
Switched log call
[gosa.git] / plugins / personal / environment /
1 <?php
3 class environment extends plugin
4 {
5   /* CLI vars */
6   var $cli_summary          = "Manage server basic objects";
7   var $cli_description      = "Some longer text\nfor help";
8   var $cli_parameters       = array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10   /* attribute list for save action */
11   var $ignore_account       = FALSE;
12   var $plHeadline           = "Environment";
13   var $plDescription        = "This does something";
14   var $dialog               = false;    // Indicates that we are currently editing in an seperate dialog
16   var $in_dialog            = false;
17   var $uid                  = "";
19   var $is_group             = false;
20   var $view_logged = FALSE;
22   /* Attribute definition
23    */
25   /* profile management */
26   var $useProfile         = false;  // Specifies if we want to use a Server 
27   var $gotoProfileServer  = "";     // Specifies the selected profile server
28   var $gotoProfileServers = array();// Specifies all available and selectable servers
29   var $gotoProfileFlags   = "";     // Flags enabled  ? only used to set ACL and save 
30   var $gotoProfileFlagC  = "";     // Flag is set to C if we have the profile caching fucntion enabled 
32   var $gotoXResolution    = "auto";     // The selected resolution eg: 1024x768
33   var $gotoXResolutions   = array();// Contains all available resolutions for this account
34   var $gotoProfileFlagL  = "";     // Flag is set to L to enable runtime resolution change 
35   var $gotoProfileQuota   = "";     // User Quota Settings
37   /* Logon script section*/
38   var $gotoLogonScripts   = array();// Contains all available Logon Scripts  
39   var $gotoLogonScript    = "";     // The selected Logon Script
41   /* Printer */
42   var $gotoPrinter        = array();// All available Printer, with their configurations
43   var $gotoPrinterSel     = "";     //  The selected Printer
44   var $gosaDefaultPrinter = "";     // Default printer
46   /* Share */
47   var $gotoShares         = array();// Current Share Options
48   var $gotoShare          = "";     // currently selected Share Option
49   var $gotoShareSelections= array();// Available Shares for this account in Listbox format
50   var $gotoAvailableShares= array();// Available Shares for this account
52   /* Kiosk profile */
53   var $gotoKioskProfile   = "none";     // The selected Kiosk Profile
54   var $gotoKioskProfiles  = array();// All available Kiosk profiles
55   var $newKioskProfiles   = array();
57   /* Hotplug Devices */
58   var $gotoHotplugDevice  = array();     // Selected hotplug
59   var $gotoHotplugDevices = array();// Already configured hotplug devices 
61   var $NewAddedPrinters   = array();
62   var $NewDeletedPrinters = array();
64   /* general settings */
65   // Sets the attributes which will kept on page reload, which will be saved, ...
67   var $CopyPasteVars      = array("gotoHotplugDevices","newKioskProfiles","gotoAvailableShares","gotoShareSelections","gotoPrinterSel","gotoProfileFlagL","gotoXResolutions","gotoProfileFlagC","gotoProfileServers","useProfile","is_group","in_dialog","OrigCn");
69   var $attributes         = array("uid","gotoProfileServer","gotoProfileFlags","gotoHotplugDevice",
70       "gotoXResolution","gotoProfileQuota",
71       "gotoLogonScripts","gotoLogonScript",
72       "gotoPrinter", "gosaDefaultPrinter",
73       "gotoShares","gotoShare",
74       "gotoKioskProfile","gotoKioskProfiles"
75       );
76   var $objectclasses      = array("gotoEnvironment"); // Specifies the objectClass which contains the attributes edited here 
77   var $cn;
78   var $OrigCn;
79   var $add_del_printer_member_was_called = false;
81   function environment ($config, $dn= NULL)
82   {
83     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
85     /* Setting uid to default */
86     if(isset($this->attrs['uid'][0])){
87       $this->uid = $this->attrs['uid'][0];
88     }
90     /* Check : Are we currently editing a group or user dialog */
91     if((isset($this->attrs['cn'][0]))&&(!isset($this->attrs['uid'][0]))){
92       $suffix="Group";
93       $this->uid          = $this->attrs['cn'][0];
94       $this->attrs['uid'] = $this->attrs['cn'][0];
95       $this->OrigCn = $this->attrs['cn'][0];
96     }else{
97       $suffix="User";
98     }
100     $this->gotoKioskProfile= preg_replace("/^.*\//i","",$this->gotoKioskProfile);
102     /* Get all Printer assignments */
103     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
104     $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
105     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(goto".$suffix."Printer=".$this->uid."))",array("*"));
106     while($printer = $ldap->fetch()){
107       $this->gotoPrinter[$printer['cn'][0]]=$printer;
108       $this->gotoPrinter[$printer['cn'][0]]['mode']="user";
109     }
110     $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(goto".$suffix."AdminPrinter=".$this->uid."))",array("*"));
111     while($printer = $ldap->fetch()){
112       $this->gotoPrinter[$printer['cn'][0]]=$printer;
113       $this->gotoPrinter[$printer['cn'][0]]['mode']="admin";
114     }
116     /* prepare hotplugs */
117     if((isset($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']))){
118       unset($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice']['count']);
119       foreach($this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'] as $device){
120         $tmp = $tmp2 = array();
121         $tmp = split("\|",$device);
122         $tmp2['name']        = $tmp[0]; 
123         $tmp2['description'] = $tmp[1]; 
124         $tmp2['id']          = $tmp[2]; 
126         /* Produkt ID */
127         if(!isset($tmp[3])){
128           $tmp[3] = "";
129         }
130         /* Vendor ID */
131         if(!isset($tmp[4])){
132           $tmp[4] = "";
133         }
135         $tmp2['produkt']     = $tmp[3]; 
136         $tmp2['vendor']      = $tmp[4];
138         $this->gotoHotplugDevices[$tmp[0]]=$tmp2;
139       }
140     }
142     /* prepare LogonScripts */
143     if((isset($this->attrs['gotoLogonScript']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoLogonScript']))){
144       unset($this->attrs['gotoLogonScript']['count']);
145       foreach($this->attrs['gotoLogonScript'] as $device){
146         $tmp = $tmp2 = array();
147         $tmp = split("\|",$device);
148         $tmp2['LogonName']        = $tmp[0]; 
149         $tmp2['LogonPriority']    = $tmp[2]; 
150         if(preg_match("/O/i",$tmp[1])){
151           $tmp2['LogonOverload'] = "O";
152         }else{
153           $tmp2['LogonOverload'] = "";
154         }
155         if(preg_match("/L/i",$tmp[1])){
156           $tmp2['LogonLast'] = "L";
157         }else{
