
Added inherit fix.
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / systems /
1 <?php
3 class termgeneric extends plugin
4 {
5   /* CLI vars */
6   var $cli_summary= "Manage terminal base objects";
7   var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
8   var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10   /* Generic terminal attributes */
11   var $gotoMode= "disabled";
12   var $gotoTerminalPath= "";
13   var $gotoSwapServer= "";
14   var $gotoSyslogServer= "";
15   var $gotoSyslogServers = array();
16   var $gotoNtpServer= array();
17   var $gotoNtpServers= array();
18   var $gotoSndModule= "";
19   var $gotoFloppyEnable= "";
20   var $gotoCdromEnable= "";
21   var $ghCpuType= "-";
22   var $ghMemSize= "-";
23   var $ghUsbSupport= "-";
24   var $ghNetNic= array();
25   var $ghIdeDev= array();
26   var $ghScsiDev= array();
27   var $ghGfxAdapter= "-";
28   var $ghSoundAdapter= "-";
29   var $gotoLastUser= "-";
30   var $netConfigDNS;
31   /* Needed values and lists */
32   var $base= "";
33   var $cn= "";
34   var $orig_dn= "";
36   var $inheritTimeServer = true;
38   /* Plugin side filled */
39   var $modes= array();
41   /* attribute list for save action */
42   var $ignore_account= TRUE;
43   var $attributes= array("gotoMode", "gotoTerminalPath", 
44       "gotoSwapServer", "gotoSyslogServer", "gotoNtpServer",
45       "gotoFloppyEnable", "gotoCdromEnable", "cn", "gotoSndModule",
46       "ghCpuType", "ghMemSize","ghUsbSupport",
47       "ghGfxAdapter", "ghSoundAdapter", "gotoLastUser");
48   var $objectclasses= array("top", "gotoTerminal", "GOhard");
50   var $mapActions   = array("reboot"          => "",
51                             "instant_update"  => "softupdate",
52                             "update"          => "sceduledupdate",
53                             "reinstall"       => "install",
54                             "rescan"          => "",
55                             "memcheck"        => "memcheck",
56                             "sysinfo"         => "sysinfo");
58   var $fai_activated = FALSE;
59   var $view_logged = FALSE;
61   var $member_of_ogroup = FALSE;
63   function termgeneric ($config, $dn= NULL, $parent= NULL)
64   {
65     /* Check if FAI is activated */
66     $tmp = search_config($config->data,"faiManagement","CLASS");
67     if(!empty($tmp)){
68       $this->fai_activated = TRUE;
69     }
71     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn, $parent);
73     if(!isset($this->parent->by_object['ogroup'])){
74       $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
75       $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
76       $ldap->search("(&(objectClass=gotoWorkstationTemplate)(member=".$this->dn."))",array("cn"));
77       $this->member_of_ogroup = $ldap->count() >= 1;
78     }
80     $this->netConfigDNS = new termDNS($this->config,$this->dn,$this->objectclasses);
81     /* Read arrays */
82     foreach (array("ghNetNic", "ghIdeDev", "ghScsiDev") as $val){
83       if (!isset($this->attrs[$val])){
84         continue;
85       }
86       for ($i= 0; $i<$this->attrs[$val]['count']; $i++){
87         array_push($this->$val, $this->attrs[$val][$i]);
88       }
89     }
91     /* Create used ntp server array */
92     $this->gotoNtpServer= array();
93     if(isset($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'])){
94       $this->inheritTimeServer = false;
95       unset($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer']['count']);
96       foreach($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'] as $server){
97         $this->gotoNtpServer[$server] = $server;
98       }
99     }
101     /* Set inherit checkbox state */
102     if((in_array("default",$this->gotoNtpServer)) || (count($this->gotoNtpServer)==0)){
103       $this->inheritTimeServer = true;
104       $this->gotoNtpServer=array();
105     }
107     /* You can't inherit the NTP service, if we are not member in an object group */
108     if(!$this->member_of_ogroup){
109       $this->inheritTimeServer = FALSE;
110     }
112     /* Create available ntp options */
113     $this->gotoNtpServers = $this->config->data['SERVERS']['NTP'];
114     foreach($this->gotoNtpServers as $key => $server){
115       if($server == "default"){
116         unset($this->gotoNtpServers[$key]);
117       }
118     }
120     $this->modes["disabled"]= _("disabled");
121     $this->modes["text"]= _("text");
122     $this->modes["graphic"]= _("graphic");
124     /* Set base */
125     if ($this->dn == "new"){
126       $ui= get_userinfo();
127       $this->base= dn2base($ui->dn);
128     } else {
129       $this->base= preg_replace ("/^[^,]+,[^,]+,[^,]+,/", "", $this->dn);
130     }
132     /* Create an array of all Syslog servers */
133     $tmp = $this->config->data['SERVERS']['SYSLOG'];
134     foreach($tmp as $server){
135       $visible = $server;
136       if($server == "default" && $this->member_of_ogroup) {
137         $visible = "["._("inherited")."]";
