
The BIG graph update
[rrdtool-all.git] / program / libraries / freetype-2.0.5 / include / freetype / internal / psaux.h
1 /***************************************************************************/
2 /*                                                                         */
3 /*  psaux.h                                                                */
4 /*                                                                         */
5 /*    Auxiliary functions and data structures related to PostScript fonts  */
6 /*    (specification).                                                     */
7 /*                                                                         */
8 /*  Copyright 1996-2001 by                                                 */
9 /*  David Turner, Robert Wilhelm, and Werner Lemberg.                      */
10 /*                                                                         */
11 /*  This file is part of the FreeType project, and may only be used,       */
12 /*  modified, and distributed under the terms of the FreeType project      */
13 /*  license, LICENSE.TXT.  By continuing to use, modify, or distribute     */
14 /*  this file you indicate that you have read the license and              */
15 /*  understand and accept it fully.                                        */
16 /*                                                                         */
17 /***************************************************************************/
20 #ifndef __PSAUX_H__
21 #define __PSAUX_H__
24 #include <ft2build.h>
32   /*************************************************************************/
33   /*************************************************************************/
34   /*****                                                               *****/
35   /*****                             T1_TABLE                          *****/
36   /*****                                                               *****/
37   /*************************************************************************/
38   /*************************************************************************/
41   typedef struct PS_Table_  PS_Table;
44   /*************************************************************************/
45   /*                                                                       */
46   /* <Struct>                                                              */
47   /*    PS_Table_Funcs                                                     */
48   /*                                                                       */
49   /* <Description>                                                         */
50   /*    A set of function pointers to manage PS_Table objects.             */
51   /*                                                                       */
52   /* <Fields>                                                              */
53   /*    table_init    :: Used to initialize a table.                       */
54   /*                                                                       */
55   /*    table_done    :: Finalizes resp. destroy a given table.            */
56   /*                                                                       */
57   /*    table_add     :: Adds a new object to a table.                     */
58   /*                                                                       */
59   /*    table_release :: Releases table data, then finalizes it.           */
60   /*                                                                       */
61   typedef struct  PS_Table_Funcs_
62   {
63     FT_Error
64     (*init)( PS_Table*  table,
65              FT_Int     count,
66              FT_Memory  memory );
68     void
69     (*done)( PS_Table*  table );
71     FT_Error
72     (*add)( PS_Table*  table,
73             FT_Int     index,
74             void*      object,
75             FT_Int     length );
77     void
78     (*release)( PS_Table*  table );
80   } PS_Table_Funcs;
83   /*************************************************************************/
84   /*                                                                       */
85   /* <Struct>                                                              */
86   /*    PS_Table                                                           */
87   /*                                                                       */
88   /* <Description>                                                         */
89   /*    A PS_Table is a simple object used to store an array of objects in */
90   /*    a single memory block.                                             */
91   /*                                                                       */
92   /* <Fields>                                                              */
93   /*    block     :: The address in memory of the growheap's block.  This  */
94   /*                 can change between two object adds, due to            */
95   /*                 reallocation.                                         */
96   /*                                                                       */
97   /*    cursor    :: The current top of the grow heap within its block.    */
98   /*                                                                       */
99   /*    capacity  :: The current size of the heap block.  Increments by    */
100   /*                 1kByte chunks.                                        */
101   /*                                                                       */
102   /*    max_elems :: The maximum number of elements in table.              */
103   /*                                                                       */
104   /*    num_elems :: The current number of elements in table.              */
105   /*                                                                       */
106   /*    elements  :: A table of element addresses within the block.        */
107   /*                                                                       */