158           $tmp2['LogonLast'] = "";
159         }
160         $tmp2['LogonData']        = base64_decode($tmp[3]); 
161         $tmp2['LogonDescription'] = $tmp[4];
162         $this->gotoLogonScripts[$tmp[0]]=$tmp2;
163       }
164     }
166     /* Prepare Shares */
167     if((isset($this->attrs['gotoShare']))&&(is_array($this->attrs['gotoShare']))){
168       unset($this->attrs['gotoShare']['count']);
169       foreach($this->attrs['gotoShare'] as $share){
170         $tmp = $tmp2 = array();
171         $tmp = split("\|",$share);
172         $tmp2['server']      =$tmp[0];
173         $tmp2['name']        =$tmp[1];
175         /* Decode base64 if needed */
176         if (!preg_match('%/%', $tmp[2])){
177           $tmp2['mountPoint']  =base64_decode($tmp[2]);
178         } else {
179           $tmp2['mountPoint']  =$tmp[2];
180         }
182         if(isset($tmp[3])){
183           $tmp2['PwdHash']  =$tmp[3];
184         }else{
185           $tmp2['PwdHash']  ="";
186         }
187         if(isset($tmp[4])){
188           $tmp2['Username']  =$tmp[4];
189         }else{
190           $tmp2['Username']  ="";
191         }
192         $this->gotoShares[$tmp[1]."|".$tmp[0]]=$tmp2;
193       }
194     }
196     for($i = 0 ; $i < strlen($this->gotoProfileFlags) ; $i ++){
197       $chr = $this->gotoProfileFlags[$i];
198       $name = "gotoProfileFlag".$chr;
199       $this->$name=$chr;
200     }
202     if((!empty($this->gotoProfileServer))||($this->gotoProfileFlagC=="C")){
203       $this->useProfile = true;
204     }else{
205       $this->useProfile = false;
206     }
208     /* Set resolutions */
209     $this->gotoXResolutions = array("auto"=>_("auto"),
210                                     "640x480"   =>  "640x480",
211                                     "800x600"   =>  "800x600",
212                                     "1024x768"  =>  "1024x768",
213                                     "1152x864"  =>  "1152x864",
214                                     "1280x768"  =>  "1280x768",
215                                     "1280x1024" =>  "1280x1024");
217     if(isset($this->config->data['MAIN']['RESOLUTION_HOOK'])){
218       $file = $this->config->data['MAIN']['RESOLUTION_HOOK'];
220       if(is_readable($file)){
221         $str = file_get_contents($file);
222         $lines = split("\n",$str);
223         foreach($lines as $line){
224           $line = trim($line);
225           if(!empty($line)){
226             $this->gotoXResolutions[$line]=$line;
227           }
228         }
229         //natcasesort($this->gotoXResolutions);
230       }else{
231         print_red(sprintf(_("You have specified an external resolution hook which can't be read, please check the permission of the file '%s'."),$file));
232       }
233     }
235     $this->gotoProfileServers= $config->getShareServerList() ;
236     $this->gotoShareSelections= $config->getShareList(true);
237     $this->gotoAvailableShares= $config->getShareList(false);  
239   }
242   /* Detect type of edited object (user|group)*/
243   function detect_grouptype()
244   {
245     if((!isset($this->parent))&&(!$this->is_account)){
246       $this->is_group     = false;
247     }elseif((isset($this->parent))&&(!isset($this->parent->by_object['posixAccount']))){
248       $this->is_group     = true;
249     }else{
250       $this->is_group     = false;
251     }
252   }
255   function execute()
256   {
257     /* Call parent execute */
258     plugin::execute();
259     /* Log view */
260     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
261       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
262       if(in_array("gosaAccount",$this->attrs['objectClass'])){
263         new log("view","users/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
264       }else{
265         new log("view","groups/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
266       }
267     }
269     /* Are we editing from MyAccount and not editing a user */
270     $WriteOnly = (!isset($this->parent)|| !$this->parent) && !isset($_SESSION['edit']);
272     /* Check profile server */
273     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoProfileServer",$WriteOnly)){
274       if(!empty($this->gotoProfileServer) && !isset($this->gotoProfileServers[$this->gotoProfileServer])){
275         if(count($this->gotoProfileServers)){
277           /* Get First Profile */
278           $new = key($this->gotoProfileServers);
280           /* Another profile server found */
281           print_red(sprintf(_("Your selected profile server '%s' is no longer available. Setting profile server to '%s'."),
282                 $this->gotoProfileServer,$new));
283         }else{
285           /* No other profile servers found */
286           print_red(sprintf(_("Your selected profile server '%s' is no longer available. Profile server configuration is resetted."),
287                 $this->gotoProfileServer));
288           $this->gotoProfileServer = "";
289         }
290       }
291     }    
293     $this->detect_grouptype();
295     /* Fill templating stuff */
296     $smarty= get_smarty();
297     $display= "";
299     $smarty->assign("is_group",$this->is_group);
301     /* Prepare all variables for smarty */
302     foreach($this->attributes as $s_attr){
303       /* Set value*/
304       $smarty->assign($s_attr,$this->$s_attr);
306       /* Set checkbox state*/
307       if(empty($this->$s_attr)){
308         $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK","");
309       }else{
310         $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK"," checked ");
311       }
313       /* Prepare ACL settings*/
314       $smarty->assign($s_attr."ACL",$this->getacl($s_attr,$WriteOnly));
315     }
317     /* Is accout enabled | are we editing from usermenu or admin menu 
318        All these tab management is done here
319      */
322     /* Working from Usermenu an the Account is currently disbled
323      * this->parent :  is only set if we are working in a list of tabs
324      * is_account   :  is only true if the needed objectClass is given
325      */
326     if((!isset($this->parent))&&(!$this->is_account)){
327       /* We are currently editing this tab from usermenu, but this account is not enabled */
328       $smarty->assign("is_account",$this->is_account);
329       /* Load template */
330       $display .= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('environment.tpl', TRUE));
331       /* Avoid the "You are currently editing ...." message when you leave this tab */
332       $display .= back_to_main(); 
333       /* Display our message to the user */
334       return $display;
337       /* We are currently editing from group tabs, because 
338        * $this->parent is set
339        * posixAccount is not set, so we are not in usertabs.
