1 <?php
3 class glpiAttachmentPool extends plugin
4 {
5 /* CLI vars */
6 var $cli_summary= "Manage server basic objects";
7 var $cli_description= "Some longer text\nfor help";
8 var $cli_parameters= array("eins" => "Eins ist toll", "zwei" => "Zwei ist noch besser");
10 /* attribute list for save action */
11 var $ignore_account = TRUE;
12 var $attributes = array("name","comment","mime","filename","date_mod");
13 var $objectclasses = array("whatever");
15 var $parent;
16 var $edit = false;
17 var $entry = false;
18 var $date_mod ="";
19 var $name ="";
20 var $comment ="";
21 var $mime ="";
22 var $filename ="";
24 var $Selected = array();
26 var $delAttach= "";
28 function glpiAttachmentPool ($config, $dn= NULL,$used=NULL)
29 {
30 plugin::plugin ($config, $dn);
31 if(!isset($_SESSION['GlpiAttachmentFilter'])){
32 $_SESSION['GlpiAttachmentFilter'] = array("filter"=>"*");
33 }
35 /* Assign used attributes */
36 if($used != NULL){
37 $this->Selected = $used;
38 }
39 }
41 function execute()
42 {
43 plugin::execute();
44 $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments();
45 /* Fill templating stuff */
46 $smarty = get_smarty();
47 $display = "";
48 $only_once = true;
50 /* walk through all posted objects */
51 foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
53 /* Open dialog to create a new entry */
54 if(preg_match("/new_attach/",$name)){
55 $this->edit = true;
56 $this->entry=array();
58 /* Set default values */
59 foreach($this->attributes as $attr) {
60 $this->$attr = "";
61 $this->entry[$attr]="";
62 }
63 }
65 /* Remove attach*/
66 if((preg_match("/^delAttach_/",$name))&&($only_once)){
67 $only_once = false;
68 $str = preg_replace("/^delAttach_/","",$name);
69 $str = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$str));
71 /* remove attach from db */
72 $this->delAttach = $str;
73 $smarty->assign("warning", sprintf(_("You're about to delete the glpi attachment component '%s'."), $attach[$str]['name']));
74 return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('remove_glpi.tpl', TRUE)));
75 }
77 /* Start editing entry */
78 if((preg_match("/^editAttach_/",$name))&&($only_once)){
79 $only_once = false;
80 $str = preg_replace("/^editAttach_/","",$name);
81 $str = base64_decode(preg_replace("/_.*$/","",$str));
83 /* Check if we have an attachment with given ID */
84 foreach($attach as $att ){
85 if($att['ID'] == $str ){
87 /* Entry was found, show dialog */
88 $this->edit = true;
89 $this->entry = $att;
91 foreach($att as $name => $value){
92 $this->$name = $value;
93 }
94 }
95 }
96 }
97 }
99 if((isset($_POST['delete_glpi_confirm']))&&(isset($attach[$this->delAttach]))){
100 if($this->parent->handle->is_attachmentUsed($this->delAttach)){
101 $tmp = $this->parent->handle->is_attachmentUsed($this->delAttach);
103 $names = "";
104 foreach($tmp as $name){
105 $names .= ", ".$name;
106 }
107 $names = preg_replace("/^, /","",$names);
108 $names = trim($names);
109 if(count($tmp) == 3){
110 $names .= " ...";
111 }
112 print_red(sprintf(_("You can't delete this attachment, it is still in use by these system(s) '%s'"),$names));
114 }else{
115 $this->parent->handle->deleteAttachment($this->delAttach);
116 $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments();
117 }
118 }
120 /* Someone tries to upload a file */
121 if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['upload']))){
122 if(!isset($_FILES['filename'])){
123 print_red(_("There is no valid file uploaded."));
124 }else{
125 $FILE = $_FILES['filename'];
126 if(!isset($FILE['name'])){
127 print_red(_("There is no valid file uploaded."));
128 }else{
129 if($FILE['error']!=0) {
130 print_red(_("Upload wasn't successfull."));
131 }else{
132 if(!is_dir("/etc/gosa/glpi/")){
133 print_red(_("Missing directory '/etc/gosa/glpi/' to store glpi uploads."));
134 }else{
135 $filen = "/etc/gosa/glpi/".$FILE['name'];
136 $fh = fopen($filen,"w");
137 if(!$fh){
138 print_red(sprintf(_("Can't create file '%s'."),$filen));
139 }else{
140 $str = file_get_contents($FILE['tmp_name']);
141 fwrite($fh,$str,strlen($str));
142 fclose($fh);
143 $this->mime = $FILE['type'];
144 $this->filename = $FILE['name'];
145 }
146 }
147 } // Check if any error occured
148 } // check if valid filename was uploaded
149 } // ende check if file was uploaded
150 }// upload post
152 /* save attachment*/
153 if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['SaveAttachment']))){
154 if(count($this->check())==0){
155 $this->date_mod = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
156 $this->save_entry();
157 $this->edit= false;
158 $this->entry = array();
159 $attach = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments();
160 }else{
161 foreach($this->check() as $msg){
162 print_red($msg);
163 }
164 }
165 }
167 /* Abort editing/adding attachment*/
168 if(($this->edit == true)&&(isset($_POST['CancelAttachment']))){
169 $this->edit = false;
170 $this->entry = array();
171 }
173 /* If edit == true, we have to show a dialog to edit or add an attach
174 */
175 if($this->edit == true){
176 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
177 $smarty->assign($attr,htmlentities(utf8_decode($this->$attr)));
178 }
179 if(!empty($this->filename)){
180 if(is_readable("/etc/gosa/glpi/".$this->filename)){
181 $status =_("File is available.");