138       }
139       $this->gotoSyslogServers[$server] = $visible;
140     }
142     $this->orig_dn= $this->dn;
143   }
145   function set_acl_base($base)
146   {
147     plugin::set_acl_base($base);
148     $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_base($base);
149   }
151   function set_acl_category($cat)
152   {
153     plugin::set_acl_category($cat);
154     $this->netConfigDNS->set_acl_category($cat);
155   }
157   function execute()
158   {
159     /* Call parent execute */
160     plugin::execute();
162     if($this->is_account && !$this->view_logged){
163       $this->view_logged = TRUE;
164       new log("view","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn);
165     }
167     /* Do we need to flip is_account state? */
168     if (isset($_POST['modify_state'])){
169       $this->is_account= !$this->is_account;
170     }
172     if (isset($_POST['action']) && $this->acl_is_writeable("FAIstate")){
174       /* Set FAIstate */
175       if($this->fai_activated && $this->dn != "new"){
176         $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
177         $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
178         $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
179         $res = $ldap->fetch();
181         $attrs = array();
182         $attrs['FAIstate'] = "";
183         if(isset($this->mapActions[$_POST['saction']])){
184           $attrs['FAIstate'] = $this->mapActions[$_POST ['saction']];
185         }
187         for($i = 0; $i < $res['objectClass']['count'] ; $i ++){
188           $attrs['objectClass'][] = $res['objectClass'][$i];
189         }
191         if(($attrs['FAIstate'] != "") && (!in_array("FAIobject",$attrs['objectClass']))){
192           $attrs['objectClass'][] = "FAIobject";
193         }
195         if($attrs['FAIstate'] == ""){
196 #FIXME we should check if FAIobject is used anymore
197           $attrs['FAIstate'] = array();
198         }
200         $ldap->cd($this->dn);
201         $ldap->modify($attrs);
202         show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of system terminal/generic (FAIstate) with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
203       }
205       switch($_POST['saction']){
206         case 'wake':
207           $cmd= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], "termgeneric", "WAKECMD");
208           if ($cmd == ""){
209             print_red(_("No WAKECMD definition found in your gosa.conf"));
210           } else {
211             exec ($cmd." ".$this->netConfigDNS->macAddress, $dummy, $retval);
212             if ($retval != 0){
213               print_red(sprintf(_("Execution of '%s' failed!"), $cmd));
214             }
215           }
216           break;
218         case 'reboot':
219           $cmd= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], "termgeneric", "REBOOTCMD");
220           if ($cmd == ""){
221             print_red(_("No REBOOTCMD definition found in your gosa.conf"));
222           } else {
223             exec ($cmd." ".$this->cn, $dummy, $retval);
224             if ($retval != 0){
225               print_red(sprintf(_("Execution of '%s' failed!"), $cmd));
226             }
227           }
228           break;
230         case 'halt':
231           $cmd= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], "termgeneric", "HALTCMD");
232           if ($cmd == ""){
233             print_red(_("No HALTCMD definition found in your gosa.conf"));
234           } else {
235             exec ($cmd." ".$this->cn, $dummy, $retval);
236             if ($retval != 0){
237               print_red(sprintf(_("Execution of '%s' failed!"), $cmd));
238             }
239           }
240           break;
241       }
242     }
244     /* Base select dialog */
245     $once = true;
246     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
247       if(preg_match("/^chooseBase/",$name) && $once && $this->acl_is_moveable()){
248         $once = false;
249         $this->dialog = new baseSelectDialog($this->config,$this,$this->get_allowed_bases());
250         $this->dialog->setCurrentBase($this->base);
251       }
252     }
254     /* Dialog handling */
255     if(is_object($this->dialog)){
256       /* Must be called before save_object */
257       $this->dialog->save_object();
259       if($this->dialog->isClosed()){
260         $this->dialog = false;
261       }elseif($this->dialog->isSelected()){
263         /* A new base was selected, check if it is a valid one */
264         $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases();
265         if(isset($tmp[$this->dialog->isSelected()])){
266           $this->base = $this->dialog->isSelected();
267         }
268         $this->dialog= false;
269       }else{
270         return($this->dialog->execute());
271       }
272     }
274     /* Do we represent a valid terminal? */
275     if (!$this->is_account && $this->parent == NULL){
276       $display= "<img alt=\"\" src=\"images/stop.png\" align=middle>&nbsp;<b>".