340        */
341     }elseif((isset($this->parent))&&(!isset($this->parent->by_object['posixAccount']))){
342       $smarty->assign("is_account","true");
343       $this->uid          = $this->cn;
344       $this->attrs['uid'] = $this->cn;
346       /* Change state if needed */
347       if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
348         if(($this->acl_is_createable() && !$this->is_account) || 
349             ($this->acl_is_removeable() &&  $this->is_account)){
350           $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
351         }
352       }
353       /* Group Dialog with enabled environment options */
354       if ($this->is_account){
355         $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Remove environment extension"),
356             _("Environment extension enabled. You can disable it by clicking below."));
357       } else {
359         /* Environment is disabled 
360            If theres is no posixAccount enabled, you won't be able to enable 
361            environment extensions
362          */
363         if((isset($this->parent->by_object['group']))||(isset($this->attrs['objectClass']))&&((in_array("posixAccount",$this->attrs['objectClass'])))){
364           // 4. There is a PosixAccount
365           $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add environment extension"),
366               _("Environment extension disabled. You can enable it by clicking below."));
367           return $display;
368         }else{
369           // 4. There is no PosixAccount
370           $display= $this->show_enable_header(_("Add environment extension"),
371               _("Environment extension disabled. You have to setup a posix account before you can enable this feature."));
372           return $display;
373         }
374       }
375     }else{
376       /* Editing from Usermenu 
377        *  Tell smarty that this accoutn is enabled 
378        */
379       $smarty->assign("is_account","true");
381       /* Change state if needed */
382       if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
383         if(($this->acl_is_createable() && !$this->is_account) || 
384             ($this->acl_is_removeable() &&  $this->is_account)){
385           $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
386         }
387       }
389       if(isset($this->parent)){
391         // 3. Account enabled . Editing from adminmenu
392         if ($this->is_account){
393           $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Remove environment extension"),
394               _("Environment extension enabled. You can disable it by clicking below."));
395         } else {
397           if($this->parent->by_object['posixAccount']->is_account==true){
398             // 4. There is a PosixAccount
399             $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Add environment extension"),
400                 _("Environment extension disabled. You can enable it by clicking below."));
401             return $display;
402           }else{
403             // 4. There is a PosixAccount
404             $display= $this->show_disable_header(_("Add environment extension"),
405                 _("Environment extension disabled. You have to setup a posix account before you can enable this feature."),TRUE,TRUE);
406             return $display;
407           }
408         }
409       }
410     }
411     /* Account is Account : is_accounbt=true.
412      * Else we won't reach this. 
413      */
415     /* Prepare all variables for smarty */
416     foreach($this->attributes as $s_attr){
417       /* Set value*/
418       $smarty->assign($s_attr,$this->$s_attr);
420       /* Set checkbox state*/
421       if(empty($this->$s_attr)){
422         $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK","");
423       }else{
424         $smarty->assign($s_attr."CHK"," checked ");
425       }
427       /* Prepare ACL settings*/
428       $smarty->assign($s_attr."ACL",$this->getacl($s_attr,$WriteOnly));
429     }
431     foreach(array("gotoHotplugDevice","gotoProfileFlagC","gotoProfileFlagL") as $s_attr){
432       $smarty->assign($s_attr."ACL",$this->getacl($s_attr,$WriteOnly));
433     }
435     if($WriteOnly) {
436       $smarty->assign("gotoPrinterACL","r");
437     }else{
438       $smarty->assign("gotoPrinterACL","rw");
439     }
441     if(empty($this->useProfile)){
442       $smarty->assign("useProfileCHK","");
443       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileServerACL" , preg_replace("/w/","",$this->getacl("gotoProfileServer",$WriteOnly)));
444       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileQuotaACL" , preg_replace("/w/","",$this->getacl("gotoProfileQuota",$WriteOnly)));
445       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileFlagCACL" , preg_replace("/w/","",$this->getacl("gotoProfileFlagC",$WriteOnly)));
446     }else{
447       $smarty->assign("useProfileCHK"," checked ");
448     }
450     $smarty->assign("gotoProfileServerWriteable", $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoProfileServer",$WriteOnly));
451     $smarty->assign("gotoProfileACL", $this->getacl("gotoProfileServer",$WriteOnly).$this->getacl("gotoProfileQuota",$WriteOnly));
453     /* HANDLE Profile Settings here 
454      * Assign available Quota and resolution settings
455      * Get all available profile server
456      * Get cache checkbox
457      * Assign this all to Smarty 
458      */
460     if(empty($this->gotoProfileFlagL)){
461       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileFlagLCHK"," ");
462     }else{
463       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileFlagLCHK"," checked ");
464     }
466     if(empty($this->gotoProfileFlagC)){
467       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileFlagCCHK"," ");
468     }else{
469       $smarty->assign("gotoProfileFlagCCHK"," checked ");
470     }
473     $smarty->assign("gotoXResolutions"    , $this->gotoXResolutions);
474     $smarty->assign("gotoXResolutionKeys" , array_flip($this->gotoXResolutions));
476     $smarty->assign("gotoProfileServers",$this->gotoProfileServers);
477     if(!is_array($this->gotoProfileServers)){
478       $this->gotoProfileServers =array();
479     }
480     $smarty->assign("gotoProfileServerKeys",array_flip($this->gotoProfileServers));
482     /* Handle kiosk profiles 
483      * Read available from filesystem
484      * Open management if post is transmitted
485      */
487     /* Save */
488     if(isset($_POST['KioskClose'])){
489       $this->newKioskProfiles = array_merge($this->newKioskProfiles,$this->dialog->save());
491       unset($this->dialog);
492       $this->dialog=NULL;
493       $this->is_dialog = false;
494     }
496     /* Reassign help class */
497     $_SESSION['current_class_for_help'] = get_class($this);
499     /* Open Management Dialog */
500     if(isset($_POST['KioskManagementDialog'])){
501       $this->dialog = new kioskManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$this->newKioskProfiles); 
502       $this->dialog->parent= $this;
503       $this->dialog->acl = $this->acl;
504       $this->is_dialog = true;
505     }
506     $tmp = new kioskManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn);
507     $list = $tmp->getKioskProfiles($this->newKioskProfiles);
508     $list['none']=_("None");
509     $list = array_reverse($list);
510     $smarty->assign("gotoKioskProfiles",$list);
511     $smarty->assign("gotoKioskProfileKeys",array_flip($list));
513     /* Logonscript Management
514      * Get available LogonScripts (possibly grey out (or mark) these script that are defined for the group) 
515      * Perform add Delete edit Posts 
516      */
518     /* Dialog Save */
519     if(isset($_POST['LogonSave'])){
521       if(!$this->acl_is_writeable("gotoLogonScript")){
