
Moved to trunk/branches/tags structure
[gosa.git] / plugins / personal / mail / generic.tpl
1 <table style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=0 border=0>
2  <tr>
3   <td style="width:50%; vertical-align:top;">
4    <h2><img align="center" src="images/rightarrow.png"> {t}Generic{/t}</h2>
5    <table>
6     <tr>
7      <td>{t}Primary address{/t}{$must}</td>
8      <td><input name="mail" size=25 maxlength=60 {$mailACL} value="{$mail}"></td>
9     </tr>
10     <tr>
11      <td>{t}Server{/t}</td>
12      <td>
13       <select size="1" name="gosaMailServer" {$gosaMailServerACL} title="{t}Specify the mail server where the user will be hosted on{/t}">
14        {html_options values=$mailServers output=$mailServers selected=$gosaMailServer}
15       </select>
16      </td>
17     </tr>
18     <tr>
19      <td>
20       <br>
21       {t}Quota usage{/t}
22      </td>
23      <td>
24       <br>
25       {if $quotadefined eq "true"}
26       <img src="progress.php?x=100&amp;y=16&amp;p={$quotausage}" align="center">
27       {else}
28       {t}not defined{/t}
29       {/if}
30      </td>
31     </tr>
32     <tr>
33      <td>{t}Quota size{/t}</td>
34      <td>
35       <input name="gosaMailQuota" size=6 align=center maxlength=30 {$gosaMailQuotaACL}
36                 value="{$gosaMailQuota}"> KB
37      </td>
38     </tr>
39    </table>
40   </td>
42   <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
43    &nbsp;
44   </td>
46   <td style="vertical-align:top;">
47    <h2><img align="center" src="images/alternatemail.png"> {t}Alternate addresses{/t}</h2>
48    <select style="width:350px; height:100px;" name="alternates_list[]" size=15
49          multiple title="{t}List of alternative mail addresses{/t}">
50     {html_options values=$gosaMailAlternateAddress output=$gosaMailAlternateAddress}
51    </select>
52    <br>
53    <input name="alternate_address" size=30 align=center maxlength=60
54         {$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL} value="">
55    <input type=submit value="{t}Add{/t}" name="add_alternate"
56         {$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}>&nbsp;
57    <input type=submit value="{t}Delete{/t}" name="delete_alternate"
58         {$gosaMailAlternateAddressACL}>
59   </td>
60  </tr>
61 </table>
63 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
65 <h2><img align="center" src="images/envelope.png"> {t}Mail options{/t}</h2>
66 <table style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=4 border=0>
67  <tr style="padding-bottom:0px;">
68   <td style="width:45%">
69    <input type=checkbox name="drop_own_mails" value="1" {$drop_own_mails}
70         {$gosaMailDeliveryModeACL} title="{t}Select if you want to forward mails without getting own copies of them{/t}"> {t}No delivery to own mailbox{/t}
71    <br>
72    <input type=checkbox name="use_vacation" value="1" {$use_vacation}
73         {$gosaVacationMessageACL} title="{t}Select to automatically response with the vacation message defined below{/t}"> {t}Activate vacation message{/t}
74   </td>
75    <td rowspan=2 style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
76    &nbsp;
77   </td>
78   <td style="vertical-align:top;">
79    <input type=checkbox name="use_spam_filter" value="1" {$use_spam_filter}
80         {$gosaSpamSortLevelACL} title="{t}Select if you want to filter this mails thru spamassassin{/t}"> {t}Move mails tagged with spam level greater than{/t}
81    <select size="1" name="gosaSpamSortLevel" {$gosaSpamSortLevelACL} title="{t}Choose spam level - smaller values are more sensitive{/t}">
82     {html_options values=$spamlevel output=$spamlevel selected=$gosaSpamSortLevel}
83    </select>
84    {t}to folder{/t}
85    <select size="1" name="gosaSpamMailbox" {$gosaSpamMailboxACL}>
86     {html_options values=$spambox output=$spambox selected=$gosaSpamMailbox}
87    </select>
88    <br>
89    <input type=checkbox name="use_mailsize_limit" value="1" {$use_mailsize_limit}
90         {$gosaMailMaxSizeACL}> {t}Reject mails bigger than{/t} 
91    <input name="gosaMailMaxSize" size=6 align=center maxlength=30 {$gosaMailMaxSizeACL}
92         value="{$gosaMailMaxSize}"> {t}MB{/t}
93   </td>
94  </tr>
95  <tr>
96   <td style="vertical-align:top; width:45%">
97    <p style="margin-bottom:0px;">
98     <b>{t}Vacation message{/t}</b>
99    </p>
100    <textarea style="width:350px; height:100px;" name="gosaVacationMessage" rows="4"
101         {$gosaVacationMessageACL}>{$gosaVacationMessage}</textarea>
102    <br>
103    {if $show_templates eq "true"}
104    <select name="vacation_template">
105     {html_options options=$vacationtemplates selected=$template}
106    </select>
107    <input type="submit" value="{t}Import{/t}" name="import_vacation"
108         {$gosaVacationMessageACL}>
109    {/if}
110   </td>
111   <td>
112    <p style="margin-bottom:0px;">
113     <b>{t}Forward messages to{/t}</b>
114    </p>
115    <select style="width:350px; height:100px;" name="forwarder_list[]" size=15 multiple>
116     {html_options values=$gosaMailForwardingAddress output=$gosaMailForwardingAddress selected=$template}
117    </select>
118    <br>
119    <input name="forward_address" size=20 align=center maxlength=60
120         {$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL} value="">
121    <input type="submit" value="{t}Add{/t}" name="add_forwarder"
122         {$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}>&nbsp;
123    <input type="submit" value="{t}Add local{/t}" name="add_local_forwarder"
124         {$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}>&nbsp;
125    <input type="submit" value="{t}Delete{/t}" name="delete_forwarder"
126         {$gosaMailForwardingAddressACL}>
127   </td>
128  </tr>
129 </table>
131 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
133 <h2><img align="center" src="images/false.png"> {t}Advanced mail options{/t}</h2>
135 <table style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=4 border=0>
136  <tr>
137   <td>
138    <input type=checkbox name="only_local" value="1" {$only_local} {$only_localACL} title="{t}Select if user can only send and receive inside his own domain{/t}">
139    {t}User is only allowed to send and receive local mails{/t}
140   </td>
141   <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
142    &nbsp;
143   </td>
144   <td>
145    <input type=checkbox name="own_script" value="1" {$own_script} {$custom_sieveACL}>
146    {t}Use custom sieve script{/t} <b>({t}disables all Mail options!{/t})</b>
147   </td>
148  </tr>
149 </table>
151 <input type="hidden" name="mailTab" value="mailTab">
153 <!-- Place cursor -->
154 <script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
155   <!-- // First input field on page
156   document.mainform.mail.focus();
157   -->
158 </script>