1 # ****************************************************************************
2 # RRDtool 1.2.19 Copyright by Tobi Oetiker, 1997-2007
3 # ****************************************************************************
4 # get_ver.awk AWK Script for non-configure builds
5 # ****************************************************************************
6 # $Id: get_ver.awk 1000 2007-14-02 05:51:34Z oetiker $
7 # ****************************************************************************
9 # fetch rrdtool version number from input file and write them to STDOUT
10 while ((getline < ARGV[1]) > 0) {
11 if (match ($0, /^AC_INIT/)) {
12 split($1, t, ",");
13 my_ver_str = substr(t[2],2,length(t[2])-3);
14 split(my_ver_str, v, ".");
15 gsub("[^0-9].*$", "", v[3]);
16 my_ver = v[1] "," v[2] "," v[3];
17 }
18 if (match ($0, /^NUMVERS=/)) {
19 split($1, t, "=");
20 my_ver_num = t[2];
21 }
22 }
23 # read from from input file, replace placeholders, and write to STDOUT
24 if (ARGV[2]) {
25 while ((getline < ARGV[2]) > 0) {
26 if (match ($0, /@@NUMVERS@@/)) {
27 gsub("@@NUMVERS@@", my_ver_num, $0);
28 }
29 if (match ($0, /@@PACKAGE_VERSION@@/)) {
30 gsub("@@PACKAGE_VERSION@@", "" my_ver_str "", $0);
31 }
32 print;
33 }
34 } else {
35 print "RRD_VERSION = " my_ver "";
36 print "RRD_VERSION_STR = " my_ver_str "";
37 print "RRD_NUMVERS = " my_ver_num "";
38 }
39 }