
Updated serverService : Set acl base/category for services
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / systems /
1 <?php
3 define("START_SERVICE",1);
4 define("STOP_SERVICE",2);
5 define("RESTART_SERVICE",3);
7 define("SERVICE_STOPPED",_("Stop"));
8 define("SERVICE_STARTED",_("Start"));
9 define("SERVICE_RESTARTED",_("Restart"));
11 define("ALL_SERVICES",100);
13 class ServerService extends plugin
14 {
15   /* CLI vars */
16   var $cli_summary      = "Manage server services";
17   var $cli_description  = "Managing services by adding,removing and configuring services. Allows to start/stop used services.";
18   var $cli_parameters   = array("config"=>"Config object" , "dn"=>"Object dn");
20   /* attribute list for save action */
21   var $ignore_account   = TRUE;
22   var $attributes       = array();
23   var $objectclasses    = array();
25   var $divList          = NULL;
26   var $dialog           = NULL;       // Contains dialog object if a dialog is opened 
28   var $plugins          = array();
29   var $pluign_names     = array();
31   var $current          = "";
32   var $backup           = NULL;
33   var $acl              ;
34   var $cn;
36   function ServerService ($config, $dn)
37   {
38     plugin::plugin($config);
39     $this->dn= $dn;
40     foreach ($config->data['TABS']['SERVERSERVICE'] as $plug){
41       $name= $plug['CLASS'];
42       $this->plugin_names[]= $name;
43       $this->plugins[$name]= new $name($config, $dn);
44     }
45     $this->divList = new divListSystemService($config,$this);
46         }
48   function set_acl_base($base)
49   {
50     plugin::set_acl_base($base);
51     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
52       $this->plugins[$name]->set_acl_base($base);
53     }
54   }
56   function set_acl_category($category)
57   {
58     plugin::set_acl_category($category);
59     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
60       $this->plugins[$name]->set_acl_category($category);
61     }
62   }
64   function execute()
65   {
66     /* Variable initialisation */  
67     $s_action = "";
68     $s_entry  = "";
70     /* Walk through posts and check if there are some introductions for us */
71     $PossiblePosts = array("addNewService"  => "", 
72                            "startServices"  => "",
73                            "stopServices"   => "",
74                            "restartServices"  => "",
75                            "removeServices" => "",
77                            "StartSingleService"  => "/^StartSingleService_(.*)_[xy]$/",
78                            "StopSingleService"   => "/^StopSingleService_(.*)_[xy]$/",
79                            "RestartSingleService"  => "/^RestartSingleService_(.*)_[xy]$/",
80                            "RemoveSingleService" => "/^RemoveSingleService_(.*)_[xy]$/",
81                            "EditSingleService"   => "/^EditSingleService_(.*)_[xy]$/");
84     $once = true;
85     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
86       foreach($PossiblePosts as $pregCheck => $idPreg) {
87         if(preg_match("/^".$pregCheck."/",$name) && $once){
88           $once     = false;
89           $s_action = $pregCheck;
91           if(!empty($idPreg)){
92             $s_entry = preg_replace($idPreg,"\\1",$name);
93           }
94         }
95       }
96     }
99     /* Handle state changes for services */
100     $map =  array(    "startServices"         => array("type" => START_SERVICE ,   "service" => ALL_SERVICES),
101                       "stopServices"          => array("type" => STOP_SERVICE  ,   "service" => ALL_SERVICES),
102                       "restartServices"       => array("type" => RESTART_SERVICE , "service" => ALL_SERVICES),                 
103                       "StartSingleService"    => array("type" => START_SERVICE ,   "service" => $s_entry),
104                       "StopSingleService"     => array("type" => STOP_SERVICE ,    "service" => $s_entry),
105                       "RestartSingleService"  => array("type" => RESTART_SERVICE , "service" => $s_entry));
106     if(isset($map[$s_action])){
107       $type     = $map[$s_action]['type'];
108       $service  = $map[$s_action]['service'];
