1 <?php
3 class termservice extends plugin
4 {
5 /* CLI vars */
6 var $cli_summary= "Manage terminal service aspects";
7 var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
8 var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10 /* Generic terminal attributes */
11 var $gotoLpdEnable= FALSE;
12 var $gotoXMonitor= "";
13 var $gotoXMethod= "";
14 var $gotoXdmcpServer= "";
15 var $gotoFontPath= "";
16 var $gotoXDriver= "";
17 var $gotoXResolution= "";
18 var $gotoXColordepth= "";
19 var $gotoXHsync= "";
20 var $gotoXVsync= "";
21 var $gotoXKbModel= "";
22 var $gotoXKbLayout= "";
23 var $gotoXKbVariant= "";
24 var $gotoXMouseType= "";
25 var $gotoXMouseport= "";
26 var $gotoLpdServer= "";
27 var $gotoScannerEnable= "";
28 var $gotoScannerModel= "";
29 var $gotoScannerClients= "";
30 var $gotoScannerBackend= "";
31 var $goFonHardware= "automatic";
33 /* Needed values and lists */
34 var $ignore_account= TRUE;
35 var $base= "";
36 var $cn= "";
37 var $orig_dn= "";
38 var $XMethods= array();
39 var $XDrivers= array("unknown", "ati", "atimisc", "chips", "cirrus", "cyrix", "fbdev",
40 "i128", "i740", "i810", "imstt", "mga", "neomagic", "newport", "nsc", "nv",
41 "r128", "radeon", "rendition", "s3", "s3virge", "savage", "siliconmotion",
42 "sis", "tdfx", "tga", "trident", "tseng", "vesa", "vga", "vmware");
43 var $XResolutions= array("default", "640x480", "800x600", "1024x768", "1152x864", "1280x1024",
44 "1400x1050", "1600x1200");
45 var $XColordepths= array("default", "8", "15", "16", "24");
46 var $XKbModels= array ("default", "btc9000", "chicony", "compaq", "dell", "dell101", "everex",
47 "flexpro", "geniuscomfy", "hp", "itouch", "jp106", "logicordless",
48 "logiinetnav", "logiinternet", "macintosh", "microsoft",
49 "microsoftpro", "omnikey101", "pc101", "pc102", "pc104",
50 "pc105", "rapidaccess", "rapidaccess2", "winbook");
51 var $XKbLayouts= array ("default"=>"default","de"=> "de","intl" =>"intl","us" =>"us");
52 var $XKbVariants= array ("default", "nodeadkeys", "basic");
53 var $MouseTypes= array("AUTO", "ImPS/2", "PS/2", "Microsoft", "Logitech");
54 var $MousePorts= array("AUTO", "/dev/ttyS0", "/dev/ttyS1", "/dev/psaux", "/dev/input/mice");
55 var $gotoScannerModels= array();
56 var $hardware_list= array();
57 var $used_hardware= array();
60 /* attribute list for save action */
61 var $attributes= array("cn", "gotoLpdEnable", "gotoXMonitor", "gotoXMethod", "gotoXdmcpServer",
62 "gotoFontPath", "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
63 "gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync", "gotoLpdEnable", "gotoLpdServer",
64 "gotoScannerEnable", "gotoScannerModel", "gotoScannerClients",
65 "gotoScannerBackend", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout", "gotoXKbVariant",
66 "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport", "goFonHardware");
67 var $objectclasses= array("GOhard");
70 function termservice ($config, $dn= NULL)
71 {
72 plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
75 /* try to read additional keyboard layouts
76 */
77 if(file_exists(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
78 if(is_readable(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts")){
79 $str = file_get_contents(CONFIG_DIR."/keyboardLayouts");
80 $tmp = split("\n",$str);
81 foreach($tmp as $entry){
82 if((!empty($entry)) && (!preg_match("/^#/",$entry))){
83 $entry = trim($entry);
84 $tmp2 = split ("\:",$entry);
85 $la = trim($tmp2[0]); // What would be saved to ldap
86 $da = trim($tmp2[1]); // This wis displayed in the listbox
87 $this->XKbLayouts [ $la] = $da;
88 }
89 }
90 }
91 }
93 /* Load scanner models */
94 $fcontents = file ($this->config->basedir."/include/scanner.inc");
95 while (list ($line_num, $line) = each ($fcontents)) {
96 preg_match('/^(\w+) "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)" "([^"]+)"/', "$line", $matches);
97 $this->gotoScannerModels[$matches[2]." - ".$matches[3]]= $matches[1]."|".$matches[4];
98 }
