
Added title tag
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / systems /
1 <?php
3 class goMailServer extends plugin{
5   var $cli_summary      = "This pluign is used within the ServerService Pluign \nand indicates that this server supports mailqueue listings and so on.";
6   var $cli_description  = "Some longer text\nfor help";
7   var $cli_parameters   = array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
9   /* This plugin only writes its objectClass */
10   var $objectclasses    = array("goMailServer");
12   /* This class can't be assigned twice so it conflicts with itsself */
13   var $DisplayName      = "";
14   var $dn               = NULL;
15   var $StatusFlag       = "goMailServerStatus";
16   var $attributes       = array("goMailServerStatus","description","postfixHeaderSizeLimit",
17       "postfixMailboxSizeLimit","postfixMessageSizeLimit",
18       "postfixMyDestinations","postfixMyDomain","postfixMyhostname",
19       "postfixMyNetworks","postfixRelayhost","postfixTransportTable",
20       "postfixSenderRestrictions","postfixRecipientRestrictions");
22   var $goMailServerStatus               ;
23   var $postfixHeaderSizeLimit           = 0;
24   var $postfixMailboxSizeLimit          = 0;
25   var $postfixMessageSizeLimit          = 0;
26   var $postfixMyDestinations            = array();
27   var $postfixMyDomain                  = "";
28   var $postfixMyhostname                = "";
29   var $postfixMyNetworks                = array();
30   var $postfixRelayhost                 = "";
31   var $postfixTransportTable            = array();
32   var $postfixSenderRestrictions        = array();
33   var $postfixRecipientRestrictions     = array();
34   var $description                      = "";
35   var $RestrictionFilters               = array();
36   var $TransportProtocols               = array(); 
37   var $Actions                          = array();
38   var $cn                               = "";
39   var $conflicts                        = array("goMailServer","kolab");
41   function goMailServer($config,$dn)
42   {
43     plugin::plugin($config,$dn);
44     $this->DisplayName = _("Mail service (SMTP)");
46     $this->Actions = array( SERVICE_STOPPED=>SERVICE_STOPPED,
47                             SERVICE_STARTED => SERVICE_STARTED,
48                             SERVICE_RESTARTED=>SERVICE_RESTARTED); 
50     /* Fill  RestrictionFilters   TransportProtocols  from external hooks */
51     $str = $this->config->data['TABS']['SERVERSERVICE'];
52     $this->TransportProtocols =array("smtp"=>"SMTP");
53     $this->RestrictionFilters = array("FILTER"=>"FILTER"); 
54     foreach(array("ADDITIONALRESTRICTIONFILTERS"=>"RestrictionFilters",
55           "ADDITIONALPROTOCOLLS"        =>"TransportProtocols") as $file => $var){
56       if(isset($this->config->data['MAIN'][$file])){
57         $file = $this->config->data['MAIN'][$file];
58         if((isset($file)) && is_readable($file)){
59           $tmp = file_get_contents($file);
60           $tmp2= split("\n",$tmp);
61           foreach($tmp2 as $entry){
62             if(empty($entry)) continue;
63             if(preg_match("/:/",$entry)){
64               $tmp3 = split(":",$entry);
65               $r = $this->$var;
66               $r[$tmp3[0]]=$tmp3[1];
67               $this->$var = $r;
68             }else{
69               $r = $this->$var;
70               $r[$entry] =$entry;
71               $this->$var = $r;
72             }
73           }
74         }
75       }
76     }
79     /* Get postfix my networks */
80     $this->postfixMyNetworks = array();
81     $tmp = array();
82     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks'][0])){
83       $tmp = split(",",$this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks'][0]);
84       foreach($tmp as $str){
85         if(!empty($str)){
86           $this->postfixMyNetworks[base64_encode($str)] = $str;
87         }
88       }
89     }
92     /* Create full name */
93     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixMyDomain'][0])){
94       $this->postfixMyhostname .= ".".$this->attrs['postfixMyDomain'][0];
95     }
98     /* Get postfix my domains */
99     $this->postfixMyDestinations = array(); 
100     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixMyDestinations'][0])){
101       unset($this->attrs['postfixMyDestinations']['count']);
102       foreach($this->attrs['postfixMyDestinations'] as $str){
103         $this->postfixMyDestinations[base64_encode($str)] = $str;
104       }
105     }
108     /* Get transport tables */
109     $tmp = array();
110     $this->postfixTransportTable = array();
111     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixTransportTable'])){
112       $tmp = array();
113       unset($this->attrs['postfixTransportTable']['count']);