109       $this->ServiceStatusUpdate($type,$service);
110     }
113     /* Open service add dialog */
114     if($s_action == "addNewService"){
115       $this->dialog = new ServiceAddDialog($this->config,$this->dn,$this);
116     }
119     /* Remove service */
120     if($s_action == "RemoveSingleService"){
122       /* Create resetted obj */
123       $new_obj = new $s_entry($this->config,$this->dn);
124       $new_obj -> set_acl_base($this->acl_base);
125       $new_obj -> set_acl_category(preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->acl_category));
126       $tmp     = $new_obj->getListEntry();
128       if($tmp['AllowRemove']){
129         $this->plugins[$s_entry] = $new_obj;
130         $this->plugins[$s_entry]->is_account = false;
131       }
132     }
135     /* Edit a service and make a backup from all attributes, 
136        to be able to restore old values after aborting dialog */ 
137     if($s_action == "EditSingleService"){
138       $this->backup   = get_object_vars($this->plugins[$s_entry]);
139       $this->dialog   = $this->plugins[$s_entry];
140       $this->current  = $s_entry;
141     }
144     /* Abort service add */
145     if(isset($_POST['CancelServiceAdd'])){
146       $this->dialog   = NULL;
147       $this->backup   = NULL;
148       $this->current  = "";
149     }
152     /* Abort dialog 
153        Restore vars with values before editing */
154     if(isset($_POST['CancelService'])){
155       if($this->backup == NULL){
156         $this->plugins[$this->current] = new $this->current($this->config,$this->dn);
157         $this->plugins[$this->current]-> set_acl_base($this->acl_base);
158         $this->plugins[$this->current]-> set_acl_category(preg_replace("/\/$/","",$this->acl_category));
160       }else{
161         foreach($this->backup as $name => $value){
162           $this->plugins[$this->current]->$name = $value;
163         }
164       }
165       $this->dialog   = NULL;
166       $this->backup   = NULL;
167       $this->current  = ""; 
168     }
171     /* Abort dialog */
172     if(isset($_POST['SaveService'])){
173       $this->dialog->save_object();
174       $msgs = $this->dialog->check();
175       if(count($msgs)){
176         foreach($msgs as $msg){
177           print_red($msg);
178         }
179       }else{
180         $this->plugins[$this->current] = $this->dialog;
181         $tmp  = get_object_vars($this->dialog);
182         foreach($tmp as $name => $value){
183           $this->plugins[$this->current]->$name = $value;
184         }
185         $this->current = "";
186         $this->dialog = NULL;
187         $this->backup = NULL;
188       }
189     }
192     /* Abort dialog */
193     if((isset($_POST['SaveServiceAdd'])) && (!empty($_POST['ServiceName']))){
194       $serv = $_POST['ServiceName'];    
195       $this->plugins[$serv]->is_account = true;
196       $this->dialog  = $this->plugins[$serv];
197       $this->current = $serv;
198     }
201     /* There is currently a subdialog open, display this dialog */
202     if($this->dialog != NULL){
203       $this->dialog->save_object();
204       return($this->dialog->execute());
205     }
208     /* Dispaly services overview */
209     $this->divList->execute();
210     $list = array();
212     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
213       if($obj->is_account){
214         $list[$name] = $this->plugins[$name]->getListEntry(); 
215       }
216     }
217     $this->divList -> setEntries($list);
218     return($this->divList->Draw());
219   }
222   /* Get all used services 
223       CLASSNAME => _($this->plugins[*]->DisplayName);   */
224   function getAllUsedServices()
225   {
226     $ret = array();
227     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
228       if($obj->is_account){
229         if(isset($obj->DisplayName)){
230           $ret[$name] = $obj->DisplayName;
231         }else{
232           $ret[$name] = $name;
233         }
234       }
235     }
236     return($ret);
237   }
240   /* Get all unused services 
241       CLASSNAME => _($this->plugins[*]->DisplayName);  */
242   function getAllUnusedServices()
243   {
244     $tmp = $this->getAllUsedServices();
245     $pool_of_ocs =array();
246     foreach($tmp as $name => $value){