99 ksort ($this->gotoScannerModels);
101 /* Initialize methods */
102 $this->XMethods["default"]= _("default");
103 $this->XMethods["indirect"]= _("show chooser");
104 $this->XMethods["query"]= _("direct");
105 #$this->XMethods["squery"]= _("direct via ssh");
106 #$this->XMethods["nquery"]= _("direct via nx");
107 $this->XMethods["load"]= _("load balanced");
108 #$this->XMethods["sload"]= _("load balanced via ssh");
109 #$this->XMethods["nload"]= _("load balanced via nx");
110 $this->XMethods["rdp"]= _("Windows RDP");
111 $this->XMethods["citrix"]= _("ICA client");
113 $this->orig_dn= $this->dn;
115 /* Load hardware list */
116 $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
117 $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
118 $ldap->search("(objectClass=goFonHardware)", array('cn', 'description'));
119 while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){
120 $cn= $attrs['cn'][0];
121 if (isset($attrs['description'])){
122 $description= " - ".$attrs['description'][0];
123 } else {
124 $description= "";
125 }
126 $this->hardware_list[$cn]= "$cn$description";
127 }
129 /* Eventually colorize phones */
130 $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
131 foreach ($this->hardware_list as $cn => $desc){
132 $ldap->search("(goFonHardware=$cn)", array('cn'));
133 if ($ldap->count() > 0){
134 $ldap->fetch();
135 if ($ldap->getDN() != $this->dn){
136 $this->used_hardware[$cn]= $ldap->getDN();
137 }
138 }
139 }
141 $this->hardware_list["automatic"]= _("automatic");
142 ksort($this->hardware_list);
143 }
145 function execute()
146 {
147 /* Call parent execute */
148 plugin::execute();
150 /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
151 if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
152 $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
153 }
155 /* Do we represent a valid terminal? */
156 if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){
157 $display= "<img alt=\"\" src=\"images/stop.png\" align=\"middle\"> <b>".
158 _("This 'dn' has no terminal features.")."</b>";
159 return ($display);
160 }
162 /* Show main page */
163 $smarty= get_smarty();
165 /* Arrays */
166 foreach(array("XMethods", "XDrivers", "XResolutions", "XColordepths",
167 "gotoScannerModels", "XKbModels","XKbVariants",
168 "MouseTypes", "MousePorts") as $val){
169 $smarty->assign("$val", $this->$val);
170 }
171 $smarty->assign("XKbLayouts", $this->XKbLayouts);
172 $smarty->assign("XKbLayoutKeys",array_flip($this->XKbLayouts));
174 $smarty->assign("xdmcpservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['TERMINAL']);
175 $smarty->assign("fontservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['FONT']);
176 $smarty->assign("nfsservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS']);
177 $smarty->assign("nfsservers", $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS']);
179 /* Variables - select */
180 foreach(array("gotoXMethod", "gotoXdmcpServer", "gotoFontPath",
181 "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
182 "gotoLpdServer", "gotoScannerModel", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout",
183 "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
185 $smarty->assign($val."_select", $this->$val);
186 $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $val));
187 }
189 /* Variables */
190 foreach(array("gotoXHsync", "gotoXVsync") as $val){
191 $smarty->assign($val, $this->$val);
192 $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, $val));
193 }
194 $smarty->assign("staticAddress", "");
196 /* Checkboxes */
197 foreach(array("gotoLpdEnable", "gotoScannerEnable") as $val){
198 if ($this->$val == TRUE) {
199 $smarty->assign("$val", "checked");
200 } else {
201 $smarty->assign("$val", "");
202 }
203 $smarty->assign($val."ACL", chkacl($this->acl, "gotoLpdEnable"));
204 }
206 /* Phone stuff */
207 $smarty->assign ("goFonHardware", $this->goFonHardware);
208 $hl= "<select size=\"1\" name=\"goFonHardware\" title=\"".
