
[gosa.git] / setup / setup_config1.tpl
1 <div class='default'>
2     <p><b>{t}Look and feel{/t}</b></p>
4     <div class='step4_container'>
5         <div class='step4_name'>
6             {t}Theme{/t}
7         </div>
8         <div class='step4_value'>
9             <select name="theme">
10                 {html_options options=$themes selected=$theme}
11             </select>
12         </div>
13     </div>
14     <div class='step4_container'>
15         <div class='step4_name'>
16             {t}Show PHP errors{/t}
17         </div>
18         <div class='step4_value'>
19             <select name="errorlvl" size="1" title="">
20                         {html_options options=$bool selected=$errorlvl}
21             </select>
22         </div>
23     </div>
25     <p><b>{t}People and group storage{/t}</b></p>
26     <div class='step4_container'>
27         <div class='step4_name'>
28             {t}People DN attribute{/t}
29         </div>
30         <div class='step4_value'>
31             <select size="1" name="peopledn">
32                 {html_options values=$peopledns output=$peopledns selected=$peopledn}
33             </select>
34         </div>
35     </div>
37         <div class='step4_container'>
38         <div class='step4_name'>
39             {t}People storage subtree{/t}
40         </div>
41         <div class='step4_value'>
42             <input type='text' name='peopleou' maxlength='40' size='40' value='{$peopleou}'>
43         </div>
44     </div>
47         <div class='step4_container'>
48         <div class='step4_name'>
49             {t}Group storage subtree{/t}
50         </div>
51         <div class='step4_value'>
52             <input type='text' name='groupou' maxlength='40' size='40' value='{$groupou}'>
53         </div>
54     </div>
56     <div class='step4_container' style="margin-bottom:5px;">
57         <div class='step4_name'>
58             {t}Number base for people/groups{/t}
59         </div>
60         <div class='step4_value'>
61             <input type='text' name='uidbase' maxlength='20' size='10' value='{$uidbase}'>
62             <br>
63             {if $base_hook_active == FALSE}
64                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='base_hook_active'
65                     onClick='changeState("base_hook");'>
66                 {t}Use hook{/t}
67                 <input id='base_hook' name='base_hook' size=40 type='text' value='{$base_hook}'      disabled>
68             {else}
69                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='base_hook_active' checked>
70                 {t}Use hook{/t}
71                 <input id='base_hook' name='base_hook' size=40 type='text' value='{$base_hook}'  >
72             {/if}
73         </div>
74         </div>
75     </div>
77     <p><b>{t}Password settings{/t}</b></p>
79     <div class='step4_container'>
80         <div class='step4_name'>
81             {t}Password encryption algorithm{/t}
82         </div>
83         <div class='step4_value'>
84             <select name="encryption" size="1" title="">
85                 {html_options options=$crypt_methods selected=$encryption}
86             </select>
87         </div>
88         <div class='step4_status'>
89         </div>
90     </div>
92     <div class='step4_container' style='height:4em;'>
93         <div class='step4_name' style='height:4em;'>
94             {t}Password restrictions{/t}
95         </div>
96         <div class='step4_value' style='height:4em;'>
98                         {if $pwd_rules.pwminlen_active == FALSE}
99                                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='pwminlen_active'
100                                         onClick='changeState("pwminlen");'>
101                                         {t}Password minimum length{/t}
102                                 <input id='pwminlen' name='pwminlen' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.pwminlen}' size=3 disabled>
103                         {else}
104                                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='pwminlen_active' checked>
105                                 {t}Password minimum length{/t}
106                                 <input id='pwminlen' name='pwminlen' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.pwminlen}' size=3 >
107                         {/if}
108                         <br>
109                         {if $pwd_rules.pwdiffer_active == FALSE}
110                                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='pwdiffer_active' 
111                                         onClick='changeState("pwdiffer");'>
112                                 {t}Different characters from old password{/t}
113                                 <input id='pwdiffer' name='pwdiffer' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.pwdiffer}' size=3 disabled>
114                         {else}
115                                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='pwdiffer_active' checked>
116                                 {t}Different characters from old password{/t}
117                                 <input id='pwdiffer' name='pwdiffer' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.pwdiffer}' size=3 >
118                         {/if}
120         </div>
121     </div>
123            <div class='step4_container'>
124         <div class='step4_name'>
125                 {t}Password change hook{/t}
126         </div>
127         <div class='step4_value'>
128             {if $pwd_rules.externalpwdhook_active == FALSE}
129                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='externalpwdhook_active'
130                     onClick='changeState("externalpwdhook");'>
131                 <input id='externalpwdhook' name='externalpwdhook' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.externalpwdhook}' disabled>
132             {else}
133                 <input type='checkbox' value='1' name='externalpwdhook_active' checked>
134                 <input size=40 id='externalpwdhook' name='externalpwdhook' type='text' value='{$pwd_rules.externalpwdhook}'  >
135             {/if}
136         </div>
137     </div>
138 <input type='hidden' value='1' name='step5_posted'>
139 <!--
140          {t}GOsa supports several encryption types for your passwords. Normally this is adjustable via user templates, but you can specify a default method to be used here, too.{/t}
141          {t}GOsa always acts as admin and manages access rights internally. This is a workaround till OpenLDAP's in directory ACI's are    fully implemented. For this to work, we need the admin DN and the corresponding password.{/t}
142          {t}Some basic LDAP parameters are tunable and affect the locations where GOsa saves people and groups, including the way accounts get created. Check the values below if the fit your needs.{/t}
143          {t}GOsa has modular support for several mail methods. These methods provide interfaces to users mailboxes and general handling    for quotas. You can choose the dummy plugin to leave all your mail settings untouched.{/t}-->