
Add new tracker template.
[roundup.git] / share / roundup / templates / devel / html / query.edit.html
1 <tal:block metal:use-macro="templates/page/macros/frame">
2 <title metal:fill-slot="head_title" i18n:translate=""
3  >"Your Queries" Editing - <span tal:replace="config/TRACKER_NAME"
4  i18n:name="tracker" /></title>
5 <span metal:fill-slot="body_title" tal:omit-tag="python:1"
6  i18n:translate="">"Your Queries" Editing</span>
8 <td class="content" metal:fill-slot="content">
10 <span tal:condition="not:context/is_edit_ok"
11  i18n:translate="">You are not allowed to edit queries.</span>
13 <script language="javascript">
14 // This exists solely because I can't figure how to get the & into an
15 // attributes TALES expression, and so it keeps getting quoted.
16 function retire(qid) {
17     window.location = 'query'+qid+'?@action=retire&@template=edit';
18 }
19 </script>
21 <form method="POST" onSubmit="return submit_once()" action="query"
22       enctype="multipart/form-data" tal:condition="context/is_edit_ok">
24 <table class="list" width="100%"
25        tal:define="uid request/user/id; mine request/user/queries">
27 <tr><th i18n:translate="">Query</th>
28     <th i18n:translate="">Include in "Your Queries"</th>
29     <th i18n:translate="">Edit</th>
30     <th i18n:translate="">Private to you?</th>
31     <th>&nbsp;</th>
32 </tr>
34 <tr tal:repeat="query mine">
35  <tal:block condition="query/is_retired">
37  <td><a tal:attributes="href string:${query/klass}?${query/url}"
38         tal:content="query/name">query</a></td>
40  <td metal:define-macro="include">
41   <select tal:condition=" not in mine"
42           tal:attributes="name string:user${uid}@add@queries">
43     <option value="" i18n:translate="">leave out</option>
44     <option tal:attributes="value query/id" i18n:translate="">include</option>
45   </select>
46   <select tal:condition=" in mine"
47           tal:attributes="name string:user${uid}@remove@queries">
48     <option value="" i18n:translate="">leave in</option>
49     <option tal:attributes="value query/id" i18n:translate="">remove</option>
50   </select>
51  </td>
53  <td colspan="3" i18n:translate="">[query is retired]</td>
55  <!-- <td> maybe offer "restore" some day </td> -->
56  </tal:block>
57 </tr>
59 <tr tal:define="queries python:db.query.filter(filterspec={'private_for':uid})"
60      tal:repeat="query queries">
61  <td><a tal:attributes="href string:${query/klass}?${query/url}"
62         tal:content="query/name">query</a></td>
64  <td metal:use-macro="template/macros/include" />
66  <td><a tal:attributes="href string:query${query/id}" i18n:translate="">edit</a></td>
68  <td>
69   <select tal:attributes="name string:query${query/id}@private_for">
70    <option tal:attributes="selected python:query.private_for == uid;
71            value uid" i18n:translate="">yes</option>
72    <option tal:attributes="selected python:query.private_for == None"
73            value="-1" i18n:translate="">no</option>
74   </select>
75  </td>
77  <td>
78   <input type="button" value="Delete" i18n:attributes="value"
79   tal:attributes="onClick python:'''retire('%s')'''">
80   </td>
81 </tr>
83 <tr tal:define="queries python:db.query.filter(filterspec={'private_for':None})"
84      tal:repeat="query queries">
85  <td><a tal:attributes="href string:${query/klass}?${query/url}"
86         tal:content="query/name">query</a></td>
88  <td metal:use-macro="template/macros/include" />
90  <td colspan="3" tal:condition="query/is_edit_ok">
91   <a tal:attributes="href string:query${query/id}" i18n:translate="">edit</a>
92  </td>
93  <td tal:condition="not:query/is_edit_ok" colspan="3"
94     i18n:translate="">[not yours to edit]</td>
96 </tr>
98 <tr><td colspan="5">
99    <input type="hidden" name="@action" value="edit">
100    <input type="hidden" name="@template" value="edit">
101    <input type="submit" value="Save Selection" i18n:attributes="value">
102 </td></tr>
104 </table>
106 </form>
107 </td>
108 </tal:block>