277         _("This 'dn' has no terminal features.")."</b>";
278       return($display);
279     }
281     /* Add new ntp Server to our list */
282     if((isset($_POST['addNtpServer'])) && (isset($_POST['gotoNtpServers'])) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoNtpServer")){
283       $this->gotoNtpServer[$_POST['gotoNtpServers']] = $_POST['gotoNtpServers'];
284     }
286     /* Delete selected NtpServer for list of used servers  */
287     if((isset($_POST['delNtpServer'])) && (isset($_POST['gotoNtpServerSelected'])) && $this->acl_is_writeable("gotoNtpServer")){
288       foreach($_POST['gotoNtpServerSelected'] as $name){
289         unset($this->gotoNtpServer[$name]);
290       } 
291     }
293     /* Fill templating stuff */
294     $smarty= get_smarty();
296     $tmp = $this->plInfo();
297     foreach($tmp['plProvidedAcls'] as $name => $translation){
298       $smarty->assign($name."ACL",$this->getacl($name));
299     }
301     $smarty->assign("cn", $this->cn);
302     $smarty->assign("staticAddress", "");
304     $smarty->assign("bases", $this->get_allowed_bases());
306     /* tell smarty the inherit checkbox state */
307     $smarty->assign("inheritTimeServer",$this->inheritTimeServer);
309     /* Check if terminal is online */
310     $query= "fping -q -r 1 -t 500 ".$this->cn;
311     exec ($query, $dummy, $retval);
313     /* Offline */
314     if ($retval == 0){
315       $smarty->assign("actions", array( "halt" => _("Switch off"), 
316                                         "reboot" => _("Reboot"),
317                                         "memcheck" => _("Memory test"),
318                                         "sysinfo"  => _("System analysis")));
319     } else {
320       $smarty->assign("actions", array("wake" => _("Wake up"),
321                                        "memcheck" => _("Memory test"),
322                                        "sysinfo"  => _("System analysis")));
323     }
325     /* Arrays */
326     $smarty->assign("modes", $this->modes);
328     $tmp2 = array(); 
329     foreach($this->config->data['SERVERS']['NFS'] as $server){
330       if($server != "default"){
331         $tmp2[$server]= $server;
332       }else{
333         if($this->member_of_ogroup){
334           $tmp2[$server]="["._("inherited")."]";
335         }
336       }
337     }
339     $smarty->assign("nfsservers",     $tmp2);
340     $smarty->assign("syslogservers",  $this->gotoSyslogServers);
342     $tmp = array();
343     foreach($this->gotoNtpServers as $server){
344       if(!in_array($server,$this->gotoNtpServer)){
345         $tmp[$server] = $server;
346       }
347     }
349     $smarty->assign("ntpservers",     $tmp);
350     $smarty->assign("fai_activated",$this->fai_activated);
352     /* Variables */
353     foreach(array("base", "gotoMode", "gotoTerminalPath", "gotoSwapServer","gotoSyslogServer", "gotoNtpServer") as $val){
354       $smarty->assign($val."_select", $this->$val);
355     }
357     $smarty->assign("member_of_ogroup",$this->member_of_ogroup);
359     /* Show main page */
360     $smarty->assign("netconfig", $this->netConfigDNS->execute());
361     return($smarty->fetch (get_template_path('terminal.tpl', TRUE)));
362   }
364   function remove_from_parent()
365   {
366     if($this->acl_is_removeable()){   
367       $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
368       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
369       $ldap->cat($this->dn, array('dn'));
370       if($ldap->count()){
371         $this->netConfigDNS->remove_from_parent();
372         $ldap->rmDir($this->dn);
374         new log("remove","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
376         show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Removing of object system terminal/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
378         /* Optionally execute a command after we're done */
379         $this->handle_post_events("remove",array("macAddress" => $this->netConfigDNS->macAddress,"ipHostNumber" => $this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber));
381         /* Delete references to object groups */
382         $ldap->cd ($this->config->current['BASE']);
383         $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=gosaGroupOfNames)(member=".$this->dn."))", array("cn"));
384         while ($ldap->fetch()){
385           $og= new ogroup($this->config, $ldap->getDN());
386           unset($og->member[$this->dn]);
387           $og->save ();
388         }
389       }
390     }
391   }
394   /* Save data to object */
395   function save_object()
396   {
397     /* Create a base backup and reset the
398        base directly after calling plugin::save_object();
399        Base will be set seperatly a few lines below */
400     $base_tmp = $this->base;
401     plugin::save_object();
