
[roundup.git] / share / roundup / templates / devel / html /
1 <html>
2   <head>
3       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@@file/style.css" />
4       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
5        tal:attributes="content string:text/html;; charset=${request/client/charset}" />
6       <tal:block tal:condition="python:request.form.has_key('property')">
7       <title>Generic submit page for framed helper windows</title>
8       <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"
9           tal:content="structure string:<!--
10 // this is the name of the field in the original form that we're working on
11 form  = parent.opener.document.${request/form/form/value};
12 callingform=form
13 field  = '${request/form/property/value}';
14 var listform = null
15 function listPresent() {
16   return document.frm_help.cb_listpresent.checked
17 }
18 function getListForm() {
19   if (listPresent()) {
20     return parent.list.document.forms.dummyform
21   } else {
22     return null
23   }
24 }
27 function checkListForm() {
28   // global listform
29   if (listform != null)
30     if (parent.list.document.dummyform) {
31       listform = parent.list.document.dummyform
32       alert(listform)
33     }
35   var bol= listform != null
36   alert('checkListForm: bol='+bol)
37   return bol
38 }
39 //-->">
40       </script>
41       <script src="@@file/help_controls.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
42       </tal:block>
43   </head>
44  <body class="body" onload="parent.focus();" id="submit">
45  <pre tal:content="request/env/QUERY_STRING" tal:condition=false />
46  <form name="frm_help"
47        tal:define="batch request/batch;
48        props python:request.form['properties'].value.split(',')"
49        class="help-submit"
50        id="classhelp-controls">
51      <div style="width:100%;text-align:left;margin-bottom:0.2em">
52        <input type="text" name="text_preview" size="24" class="preview"
53        onchange="f=getListForm();if(f){ reviseList_framed(f, this)};"
54        />
55      </div>
56      <input type=checkbox name="cb_listpresent" readonly="readonly" style="display:none">
57      <input type="button" id="btn_cancel"
58             value=" Cancel " onclick="parent.close();return false;"
59             i18n:attributes="value" />
60      <input type="reset" id="btn_reset"
61      onclick="text_field.value=original_field;f=getListForm();if (f) {reviseList_framed(f, this)};return false"
62             />
63      <input type="submit" id="btn_apply" class="apply"
64             value=" Apply " onclick="callingform[field].value=text_field.value; parent.close();"
65             i18n:attributes="value" />
66  </form>
67  <script type="text/javascript"><!--
68 var text_field = document.frm_help.text_preview;
69 original_field=form[field].value;
70 text_field.value=original_field;
71 //--></script>
72  </body>
73 </html>