114       foreach($this->attrs['postfixTransportTable'] as $entry){ 
115         $nr  = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$entry);
116         $rest= trim(preg_replace("/^[^:]+:/","",$entry));
117         $src = preg_replace("/ .*$/","",$rest);
118         $rest= preg_replace("/^[^ ]+ /","",$rest);
119         $dst = preg_replace("/^.*:/","",$rest); 
120         $prt = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$rest);
122         $tmp[$nr]['src'] = $src;
123         $tmp[$nr]['dst'] = $dst;
124         $tmp[$nr]['prt'] = $prt;
126       }
127       ksort($tmp);
128       foreach($tmp as $entry){
129         $this->postfixTransportTable[] = $entry;
130       }
131     }
134     /* Get sender restrictions */
135     $tmp = array();
136     $this->postfixSenderRestrictions = array();
137     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixSenderRestrictions'])){
138       unset($this->attrs['postfixSenderRestrictions']['count']);
139       foreach($this->attrs['postfixSenderRestrictions'] as $entry){
140         $nr  = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$entry);
141         $rest= trim(preg_replace("/^[^:]+:/","",$entry));
142         $src = preg_replace("/ .*$/","",$rest);
143         $rest= preg_replace("/^[^ ]+ /","",$rest);
144         $dst = preg_replace("/^.* /","",$rest);
145         $prt = preg_replace("/ .*$/","",$rest);
147         $tmp[$nr]['src'] = $src;
148         $tmp[$nr]['dst'] = $dst;
149         $tmp[$nr]['filter'] = $prt;
150       }
151       ksort($tmp);
152       foreach($tmp as $entry){
153         $this->postfixSenderRestrictions[] = $entry;
154       }
155     }
158     /* Get sender restrictions */
159     $tmp = array();
160     $this->postfixRecipientRestrictions = array();
161     if(isset($this->attrs['postfixRecipientRestrictions'])){
162       unset($this->attrs['postfixRecipientRestrictions']['count']);
163       foreach($this->attrs['postfixRecipientRestrictions'] as $entry){
164         $nr  = preg_replace("/:.*$/","",$entry);
165         $rest= trim(preg_replace("/^[^:]+:/","",$entry));
166         $src = preg_replace("/ .*$/","",$rest);
167         $rest= preg_replace("/^[^ ]+ /","",$rest);
168         $dst = preg_replace("/^.* /","",$rest);
169         $prt = preg_replace("/ .*$/","",$rest);
171         $tmp[$nr]['src'] = $src;
172         $tmp[$nr]['dst'] = $dst;
173         $tmp[$nr]['filter'] = $prt;
174       }
175       ksort($tmp);
176       foreach($tmp as $entry){
177         $this->postfixRecipientRestrictions[] = $entry;
178       }
179     }
181   }
183   function execute()
184   { 
185     $smarty   = get_smarty();
186     $delAr    = array( "TranslationDel_"=>"TranslationDel",
187                     "SenderRestrictDel_"=>"SenderRestrictDel",
188                     "RecipientRestrictDel_"=>"RecipientRestrictDel");
190     $once     = true;
191     $s_action = "";
192     $s_entry  = "";
194     /* Check posts for some intruductions */
195     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
196       foreach($delAr as $preg => $type){
197         if((preg_match("/^".$preg."/",$name)) && ($once)){
198           $once = false;
199           $s_action = $type; 
200           $s_entry = preg_replace("/^".$preg."/","",$name);
201           $s_entry = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$s_entry);
202         }
203       }
206       if(preg_match("/^TranslationUp_/",$name) && $once){
207         $once = false;
208         $key = preg_replace("/^TranslationUp_/","",$name);
209         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
210         $this->postfixTransportTable = $this->ArrayUp($key,$this->postfixTransportTable) ;
211       }
212       if(preg_match("/^TranslationDown_/",$name) && $once){
213         $once = false;
214         $key = preg_replace("/^TranslationDown_/","",$name);
215         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
216         $this->postfixTransportTable = $this->ArrayDown($key,$this->postfixTransportTable) ;
217       }
218       if(preg_match("/^SenderRestrictUp_/",$name) && $once){
219         $once = false;
220         $key = preg_replace("/^SenderRestrictUp_/","",$name);
221         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
222         $this->postfixSenderRestrictions = $this->ArrayUp($key,$this->postfixSenderRestrictions) ;
223       }
224       if(preg_match("/^SenderRestrictDown_/",$name) && $once){
225         $once = false;
226         $key = preg_replace("/^SenderRestrictDown_/","",$name);
227         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
228         $this->postfixSenderRestrictions = $this->ArrayDown($key,$this->postfixSenderRestrictions) ;
229       }
230       if(preg_match("/^RecipientRestrictUp_/",$name) && $once){
231         $once = false;