182 }else{
183 $status =_("File is not readable, possibly the file is missing.");
184 }
185 }else{
186 $status = _("Currently no file uploaded.");
187 }
188 $smarty->assign("status",$status);
189 return($smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiAttachmentEdit.tpl', TRUE)));
190 }
192 /* Create list with checkboxes to select / deselect some attachents */
193 $divlist = new divlist("Attachment");
194 $divlist->SetHeader(array(
195 array("string" => " ", "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"),
196 array("string" => _("Name")),
197 array("string" => _("Mime"),"attach"=>"style='width:200px;'"),
198 array("string" => _("Actions"), "attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'" )));
200 $divlist->SetSummary(_("This table displays all available attachments."));
201 $divlist->SetEntriesPerPage(0);
203 $editdel = "<input type='image' name='editAttach_%s' src='images/edit.png'>";
204 $editdel.= "<input type='image' name='delAttach_%s' src='images/edittrash.png'>";
206 /* Add all given attachments to divlist
207 */
208 foreach($attach as $entry){
210 /* Create display name*/
211 if((empty($entry['name']))||(empty($entry['comment']))){
213 /* In glpi it is possible to add entries without name
214 so i've added this block
215 */
216 if(empty($entry['name'])){
217 $str1 = "<i>"._("empty")."</i>";
218 }else{
219 $str1 = $entry['name'];
220 }
222 if(!empty($entry['comment'])){
223 $str1.= " [".$entry['comment']."]";
224 }
225 }else{
226 /* Both attributes given */
227 $str1 = $entry['name']." [".$entry['comment']."]";
228 }
230 $edit = str_replace("%s",base64_encode($entry['ID']),$editdel);
231 $str2 = $entry['mime']." ";
233 $chkbox = "<input type='hidden' name='wasOnPage_%s'>".
234 "<input type='checkbox' name='useMe_%s' value='%s' %CHECKED%>";
236 if(in_array($entry['ID'],$this->Selected)){
237 $chkbox = preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/"," checked ",$chkbox);
238 }else {
239 $chkbox = preg_replace("/%CHECKED%/"," ",$chkbox);
240 }
241 $chkbox = preg_replace("/%s/",$entry['ID'],$chkbox);
242 $divlist->AddEntry(array(
243 array("string" => $chkbox,
244 "attach" => "style='text-align:center;width:20px;'"),
245 array("string"=> $str1),
246 array("string"=> $str2,"attach"=>"style='width:200px;'"),
247 array("string"=> $edit ,"attach" => "style='width:60px;border-right:0px;text-align:right;'")
248 ));
250 }
252 $listhead = "<div style='background:#F0F0F9;padding:5px;'>".
253 " <input class='center' type='image'
254 src='images/new.png' align='middle' title='"._("Create new attachment")."'
255 name='new_attach' alt='"._("New Attachment"). "'> ".
256 "</div>";
258 $smarty->assign("attachments", $divlist->DrawList());
259 $smarty->assign("attachmenthead", $listhead);
260 $smarty->assign("search_image", get_template_path('images/search.png'));
261 $smarty->assign("searchu_image", get_template_path('images/search_user.png'));
262 $smarty->assign("tree_image", get_template_path('images/tree.png'));
263 $smarty->assign("infoimage", get_template_path('images/info.png'));
264 $smarty->assign("launchimage", get_template_path('images/launch.png'));
265 $smarty->assign("apply", apply_filter());
266 $smarty->assign("alphabet", generate_alphabet());
267 $smarty->assign("attachment_regex", $_SESSION['GlpiAttachmentFilter']['filter']);
269 $display.= $smarty->fetch(get_template_path('glpiAttachmentPool.tpl', TRUE));
270 return($display);
271 }
273 function save()
274 {
275 return($this->Selected);
276 }
278 /* Adds new or saves edited entries */
279 function save_entry()
280 {
281 if($this->edit){
282 $tmp = array();
283 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
284 $tmp[$attr] = $this->$attr;
285 }
286 $id = -1;
287 if(isset($this->entry['ID'])){
288 $id = $this->entry['ID'];
289 }
290 $this->parent->handle->saveAttachments($tmp,$id);
291 }
292 }
294 function save_object()
295 {
296 foreach($this->attributes as $attr){
297 if(isset($_POST[$attr])){
298 $this->$attr = $_POST[$attr];
299 }
300 }
302 /* Checkboxes are only posted, if they are checked
303 * To check if it was deselected, we check if wasOnPage
304 * was posted with given name, so we can deselect this entry
305 */
307 foreach($_POST as $name => $value){
308 if(preg_match("/wasOnPage_/",$name)){
309 $id=preg_replace("/wasOnPage_/","",$name);
310 if(isset($_POST["useMe_".$id])){
311 $this->Selected[$id]=$id;
312 }else{
313 if(isset($this->Selected[$id])){
314 unset($this->Selected[$id]);
315 }
316 }
317 }
318 }
319 }
321 /* Simple check */
322 function check()
323 {
324 $message = array();
325 if($this->edit){
327 /* check if given name is already in use */
328 $att = $this->parent->handle->getAttachments();
329 $ok = true;
330 $this->name=trim($this->name);
332 foreach($att as $val){
333 if(!isset($this->entry['ID'])){
334 if($val['name'] == $this->name){
335 $ok = false;
336 }
337 }else{
338 if(($val['name'] == $this->name)&&($this->entry['ID'] != $val['ID'])){
339 $ok = false;
340 }
341 }
342 }
343 if(!$ok){
344 $message[] = _("This name is already in use.");
345 }
346 if(empty($this->name)){
347 $message[] = _("Please specify a valid name for this attachment.");
348 }
349 }
350 return($message);
351 }
353 }// vim:tabstop=2:expandtab:shiftwidth=2:filetype=php:syntax:ruler:
354 ?>