522         print_red(_("You are not allowed to write Logon scripts."));
523         unset($this->dialog);
524         $this->dialog=NULL;
525         $this->is_dialog=false;
526       }else{
527         $this->dialog->save_object();
528         if(count($this->dialog->check())!=0){
529           foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){
530             print_red($msg);
531           }
532         }else{
533           $tmp = $this->dialog->save();
534           unset($this->dialog);
535           $this->dialog=NULL;
536           $this->is_dialog=false;
537           $this->gotoLogonScripts[$tmp['LogonName']]=$tmp; 
538         }
539       }
540     }
543     /* Dialog Quit without saving */
544     if(isset($_POST['LogonCancel'])){
545       $this->is_dialog= false;
546       unset($this->dialog);
547       $this->dialog= NULL;
548     }
550     /* Check Edit Del New Posts for a selected LogonScript */ 
551     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoLogonScript") && 
552         (isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptNew'])) || isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptEdit']) ||isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptDel'])){
554       /* New Logon Script: Open an edit dialog, we don't need a $_POST['gotoLogonScript'] here.
555        * In this case we create a new Logon Script.
556        */
557       if(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptNew'])){
558         $this->is_dialog = true;
559         $this->dialog = new logonManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn);
560       }
562       /* If we receive a Delete request and there is a Script selected in the selectbox, delete this one.
563        * We only can delete if there is an entry selected.
564        */
565       if((isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScript']))){
566         unset($this->gotoLogonScripts[$_POST['gotoLogonScript']]);
567       }
569       /* In this case we want to edit an existing entry, we open a new Dialog to allow editing.
570        * There must be an entry selected to perform edit request.
571        */
572       if((isset($_POST['gotoLogonScriptEdit']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoLogonScript']))){
573         $is_entry = $this->gotoLogonScripts[$_POST['gotoLogonScript']];
574         $this->is_dialog = true;
575         $this->dialog = new logonManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$is_entry);
576       }
577     }
579     /* Append List to smarty*/
580     $smarty->assign("gotoLogonScripts",   $this->printOutLogonScripts());
581     $smarty->assign("gotoLogonScriptKeys",array_flip($this->printOutLogonScripts()));
583     /* In this section server shares will be defined 
584      * A user can select one of the given shares and a mount point
585      *  and attach this combination to his setup.
586      */
588     $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelections",    $this->gotoShareSelections);
589     if(!is_array($this->gotoShareSelections)){
590       print $this->gotoShareSelections;
591       $this->gotoShareSelections = array();
592     }
593     $smarty->assign("gotoShareSelectionKeys", array_flip($this->gotoShareSelections));
595     /* if $_POST['gotoShareAdd'] is set, we will try to add a new entry 
596      * This entry will be, a combination of mountPoint and sharedefinitions 
597      */
598     if(isset($_POST['gotoShareAdd']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoShare")){
599       /* We assign a share to this user, if we don't know where to mount the share */
600       if((!isset($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))||(empty($_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))||(preg_match("/[\|]/i",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']))){
601         print_red(_("You must specify a valid mount point."));
602       }elseif(preg_match('/ /', $_POST['gotoShareMountPoint'])){
603         print_red(_("Spaces are not allowed in the mount path!"));
604       }elseif(!(
605             preg_match("/^\//",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint'])  ||
606             preg_match("/^~/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']) ||
607             preg_match("/^\$HOME/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']) ||
608             preg_match("/^.HOME/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']) ||
609             preg_match("/^\$USER/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']) ||
610             preg_match("/^.USER/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint']) ||
611             preg_match("/^%/",$_POST['gotoShareMountPoint'])
612             )
613           ){
614         print_red(_("You must specify a valid mount point.")); 
615       }else{
616         $a_share = $this->gotoAvailableShares[$_POST['gotoShareSelection']];
617         $s_mount = $_POST['gotoShareMountPoint'];
618         $s_user  = $_POST['ShareUser'];
619         /* Preparing the new assignment */ 
620         $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]=$a_share;
621         $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]['Username']=$s_user;
622         $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]['PwdHash']="";
623         $this->gotoShares[$a_share['name']."|".$a_share['server']]['mountPoint']=$s_mount;
624       }
625     }  
627     /* if the Post  gotoShareDel is set, someone asked GOsa to delete the selected entry (if there is one selected)
628      * If there is no defined share selected, we will abort the deletion without any message 
629      */
630     $once = true;
631     if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoShare")){
632       foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
633         if((preg_match("/^gotoShareDel_/",$name)) && ($once)){
634           $once = false;  
635           $key  = preg_replace("/^gotoShareDel_/","",$name);
636           $key  = preg_replace("/_+[xy]$/","",$key);
637           $key  = base64_decode($key);
638           if(isset($this->gotoShares[$key])) {
639             unset($this->gotoShares[$key]);
640           }
642           /* Remove corresponding password entry, too. This is a workaround
643              to get rid of old-style entries. */
644           $key= preg_replace("/\|/", "|!", $key);
645           if(isset($this->gotoShares[$key])) {
646             unset($this->gotoShares[$key]);
647           }
648         }
649         if((preg_match("/^gotoShareResetPwd_/",$name)) && ($once)){
650           $once = false;
651           $key  = preg_replace("/^gotoShareResetPwd_/","",$name);
652           $key  = preg_replace("/_+[xy]$/","",$key);
653           $key  = base64_decode($key);
654           $this->gotoShares[$key]['PwdHash'] = "";
655           if(preg_match("/^!/",$this->gotoShares[$key]['server'])){
656             unset($this->gotoShares[$key]);
657           }
658         }
659       }
660     }
661     $divlistShares = new divSelectBox("gotoShares");
662     $divlistShares->SetHeight(100);
665     $tmp = array();
666     if($this->acl_is_readable("gotoShares")){
667       $tmp = $this->printOutAssignedShares();
668     }
671     foreach($tmp as $key => $value){
672       $img = "";
674       /* Check if entry starts with an ! */
675       if(preg_match("/^!/",$this->gotoShares[$key]['server'])){
677         /* If we are currently editing groups environment, skip those ! entries */ 
678         if($this->is_group) continue;
680         /* Create pwd reset images */
681         if($this->gotoShares[$key]['PwdHash'] != ""){
682           $img.= "<input type='image' name='gotoShareResetPwd_".base64_encode($key)." 'src='images/list_reset_password.png' alt='"._("Reset password hash")."' 