232         $key = preg_replace("/^RecipientRestrictUp_/","",$name);
233         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
234         $this->postfixRecipientRestrictions = $this->ArrayUp($key,$this->postfixRecipientRestrictions) ;
235       }
236       if(preg_match("/^RecipientRestrictDown_/",$name) && $once){
237         $once = false;
238         $key = preg_replace("/^RecipientRestrictDown_/","",$name);
239         $key = preg_replace("/_[xy]$/","",$key);
240         $this->postfixRecipientRestrictions = $this->ArrayDown($key,$this->postfixRecipientRestrictions) ;
241       }
242     }
245     /* Add delete my network entry */
246     if((isset($_POST['AddpostfixMyNetworks'])) && (!empty($_POST['NewString_postfixMyNetworks']))){
247       $str = $_POST['NewString_postfixMyNetworks'];
248       $this->postfixMyNetworks[base64_encode($str)] = $str;
249     }
251     if((isset($_POST['DelpostfixMyNetworks'])) && isset($_POST['Select_postfixMyNetworks']) &&(count($_POST['Select_postfixMyNetworks']))){
252       foreach($_POST['Select_postfixMyNetworks'] as $str ){
253         unset($this->postfixMyNetworks[$str]);
254       }
255     }
258     /* Add delete my domain entry */
259     if((isset($_POST['AddpostfixMyDestinations'])) && (!empty($_POST['NewString_postfixMyDestinations']))){
260       $str = $_POST['NewString_postfixMyDestinations'];
261       $this->postfixMyDestinations[base64_encode($str)] = $str;
262     }
264     if((isset($_POST['DelpostfixMyDestinations'])) && isset($_POST['Select_postfixMyDestinations']) &&(count($_POST['Select_postfixMyDestinations']))){
265       foreach($_POST['Select_postfixMyDestinations'] as $str ){
266         unset($this->postfixMyDestinations[$str]);
267       }
268     }
271     /* Add sender restriction */
272     if(($s_action == "SenderRestrictDel") && (isset($this->postfixSenderRestrictions[$s_entry]))){
273       unset($this->postfixSenderRestrictions[$s_entry]);
274     }
276     if(isset($_POST['AddpostfixSenderRestrictions'])){
277       $src      = $_POST['Source_postfixSenderRestrictions'];
278       $dst      = $_POST['Destination_postfixSenderRestrictions'];
279       $Filter   = $_POST['SenderRestrictionFilter'];
280       $tmp['src']     = $src;
281       $tmp['dst']     = $dst;
282       $tmp['filter']  = $Filter;
283       $this->postfixSenderRestrictions[] = $tmp;
284     }
287     /* Add sender restriction */
288     if(($s_action == "RecipientRestrictDel") && (isset($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions[$s_entry]))){
289       unset($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions[$s_entry]);
290     }
292     if(isset($_POST['AddpostfixRecipientRestrictions'])){
293       $src      = $_POST['Source_postfixRecipientRestrictions'];
294       $dst      = $_POST['Destination_postfixRecipientRestrictions'];
295       $Filter   = $_POST['RecipientRestrictionFilter'];
296       $tmp['src']     = $src;
297       $tmp['dst']     = $dst;
298       $tmp['filter']  = $Filter;
299       $this->postfixRecipientRestrictions[] = $tmp;
300     }
303     /* Handle transports */
304     if(($s_action == "TranslationDel") && (isset($this->postfixTransportTable[$s_entry]))){
305       unset($this->postfixTransportTable[$s_entry]);
306     }
308     if(isset($_POST['AddpostfixTransportTable'])){
309       $src = trim($_POST['Source_postfixTransportTable']);  
310       $dst = trim($_POST['Destination_postfixTransportTable']);    
311       $prt = trim($_POST['TransportProtocol']);
313       if((!empty($src)) && (!empty($dst))){
314         if(preg_match("/:/",$dst)){
315           $tmp = split("\:",$dst);
316           $port = trim($tmp[1]);
317           $ip   = trim($tmp[0]);
319           if((is_ip($ip)) && (is_numeric($port))){
320             $dst = "[".$ip."]:".$port;
321           }
322         }
323         if(is_ip($dst)){
324           $dst = "[".$dst."]";
325         }
326         $tmp2 ['src'] = $src;
327         $tmp2 ['dst'] = $dst;
328         $tmp2 ['prt'] = $prt;
330         $this->postfixTransportTable[] = $tmp2;  
331       } 
332     }
335     /* Set attributes */
336     foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
337       $smarty->assign($attr,$this->$attr);
338     }
341     /* Create divList for translation tables */
342     $divTranslation = new divSelectBox("TransportProtocols");
343     $divTranslation->SetHeight(90);
344     foreach($this->postfixTransportTable as $key => $entry){
345       $img = "";
347       if($key != 0){
348         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_up.png' name='TranslationUp_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
349       }else{
350         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
351       }
352       if(($key+1) < count($this->postfixTransportTable)){