209 _("Choose the phone located at the current terminal")."\" ".
210 chkacl($this->acl, "goFonHardware").">\n";
211 foreach ($this->hardware_list as $cn => $description){
212 if ($cn == $this->goFonHardware){
213 $selected= "selected";
214 } else {
215 $selected= "";
216 }
217 if (isset($this->used_hardware[$cn])){
218 $color= "style=\"color:#A0A0A0\"";
219 } else {
220 $color= "";
221 }
222 $hl.= " <option $color label=\"$cn\" value=\"$cn\" $selected>$description</option>\n";
223 }
224 $hl.= "</select>\n";
225 $smarty->assign ("hardware_list", $hl);
226 $smarty->assign ("gotoXMonitor", $this->gotoXMonitor);
228 /* Show main page */
229 return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('terminalService.tpl', TRUE)));
230 }
232 function remove_from_parent()
233 {
234 $this->handle_post_events("remove");
235 }
238 /* Save data to object */
239 function save_object()
240 {
241 plugin::save_object();
243 /* Save checkbox state */
244 if (isset ($_POST['gotoXMethod'])){
245 foreach (array("gotoLpdEnable", "gotoScannerEnable") as $val){
247 if (!isset ($_POST["$val"]) && chkacl ($this->acl, "$val") == ""){
248 $this->$val= FALSE;
249 } else {
250 $this->$val= TRUE;
251 }
252 }
253 }
254 }
257 /* Check supplied data */
258 function check()
259 {
260 /* Call common method to give check the hook */
261 $message= plugin::check();
263 /* Default entries can use blank hsync/vsync entries */
264 if ($this->dn != "" && $this->cn != "default" && $this->cn != "wdefault"){
266 /* Check vsync for correct usage */
267 $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXVsync);
268 if (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?(\-\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val)
269 && chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoXVsync") == ""){
271 $message[]= _("Please specify a valid VSync range.");
272 } elseif (chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoXVsync") == ""){
273 list($v1,$v2)= split ("-", $val);
274 if ($v2 != ""){
275 if ($v1 > $v2){
276 $message[]= _("Please specify a valid VSync range.");
277 }
278 }
279 }
281 /* Check hsync for correct usage */
282 $val= preg_replace ("/\s/", "", $this->gotoXHsync);
283 if (!preg_match ("/^\d+(\.\d+)?(\-\d+(\.\d+)?)?$/", $val)
284 && chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoXHsync") == ""){
286 $message[]= _("Please specify a valid HSync range.");
287 } elseif (chkacl ($this->acl, "gotoXHsync") == ""){
288 list($v1,$v2)= split ("-", $val);
289 if ($v2 != ""){
290 if ($v1 > $v2){
291 $message[]= _("Please specify a valid HSync range.");
292 }
293 }
294 }
295 }
296 return ($message);
297 }
300 /* Save to LDAP */
301 function save()
302 {
303 plugin::save();
305 /* Strip out 'default' values */
306 foreach(array("gotoXMethod", "gotoXdmcpServer", "gotoFontPath",
307 "gotoXDriver", "gotoXResolution", "gotoXColordepth",
308 "gotoLpdServer", "gotoScannerModel", "gotoXKbModel", "gotoXKbLayout",
309 "gotoXKbVariant", "gotoXMouseType", "gotoXMouseport") as $val){
311 if ($this->attrs[$val] == "default"){
312 $this->attrs[$val]= array();
313 }
314 }
316 /* Write back to ldap */
317 $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
318 $ldap->cd($this->dn);
319 $this->cleanup();
320 $ldap->modify ($this->attrs);
322 show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error());
323 $this->handle_post_events("modify");
324 }
326 }
328 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
329 ?>