
Move templates/ to share/roundup/templates/
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1 <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
2 <html tal:define="property request/form/property/value" >
3   <head>
4       <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="@@file/style.css" />
5       <meta http-equiv="Content-Type"
6        tal:attributes="content string:text/html;; charset=${request/client/charset}" />
7       <tal:block tal:condition="python:request.form.has_key('property')">
8       <title i18n:translate=""><tal:x i18n:name="property"
9        tal:content="property" i18n:translate="" /> help - <span i18n:name="tracker"
10        tal:replace="config/TRACKER_NAME" /></title>
11       <script language="Javascript" type="text/javascript"
12           tal:content="structure string:
13           // this is the name of the field in the original form that we're working on
14           form  = window.opener.document.${request/form/form/value};
15           field  = '${request/form/property/value}';">
16       </script>
17       <script src="@@file/help_controls.js" type="text/javascript"><!--
18       //--></script>
19       </tal:block>
20   </head>
21  <body class="body" onload="resetList();">
22  <form name="frm_help" tal:attributes="action request/base"
23        tal:define="batch request/batch;
24                    props python:request.form['properties'].value.split(',')">
26      <div id="classhelp-controls">
27        <!--input type="button" name="btn_clear"
28               value="Clear" onClick="clearList()"/ -->
29        <input type="text" name="text_preview" size="24" class="preview"
30               onchange="reviseList(this.value);"/>
31        <input type="button" name="btn_reset"
32               value=" Cancel " onclick="resetList(); window.close();"
33               i18n:attributes="value" />
34        <input type="button" name="btn_apply" class="apply"
35               value=" Apply " onclick="updateList(); window.close();"
36               i18n:attributes="value" />
37      </div>
38      <table width="100%">
39       <tr class="navigation">
40        <th>
41         <a tal:define="prev batch/previous" tal:condition="prev"
42            tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url(request.classname,
43            {'@template':'help', 'property': request.form['property'].value,
44             'properties': request.form['properties'].value,
45             'form': request.form['form'].value,
46             'type': request.form['type'].value,
47             '@startwith':prev.first, '@pagesize':prev.size})"
48            i18n:translate="" >&lt;&lt; previous</a>
49         &nbsp;
50        </th>
51        <th i18n:translate=""><span tal:replace="batch/start" i18n:name="start"
52         />..<span tal:replace="python: batch.start + batch.length -1" i18n:name="end"
53         /> out of <span tal:replace="batch/sequence_length" i18n:name="total"
54         />
55        </th>
56        <th>
57         <a tal:define="next batch/next" tal:condition="next"
58            tal:attributes="href python:request.indexargs_url(request.classname,
59            {'@template':'help', 'property': request.form['property'].value,
60             'properties': request.form['properties'].value,
61             'form': request.form['form'].value,
62             'type': request.form['type'].value,
63             '@startwith':next.first, '@pagesize':next.size})"
64            i18n:translate="" >next &gt;&gt;</a>
65         &nbsp;
66        </th>
67       </tr>
68      </table>
70      <table class="classhelp">
71        <tr>
72            <th>&nbsp;<b>x</b></th>
73            <th tal:repeat="prop props" tal:content="prop" i18n:translate=""></th>
74        </tr>
75        <tr tal:repeat="item batch">
76          <tal:block tal:define="attr python:item[props[0]]" >
77            <td>
78              <input name="check"
79                  onclick="updatePreview();"
80                  tal:attributes="type python:request.form['type'].value;
81                                  value attr; id string:id_$attr" />
82              </td>
83              <td tal:repeat="prop props">
84                  <label class="classhelp-label"
85                         tal:attributes="for string:id_$attr"
86                         tal:content="python:item[prop]"></label>
87              </td>
88            </tal:block>
89        </tr>
90        <tr>
91            <th>&nbsp;<b>x</b></th>
92            <th tal:repeat="prop props" tal:content="prop" i18n:translate=""></th>
93        </tr>
94      </table>
96  </form>
97  </body>
98 </html>