
fix hacked element cloning
[inkscape.git] / share / extensions /
1 #!/usr/bin/env python\r
2 '''\r
3 Copyright (C) 2006 Jean-Francois Barraud,\r
4 \r
5 This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify\r
6 it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by\r
7 the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or\r
8 (at your option) any later version.\r
9 \r
10 This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,\r
11 but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of\r
13 GNU General Public License for more details.\r
14 \r
15 You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License\r
16 along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software\r
17 Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA\r
19 '''\r
20 import inkex, cubicsuperpath, bezmisc, simplestyle\r
21 import copy, math, re, random\r
22 \r
23 def parseTransform(transf,mat=[[1.0,0.0,0.0],[0.0,1.0,0.0]]):\r
24     if transf=="":\r
25         return(mat)\r
26     result=re.match("(translate|scale|rotate|skewX|skewY|matrix)\(([^)]*)\)",transf)\r
27 #-- translate --\r
28     if"translate":\r
30         dx=float(args[0])\r
31         if len(args)==1:\r
32             dy=0.0\r
33         else:\r
34             dy=float(args[1])\r
35         matrix=[[1,0,dx],[0,1,dy]]\r
36 #-- scale --\r
37     if result.groups(1)=="scale":\r
39         sx=float(args[0])\r
40         if len(args)==1:\r
41             sy=sx\r
42         else:\r
43             sy=float(args[1])\r
44         matrix=[[sx,0,0],[0,sy,0]]\r
45 #-- rotate --\r
46     if result.groups(1)=="rotate":\r
48         a=float(args[0])*math.pi/180\r
49         if len(args)==1:\r
50             cx,cy=(0.0,0.0)\r
51         else:\r
52             cx,cy=args[1:]\r
53         matrix=[[math.cos(a),-math.sin(a),cx],[math.sin(a),math.cos(a),cy]]\r
54 #-- skewX --\r
55     if result.groups(1)=="skewX":\r
56         a=float(*math.pi/180\r
57         matrix=[[1,math.tan(a),0],[0,1,0]]\r
58 #-- skewX --\r
59     if result.groups(1)=="skewX":\r
60         a=float(*math.pi/180\r
61         matrix=[[1,0,0],[math.tan(a),1,0]]\r
62 #-- matrix --\r
63     if"matrix":\r
64         a11,a21,a12,a22,v1,",")\r
65         matrix=[[float(a11),float(a12),float(v1)],[float(a21),float(a22),float(v2)]]\r
66     \r
67     matrix=composeTransform(mat,matrix)\r
68     if result.end()<len(transf):\r
69         return(parseTransform(transf[result.end():],matrix))\r
70     else:\r
71         return matrix\r
72 \r
73 def formatTransform(mat):\r
74     return("matrix(%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f)"%(mat[0][0],mat[1][0],mat[0][1],mat[1][1],mat[0][2],mat[1][2]))\r
75 \r
76 def composeTransform(M1,M2):\r
77     a11=M1[0][0]*M2[0][0]+M1[0][1]*M2[1][0]\r
78     a12=M1[0][0]*M2[0][1]+M1[0][1]*M2[1][1]\r
79     a21=M1[1][0]*M2[0][0]+M1[1][1]*M2[1][0]\r
80     a22=M1[1][0]*M2[0][1]+M1[1][1]*M2[1][1]\r
81 \r
82     v1=M1[0][0]*M2[0][2]+M1[0][1]*M2[1][2]+M1[0][2]\r
83     v2=M1[1][0]*M2[0][2]+M1[1][1]*M2[1][2]+M1[1][2]\r
84     return [[a11,a12,v1],[a21,a22,v2]]\r
85 \r
86 def applyTransformToNode(mat,node):\r
87     m=parseTransform(node.get("transform"))\r
88     newtransf=formatTransform(composeTransform(mat,m))\r
89     node.set("transform", newtransf)\r
90 \r
91 def applyTransformToPoint(mat,pt):\r
92     x=mat[0][0]*pt[0]+mat[0][1]*pt[1]+mat[0][2]\r
93     y=mat[1][0]*pt[0]+mat[1][1]*pt[1]+mat[1][2]\r
94     pt[0]=x\r
95     pt[1]=y\r
96 \r
97 def fuseTransform(node):\r
98     t = node.get("transform")\r
99     if t == None:\r
100         return\r
101     m=parseTransform(t)\r
102     d = node.get('d')\r
103     p=cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)\r
104     for comp in p:\r
105         for ctl in comp:\r
106             for pt in ctl:\r
107                 applyTransformToPoint(m,pt)\r
108     node.set('d', cubicsuperpath.formatPath(p))\r
109     del node.attrib["transform"]\r
110 \r
111 \r
112 def boxunion(b1,b2):\r
113     if b1 is None:\r
114         return b2\r
115     elif b2 is None:\r
116         return b1    \r
117     else:\r