402     $this->base = $base_tmp;
404     /* Set new base if allowed */
405     $tmp = $this->get_allowed_bases();
406     if(isset($_POST['base'])){
407       if(isset($tmp[$_POST['base']])){
408         $this->base= $_POST['base'];
409       }
410     }
412     $this->netConfigDNS->save_object();
414     /* Save terminal path to parent since it is used by termstartup, too */
415     if(isset($this->parent->by_object['termstartup'])){
416       $this->parent->by_object['termstartup']->gotoTerminalPath= $this->gotoTerminalPath;
417     }
419     if(isset($_POST['termgeneric_posted'])){
420       if(isset($_POST["inheritTimeServer"]) && $this->member_of_ogroup){
421         $this->inheritTimeServer = true;
422       }else{
423         $this->inheritTimeServer = false;
424       }
425     }  
427     if(isset($_POST["inheritAll"])){
428       $this->set_everything_to_inherited();
429     }
431   }
434   /* Check supplied data */
435   function check()
436   {
437     /* Call common method to give check the hook */
438     $message= plugin::check();
440     /* Skip IP & Mac checks if this is a template */
441     if($this->cn != "default"){
442       $message= array_merge($message, $this->netConfigDNS->check());
443     }
445     /* Permissions for that base? */
446     $this->dn= "cn=".$this->cn.",ou=terminals,ou=systems,".$this->base;
448     if ($this->cn == ""){
449       $message[]= _("The required field 'Terminal name' is not set.");
450     }
452     if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){
453       $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
454       $ldap->cd ($this->base);
456       /* It is possible to have a 'default' terminal on every base */
457       if($this->cn == "default"){
458         $ldap->cat($this->dn);
459       }else{
460         $ldap->search ("(&(objectClass=gotoTerminal)(cn=".$this->cn."))", array("cn"));
461       }
462       if ($ldap->count() != 0){
463         while ($attrs= $ldap->fetch()){
464           if (preg_match ("/,ou=incoming,/", $ldap->getDN())){
465             continue;
466           } else {
467             if ($attrs['dn'] != $this->orig_dn){
468               $message[]= sprintf (_("There is already an entry '%s' in the base choosen by you"), $this->cn);
469               break;
470             }
471           }
472         }
473       }
474     }
476     /* Check for valid ntpServer selection */
477     if((!$this->inheritTimeServer) && (!count($this->gotoNtpServer))){
478       $message[]= _("There must be at least one NTP server selected, or the inherit mode activated.");
479     }
481     return ($message);
482   }
485   /* Save to LDAP */
486   function save()
487   {
489     /* Move object if requested */
490     if( $this->orig_dn != 'new' && $this->dn != $this->orig_dn){
491       $this->move($this->orig_dn, $this->dn);
492     }
494     plugin::save();
496     /* Strip out 'default' values */
497     foreach (array("gotoTerminalPath", "gotoSwapServer", "gotoSyslogServer") as $val){
498       if(isset($this->attrs[$val])){
499         if ($this->attrs[$val] == "default"){
500           $this->attrs[$val]= array();
501         }
502       }
503     }
505     /* Add missing arrays */
506     foreach (array("ghScsiDev", "ghIdeDev", "ghNetNic") as $val){
507       if (isset ($this->$val) && count ($this->$val) != 0){
508         $this->attrs["$val"]= $this->$val;
509       }
510     }
512     /* Remove all empty values */
513     if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){
514       $attrs= array();
515       foreach ($this->attrs as $key => $val){
516         if (is_array($val) && count($val) == 0){
517           continue;
518         }
519         $attrs[$key]= $val;
520       }
521       $this->attrs= $attrs;
522     }
524     /* Set ntpServers */
525     $this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'] = array();
526     if(!$this->inheritTimeServer){
527       foreach($this->gotoNtpServer as $server){
528         $this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'][] = $server;
529       }
530     }
532     /* Append gosaAdministrativeUnitTag to objectClass if gosaUnitTag isset */
533     if(($this->gosaUnitTag) && (!in_array_ics("gosaAdministrativeUnitTag",$this->attrs['objectClass']))){
534       $this->attrs['objectClass'][] = "gosaAdministrativeUnitTag";
535     }
537     /* Write back to ldap */
538     $ldap= $this->config->get_ldap_link();
539     if ($this->orig_dn == 'new'){
540       $ldap->cd($this->config->current['BASE']);
541       $ldap->create_missing_trees(preg_replace('/^[^,]+,/', '', $this->dn));
542       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
543       if (!count($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer'])){
544         unset($this->attrs['gotoNtpServer']);
545       }
546       $ldap->add($this->attrs);
