
Quick review for new service handling
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / systems / goMailServer.tpl
1 <h2><img class="center" alt="" align="middle" src="images/rightarrow.png" /> {t}Generic{/t}</h2>
2 <table  style="width:100%;">
3         <tr>
4                 <td width="50%" style="vertical-align:top">
5                         <table >
6                                 <tr>
7                                         <td>{t}Visible full qualified hostname{/t}
8                                         </td>
9                                         <td>
10                                                 <input type="text" name='postfixMyhostname' value='{$postfixMyhostname}' title='{t}The full qualified host name.{/t}'>
11                                         </td>
12                                 </tr>
13                                 <tr>
14                                         <td>{t}Max mail header size{/t}
15                                         </td>
16                                         <td>
17                                                 <input type="text" name='postfixHeaderSizeLimit' value='{$postfixHeaderSizeLimit}' 
18                                                                         title='{t}This value specifies the maximal header size.{/t}'>&nbsp;{t}KB{/t}
19                                         </td>
20                                 </tr>
21                                 <tr>
22                                         <td>{t}Max mailbox size{/t}
23                                         </td>
24                                         <td>
25                                                 <input type="text" name='postfixMailboxSizeLimit' value='{$postfixMailboxSizeLimit}' 
26                                                                         title='{t}Defines the maximal size of mail box.{/t}'>&nbsp;{t}KB{/t}
27                                         </td>
28                                 </tr>
29                                 <tr>
30                                         <td>{t}Max message size{/t}
31                                         </td>
32                                         <td>
33                                                 <input type="text" name='postfixMessageSizeLimit' value='{$postfixMessageSizeLimit}' 
34                                                                         title='{t}Specify the maximal size of a message.{/t}'>&nbsp;{t}KB{/t}
35                                         </td>
36                                 </tr>
37                                 <tr>
38                                         <td>{t}Relay host{/t}
39                                         </td>
40                                         <td>
41                                                 <input type="text" name='postfixRelayhost' value='{$postfixRelayhost}' 
42                                                                         title='{t}Relay messages to following host.{/t}'>
43                                         </td>
44                                 </tr>
45                         </table>
46                 </td>
47                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0; ">
48                         <table style="width:100%;">
49                                 <tr>
50                                         <td>
51                                                 {t}Local networks{/t}<br>
52                                                 <select name='Select_postfixMyNetworks[]' multiple size=6 style='width:100%;' title='{t}Postfix networks{/t}'>
53                                                         {html_options options=$postfixMyNetworks}
54                                                 </select>
55                                                 <input type="text" name="NewString_postfixMyNetworks" value="">
56                                                 <input type="submit" name="AddpostfixMyNetworks" value="{t}Add{/t}">
57                                                 <input type="submit" name="DelpostfixMyNetworks" value="{t}Remove{/t}">
58                                         </td>
59                                 </tr>
60                         </table>
61                 </td>
62         </tr>
63         <tr>
64                 <td colspan="2">
65                         <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
66                 </td>
67         </tr>   
68         <tr>
69                 <td>
70                           <table style="width:100%;">
71                 <tr>
72                     <td>
73                         {t}Domains and routing{/t}<br>
74                         <select name='Select_postfixMyDestinations[]' multiple size=6 style='width:100%;' title='{t}Postfix is responsilbe for the follwing domains.{/t}'>
75                             {html_options options=$postfixMyDestinations}
76                         </select>
77                         <input type="text" name="NewString_postfixMyDestinations" value="">
78                         <input type="submit" name="AddpostfixMyDestinations" value="{t}Add{/t}">
79                         <input type="submit" name="DelpostfixMyDestinations" value="{t}Remove{/t}">
80                     </td>
81                 </tr>
82             </table>
83                 </td>
84                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0; ">
85                           <table style="width:100%;">
86                 <tr>
87                     <td>
88                         {t}Transports{/t}<br>
89                                                 {$Div_postfixTransportTable}
90                         <input type="text" name="Source_postfixTransportTable" value="">
91                         <select name='TransportProtocol' title='{t}Select a transport protocoll.{/t}'>
92                             {html_options options=$TransportProtocols}
93                         </select>
94                         <input type="text" name="Destination_postfixTransportTable" value="">
95                         <input type="submit" name="AddpostfixTransportTable" value="{t}Add{/t}">
96                     </td>
97                 </tr>
98             </table>
99                 </td>
100         </tr>
101         <tr>
102                 <td colspan="2">
103                         <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
104                 </td>
105         </tr>   
106         <tr>
107                 <td>
108             <table style="width:100%;">
109                 <tr>
110                     <td>
111                         {t}Restrictions for sender{/t}<br>
112                                                 {$Div_postfixSenderRestrictions}
113                         <input type="text" name="Source_postfixSenderRestrictions" value="">
114                         <select name='SenderRestrictionFilter' title='{t}Restriction filter{/t}'>
115                             {html_options options=$RestrictionFilters}
116                         </select>
117                         <input type="text" name="Destination_postfixSenderRestrictions" value="">
118                         <input type="submit" name="AddpostfixSenderRestrictions" value="{t}Add{/t}">
119                     </td>
120                 </tr>
121             </table>
122                 </td>
123                 <td style="border-left:1px solid #A0A0A0;">
124             <table style="width:100%;">
125                 <tr>
126                     <td>
127                         {t}Restrictions for recipient{/t}<br>
128                                                 {$Div_postfixRecipientRestrictions}
129                         <input type="text" name="Source_postfixRecipientRestrictions" value="">
130                         <select name='RecipientRestrictionFilter' title='{t}Restriction filter{/t}'>
131                             {html_options options=$RestrictionFilters}
132                         </select>
133                         <input type="text" name="Destination_postfixRecipientRestrictions" value="">
134                         <input type="submit" name="AddpostfixRecipientRestrictions" value="{t}Add{/t}">
136                     </td>
137                 </tr>
138             </table>
139                 </td>
140         </tr>   
141 </table>
143 <p class='seperator'>&nbsp;</p>
144 <br>
145 {if $is_new == "new"}
146         {t}The server must be saved before you can use the status flag.{/t}
147 {/if}
148 <br>
149 <select name="action" title='{t}{/t}' {if $is_new == "new"} disabled {/if}>
150         <option value="none">&nbsp;</option>
151         {html_options options=$Actions} 
152 </select>
153 <input type='submit' name='ExecAction' title='{t}Set status{/t}' value='{t}Execute{/t}' {if $is_new == "new"} disabled {/if}>
155 <p class="seperator">&nbsp;</p>
156 <p>
157 <div style="width:100%; text-align:right;">
158     <input type='submit' name='SaveService' value='{t}Save{/t}'>
159     &nbsp;
160     <input type='submit' name='CancelService' value='{t}Cancel{/t}'>
161 </div>
162 </p>