247       if(isset($this->plugins[$name]->conflicts)){
248         $pool_of_ocs = array_merge($pool_of_ocs,$this->plugins[$name]->conflicts);
249       }
250     }
252     $ret = array();
253     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
255       /* Skip all pluigns that will lead into conflicts */
256       $skip = false;
257       if(isset($obj->conflicts)){
258         foreach($obj->conflicts as $oc){
259           if(in_array_ics($oc,$pool_of_ocs)){
260             $skip = true;
261           }
262         }
263       }
264       if(!$skip){
265         if(isset($obj->DisplayName)){
266           $ret[$name] = $obj->DisplayName;
267         }else{
268           $ret[$name] = $name;
269         }
270       }
271     }
272     return($ret);
273   }
276   /* This function sets the status var for each used 
277      service && calls an external hook if specified in gosa.conf*/
278   function ServiceStatusUpdate($method , $service)
279   {
280     /* Skip if this is a new server */
281     if($this->dn == "new"){
282       print_red(_("Can't set status while this server is not saved."));
283       return;
284     }
286     $action = "";
287     if($method == START_SERVICE){
288       $action = SERVICE_STARTED;
289     }elseif($method== STOP_SERVICE){
290       $action = SERVICE_STOPPED;
291     }elseif($method == RESTART_SERVICE){
292       $action = SERVICE_RESTARTED;
293     }else{
294       print_red(sprintf(_("The specified method '%s' can't executed for services."),$action));
295       return;
296     }
298     $caseVars = array("cn","dn");
299     if($service == ALL_SERVICES){
300       foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
301         foreach($caseVars as $var){
302           if(isset($this->$var)){
303             $this->plugins[$name]->$var = $this->$var;  
304           }
305         }
307         /* check if services can be restarted */
308         $map =array(SERVICE_STARTED=> "AllowStart" ,
309                     SERVICE_STOPPED => "AllowStop",
310                     SERVICE_RESTARTED => "AllowRestart");
312         /* get plugins informations, restart/start/stop actions allowed ?*/
313         $tmp = $this->plugins[$name]->getListEntry();
315         /* Check if given action is allowed for this service */
316         if($tmp[$map[$action]]){
317           if($this->plugins[$name]->initially_was_account && $this->plugins[$name]->is_account){
318             $this->plugins[$name]->setStatus($action);
319           }
320         }
321       }
322     }else{
323       foreach($caseVars as $var){
324         if(isset($this->$var)){
325           $this->plugins[$service]->$var = $this->$var;  
326         }
327       }
328       if($this->plugins[$service]->is_account){
329         $this->plugins[$service]->setStatus($action);
330       }
331     }
332   }
335   function check()
336   {
337     $message = plugin::check();
338     return $message;
339   }
342   function save_object()
343   {
344     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
345       if($obj->is_account){
346         $this->plugins[$name]->save_object();
347       }
348     }
349   }
352   function remove_from_parent()
353   {
354     $caseVars = array("cn","dn");
355     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
356       foreach($caseVars as $var){
357         if(isset($this->$var)){
358           $this->plugins[$name]->$var = $this->$var;  
359         }
360       }
361       if($this->plugins[$name]->initially_was_account){
362         $this->plugins[$name]->remove_from_parent();
363       }
364     }
365   }
368   function save()
369   {
370     $caseVars = array("cn","dn");
371     foreach($this->plugins as $name => $obj){
373       foreach($caseVars as $var){
374         if(isset($this->$var)){
375           $this->plugins[$name]->$var = $this->$var;
376         }
377       }
379       if($this->plugins[$name]->is_account){
380         $this->plugins[$name]->save();
381       }else{
382         if($this->plugins[$name]->initially_was_account){
383           $this->plugins[$name]->remove_from_parent();
384         }
385       }
386     }
387   }
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391 ?>