118         return((min(b1[0],b2[0]),max(b1[1],b2[1]),min(b1[2],b2[2]),max(b1[3],b2[3])))\r
119 \r
120 def roughBBox(path):\r
121     xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax=path[0][0][0][0],path[0][0][0][0],path[0][0][0][1],path[0][0][0][1]\r
122     for pathcomp in path:\r
123         for ctl in pathcomp:\r
124            for pt in ctl:\r
125                xmin=min(xmin,pt[0])\r
126                xMax=max(xMax,pt[0])\r
127                ymin=min(ymin,pt[1])\r
128                yMax=max(yMax,pt[1])\r
129     return xmin,xMax,ymin,yMax\r
130 \r
131 \r
132 class PathModifier(inkex.Effect):\r
133     def __init__(self):\r
134         inkex.Effect.__init__(self)\r
135 \r
136 ##################################\r
137 #-- Selectionlists manipulation --\r
138 ##################################\r
139     def computeBBox(self, aList):\r
140         bbox=None\r
141         for id, node in aList.iteritems():\r
142             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg') or node.tag == 'path':\r
143                 d = node.get('d')\r
144                 p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)\r
145                 bbox=boxunion(roughBBox(p),bbox)\r
146         return bbox\r
147 \r
148     def duplicateNodes(self, aList):\r
149         clones={}\r
150         for id,node in aList.iteritems():\r
151             clone=copy.deepcopy(node)\r
152             #!!!--> should it be given an id?\r
153             #seems to work without this!?!\r
154             myid = node.tag.split('}')[-1]\r
155             clone.set("id", self.uniqueId(myid))\r
156             node.getparent().append(clone)\r
157             clones[clone.get("id")]=clone\r
158         return(clones)\r
159 \r
160     def uniqueId(self, prefix):\r
161         id="%s%04i"%(prefix,random.randint(0,9999))\r
162         while len(self.document.getroot().xpath('//*[@id="%s"]' % id,inkex.NSS)):\r
163             id="%s%04i"%(prefix,random.randint(0,9999))\r
164         return(id)\r
165 \r
166     def expandGroups(self,aList,transferTransform=True):\r
167         for id, node in aList.items():      \r
168             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg') or node.tag=='g':\r
169                 mat=parseTransform(node.get("transform"))\r
170                 for child in node:\r
171                     if transferTransform:\r
172                         applyTransformToNode(mat,child)\r
173                     aList.update(self.expandGroups({child.get('id'):child}))\r
174                 if transferTransform:\r
175                     del node.attrib["transform"]\r
176                 del aList[id]\r
177         return(aList)\r
178 \r
179     def expandGroupsUnlinkClones(self,aList,transferTransform=True,doReplace=True):\r
180         for id in aList.keys()[:]:     \r
181             node=aList[id]\r
182             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('g','svg') or node.tag=='g':\r
183                 self.expandGroups(aList,transferTransform)\r
184                 self.expandGroupsUnlinkClones(aList,transferTransform,doReplace)\r
185                 #Hum... not very efficient if there are many clones of groups...\r
186             elif node.tag == inkex.addNS('use','svg') or node.tag=='use':\r
187                 refid=node.get(inkex.addNS('href','xlink'))\r
188                 path = '//*[@id="%s"]' % refid[1:]\r
189                 refnode = self.document.getroot().xpath(path,inkex.NSS)\r
190                 newnode=copy.deepcopy(refnode)\r
191                 self.recursNewIds(newnode)\r
192 \r
193                 s = node.get('style')\r
194                 if s:\r
195                     style=simplestyle.parseStyle(s)\r
196                     refstyle=simplestyle.parseStyle(refnode.get('style'))\r
197                     style.update(refstyle)\r
198                     newnode.set('style',simplestyle.formatStyle(style))\r
199                     applyTransformToNode(parseTransform(node.get('transform')),newnode)\r
200                     if doReplace:\r
201                         parent=node.getparent()\r
