
Updated setup step 4 to support 100% width
[gosa.git] / setup / setup_step8.tpl
1 <div style='float:left;width:690px;'>
3 <h2>{t}Configuration File{/t}</h2>
4         <p>
5                 {t}GOsa setup has collected all data needed to create an initial configuration file.{/t}
6         </p>
7         <p>
8                 {$msg1}
9         </p>
10         <p>
11                 <b>{t}Automatically write configuration{/t}</b>
12         </p>
13         <p>     
14                 {if $writeable}
15                         {t}Write configuration file{/t}&nbsp;
16                         <input type='submit' name='saveconf' value='{t}Save configuration{/t}'>
18                         {if $exists}
19                         <br>
20                         <input type='hidden' name='create_backup_visible' value='1'>
21                         <input {if $create_backup} checked {/if} type='checkbox' value='1' name='create_backup'>&nbsp;
22                         {t}Create a backup from existing configuration file{/t}
23                         {/if}
25                         {if $err_msg != ""}
26                                 <div style='color:red ; font-weight:bold '>{$err_msg}</div>
27                         {else}
28                                 {if $save_requested}            
29                                         <div style='color:green ; font-weight:bold '>{t}Configuration succesfully written.{/t}</div>
30                                 {/if}
31                         {/if}
33                         {if $last_backup_name}
34                                 <br>
35                                 <div style='padding-left:20px;'>{t}Last created backup{/t}: &nbsp;<i>{$last_backup_name}</i></div> 
36                                 <br>
37                         {/if}
41                         {if $exists}
42                                 <br>
43                                 <br>
44                                 <b>{t}Use GOsa with current configuration file{/t}</b>
45                                 <br>
46                                 <input type='submit' name='use_gosa' value='{t}Use GOsa now{/t}'> 
47                         {/if}
48                 {else}          
49                         <div style='font-weight: bold; color: red;'>{t}Can't write configuration file, please check permissions.{/t}</div>
50                         <pre>
51 {$msg_permissions}
52         {$CONFIG_DIR} 
53         {$CONFIG_DIR}/{$CONFIG_FILE}
54                         </pre>
55                 {/if}
56         </p>
57         <br>
58         <p>
59                 <b>{t}Manually create configuration file{/t}</b>
60         </p>
61         <p>     
62                 {t}Download the configuration file{/t}&nbsp;
63                 <input type='submit' name='getconf' value='{t}Download configuration{/t}'>
64         </p>
65         <p>     
66                 {$msg2}
67         </p>
68         <pre>
69         # chown root.{$webgroup} {$CONFIG_DIR}/{$CONFIG_FILE}
70         # chmod 640 {$CONFIG_DIR}/{$CONFIG_FILE}
71         </pre>
72 </p>
76 </div>
77 <input type='hidden' value='1' name='step8_posted'>