547       new log("create","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
548       $this->handle_post_events("add",array("macAddress" => $this->netConfigDNS->macAddress,"ipHostNumber" => $this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber));
549     } else {
550       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
551       $this->cleanup();
552       $ldap->modify ($this->attrs); 
553       new log("modify","terminal/".get_class($this),$this->dn,array_keys($this->attrs),$ldap->get_error());
554       $this->handle_post_events("modify",array("macAddress" => $this->netConfigDNS->macAddress,"ipHostNumber" => $this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber));
555     }
557     /* cn=default and macAddress=- indicates that this is a template */
558     if($this->cn == "default"){
559       $this->netConfigDNS->macAddress = "-";
560     }
562     $this->netConfigDNS->cn = $this->cn;
563     $this->netConfigDNS->save($this->dn);
564     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error(), sprintf(_("Saving of object system terminal/generic with dn '%s' failed."),$this->dn));
565   }
571   /* Display generic part for server copy & paste */
572   function getCopyDialog()
573   {
574     $vars = array("cn");
575     $smarty = get_smarty();
576     $smarty->assign("cn" ,$this->cn);
577     $smarty->assign("object","terminal");
578     $str = $smarty->fetch(get_template_path("paste_generic.tpl",TRUE));
579     $ret = array();
580     $ret['string'] = $str;
581     $ret['status'] = "";
582     return($ret);
583   }
586   function saveCopyDialog()
587   {
588     if(isset($_POST['cn'])){
589       $this->cn = $_POST['cn'];
590     }
591   }
594   function PrepareForCopyPaste($source)
595   {
596     plugin::PrepareForCopyPaste($source);
597     if(isset($source['macAddress'][0])){
598       $this->netConfigDNS->macAddress = $source['macAddress'][0];
599     }
600     if(isset($source['ipHostNumber'][0])){
601       $this->netConfigDNS->ipHostNumber = $source['ipHostNumber'][0];
602     }
604     /* Create used ntp server array */
605     $this->gotoNtpServer= array();
606     if(isset($source['gotoNtpServer'])){
607       $this->inheritTimeServer = false;
608       unset($source['gotoNtpServer']['count']);
609       foreach($source['gotoNtpServer'] as $server){
610         $this->gotoNtpServer[$server] = $server;
611       }
612     }
614     /* Set inherit checkbox state */
615     if((in_array("default",$this->gotoNtpServer)) || (count($this->gotoNtpServer)==0)){
616       $this->inheritTimeServer = true;
617       $this->gotoNtpServer=array();
618     }
619   }
622   /* Return plugin informations for acl handling */
623   function plInfo()
624   {
625     return (array(
626           "plShortName"   => _("Terminal"),
627           "plDescription" => _("Terminal generic"),
628           "plSelfModify"  => FALSE,
629           "plDepends"     => array(),
630           "plPriority"    => 1,
631           "plSection"     => array("administration"),
632           "plCategory"    => array("terminal" => array( "description"  => _("Terminal"),
633                                                         "objectClass"  => "gotoTerminal")),
634           "plProvidedAcls"=> array(
635             "gotoMode"            => _("Mode"),
636             "gotoTerminalPath"    => _("Root server"),
637             "gotoSwapServer"      => _("Swap server"),
638             "gotoSyslogServer"    => _("Syslog server enabled"),
639             "gotoNtpServer"       => _("Ntp server settings"),
640             "base"                => _("Base"),
641             "cn"                  => _("Name"),
642             "gotoRootPasswd"      => _("Root password"),
643             "FAIstate"            => _("Action flag"))
644           ));
645   }
648   function set_everything_to_inherited()
649   {
650     $this->gotoTerminalPath  = "default";
651     $this->gotoSwapServer    = "default" ;
652     $this->gotoSyslogServer  = "default";
653     $this->inheritTimeServer = TRUE;
655     /* Set workstation service attributes to inherited */
656     if($this->member_of_ogroup && isset($this->parent->by_object['termservice'])){
657       foreach(array("gotoXKbLayout","gotoXKbModel","gotoXKbVariant",
658             "gotoXResolution","gotoXColordepth","gotoXMouseType","gotoXMouseport") as $name){
659         $this->parent->by_object['termservice']->$name = "default";
660       }
661     }
663     /* Set workstation startup attributes to inherited */
664     if($this->member_of_ogroup && isset($this->parent->by_object['termstartup'])){
665       $this->parent->by_object['termstartup']->gotoBootKernel = "default-inherited";
666       $this->parent->by_object['termstartup']->gotoLdapServer = "default-inherited";
667     }
668   }
671 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
672 ?>