202                         parent.insert(node.index,newnode)\r
203                         parent.remove(node)\r
204                     del aList[id]\r
205                 newid=newnode.get('id')\r
206                 aList.update(self.expandGroupsUnlinkClones({newid:newnode},transferTransform,doReplace))\r
207         return aList\r
208     \r
209     def recursNewIds(self,node):\r
210         if node.get('id'):\r
211             node.set('id',self.uniqueId(node.tag))\r
212         for child in node:\r
213             self.recursNewIds(child)\r
214             \r
215 \r
216         \r
217 # Had not been rewritten for ElementTree\r
218 #     def makeClonesReal(self,aList,doReplace=True,recursivelytransferTransform=True):\r
219 #         for id in aList.keys():     \r
220 #             node=aList[id]\r
221 #             if node.tagName == 'g':\r
222 #                 childs={}\r
223 #                 for child in node.childNodes:\r
224 #                     if child.nodeType==child.ELEMENT_NODE:\r
225 #                       childid=child.getAttributeNS(None,'id')\r
226 #                       del aList[childid]\r
227 #                         aList.update(self.makeClonesReal({childid:child},doReplace))\r
228 #             elif node.tagName == 'use':\r
229 #                 refid=node.getAttributeNS(inkex.NSS[u'xlink'],'href')\r
230 #                 path = '//*[@id="%s"]' % refid[1:]\r
231 #                 refnode = xml.xpath.Evaluate(path,document)[0]\r
232 #                 clone=refnode.cloneNode(True)\r
233 #               cloneid=self.uniqueId(clone.tagName)\r
234 #                 clone.setAttributeNS(None,'id', cloneid)\r
235 #                 style=simplestyle.parseStyle(node.getAttributeNS(None,u'style'))\r
236 #                 refstyle=simplestyle.parseStyle(refnode.getAttributeNS(None,u'style'))\r
237 #                 style.update(refstyle)\r
238 #                 clone.setAttributeNS(None,'style',simplestyle.formatStyle(style))\r
239 #                 applyTransformToNode(parseTransform(node.getAttributeNS(None,'transform')),clone)\r
240 #                 if doReplace:\r
241 #                     parent=node.parentNode\r
242 #                     parent.insertBefore(clone,node)\r
243 #                     parent.removeChild(node)\r
244 #                 del aList[id]\r
245 #                 aList.update(self.expandGroupsUnlinkClones({cloneid:clone}))\r
246 #         return aList\r
247 \r
248 ################################\r
249 #-- Object conversion ----------\r
250 ################################\r
251 \r
252     def rectToPath(self,node,doReplace=True):\r
253         if node.tag == inkex.addNS('rect','svg'):\r
254             x =float(node.get('x'))\r
255             y =float(node.get('y'))\r
256             #FIXME: no exception anymore and sometimes just one\r
257             try:\r
258                 rx=float(node.get('rx'))\r
259                 ry=float(node.get('ry'))\r
260             except:\r
261                 rx=0\r
262                 ry=0\r
263             w =float(node.get('width' ))\r
264             h =float(node.get('height'))\r
265             d ='M %f,%f '%(x+rx,y)\r
266             d+='L %f,%f '%(x+w-rx,y)\r
267             d+='A %f,%f,%i,%i,%i,%f,%f '%(rx,ry,0,0,1,x+w,y+ry)\r
268             d+='L %f,%f '%(x+w,y+h-ry)\r
269             d+='A %f,%f,%i,%i,%i,%f,%f '%(rx,ry,0,0,1,x+w-rx,y+h)\r
270             d+='L %f,%f '%(x+rx,y+h)\r
271             d+='A %f,%f,%i,%i,%i,%f,%f '%(rx,ry,0,0,1,x,y+h-ry)\r
272             d+='L %f,%f '%(x,y+ry)\r
273             d+='A %f,%f,%i,%i,%i,%f,%f '%(rx,ry,0,0,1,x+rx,y)\r
274 \r
275             newnode=inkex.etree.Element('path')\r
276             newnode.set('d',d)\r
277             newnode.set('id', self.uniqueId('path'))\r
278             newnode.set('style',node.get('style'))\r
279             nnt = node.get('transform')\r
280             if nnt:\r
281                 newnode.set('transform',nnt)\r
282                 fuseTransform(newnode)\r
283             if doReplace:\r
284                 parent=node.getparent()\r
