1 {t}All actions you choose here influence <b>all</b> machines in this object group. Be aware that rebooting machines may not make people happy who are currently working at these machines.{/t}
2 <p class="plugbottom" style="margin-bottom:0px; padding:0px;"> </p>
3 <h2><img alt="" align="middle" src="images/rocket.png"> {t}Action{/t}</h2>
4 <table summary="">
5 <tr>
6 <td>
7 <select size="1" name="saction" {$actionACL} title="{t}Select action to execute for this group of terminals{/t}">
8 <option></option>
9 {html_options options=$actions}
10 </select>
11 </td>
12 <td>
13 <input type=submit name="action" value="{t}Execute{/t}">
14 </td>
15 </tr>
16 </table>