/libfoo_a_CPPFLAGS,
10 # so perhaps 1.6 will work.
11 AUTOMAKE_OPTIONS = 1.7 subdir-objects
13 # Executables compiled by "make" and installed by "make install"
14 bin_PROGRAMS = inkscape inkview
16 # Libraries which should be compiled by "make" but not installed.
17 # Use this only for libraries that are really standalone, rather than for
18 # source tree subdirectories.
20 #libpedro = pedro/libpedro.a
21 #endif
22 noinst_LIBRARIES =      \
23         libinkscape.a           \
24         dom/libdom.a            \
25         libcroco/libcroco.a     \
26         libavoid/libavoid.a     \
27         libgdl/libgdl.a         \
28         libcola/libcola.a       \
29         libvpsc/libvpsc.a       \
30         livarot/libvarot.a      \
31         2geom/lib2geom.a        \
32         $(libpedro)             \
33         libinkversion.a
35 all_libs =                      \
36         $(noinst_LIBRARIES)     \
37         $(INKSCAPE_LIBS)        \
38         $(GNOME_VFS_LIBS)       \
39         $(XFT_LIBS)             \
40         $(FREETYPE_LIBS)        \
41         $(kdeldadd)             \
42         $(win32ldflags)         \
43         $(CARBON_LDFLAGS)       \
44         $(PERL_LIBS)            \
45         $(PYTHON_LIBS)          \
46         $(INKBOARD_LIBS)        \
47         $(LIBWPG_LIBS)          \
48         $(IMAGEMAGICK_LIBS)
50 # Add sources common for Inkscape and Inkview to this variable.
51 ink_common_sources =
52 # Add Inkscape-only sources here.
53 inkscape_SOURCES =
54 # Add Inkview-only sources here.
55 inkview_SOURCES =
57 INCLUDES =      \
58         $(PERL_CFLAGS) $(PYTHON_CFLAGS) \
59         $(FREETYPE_CFLAGS)      \
60         $(GNOME_PRINT_CFLAGS)   \
61         $(GNOME_VFS_CFLAGS)     \
62         $(IMAGEMAGICK_CFLAGS) \
63         $(INKBOARD_CFLAGS) \
64         $(LIBWPG_CFLAGS) \
65         $(XFT_CFLAGS)   \
66         $(LCMS_CFLAGS)  \
67         $(POPPLER_CFLAGS)       \
68         $(POPPLER_GLIB_CFLAGS)  \
69         -DPOTRACE=\"potrace\"   \
70         $(INKSCAPE_CFLAGS) \
71         -I$(top_srcdir)/cxxtest \
72         $(WIN32_CFLAGS) \
73         -I$(srcdir)/bind/javainc \
74         -I$(srcdir)/bind/javainc/linux \
75         $(AM_CPPFLAGS)
77 CXXTEST_TEMPLATE = $(srcdir)/cxxtest-template.tpl
78 CXXTESTGENFLAGS = --root --have-eh --template=$(CXXTEST_TEMPLATE)
79 CXXTESTGEN = $(top_srcdir)/cxxtest/ $(CXXTESTGENFLAGS)
80 # Add test cases to this variable
83 # ################################################
84 #
85 #  E X T R A 
86 #
87 # ################################################
90 win32_sources = winmain.cpp registrytool.cpp registrytool.h
91 win32ldflags = -lcomdlg32
92 endif 
94 if INKJAR
95 inkjar_dir = inkjar
96 inkjar_libs = inkjar/libinkjar.a
97 endif
99 # Include all partial makefiles from subdirectories
100 include Makefile_insert
101 include application/Makefile_insert
102 include bind/Makefile_insert
103 include dialogs/Makefile_insert
104 include display/Makefile_insert
105 include dom/Makefile_insert
106 include extension/Makefile_insert
107 include extension/implementation/Makefile_insert
108 include extension/internal/Makefile_insert
109 include extension/script/Makefile_insert
110 include filters/Makefile_insert
111 include helper/Makefile_insert
112 include inkjar/Makefile_insert
113 include io/Makefile_insert
114 #include pedro/Makefile_insert
115 #include jabber_whiteboard/Makefile_insert
116 include libcroco/Makefile_insert
117 include libgdl/Makefile_insert
118 include libnr/Makefile_insert
119 include libnrtype/Makefile_insert
120 include libavoid/Makefile_insert
121 include livarot/Makefile_insert
122 include live_effects/Makefile_insert
123 include live_effects/parameter/Makefile_insert
124 include libvpsc/Makefile_insert
125 include libcola/Makefile_insert
126 include removeoverlap/Makefile_insert
127 include graphlayout/Makefile_insert
128 include svg/Makefile_insert
129 include widgets/Makefile_insert
130 include debug/Makefile_insert
131 include xml/Makefile_insert
132 include traits/Makefile_insert
133 include algorithms/Makefile_insert
134 include ui/Makefile_insert
135 include ui/cache/Makefile_insert
136 include ui/dialog/Makefile_insert
137 include ui/tool/Makefile_insert
138 include ui/view/Makefile_insert
139 include ui/widget/Makefile_insert
140 include util/Makefile_insert
141 include trace/Makefile_insert
142 include 2geom/Makefile_insert
144 # Extra files not mentioned as sources to include in the source tarball
145 EXTRA_DIST =    \
146         $(top_srcdir)/Doxyfile  \
147         sp-skeleton.cpp sp-skeleton.h   \
148         algorithms/  \
149         application/ \
150         bind/        \
151         debug/       \
152         dialogs/     \
153         display/     \