683             title='"._("Reset password hash")."'>";
684         }
685         $field1 = array("string" => "<font style=\"color:#C0C0C0\">".$value."</font>" );
686         $field2 = array("string" => $img   , "attach" => "style='border-right:0px;'");
687       }else{
689         /* Create pwd reset img && delete image */
690         if($this->gotoShares[$key]['PwdHash'] != ""){
691           $img.= "<input type='image' name='gotoShareResetPwd_".base64_encode($key)." 'src='images/list_reset_password.png' alt='"._("Reset password hash")."' 
692             title='"._("Reset password hash")."'>";
693           $img.= "&nbsp;";
694         }
695         $img.= "<input type='image' name='gotoShareDel_".base64_encode($key)." 'src='images/edittrash.png' alt='"._("Delete")."' 
696           title='"._("Delete share entry")."'>";
697         $field1 = array("string" => $value);
698         $field2 = array("string" => $img   , "attach" => "style='border-right:0px;'");
699       }
700       $divlistShares->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2));
701     }
702     $smarty->assign("divlistShares",$divlistShares->DrawList());
704     /* Hotplug devices will be handled here 
705      * There are 3 possible methods for this feature
706      * Create a new Hotplug, A Dialog will open where you can specify some hotplug information
707      * Delete will erase an entry, the entry must be selcted in the ListBox first
708      * Editing an entry will open a dialog where the informations about the selcted entry can be changed
709      */
711     /* If there is a new entry wanted, open a new entry by initilising the dialog */
712     if((isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceNew'])) && ($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoHotplugDevice"))){
713       $this->dialog = new hotplugDialog($this->config,$this->dn);
714       $this->is_dialog = true;
715     }
717     /* We have to delete the selected hotplug from the list*/
718     if((isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDevice'])) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoHotplugDevice")){
719       if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoHotplugDevice")){
720         foreach($_POST['gotoHotplugDevice'] as $name){
721           unset($this->gotoHotplugDevices[$name]);
722         }
723       }
724     }
726     /* There are already defined hotplugs from other users we could use */
727     if(isset($_POST['gotoHotplugDeviceUse']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoHotplugDevice")){
728       $tmp  =array();
729       foreach($this->gotoHotplugDevices as $plugs){
730         $tmp[] = $plugs['name'];
731       }
732       $this->dialog = new hotplugDialog($this->config,$this->dn,true,$tmp);
733       $this->is_dialog = true;
734     }
736     /* Dialog Aborted */
737     if(isset($_POST['HotPlugCancel'])){
738       unset($this->dialog);
739       $this->dialog= NULL;
740       $this->is_dialog = false;
741     }
743     /* Dialod saved */
744     if(isset($_POST['HotPlugSave'])){
746       $this->dialog->save_object();
747       if(count($this->dialog->check())!=0){
748         foreach($this->dialog->check() as $msg){
749           print_red($msg);
750         }
751       }else{
752         $this->dialog->save_object();
753         $a_tmp = $this->dialog->save();
755         if(is_array($a_tmp)){
756           foreach($a_tmp as $name => $hotplug){
757             $this->gotoHotplugDevices[$name]= $hotplug; 
758           }
759         }
760         unset($this->dialog);
761         $this->dialog= NULL;
762         $this->is_dialog = false;
763       }
764     }
765     $smarty->assign("gotoHotplugDevices",$this->printOutHotPlugDevices());
766     $smarty->assign("gotoHotplugDeviceKeys",array_flip($this->printOutHotPlugDevices()));
768     /* Printer Assignment will managed below 
769      * A printer can be assigned in two different ways and two different types
770      * There are 2 types of users assigned to a printer : user and admin
771      * They only differ in the member attribute they will be assigned to. user: gotoUserPrinter admin: gotoadminPrinter
772      * The different types of assigning a user are : 1 assigning a user to a printer 2. assigning a group to a printer
773      */ 
775     /* First handle Add Post. Open a dialog that allows us to select a printer or two */ 
776     if(isset($_POST['gotoPrinterAdd'])){
778       $this->is_dialog=true;
779       $this->dialog = new selectPrinterDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$this->gotoPrinter);
780     }
782     if(isset($_POST['PrinterCancel'])){
783       $this->is_dialog=false;
784       unset($this->dialog);
785       $this->dialog=NULL;
786     }
788     if(isset($_POST['PrinterSave'])){
789       if(count($this->dialog->check())!=0){
790         $tmp = $this->dialog->check();
791         foreach($tmp as $msg){
792           print_red($msg);
793         } 
794       }else{
795         $this->dialog->save_object();
796         $tmp = $this->dialog->save();
797         $tmp2= $this->dialog->getPrinter(true);
799         foreach($tmp as $pname){
800           $printerObj = new printtabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['PRINTTABS'],$tmp2[$pname]['dn'],"printer");
801           $printerObj->set_acl_base($tmp2[$pname]['dn']);
803           $type = false;
805           if($this->is_group){
807             if(isset($this->NewDeletedPrinters[$pname])){
808               $type = "AddGroup";
809             }elseif($printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->AddMember("AddGroup",$this->dn)){
810               $type = "AddGroup";
811             }
812           }else{
813             if(isset($this->NewDeletedPrinters[$pname])){
814               $type = "AddUser";
815             }elseif($printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->AddMember("AddUser",$this->dn)){
816               $type = "AddUser";
817             }
818           }
820           if($type){
821             $this->gotoPrinter[$pname]=$tmp2[$pname];
822             $this->gotoPrinter[$pname]['mode']="user";
823             $this->add_del_printer_member_was_called = true;
825             $this->NewAddedPrinters[$pname] = $pname;
826             if(isset($this->NewDeletedPrinters[$pname])){
827               unset($this->NewDeletedPrinters[$pname]);
828             }
829           }
830         }
832         $this->is_dialog=false;
833         unset($this->dialog);