285                 parent.insert(node.index,newnode)\r
286                 parent.remove(node)\r
287             return newnode\r
288 \r
289     def objectToPath(self,node,doReplace=True):\r
290         #--TODO: support other object types!!!!\r
291         #--TODO: make sure cubicsuperpath supports A and Q commands... \r
292         if node.tag == inkex.addNS('rect','svg'):\r
293             return(self.rectToPath(node,doReplace))\r
294         elif node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg') or node.tag == 'path':\r
295             attributes = node.keys()\r
296             for attName in attributes:\r
297                 uri = None\r
298                 if attName[0] == '{':\r
299                     uri,attName = attName.split('}')\r
300                     uri = uri[1:]\r
301                 if uri in [inkex.NSS[u'sodipodi'],inkex.NSS[u'inkscape']]:\r
302                     #if attName not in ["d","id","style","transform"]:\r
303                     del node.attrib[inkex.addNS(attName,uri)]\r
304             fuseTransform(node)\r
305             return node\r
306         else:\r
307             inkex.debug("Please first convert objects to paths!...(got '%s')"%node.tag)\r
308             return None\r
309 \r
310     def objectsToPaths(self,aList,doReplace=True):\r
311         newSelection={}\r
312         for id,node in aList.items():\r
313             newnode=self.objectToPath(node,self.document)\r
314             del aList[id]\r
315             aList[newnode.get('id')]=newnode\r
316 \r
317 \r
318 ################################\r
319 #-- Action ----------\r
320 ################################\r
321         \r
322     #-- overwrite this method in subclasses...\r
323     def effect(self):\r
324         #self.duplicateNodes(self.selected)\r
325         self.expandGroupsUnlinkClones(self.selected, True)\r
326         self.objectsToPaths(self.selected, True)\r
327         self.bbox=self.computeBBox(self.selected)\r
328         for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():\r
329             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg'):\r
330                 d = node.get('d')\r
331                 p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)\r
332 \r
333                 #do what ever you want with p!\r
334 \r
335                 node.set('d',cubicsuperpath.formatPath(p))\r
336 \r
337 \r
338 class Diffeo(PathModifier):\r
339     def __init__(self):\r
340         inkex.Effect.__init__(self)\r
341 \r
342     def applyDiffeo(self,bpt,vects=()):\r
343         '''\r
344         bpt is a base point and for v in vectors, v'=v-p is a tangent vector at bpt. \r
345         Defaults to identity!\r
346         '''\r
347         for v in vects:\r
348             v[0]-=bpt[0]\r
349             v[1]-=bpt[1]\r
350 \r
351         #-- your transformations go here:\r
352         #x,y=bpt\r
353         #bpt[0]=f(x,y)\r
354         #bpt[1]=g(x,y)\r
355         #for v in vects:\r
356         #    vx,vy=v\r
357         #    v[0]=df/dx(x,y)*vx+df/dy(x,y)*vy\r
358         #    v[1]=dg/dx(x,y)*vx+dg/dy(x,y)*vy\r
359         #\r
360         #-- !caution! y-axis is pointing downward!\r
361 \r
362         for v in vects:\r
363             v[0]+=bpt[0]\r
364             v[1]+=bpt[1]\r
365 \r
366 \r
367     def effect(self):\r
368         #self.duplicateNodes(self.selected)\r
369         self.expandGroupsUnlinkClones(self.selected, True)\r
370         self.expandGroups(self.selected, True)\r
371         self.objectsToPaths(self.selected, True)\r
372         self.bbox=self.computeBBox(self.selected)\r
373         for id, node in self.selected.iteritems():\r
374             if node.tag == inkex.addNS('path','svg') or node.tag=='path':\r
375                 d = node.get('d')\r
376                 p = cubicsuperpath.parsePath(d)\r
377 \r
378                 for sub in p:\r
379                     for ctlpt in sub:\r
380                         self.applyDiffeo(ctlpt[1],(ctlpt[0],ctlpt[2]))\r
381 \r
382                 node.set('d',cubicsuperpath.formatPath(p))\r
383 \r
384 #e = Diffeo()\r
385 #e.affect()\r