
Fixed headpage
[gosa.git] / plugins / admin / systems /
1 <?php
3 class glpiPrinterCartridges extends plugin
4 {
5   /* CLI vars */
6   var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
7   var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
8   var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10   /* attribute list for save action */
11   var $ignore_account   = TRUE;
12   var $attributes       = array();
13   var $objectclasses    = array("whatever");
15   var $parent           = NULL;       // Contains parent class, to access glpi db handle
16   var $usedCartridges   = array();    // IDs of used cartridges for this printer 
17   var $PrinterType      = 0;          // Specifies which cartridge types are available
19   var $cur_dialog       = false;
20   var $cur_sub_dialog   = false;
22   var $editManufacturer = false;
23   var $del              = 0;
26   function glpiPrinterCartridges ($config,$dn,$type)
27   {
28     plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
30     /* Assign some basic settings */
31     $this->ui = get_userinfo();  
32     if(!isset($_SESSION['glpiCartridgeRegex'])){
33       $_SESSION['glpiCartridgeRegex'] = "*";
34     }
36     /* Only display cartridges for this type of printer */
37     $this->PrinterType = $type;
38   }
40   function execute()
41   {
42     /* Call parent execute */
43     plugin::execute();
44     $display ="";
45     $smarty = get_smarty();
46     $filter = $_SESSION['glpiCartridgeRegex'];
48     /* Filter settings, remove double* */
49     if(isset($_GET['search'])){
50       $filter = preg_replace("/\*\**/","*",$_GET['search']."*");
51     }elseif(isset($_POST['cartridge_regex'])){
52       $filter = preg_replace("/\*\**/","*",$_POST['cartridge_regex']);
53     }
54     if(empty($filter)) {
55       $filter = "*";
56     }
57     $_SESSION['glpiCartridgeRegex']= $filter;
59     /* Open dialog which allows to edit the manufacturers
60      */
61     if(isset($_POST['edit_manufacturer_cartridges'])){
62       $this->cur_sub_dialog = new glpiManufacturer($this->config,$this->dn);
63       $this->dialog = true;
64       $this->editManufacturer =true;
65     }
67     /* Close manufacturer editing dialog
68      */
69     if((isset($_POST['close_edit_manufacturer']))&&($this->editManufacturer)){
70       $this->dialog = false;
71       $this->cur_sub_dialog = false;
72       $this->editManufacturer=false;
73     }
75     /* Check poted vars and do the requested job, but only once */
76     $only_once = true;
77     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
79       /* We have to create a new cartridge */
80       if(preg_match("/^newcartridge/",$name)&&($only_once)){
81         $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType); 
82         $only_once = false;
83       }
84     }
86     /* Edit cartridge */
87     if(isset($_GET['act'])&&$_GET['act']=="edit_cartridge"){
88       $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($_GET['id']));
89       $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType,$val[$_GET['id']]); 
90     }
92     /* remove cartridge */ 
93     if(isset($_GET['act'])&&$_GET['act']=="del_cartridge"){
94         /* remove attach from db */
95         $this->del = $_GET['id'];
96         $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($_GET['id']));
97         $smarty->assign("warning", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the glpi cartridge type '%s'."), $val[$this->del]['name']));
98         return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove_glpi.tpl', TRUE)));
99     }
101     if(isset($_POST['delete_cancel'])){
102       $this->del = false;
103     }
105     /* Delete this entry */
106     if(isset($_POST['delete_glpi_confirm'])&&($this->del)) {
107       if(count($this->parent->handle->getCartridgesWhichUseThisType($this->del))){
108         print_red(_("You can't delete this cartridge type, it is still in use."));
109       }else{
110         $val = ($this->parent->handle->getCartridgeTypeInformations($this->del));
111         $this->cur_dialog = new glpiPrinterCartridgesEdit($this->config,$this->dn,$this->PrinterType,$val[$this->del]); 
112         $this->cur_dialog->parent = $this->parent;
113         $this->cur_dialog->remove_from_parent();
114         $this->cur_dialog= false;
115       } 
116     }
118     /* Abort edit / add dialog */
119     if(isset($_POST['CancelCartridge'])){
120       $this->cur_dialog = false;
121     }
123     /* Save changes if check is ok */
124     if(isset($_POST['SaveCartridge'])){
125       if(count($this->cur_dialog->check())) {
126         foreach($this->cur_dialog->check() as $checks){
127           print_red($checks);
128         }
129       }else{
130         $this->cur_dialog->save_object();
131         $this->cur_dialog->save();
132         $this->cur_dialog = false;
133       }
134     }
136     /* If we have a dialog open, display it */
137     if($this->cur_sub_dialog){
138       $this->cur_sub_dialog->parent = $this->parent;
139       $this->cur_sub_dialog->save_object();
140       return($this->cur_sub_dialog->execute());
141     }
142     /* If we have a dialog open, display it */
143     if($this->cur_dialog){
144       $this->cur_dialog->parent = $this->parent;
145       $this->cur_dialog->save_object();
146       return($this->cur_dialog->execute());
147     }
149     /* Create divlist */
150     $divlist = new divlist("glpi devices");
151     $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0);
152     $divlist->SetHeader(array(