834         $this->dialog   =NULL;
835       }
836     }
838     if((isset($_POST['gotoPrinterDel']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))&&(!empty($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))){
839       $printer = $_POST['gotoPrinterSel'];
840       foreach($printer as $pname){
842         $printerObj = new printtabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['PRINTTABS'],$this->gotoPrinter[$pname]['dn'],"printer");
843         $printerObj->set_acl_base($this->gotoPrinter[$pname]['dn']);
845         $type = false;
846         if($this->is_group){
847           if(isset($this->NewAddedPrinters[$pname])){
848             $type = "Group";
849           }elseif($printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->DelMember("AddGroup",$this->cn)){
850             $type = "Group";
851           }
852         }else{
853           if(isset($this->NewAddedPrinters[$pname])){
854             $type = "User";
855           }elseif($printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->DelMember("AddUser",$this->uid)){
856             $type = "User";
857           }
858         }
859         if($type){
860           $this->add_del_printer_member_was_called = true;
861           unset($this->gotoPrinter[$pname]);
863           $this->NewDeletedPrinters[$pname] = $pname;
864           if(isset($this->NewAddedPrinters[$pname])){
865             UNSET($this->NewAddedPrinters[$pname]);
866           }
867         }
868       }
869     }
871     if((isset($_POST['gotoPrinterEdit']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))&&(!empty($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))){
872       $printers = $_POST['gotoPrinterSel'];
873       $this->add_del_printer_member_was_called = true;
874       foreach($printers as $printer){
875         if($this->gotoPrinter[$printer]['mode']=="user"){
876           $this->gotoPrinter[$printer]['mode']="admin";
877         }else{
878           $this->gotoPrinter[$printer]['mode']="user";
879         }
880       }
881     }
883     if((isset($_POST['gotoPrinterDefault']))&&(isset($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))&&(!empty($_POST['gotoPrinterSel']))){
884       if($this->is_group){
885         print_red(_("GOsa default printer flag is not allowed within groups."));
886       }else{
887         if ($this->gosaDefaultPrinter == $_POST['gotoPrinterSel'][0]){
888           $this->gosaDefaultPrinter= "";
889         } else {
890           $this->gosaDefaultPrinter= $_POST['gotoPrinterSel'][0];
891         }
892       }
893     }
895     $smarty->assign("gotoPrinter",$this->printOutPrinterDevices());
896     $smarty->assign("gotoPrinterKeys",array_flip($this->printOutPrinterDevices()));
898     /* General behavior */
899     if((isset($this->dialog))&&($this->dialog!=NULL)&&(!empty($this->dialog))){
900       $this->dialog->save_object();
901       $disp =$this->dialog->execute();
903       $tmp = new kioskManagementDialog($this->config,$this->dn);
904       $list = $tmp->getKioskProfiles($this->newKioskProfiles);
905       $list['none']=_("None");
906       $list = array_reverse($list);
907       if(!isset($list[$this->gotoKioskProfile])){
908         print_red(sprintf(_("The selected kiosk profile '%s' is no longer available, setting current profile to 'none'."),$this->gotoKioskProfile));
909         $this->gotoKioskProfile = 'none';
910       }
911       return($disp);
912     }
914     /* Als smarty vars are set. Get smarty template and generate output */
915     $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('environment.tpl', TRUE,dirname(__FILE__)));
916     return($display);
917   }
919   function remove_from_parent()
920   {
921     /* only if it was an account*/
922     if (!$this->initially_was_account){
923       return;
924     }
926     /* include global link_info */
927     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
929     /* Remove and write to LDAP */
930     plugin::remove_from_parent();
932     /* Don't save our template variables */
933     $skip = array("uid","gotoLogonScripts","gotoPrinter","gotoShares","gotoKioskProfiles","gotoHotplugDevices" );
935     /* Skip all these attributes */
936     foreach($skip as $del){
937       unset($this->attrs[$del]);
938     }
940     @DEBUG (DEBUG_LDAP, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,$this->attributes, "Save");
942     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
943     $this->cleanup();
944     $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
946     if($this->is_group){
947       new log("remove","groups/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
948     }else{
949       new log("remove","users/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
950     }
952     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of user/environment account with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
954     /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */
955     $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("uid" => $this->uid));
956   }
959   /* Save data to object */
960   function save_object()
961   {
962     /* Get all Posted vars 
963      * Setup checkboxes 
964      */
965     $WriteOnly = (!isset($this->parent)|| !$this->parent) && !isset($_SESSION['edit']);
966     if(isset($_POST['iamposted'])){
968       $PACL =  $this->getacl("gotoProfileServer",$WriteOnly).$this->getacl("gotoProfileQuota",$WriteOnly);
970       if(preg_match("/w/",$PACL)){
971         if(isset($_POST['useProfile'])){
972           $this->useProfile = true;
973         }else{
974           $this->useProfile = false;
975         }
976       }
978       if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoProfileFlagC")){
979         if(isset($_POST['gotoProfileFlagC'])){
980           $this->gotoProfileFlagC = $_POST['gotoProfileFlagC'];
981         }else{
982           $this->gotoProfileFlagC = false;
983         }
984       }
986       if($this->acl_is_writeable("gotoProfileFlagL")){
987         if(isset($_POST['gotoProfileFlagL'])){
988           $this->gotoProfileFlagL = $_POST['gotoProfileFlagL'];
989         }else{
990           $this->gotoProfileFlagL = false;
991         }
992       }
994       plugin::save_object();
995       foreach($this->attributes as $s_attr){
996         if((!isset($_POST[$s_attr])) || 
997             in_array($s_attr,array("gosaDefaultPrinter","gotoShares","gotoHotplugDevices","gotoPrinter","gotoLogonScripts","uid"))) continue;