353         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_down.png' name='TranslationDown_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
354       }else{
355         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
356       }
358       $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='TranslationDel_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
359       $field1 = array("string"=> $entry['src']);
360       $field2 = array("string"=> $entry['dst']);
361       $field3 = array("string"=> $entry['prt'],"attach"=>"style='width:120px;'");
362       $field4 = array("string"=> $img, "attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;width:40px;'");
363       $divTranslation->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,));
364     }
365     $smarty->assign("Div_postfixTransportTable" ,$divTranslation->DrawList());
368     /* Create divList for sender restrictions */
369     $DivSenderRestrict = new divSelectBox("postfixSenderRestrictions");
370     $DivSenderRestrict->SetHeight(90);
371     foreach($this->postfixSenderRestrictions as $key => $entry){
372       $img ="";
374       if($key != 0){
375         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_up.png' name='SenderRestrictUp_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
376       }else{
377         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
378       }
379       if(($key+1) < count($this->postfixSenderRestrictions)){
380         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_down.png' name='SenderRestrictDown_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
381       }else{
382         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
383       }
385       $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='SenderRestrictDel_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";     
387       $field1 = array("string"=> $entry['src']);
388       $field2 = array("string"=> $entry['dst']);
389       $field3 = array("string"=> $entry['filter'],"attach"=>"style='width:100px;'");
390       $field4 = array("string"=> $img, "attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;width:40px;'");
391       $DivSenderRestrict->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,));
392     }
393     $smarty->assign("Div_postfixSenderRestrictions" ,$DivSenderRestrict->DrawList());
396     /* Create divList for translation tables */
397     $DivRecipientRestrict = new divSelectBox("postfixRecipientRestrictions");
398     $DivRecipientRestrict->SetHeight(90);
400     foreach($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions as $key => $entry){
401       $img = "";
402       if($key != 0){
403         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_up.png' name='RecipientRestrictUp_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
404       }else{
405         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
406       }
407       if(($key+1) < count($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions)){
408         $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/sort_down.png' name='RecipientRestrictDown_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
409       }else{
410         $img.= "<img src='images/empty.png' style='width:10px;'>";
411       }
412       $img.= "<input type='image' src='images/edittrash.png' name='RecipientRestrictDel_".$key."' class='center'>&nbsp;";      
413       $field1 = array("string"=> $entry['src']);
414       $field2 = array("string"=> $entry['dst']);
415       $field3 = array("string"=> $entry['filter'],"attach"=>"style='width:100px;'");
416       $field4 = array("string"=> $img, "attach"=>"style='border-right:0px;width:40px;'");
417       $DivRecipientRestrict->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3,$field4,));
418     }
419     $smarty->assign("Div_postfixRecipientRestrictions" ,$DivRecipientRestrict->DrawList());
422     /* set new status */
423     if(isset($_POST['ExecAction'])){
424       if(isset($this->Actions[$_POST['action']])){
425         $this->setStatus($_POST['action']);
426       }
427     }
430     $smarty->assign("is_new",                       $this->dn);
431     $smarty->assign("is_acc",                       $this->initially_was_account);
432     $smarty->assign("TransportProtocols",           $this->TransportProtocols);
433     $smarty->assign("Actions",                      $this->Actions);
434     $smarty->assign("RestrictionFilters",           $this->RestrictionFilters);
435     $smarty->assign("postfixTransportTable" ,       $this->getTransports());
436     $smarty->assign("postfixSenderRestrictions" ,   $this->getSenderRestrictions());
437     $smarty->assign("postfixRecipientRestrictions" ,$this->getRecipientRestrictions());
439     return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path("goMailServer.tpl",TRUE,dirname(__FILE__))));