153           array("string" => "&nbsp;", "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"),
154           array("string" => _("Cartridges"), "attach" => "style=''"),
155           array("string" => _("Action"), "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'" )));
157     /* Links for editing,adding.... */
158     $edit =     "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=edit_cartridge&amp;id=%s'>%s</a>";
159     $editdel =  "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=edit_cartridge&amp;id=%s'><img src='images/edit.png' alt='"._("Edit")."' border=0></a>";
160     $editdel.= "<a href='?plug=".$_GET['plug']."&amp;act=del_cartridge&amp;id=%s'><img src='images/edittrash.png' alt='"._("Delete")."' border=0></a>";
162     /* Checkbox for selection of some cartridges */ 
163     $useCartridge = "<input type='hidden' name='wasOnPage_%s' value='%s'><input type='checkbox' value='%s' name='useCartridge_%s' %CHECKED%>";
165     /* Add cartridges */ 
166     $cart = $this->getCartridgeTypes();
168     /* Remove typically error possibilities */
169     $f = str_replace("/","\/",$filter);
170     $f = str_replace(".","\.",$f);
171     $f = str_replace("*",".*",$f);
173     /* Assign cartridges */
174     foreach($cart as $key=>$cartr){
176       /* Skip if filter doesn't match*/
177       if(!preg_match("/^".$f."$/i",$cartr['cartridgeName'])){
178         continue;
179       }
181       /* check if this cartridge is selected */
182       $chk = "";
183       if(isset($this->usedCartridges[$key])){
184         $chk = " checked ";
185       }
187       /* Add fields */
188       $field1 = array("string" => preg_replace("/%s/",($key),preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/",$chk,$useCartridge)), 
189                       "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'");
190       $field2 = array("string" => sprintf($edit,($key),$cartr['cartridgeName']."&nbsp;[".$cartr['cartridgeTypeName']."]"), 
191                       "attach" => "style=''");
192       $field3 = array("string" => sprintf($editdel,($key),($key)), 
193                       "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'");
195       $divlist->AddEntry(array($field1,$field2,$field3));
197     }
199     /* Create list header */ 
200     $listhead = "<div style='background:#F0F0F9;padding:5px;'>".
201       " <input class='center' type='image' align='middle' 
202       src='images/zip.png'  title='"._("New monitor")."' alt='"._("M")."' name='newcartridge'>&nbsp;".
203       "</div>";
205     /* Tell smarty some vars */
206     $filter= $_SESSION['glpiCartridgeRegex'];
207     $smarty->assign("devicehead", $listhead);
208     $smarty->assign("devices", $divlist->DrawList());
209     $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png'));
210     $smarty->assign("searchu_image", get_template_path('images/search_user.png'));
211     $smarty->assign("tree_image", get_template_path('images/tree.png'));
212     $smarty->assign("infoimage", get_template_path('images/info.png'));
213     $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/launch.png'));
214     $smarty->assign("apply", apply_filter());
215     $smarty->assign("alphabet", generate_alphabet());
216     $smarty->assign("cartridge_regex", $filter);
218     $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiPrinterCartridges.tpl', TRUE));
219     return($display);
220   }
222   /* Save device to glpi database 
223    * If this is a new device, create a new entry, else update this entry 
224    */
225   function save()
226   {
227     $carts = $this->getCartridgeTypes();
228     $ret = array();
229     foreach($this->usedCartridges as $key){
230       $tmp =array();
231       $tmp['date_use']        = date("Y-m-d");
232       $tmp['ID']              = -1;
233       $tmp['type_ID']         = $carts[$key]['cartridgeID'];
234       $tmp['name']            = $carts[$key]['cartridgeName'];
235       $tmp['FK_glpi_printers']= -1;
236       $tmp['type_name']       = $carts[$key]['cartridgeTypeName'];
237       $ret[$key] = $tmp;
238     }
239     return($ret);
240   }
242   /* this only gets all already defined devices */
243   function reload()
244   {
245     $this->devices = $this->parent->handle->getDevices();
246     ksort($this->devices);
247   }
249   /* This funtions saves all POST variables.
250      The variable must be in the array $this->EditEntry 
251   */
252   function save_object()
253   {
254     /* Checkbox handling 
255      * Check which checkbox is selected 
256      */
257     foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
258       if(preg_match("/wasOnPage/",$name)){
259         $id = preg_replace("/wasOnPage_/","",$name);
260         if(isset($_POST['useCartridge_'.$id])){
261           $this->usedCartridges[$id]=$id;
262         }else{
263           unset($this->usedCartridges[$id]);
264         }
265       }
266     }
267   }
269   /* This function cehck all created devices if you wan't to create device specific check 
270       use >>if($attr['device_type']=="moboard")<< to create a device type depending check
271    */
272   function check($attr)
273   {
274     $message = array();
275     return($message);
276   }
278   /* Return cartriges for our divlist */
279   function getCartridgeTypes()
280   {
281     $ret = array();
282     $ret = $this->parent->handle->getAvailableCartridgeTypes($this->PrinterType);
283     return($ret);
284   }
286 // vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
287 ?>