108   /*    lengths   :: A table of element sizes within the block.            */
109   /*                                                                       */
110   /*    memory    :: The object used for memory operations                 */
111   /*                 (alloc/realloc).                                      */
112   /*                                                                       */
113   /*    funcs     :: A table of method pointers for this object.           */
114   /*                                                                       */
115   struct  PS_Table_
116   {
117     FT_Byte*        block;          /* current memory block           */
118     FT_Offset       cursor;         /* current cursor in memory block */
119     FT_Offset       capacity;       /* current size of memory block   */
120     FT_Long         init;
122     FT_Int          max_elems;
123     FT_Int          num_elems;
124     FT_Byte**       elements;       /* addresses of table elements */
125     FT_Int*         lengths;        /* lengths of table elements   */
127     FT_Memory       memory;
128     PS_Table_Funcs  funcs;
130   };
133   /*************************************************************************/
134   /*************************************************************************/
135   /*****                                                               *****/
136   /*****                       T1 FIELDS & TOKENS                      *****/
137   /*****                                                               *****/
138   /*************************************************************************/
139   /*************************************************************************/
141   typedef struct T1_Parser_  T1_Parser;
143   /* simple enumeration type used to identify token types */
144   typedef enum  T1_Token_Type_
145   {
146     t1_token_none = 0,
147     t1_token_any,
148     t1_token_string,
149     t1_token_array,
151     /* do not remove */
152     t1_token_max
154   } T1_Token_Type;
157   /* a simple structure used to identify tokens */
158   typedef struct  T1_Token_
159   {
160     FT_Byte*       start;   /* first character of token in input stream */
161     FT_Byte*       limit;   /* first character after the token          */
162     T1_Token_Type  type;    /* type of token                            */
164   } T1_Token;
167   /* enumeration type used to identify object fields */
168   typedef enum  T1_Field_Type_
169   {
170     t1_field_none = 0,
171     t1_field_bool,
172     t1_field_integer,
173     t1_field_fixed,
174     t1_field_string,
175     t1_field_integer_array,
176     t1_field_fixed_array,
177     t1_field_callback,
179     /* do not remove */
180     t1_field_max
182   } T1_Field_Type;
184   typedef enum  T1_Field_Location_
185   {
186     t1_field_cid_info,
187     t1_field_font_dict,
188     t1_field_font_info,
189     t1_field_private,
191     /* do not remove */
192     t1_field_location_max
194   } T1_Field_Location;
197   typedef void
198   (*T1_Field_Parser)( FT_Face     face,
199                       FT_Pointer  parser );
202   /* structure type used to model object fields */
203   typedef struct  T1_Field_
204   {
205     const char*        ident;        /* field identifier               */
206     T1_Field_Location  location;
207     T1_Field_Type      type;         /* type of field                  */
208     T1_Field_Parser    reader;
209     FT_UInt            offset;       /* offset of field in object      */
210     FT_Byte            size;         /* size of field in bytes         */
211     FT_UInt            array_max;    /* maximal number of elements for */
212                                      /* array                          */
213     FT_UInt            count_offset; /* offset of element count for    */
214                                      /* arrays                         */
215   } T1_Field;
218 #define T1_NEW_SIMPLE_FIELD( _ident, _type, _fname ) \
219           {                                          \
220             _ident, T1CODE, _type,                   \
221             0,                                       \
222             FT_FIELD_OFFSET( _fname ),               \
223             FT_FIELD_SIZE( _fname ),                 \
224             0, 0                                     \
225           },
227 #define T1_NEW_CALLBACK_FIELD( _ident, _reader ) \
228           {                                      \
229             _ident, T1CODE, t1_field_callback,   \
230             (T1_Field_Parser)_reader,            \
231             0, 0,                                \
232             0, 0                                 \
233           },
235 #define T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD( _ident, _type, _fname, _max ) \
236           {                                               \
237             _ident, T1CODE, _type,                        \
238             0,                                            \
239             FT_FIELD_OFFSET( _fname ),                    \
240             FT_FIELD_SIZE_DELTA( _fname ),                \
241             _max,                                         \
242             FT_FIELD_OFFSET( num_ ## _fname )             \
243           },
245 #define T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD2( _ident, _type, _fname, _max ) \
246           {                                                \
247             _ident, T1CODE, _type,                         \
248             0,                                             \
249             FT_FIELD_OFFSET( _fname ),                     \
250             FT_FIELD_SIZE_DELTA( _fname ),                 \
251             _max, 0                                        \
252           },
255 #define T1_FIELD_BOOL( _ident, _fname )                           \
256           T1_NEW_SIMPLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_bool, _fname )
258 #define T1_FIELD_NUM( _ident, _fname )                            \