440   }
443   /* return transports formated for select box */ 
444   function getTransports()
445   {
446     $ret = array();
447     foreach($this->postfixTransportTable as $key => $vals){
448       $ret[$key] = $vals['src']." -> ".$vals['prt'].":".$vals['dst'];
449     }
450     return($ret);
451   }
454   /* return sender restriction formated for select box */ 
455   function getSenderRestrictions()
456   {
457     $ret = array();
458     foreach($this->postfixSenderRestrictions as $key => $vals){
459       $ret[$key] = $vals['src']." ".$vals['filter']." ".$vals['dst'];
460     }
461     return($ret);
462   }
465   /* return recipient restriction formated for select box */ 
466   function getRecipientRestrictions()
467   {
468     $ret = array();
469     foreach($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions as $key => $vals){
470       $ret[$key] = $vals['src']." ".$vals['filter']." ".$vals['dst'];
471     }
472     return($ret);
473   }
476   /* Return list entry */
477   function getListEntry()
478   {
479     $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
480     $fields['Status']     = $this->$flag;
481     $fields['Message']    = _("Postfix")." ["._("configured for")." ".$this->postfixMyhostname."] ";
482     $fields['AllowStart'] = true;
483     $fields['AllowStop']  = true;
484     $fields['AllowRestart'] = true;
485     $fields['AllowRemove']= true;
486     $fields['AllowEdit']  = true;
487     return($fields);
488   }
491   function remove_from_parent()
492   {
493     plugin::remove_from_parent();
494     /* Check if this is a new entry ... add/modify */
495     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
496     $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
497     if($ldap->count()){
498       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
499       $ldap->modify($this->attrs);
500     }else{
501       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
502       $ldap->add($this->attrs);
503     }
504     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error());
505     $this->handle_post_events("remove");
506   }
509   function save()
510   {
511     $this->postfixMyDomain   = preg_replace("/^[^\.]+\./","",$this->postfixMyhostname);
512     $this->postfixMyhostname = preg_replace("/\..*$/","",$this->postfixMyhostname);
514     plugin::save();
516     /* Fix transport table*/
517     $i = 0 ; 
518     $this->attrs['postfixTransportTable'] = array();
519     foreach($this->postfixTransportTable as $key => $entry){
520       $this->attrs['postfixTransportTable'][] = $i.": ".$entry['src']." ".$entry['prt'].":".$entry['dst'];
521       $i ++;
522     }
525     /* Fix sender restrictions */
526     $i = 0;
527     $this->attrs['postfixSenderRestrictions'] =array();
528     foreach($this->postfixSenderRestrictions as $key => $entry){
529       $this->attrs['postfixSenderRestrictions'][] = $i.": ".$entry['src']." ".$entry['filter']." ".$entry['dst']; 
530       $i ++;  
531     }
534     /* Fix recipient restrictions */
535     $i = 0;
536     $this->attrs['postfixRecipientRestrictions'] =array();
537     foreach($this->postfixRecipientRestrictions as $key => $entry){
538       $this->attrs['postfixRecipientRestrictions'][] = $i.": ".$entry['src']." ".$entry['filter']." ".$entry['dst']; 
539       $i ++;  
540     }
543     /* Fix mydomains */
544     $this->attrs['postfixMyDestinations']  = array();
545     foreach($this->postfixMyDestinations as $entry){
546       $this->attrs['postfixMyDestinations'][] =$entry;
547     }
550     /* Fix mydomains */
551     if(count($this->postfixMyNetworks)){
552       $this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks']  = "";
553       foreach($this->postfixMyNetworks as $entry){
554         $this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks'] .=$entry.",";
555       }
556       $this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks'] = preg_replace("/,$/","",$this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks']);
557     }else{
558       $this->attrs['postfixMyNetworks']  = array();
559     }
562     /* Check if this is a new entry ... add/modify */
563     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
564     $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
565     if($ldap->count()){
566       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
567       $ldap->modify($this->attrs);
568     }else{
569       $ldap->cd($this->dn);
570       $ldap->add($this->attrs);
571     }
572     show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error());
573     if($this->initially_was_account){
574       $this->handle_post_events("modify");
575     }else{
576       $this->handle_post_events("add");
577     }
579   }
582   /* Directly save new status flag */