998         if(!$this->acl_is_writeable($s_attr)){
999           continue;
1000         }else{ 
1001           if(isset($_POST[$s_attr])){
1002             $this->$s_attr = $_POST[$s_attr];
1003           }else{
1004             $this->$s_attr = false;
1005           }
1006         }
1007       }
1008     }
1009   }
1012   /* Check supplied data */
1013   function check()
1014   {
1015     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
1016     $message= plugin::check();
1018     $this->detect_grouptype();
1020     if(preg_match("/[^0-9]/",$this->gotoProfileQuota)) {
1021       $message[]=_("Please set a valid profile quota size.");
1022     } 
1023     if(!isset($this->attrs['objectClass'])){
1024       $this->attrs['objectClass']=array();
1025     } 
1026     if(!$this->is_group){
1027       if((!((in_array("posixAccount",$this->attrs['objectClass']))||($this->parent->by_object['posixAccount']->is_account==true)))&&(!$this->is_group)){
1028         $message[]=(_("You need to setup a valid posix extension in order to enable evironment features."));  
1029       }
1030     }
1031     return ($message);
1032   }
1035   /* Save to LDAP */
1036   function save()
1037   {
1038     /* If group was renamed, all printer settings get lost
1039      */ 
1040     /* only save changed variables ....*/
1041     if ($this->gotoKioskProfile =="none") $this->gotoKioskProfile ="";
1042     if((!empty($this->gotoKioskProfile))&&($this->gotoKioskProfile != "none")){
1043       if(preg_match("/https/i",$_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'])){
1044         $method="https://";
1045       }else{
1046         $method="http://";
1047       }
1049       $str = $method.str_replace("//","/",$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']."/kiosk/");
1050       $this->gotoKioskProfile= $str.$this->gotoKioskProfile;
1051     }else{
1052       $this->gotoKioskProfile= array();
1053     }
1055     plugin::save();
1056     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
1058     $realyUsedAttrs= array();
1060     $path = search_config($this->config->data,"environment", "KIOSKPATH"); 
1061     /* Creating Kiosk Profiles */
1062     foreach($this->newKioskProfiles as $file){
1063       $contents = $file['contents'];
1064       $fp = @fopen($path."/".$file['name'],"w");
1065       if(!$fp){
1066         print_red(_("Can't save new kiosk profiles, possibly permission denied for folder")." : ",$path);
1067       }else{
1068         fwrite($fp,$contents,strlen($contents));
1069       }
1070       @unlink($file['tmp_name']);
1071     }
1073     /* Save already used objectClasses */
1074     $ocs        = $this->attrs['objectClass'];
1075     unset($ocs['count']);
1076     $this->attrs = array();
1077     $this->attrs['objectClass']= $ocs;
1078     foreach($this->objectclasses as $objc){
1079       if(!in_array($objc,$this->attrs['objectClass'])){
1080         $this->attrs['objectClass'][]=$objc;
1081       }
1082     }
1084     /* 1. Search all printers that have our uid/cn as member 
1085      * 2. Delete this uid/cn from every single entry and save it again.
1086      * 2.1 There are different types of members: Users / Groups, this will be defined in $suffix
1087      * 2.2 And each type has two modes, Admin (e.g. 'gotoUserAdminPrinter') and Normal 
1088      */
1090     $this->detect_grouptype();
1092     if($this->add_del_printer_member_was_called){
1094       $types = array( "gotoUserPrinter"       => "AddUser",
1095           "gotoGroupPrinter"      => "AddGroup",
1096           "gotoUserAdminPrinter"  => "AddAdminUser",
1097           "gotoGroupAdminPrinter" => "AddAdminGroup");
1099       if($this->is_group){
1100         $s_suffix = "Group";
1101         $useVar   = "cn";
1102       }else{
1103         $useVar   = "uid";
1104         $s_suffix = "User";
1105       }
1107       /* Remove old entries */
1108       $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(goto".$s_suffix."Printer=".$this->$useVar."))",array("*"));
1109       while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
1110         $printerObj = NULL;
1111         $printerObj = new printtabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['PRINTTABS'],$attr['dn'],"printer");
1112         $printerObj->set_acl_base($attr['dn']);
1113         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->DelMember($types["goto".$s_suffix."Printer"],$this->$useVar);
1114         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->save();
1115       }
1117       $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoPrinter)(goto".$s_suffix."AdminPrinter=".$this->$useVar."))",array("*"));
1118       while($attr = $ldap->fetch()){
1119         $printerObj = NULL;
1120         $printerObj = new printtabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['PRINTTABS'],$attr['dn'],"printer");
1121         $printerObj->set_acl_base($attr['dn']);
1122         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->DelMember($types["goto".$s_suffix."AdminPrinter"],$this->$useVar);
1123         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->save();
1124       }
1126       foreach($this->gotoPrinter as $printer){
1127         $printerObj = NULL;
1128         $printerObj = new printtabs($this->config,$this->config->data['TABS']['PRINTTABS'],$printer['dn'],"printer");
1129         $printerObj->set_acl_base($printer['dn']);
1132         if($printer['mode'] == "admin") {
1133           $attribute = "goto".$s_suffix."AdminPrinter";
1134         }else{
1135           $attribute = "goto".$s_suffix."Printer";
1136         }
1138         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->AddMember($types[$attribute],$this->dn);
1139         $printerObj->by_object['printgeneric']->save();
1140       }
1141     }    
1143     /* Prepare HotPlug devices */
1144     $this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'] = array();
1145     foreach($this->gotoHotplugDevices as $name => $device){
1146       $this->attrs['gotoHotplugDevice'][] = $device['name']."|".$device['description']."|".$device['id'].
1147         "|".$device['produkt']."|".$device['vendor'];
1148     }
1150     /* Prepare LogonScripts */
1151     $this->attrs['gotoLogonScript'] = array();
1152     foreach($this->gotoLogonScripts as $name => $script){
1153       $this->attrs['gotoLogonScript'][] =   $script['LogonName']."|".
1154         $script['LogonOverload'].$script['LogonLast']."|".
1155         $script['LogonPriority']."|".
1156         base64_encode($script['LogonData'])."|".