154         dom/         \
155         extension/implementation/    \
156         extension/internal/  \
157         extension/   \
158         extension/script/    \
159         filters/ \
160         helper/      \
161         inkjar/      \
162         io/  \
163         io/crystalegg.xml       \
164         io/doc2html.xsl         \
165         pedro/       \
166         jabber_whiteboard/   \
167         libgdl/      \
168         libcroco/    \
169         libnr/       \
170         libnrtype/   \
171         libavoid/    \
172         livarot/     \
173         live_effects/        \
174         live_effects/parameter/      \
175         removeoverlap/       \
176         svg/         \
177         trace/       \
178         traits/      \
179         ui/          \
180         ui/cache/    \
181         ui/dialog/   \
182         ui/view/     \
183         ui/widget/   \
184         util/        \
185         widgets/     \
186         xml/         \
187         2geom/       \
188         extension/internal/win32.cpp    \
189         extension/internal/win32.h      \
190         extension/internal/emf-win32-inout.cpp  \
191         extension/internal/emf-win32-inout.h    \
192         extension/internal/emf-win32-print.cpp  \
193         extension/internal/emf-win32-print.h    \
194         helper/sp-marshal.list  \
195         traits/copy.h   \
196         traits/function.h       \
197         traits/list-copy.h      \
198         traits/reference.h \
199         show-preview.bmp \
200         $(jabber_whiteboard_SOURCES) \
201         $(CXXTEST_TEMPLATE)
203 # Extra files to remove when doing "make distclean"
204 DISTCLEANFILES =        \
205         helper/sp-marshal.cpp   \
206         helper/sp-marshal.h     \
207         inkscape-version.cpp
209 # ################################################
210 #  B I N A R I E S
211 # ################################################
213 # this should speed up the build
214 libinkscape_a_SOURCES = $(ink_common_sources)
216 inkscape_SOURCES += main.cpp $(win32_sources)
217 inkscape_LDADD = $(all_libs)
218 inkscape_LDFLAGS = --export-dynamic $(kdeldflags)
220 inkview_SOURCES += inkview.cpp $(win32_sources)
221 inkview_LDADD = $(all_libs)
223 # ################################################
225 # ################################################
227 libinkversion_a_SOURCES = inkscape-version.cpp inkscape-version.h
230 inkscape_version_deps = $(top_srcdir)/.svn/entries
231 endif
233 # If this is an SVN snapshot build, regenerate this file every time
234 # someone updates the SVN working directory.
235 inkscape-version.cpp: $(inkscape_version_deps)
236         VER_PREFIX="$(VERSION)"; \
237         if test -x "$(srcdir)/.svn" -a ! -z `which svn`; then \
238             VER_SVNREV=" r`LANG=en svn info $(srcdir) | sed -n -e '/^Revision:/s/Revision: \(.*\)/\1/p'`"; \
239             if test ! -z "`svn status -q $(srcdir)`"; then \
240                  VER_CUSTOM=" custom"; \
241             fi; \
242         fi; \
244         echo "namespace Inkscape { " \
245              "char const *version_string = \"$$VERSION\"; " \
246              "}" >; \
247         if cmp -s inkscape-version.cpp; then \
248              rm; \
249         else \
250              mv inkscape-version.cpp; \
251         fi; \
252         echo $$VERSION
254 # #################################
255 # ## TESTING STUFF (make check) ###
256 # #################################
258 # List of all programs that should be built before testing. Note that this is
259 # different from TESTS, because some tests can be scripts that don't
260 # need to be built. There should be one test program per directory.
261 # automake adds $(EXEEXT) to check_PROGRAMS items but not to TESTS items:
262 # TESTS items can be scripts etc.
263 check_PROGRAMS = cxxtests
265 # streamtest is unfinished and can't handle the relocations done during
266 # "make distcheck".
268 # List of all tests to be run.
269 TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) ../share/extensions/test/run-all-extension-tests
270 # XFAIL_TESTS = $(check_PROGRAMS) ../share/extensions/test/run-all-extension-tests
272 # including the the testsuites here ensures that they get distributed
273 cxxtests_SOURCES = cxxtests.cpp libnr/nr-compose-reference.cpp $(CXXTEST_TESTSUITES)
274 cxxtests_LDADD = $(all_libs)
277         $(CXXTESTGEN) -o cxxtests.cpp $(CXXTEST_TESTSUITES)
279 # ################################################
280 #  D I S T
281 # ################################################
283 dist-hook:
284         mkdir $(distdir)/pixmaps
285         cp $(srcdir)/pixmaps/*xpm $(distdir)/pixmaps
287 distclean-local:
288         rm -f cxxtests.xml cxxtests.log