583   function setStatus($value)
584   {
585     if($value == "none") return;
586     if(!$this->initially_was_account) return;
587     $ldap = $this->config->get_ldap_link();
588     $ldap->cd($this->dn);
589     $ldap->cat($this->dn,array("objectClass"));
590     if($ldap->count()){
592       $tmp = $ldap->fetch();
593       for($i = 0; $i < $tmp['objectClass']['count']; $i ++){
594         $attrs['objectClass'][] = $tmp['objectClass'][$i];
595       }
596       $flag = $this->StatusFlag;
597       $attrs[$flag] = $value;
598       $this->$flag = $value;
599       $ldap->modify($attrs);
600       show_ldap_error($ldap->get_error());
601       $this->action_hook();
602     }
603   }
606   function check()
607   { 
608     $message =plugin::check();
610     if(!is_numeric($this->postfixHeaderSizeLimit)){
611       $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for header size limit.");
612     }
614     if(!is_numeric($this->postfixMailboxSizeLimit)){
615       $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for mailbox size limit.");
616     }
618     if(!is_numeric($this->postfixMessageSizeLimit)){
619       $message[] = _("Please specify a numeric value for message size limit.");
620     }
622     return $message;
623   }
626   /* Combine new array */
627   function combineArrays($ar0,$ar1,$ar2)
628   {
629     $ret = array();
630     if(is_array($ar0))
631     foreach($ar0 as $ar => $a){
632         $ret[]=$a;
633     }
634     if(is_array($ar1))
635     foreach($ar1 as $ar => $a){
636         $ret[]=$a;
637     }
638     if(is_array($ar2))
639     foreach($ar2 as $ar => $a){
640         $ret[]=$a;
641     }
642     return($ret);
643   }
646   function getpos($atr,$attrs)
647   {
648     $i = 0;
649     foreach($attrs as $attr => $name)    {
650       $i++;
651       if($attr == $atr){
652         return($i);
653       }
654     }
656     return(-1);
657   }
660   /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
661   function ArrayUp($atr,$attrs)
662   {
663     $ret = $attrs;
664     $pos = $this->getpos($atr,$attrs) ;
665     $cn = count($attrs);
666     if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == 1))){
667       $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-2));
668       $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-2),2));
669       $unten  = array_slice($attrs,$pos);
670       $ret = array();
671       $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
672     }
673     return($ret);
674   }
677   /* TRansports the geiven Arraykey one position up*/
678   function ArrayDown($atr,$attrs)
679   {
680     $ret = $attrs;
681     $pos = $this->getpos($atr,$attrs) ;
682     $cn = count($attrs);
683     if(!(($pos == -1)||($pos == $cn))){
684       $before = array_slice($attrs,0,($pos-1));
685       $mitte  = array_reverse(array_slice($attrs,($pos-1),2));
686       $unten  = array_slice($attrs,($pos+1));
687       $ret = array();
688       $ret = $this->combineArrays($before,$mitte,$unten);
689     }
690     return($ret);
691   }
694   function action_hook($add_attrs= array())
695   {
696     /* Find postcreate entries for this class */
697     $command= search_config($this->config->data['MENU'], get_class($this), "ACTION_HOOK");
698     if ($command == "" && isset($this->config->data['TABS'])){
699       $command= search_config($this->config->data['TABS'], get_class($this), "ACTION_HOOK");
700     }
701     if ($command != ""){
702       /* Walk through attribute list */
703       foreach ($this->attributes as $attr){
704         if (!is_array($this->$attr)){
705           $command= preg_replace("/%$attr/", $this->$attr, $command);
706         }
707       }
708       $command= preg_replace("/%dn/", $this->dn, $command);
709       /* Additional attributes */
710       foreach ($add_attrs as $name => $value){
711         $command= preg_replace("/%$name/", $value, $command);
712       }
714       /* If there are still some %.. in our command, try to fill these with some other class vars */
715       if(preg_match("/%/",$command)){
716         $attrs = get_object_vars($this);
717         foreach($attrs as $name => $value){
718           if(!is_string($value)) continue;
719           $command= preg_replace("/%$name/", $value, $command);
720         }
721       }
723       if (check_command($command)){
724         @DEBUG (DEBUG_SHELL, __LINE__, __FUNCTION__, __FILE__,
725             $command, "Execute");
727         exec($command);
728       } else {
729         $message= sprintf(_("Command '%s', specified as ACTION_HOOK for plugin '%s' doesn't seem to exist."), $command, get_class($this));
730         print_red ($message);
731       }
732     }
733   }
735   function save_object()
736   {
737     plugin::save_object();  
738   }
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