259           T1_NEW_SIMPLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_integer, _fname )
261 #define T1_FIELD_FIXED( _ident, _fname )                          \
262           T1_NEW_SIMPLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_fixed, _fname )
264 #define T1_FIELD_STRING( _ident, _fname )                         \
265           T1_NEW_SIMPLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_string, _fname )
267 #define T1_FIELD_NUM_TABLE( _ident, _fname, _fmax )               \
268           T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_integer_array,     \
269                                _fname, _fmax )
271 #define T1_FIELD_FIXED_TABLE( _ident, _fname, _fmax )             \
272           T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD( _ident, t1_field_fixed_array,       \
273                                _fname, _fmax )
275 #define T1_FIELD_NUM_TABLE2( _ident, _fname, _fmax )              \
276           T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD2( _ident, t1_field_integer_array,    \
277                                 _fname, _fmax )
279 #define T1_FIELD_FIXED_TABLE2( _ident, _fname, _fmax )            \
280           T1_NEW_TABLE_FIELD2( _ident, t1_field_fixed_array,      \
281                                 _fname, _fmax )
283 #define T1_FIELD_CALLBACK( _ident, _name )                        \
284           T1_NEW_CALLBACK_FIELD( _ident, _name )
289   /*************************************************************************/
290   /*************************************************************************/
291   /*****                                                               *****/
292   /*****                            T1 PARSER                          *****/
293   /*****                                                               *****/
294   /*************************************************************************/
295   /*************************************************************************/
297   typedef struct  T1_Parser_Funcs_
298   {
299     void
300     (*init)( T1_Parser*  parser,
301              FT_Byte*    base,
302              FT_Byte*    limit,
303              FT_Memory   memory );
305     void
306     (*done)( T1_Parser*  parser );
308     void
309     (*skip_spaces)( T1_Parser*  parser );
310     void
311     (*skip_alpha)( T1_Parser*  parser );
313     FT_Long
314     (*to_int)( T1_Parser*  parser );
315     FT_Fixed
316     (*to_fixed)( T1_Parser*  parser,
317                  FT_Int      power_ten );
318     FT_Int
319     (*to_coord_array)( T1_Parser*  parser,
320                        FT_Int      max_coords,
321                        FT_Short*   coords );
322     FT_Int
323     (*to_fixed_array)( T1_Parser*  parser,
324                        FT_Int      max_values,
325                        FT_Fixed*   values,
326                        FT_Int      power_ten );
328     void
329     (*to_token)( T1_Parser*  parser,
330                  T1_Token*   token );
331     void
332     (*to_token_array)( T1_Parser*  parser,
333                        T1_Token*   tokens,
334                        FT_UInt     max_tokens,
335                        FT_Int*     pnum_tokens );
337     FT_Error
338     (*load_field)( T1_Parser*       parser,
339                    const T1_Field*  field,
340                    void**           objects,
341                    FT_UInt          max_objects,
342                    FT_ULong*        pflags );
344     FT_Error
345     (*load_field_table)( T1_Parser*       parser,
346                          const T1_Field*  field,
347                          void**           objects,
348                          FT_UInt          max_objects,
349                          FT_ULong*        pflags );
351   } T1_Parser_Funcs;
354   /*************************************************************************/
355   /*                                                                       */
356   /* <Struct>                                                              */
357   /*    T1_Parser                                                          */
358   /*                                                                       */
359   /* <Description>                                                         */
360   /*    A T1_Parser is an object used to parse a Type 1 font very quickly. */
361   /*                                                                       */
362   /* <Fields>                                                              */
363   /*    cursor :: The current position in the text.                        */
364   /*                                                                       */
365   /*    base   :: Start of the processed text.                             */
366   /*                                                                       */
367   /*    limit  :: End of the processed text.                               */
368   /*                                                                       */
369   /*    error  :: The last error returned.                                 */
370   /*                                                                       */
371   /*    memory :: The object used for memory operations (alloc/realloc).   */
372   /*                                                                       */
373   /*    funcs  :: A table of functions for the parser.                     */
374   /*                                                                       */
375   struct T1_Parser_
376   {
377     FT_Byte*         cursor;
378     FT_Byte*         base;
379     FT_Byte*         limit;
380     FT_Error         error;
381     FT_Memory        memory;
383     T1_Parser_Funcs  funcs;
384   };
388   /*************************************************************************/
389   /*************************************************************************/
390   /*****                                                               *****/