1157         $script['LogonDescription'];
1158     }
1160     /* Prepare Shares */
1161     $this->attrs['gotoShare']=array();
1162     foreach($this->gotoShares as $name => $share){
1163       $mntp= $share['mountPoint'];
1164       if (!preg_match('=^[a-z0-9+\._/%-]+$=i', $mntp)){
1165         $mntp= base64_encode($mntp);
1166       }
1167       $this->attrs['gotoShare'][] =$share['server']."|".$share['name']."|".$mntp."|".$share['PwdHash']."|".$share['Username'];
1168     }
1171     if($this->gotoXResolution == "auto") $this->gotoXResolution ="";
1172     $saveThis = array("gotoProfileQuota","gotoXResolution","gotoProfileServer","gotoKioskProfile","gosaDefaultPrinter");
1174     foreach($saveThis as $tosave){
1175       if(!empty($this->$tosave)){
1176         $this->attrs[$tosave]=$this->$tosave;
1177       }else{
1178         $this->attrs[$tosave]=array();
1179       }
1180     }
1182     /* Prepare Flags */
1183     $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'] = array($this->gotoProfileFlagC.$this->gotoProfileFlagL);
1184     if(empty($this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'][0])){
1185       $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags']=array();
1186     }
1188     if($this->useProfile == false){
1189       $this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags'] = preg_replace("/C/i","",$this->attrs['gotoProfileFlags']);
1190       $this->attrs['gotoProfileServer']= array(); 
1191     }
1193     $ldap->cat ($this->dn, array('dn'));
1194     if ($ldap->fetch()){
1195       $mode= "modify";
1196     } else {
1197       $mode= "add";
1198       $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
1199       $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn));
1200     }
1202     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
1203     $this->cleanup();
1204     $ldap->$mode($this->attrs);
1206     $cat = "users";
1207     if($this->is_group){
1208       $cat = "groups";
1209     }
1211     /* Log last action */ 
1212     if($this->initially_was_account){
1213       new log("modify",$cat."/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
1214     }else{
1215       new log("create",$cat."/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
1216     }
1218     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of user/environment account with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
1219     $this->handle_post_events($mode,array("uid"=>$this->uid));
1220   }
1222   /* Generate ListBox frindly output for the defined shares 
1223    * Possibly Add or remove an attribute here, 
1224    */
1225   function printOutAssignedShares()
1226   {
1227     $a_return = array();
1228     if(is_array($this->gotoShares)){
1229       foreach($this->gotoShares as $share){
1230         if(preg_match("/^!/",$share['server'])){
1231           $a_return[$share['name']."|".$share['server']]= preg_replace("/^!/","",$share['server'])."://".$share['name']." - "._("group share"); 
1232         }else{
1233           $a_return[$share['name']."|".$share['server']]= $share['server']."://".$share['name']." on ".$share['mountPoint']." as ".$share['Username'];
1234         }
1235       }
1236       natcasesort($a_return);
1237     }
1238     return($a_return);
1239   }
1241   /* Generate ListBox frindly output for the definedhotplugs 
1242    * Possibly Add or remove an attribute here,
1243    */
1244   function printOutHotPlugDevices()
1245   {
1246     $a_return= array();
1247     if(is_array($this->gotoHotplugDevices)){
1248       foreach($this->gotoHotplugDevices as $key=>$device){
1249         $a_return[$key] = $device['name']." - ".$device['id'];
1250       }
1251     }
1252     return($a_return);
1253   }
1255   /* Generates ListBox frienly output of used printer devices 
1256    * Append ' - admin' if printer is used in admin mode
1257    */
1258   function printOutPrinterDevices()
1259   {
1260     $a_return = array();
1262     if($this->acl_is_readable("gotoPrinter")){
1264       if(is_array($this->gotoPrinter)){
1265         foreach($this->gotoPrinter as $printer){
1266           if($printer['mode'] == "admin"){
1267             $a_return[$printer['cn'][0]]= $printer['cn'][0]." - "._("Administrator");
1268           }else{
1269             $a_return[$printer['cn'][0]]= $printer['cn'][0]; 
1270           }
1271           if ($printer['cn'][0] == $this->gosaDefaultPrinter){
1272             $a_return[$printer['cn'][0]].=" - "._("Default printer");
1273           }
1274         }
1275       }
1276     }
1277     return($a_return);
1278   }
1281   function saveCopyDialog()
1282   {
1283     if(isset($_POST['cn'])){
1284       $this->cn = $_POST['cn'];
1285       $this->uid = $_POST['cn'];
1286     }
1287   }
1290   /* Generates ListBox frienly output of used logonscripts 
1291    */
1292   function printOutLogonScripts()
1293   {
1294     $a_return = array();
1295     if(is_array($this->gotoLogonScripts)){
1296       foreach($this->gotoLogonScripts as $script){
1297         $a_return[$script['LogonName']]= $script['LogonPriority']." - ".$script['LogonName']; 
1298       }
1299     }
1300     return($a_return);
1301   }
1304   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling 
1305 #FIXME these ACLs should work for groups too */ 
1306   function plInfo()
1307   {
1308     return (array("plShortName"     => _("Environment"),
1309           "plDescription"   => _("Environment settings"),         // Description
1310           "plSelfModify"    => TRUE,                              
1311           "plDepends"       => array("user", "posixAccount"),     // This plugin depends on 
1312           "plPriority"      => 3,                                 // Position in tabs 
1313           "plSection"     => array("personal" => _("My account")),
1314           "plCategory"    => array("users",
1315                                    "groups"),
1316           "plOptions"       => array("resolution_hook" => array("type" => "string",
1317               "description" => _("Command to extend the list of possible screen resolutions"))),
1319           "plProvidedAcls"  => array(
1321             "gotoProfileFlagL"    => _("Resolution changeable during session") ,
1322             "gotoProfileFlagC"    => _("Cache profile localy") ,
1324             "gotoProfileQuota"    => _("Profile quota") ,
1325             "gotoProfileServer"   => _("Profile server") ,
1327             "gotoXResolution"     => _("Resolution") ,
1328             "gotoKioskProfile"    => _("Kiosk profile") ,
1330             "gosaDefaultPrinter"  => _("Default printer") ,
1331             "gotoLogonScript"     => _("Logon script") ,
1332             "gotoHotplugDevice"   => _("Hotplug devices"),
1333             "gotoShare"           => _("Shares"))
1334             ));
1335   }
1338 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
1339 ?>