
Reverted to orginal handling, because the new implementation doesn't work here...
[gosa.git] / plugins / personal / connectivity / proxy.tpl
1 <h2>{if $tabbed eq 1}<input type="checkbox" name="proxy" value="B" {$proxyState} {$gosaProxyAcctFlagsACL} onclick="changeState('filterF'); changeState('filterT'); changeState('startHour'); changeState('startMinute'); changeState('stopHour'); changeState('stopMinute'); changeState('filterB'); changeState('quota_size'); changeState('quota_unit'); changeState('gosaProxyQuotaPeriod');">{/if}{t}Proxy account{/t}</h2>
2 <table style="width:100%; vertical-align:top; text-align:left;" cellpadding=0 border=0>
3  <tr>
4    <td>
5     <table border=0 width="100%" cellpadding=0>
6     <tr><td colspan=2>
7     <input type="checkbox" name="filterF" id="filterF" value="F" {$filterF} {$gosaProxyAcctFlagsACL} {$pstate}>
8     {t}Filter unwanted content (i.e. pornographic or violence related){/t}
9     </td></tr>
10      <tr>
11       <td width="50%">
12     <input type="checkbox" name="filterT" id="filterT" value="T" {$filterT} {$gosaProxyAcctFlagsACL} {$pstate}>
13     {t}Limit proxy access to working time{/t}
14     <br>
15     <table style="margin-left:20px;">
16      <tr>
17       <td>
18         <select size="1" id="startHour" name="startHour" {$gosaProxyWorkingStartACL} {$pstate}>
19          {html_options values=$hours output=$hours selected=$starthour}
20         </select>
21         &nbsp;:&nbsp;
22         <select size="1" id="startMinute" name="startMinute" {$gosaProxyWorkingStartACL} {$pstate}>
23          {html_options values=$minutes output=$minutes selected=$startminute}
24         </select>
25         &nbsp;-&nbsp;
26         <select size="1" id="stopHour" name="stopHour" {$gosaProxyWorkingStopACL} {$pstate}>
27          {html_options values=$hours output=$hours selected=$stophour}
28         </select>
29         &nbsp;:&nbsp;
30         <select size="1" id="stopMinute" name="stopMinute" {$gosaProxyWorkingStopACL} {$pstate}>
31          {html_options values=$minutes output=$minutes selected=$stopminute}
32         </select>
33       </td>
34      </tr>
35     </table>
36       </td>
37    <td rowspan=2 style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0">
38      &nbsp;
39    </td>
40       <td>
41     <input type="checkbox" id="filterB" name="filterB" value="B" {$filterB} {$pstate} {$gosaProxyAcctFlagsACL}>
42     {t}Restrict proxy usage by quota{/t}
43     <br>
44     <table style="margin-left:20px;">
45      <tr>
46       <td>
47        <input name="quota_size" id="quota_size" size=7 maxlength=10 {$pstate} {$gosaProxyQuotaACL} value="{$quota_size}">
48        &nbsp;
49        <select size="1" name="quota_unit" id="quota_unit" {$pstate} {$gosaProxyQuotaACL}>
50         {html_options options=$quota_unit selected=$quota_u}
51        </select>
52        {t}per{/t} {$pstate}
53        <select size="1" name="gosaProxyQuotaPeriod" id="gosaProxyQuotaPeriod" {$pstate} {$gosaProxyQuotaACL}>
54         {html_options options=$quota_time selected=$gosaProxyQuotaPeriod}
55        </select>
56       </td>
57      </tr>
58     </table>
59    </td>
60    </tr>
61    </table>
62   </td>
63  </tr>
64 </table>