391   /*****                         T1 BUILDER                            *****/
392   /*****                                                               *****/
393   /*************************************************************************/
394   /*************************************************************************/
397   typedef struct T1_Builder_  T1_Builder;
400   typedef FT_Error
401   (*T1_Builder_Check_Points_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder,
402                                   FT_Int       count );
404   typedef void
405   (*T1_Builder_Add_Point_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder,
406                                 FT_Pos       x,
407                                 FT_Pos       y,
408                                 FT_Byte      flag );
410   typedef FT_Error
411   (*T1_Builder_Add_Point1_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder,
412                                  FT_Pos       x,
413                                  FT_Pos       y );
415   typedef FT_Error
416   (*T1_Builder_Add_Contour_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder );
418   typedef FT_Error
419   (*T1_Builder_Start_Point_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder,
420                                   FT_Pos       x,
421                                   FT_Pos       y );
423   typedef void
424   (*T1_Builder_Close_Contour_Func)( T1_Builder*  builder );
427   typedef struct  T1_Builder_Funcs_
428   {
429     void
430     (*init)( T1_Builder*   builder,
431              FT_Face       face,
432              FT_Size       size,
433              FT_GlyphSlot  slot );
435     void
436     (*done)( T1_Builder*   builder );
438     T1_Builder_Check_Points_Func   check_points;
439     T1_Builder_Add_Point_Func      add_point;
440     T1_Builder_Add_Point1_Func     add_point1;
441     T1_Builder_Add_Contour_Func    add_contour;
442     T1_Builder_Start_Point_Func    start_point;
443     T1_Builder_Close_Contour_Func  close_contour;
445   } T1_Builder_Funcs;
449   /*************************************************************************/
450   /*                                                                       */
451   /* <Structure>                                                           */
452   /*    T1_Builder                                                         */
453   /*                                                                       */
454   /* <Description>                                                         */
455   /*     A structure used during glyph loading to store its outline.       */
456   /*                                                                       */
457   /* <Fields>                                                              */
458   /*    memory       :: The current memory object.                         */
459   /*                                                                       */
460   /*    face         :: The current face object.                           */
461   /*                                                                       */
462   /*    glyph        :: The current glyph slot.                            */
463   /*                                                                       */
464   /*    loader       :: XXX                                                */
465   /*                                                                       */
466   /*    base         :: The base glyph outline.                            */
467   /*                                                                       */
468   /*    current      :: The current glyph outline.                         */
469   /*                                                                       */
470   /*    max_points   :: maximum points in builder outline                  */
471   /*                                                                       */
472   /*    max_contours :: Maximal number of contours in builder outline.     */
473   /*                                                                       */
474   /*    last         :: The last point position.                           */
475   /*                                                                       */
476   /*    scale_x      :: The horizontal scale (FUnits to sub-pixels).       */
477   /*                                                                       */
478   /*    scale_y      :: The vertical scale (FUnits to sub-pixels).         */
479   /*                                                                       */
480   /*    pos_x        :: The horizontal translation (if composite glyph).   */
481   /*                                                                       */
482   /*    pos_y        :: The vertical translation (if composite glyph).     */
483   /*                                                                       */
484   /*    left_bearing :: The left side bearing point.                       */
485   /*                                                                       */
486   /*    advance      :: The horizontal advance vector.                     */
487   /*                                                                       */
488   /*    bbox         :: Unused.                                            */
489   /*                                                                       */
490   /*    path_begun   :: A flag which indicates that a new path has begun.  */
491   /*                                                                       */
492   /*    load_points  :: If this flag is not set, no points are loaded.     */
493   /*                                                                       */
494   /*    no_recurse   :: Set but not used.                                  */
495   /*                                                                       */
496   /*    error        :: An error code that is only used to report memory   */
497   /*                    allocation problems.                               */
498   /*                                                                       */
499   /*    metrics_only :: A boolean indicating that we only want to compute  */
500   /*                    the metrics of a given glyph, not load all of its  */
501   /*                    points.                                            */
502   /*                                                                       */
503   /*    funcs        :: An array of function pointers for the builder.     */
504   /*                                                                       */
505   struct  T1_Builder_
506   {
507     FT_Memory         memory;
508     FT_Face           face;
509     FT_GlyphSlot      glyph;
510     FT_GlyphLoader*   loader;
511     FT_Outline*       base;
512     FT_Outline*       current;
514     FT_Vector         last;
516     FT_Fixed          scale_x;
517     FT_Fixed          scale_y;
519     FT_Pos            pos_x;
520     FT_Pos            pos_y;
522     FT_Vector         left_bearing;
523     FT_Vector         advance;
525     FT_BBox           bbox;          /* bounding box */
526     FT_Bool           path_begun;
527     FT_Bool           load_points;
528     FT_Bool           no_recurse;
529     FT_Bool           shift;
531     FT_Error          error;         /* only used for memory errors */
532     FT_Bool           metrics_only;
534     T1_Builder_Funcs  funcs;
535   };
538   /*************************************************************************/
539   /*************************************************************************/
540   /*****                                                               *****/
541   /*****                         T1 DECODER                            *****/
542   /*****                                                               *****/
543   /*************************************************************************/
544   /*************************************************************************/
546 #if 0
548   /*************************************************************************/
549   /*                                                                       */
550   /* T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS details the maximum number of nested sub-routine   */
551   /* calls during glyph loading.                                           */
552   /*                                                                       */
553 #define T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS  8
556   /*************************************************************************/
557   /*                                                                       */
558   /* T1_MAX_CHARSTRING_OPERANDS is the charstring stack's capacity.  A     */
559   /* minimum of 16 is required.                                            */
560   /*                                                                       */
563 #endif /* 0 */
566   typedef struct  T1_Decoder_Zone_
567   {
568     FT_Byte*  cursor;
569     FT_Byte*  base;
570     FT_Byte*  limit;
572   } T1_Decoder_Zone;
575   typedef struct T1_Decoder_        T1_Decoder;
576   typedef struct T1_Decoder_Funcs_  T1_Decoder_Funcs;
579   typedef FT_Error
580   (*T1_Decoder_Callback)( T1_Decoder*  decoder,
581                           FT_UInt      glyph_index );
584   struct  T1_Decoder_Funcs_
585   {
586     FT_Error
587     (*init)( T1_Decoder*          decoder,
588              FT_Face              face,
589              FT_Size              size,
590              FT_GlyphSlot         slot,
591              FT_Byte**            glyph_names,
592              T1_Blend*            blend,
593              T1_Decoder_Callback  callback );
595     void
596     (*done)( T1_Decoder*  decoder );
598     FT_Error
599     (*parse_charstrings)( T1_Decoder*  decoder,
600                           FT_Byte*     base,
601                           FT_UInt      len );
602   };
605   struct  T1_Decoder_
606   {
607     T1_Builder           builder;
609     FT_Long              stack[T1_MAX_CHARSTRINGS_OPERANDS];
610     FT_Long*             top;
612     T1_Decoder_Zone      zones[T1_MAX_SUBRS_CALLS + 1];
613     T1_Decoder_Zone*     zone;
615     PSNames_Interface*   psnames;      /* for seac */
616     FT_UInt              num_glyphs;
617     FT_Byte**            glyph_names;
619     FT_Int               lenIV;        /* internal for sub routine calls */
620     FT_UInt              num_subrs;
621     FT_Byte**            subrs;
622     FT_Int*              subrs_len;    /* array of subrs length (optional) */
624     FT_Matrix            font_matrix;
625     FT_Vector            font_offset;
627     FT_Int               flex_state;
628     FT_Int               num_flex_vectors;
629     FT_Vector            flex_vectors[7];
631     T1_Blend*            blend;       /* for multiple master support */
633     T1_Decoder_Callback  parse_callback;
634     T1_Decoder_Funcs     funcs;
635   };
638   /*************************************************************************/
639   /*************************************************************************/
640   /*****                                                               *****/
641   /*****                        PSAux Module Interface                 *****/
642   /*****                                                               *****/
643   /*************************************************************************/
644   /*************************************************************************/
646   typedef struct  PSAux_Interface_
647   {
648     const PS_Table_Funcs*    ps_table_funcs;
649     const T1_Parser_Funcs*   t1_parser_funcs;
650     const T1_Builder_Funcs*  t1_builder_funcs;
651     const T1_Decoder_Funcs*  t1_decoder_funcs;
653     void
654     (*t1_decrypt)( FT_Byte*   buffer,
655                    FT_Offset  length,
656                    FT_UShort  seed );
658   } PSAux_Interface;
663 #endif /* __PSAUX_H__ */
666 /* END */